I.N.E.T 2

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I.N.E.T 2 Page 10

by Brenda Cothern


  For the entire ride back to the motel, Spider couldn’t stop replaying the INET agent putting his arm around Zep. The guy was new to Slade’s team. However, if he hadn’t known Slade was back at their motel and decked out in biker gear for their cover story, he would’ve sworn it was Slade who pulled Zep close in the middle of the pasta aisle.

  Spider washed his hair and forced his anger down so that he could focus on the agent who could be Slade’s twin. The guy couldn’t have been with INET long or Spider would know about him. That and the fact that Zep had been undercover solo for roughly a year and a half meant that Zep’s relationship with the man wasn’t that old either.

  Anger spiked again while he rinsed his hair and began to wash his body. The jealousy filled anger he felt was uncalled for because Spider knew Zep dated and even had a few relationships over the years. Of course, none of those relationships lasted more than six months. Keeping a steady boyfriend was next to impossible for anyone who worked undercover. Between the hours and the secrets, it wasn’t a surprise any relationship an agent attempted to have didn’t last.

  Unless you’re in a relationship with another agent, but even that’s no guarantee it would last.

  Spider growled. INET was the only alphabet agency that he knew of that not only allowed their employees to fraternize, but encouraged them to have relationships with one another. That was just one perk, hell, the one temptation that almost caused Spider to accept Slade’s offer to join his team.

  The thought of being able to work with Zep and be around him all the time if they weren’t assigned solo undercover ops, made Spider’s dick twitch. His hand moved over his slightly fur covered belly until it wrapped around his erection.

  Slowly he stroked himself as he used his free hand to brace against the old tiles of the shower. Hot water rained down on the back of his neck and shoulders while images of what he envisioned Zep’s toned body would look like naked and spread out before him flooded his mind.

  This wasn’t the first time he’d fantasized about the man he knew hated and feared him because of the shit he done to the guy when they were younger. Still, he didn’t feel guilty over letting his fantasy fuel his pleasure. Strong and steady soap lubed strokes picked up speed while his mind’s eye played the film that starred Zep jerking off in the middle of Spider’s queen-size bed.

  The closer Zep came to orgasm, the closer Spider was to release. Just like every other time Zep was the star of his fantasy for masturbation, the moment the first shot of cum exploded from Zep, Spider’s balls tightened and his pleasure covered his hand.

  Spider allowed himself to enjoy the wave of relaxation caused by his orgasm for a few short minutes. Then the guilt hit. Just like every time he jerked off to images and thoughts of Rob Zepple, guilt assaulted him. He deserved to feel guilty. Not just because he was beating off to thoughts of the guy, either. Hell, that was the least thing he had to feel guilty over. No, the almost crushing weight of guilt came from how he treated the guy when they were younger. How he’d treated Zep and how guilty he felt was exactly why he couldn’t join Slade’s INET team. Spider knew it would only hurt Zep more if the guy was forced to work with him every day.

  It is better he found someone else, Spider thought when he killed the shower and stepped out.

  Once more, anger from actually seeing Zep with someone assaulted him. He had seen Zep with some of his previous boyfriends from a distance before, but seeing him up close and personal with this one pissed him off more than the others in the past.

  “Fuck that,” Spider cursed before he roughly dried himself off with the tiny, scratchy motel towel. He swiped the fog off the mirror and stared at himself. Spider knew he wasn’t jaw-dropping hot. As far as he was concerned, he was average at best though he never hurt for company when he sought it out.

  Still, he knew he wasn’t nearly as attractive as Zep or the men on the other side of the bathroom door. Just thinking of Lita and Slade, made him think of the new INET agent who looked so much like Slade it was freaky as hell.

  “Time to man up,” Spider told his reflection that was frowning back at him. “You want him? Then make shit right.”

  Spider’s anger mellowed to a low simmer. The decision to enter Zep’s orbit on purpose instead of staying away from the man made something in Spider click into place. It was a decision to make things right, make up for the past, and one he should have made years ago when their paths crossed again. It was also a decision that was going to be hard as hell to follow through with because of Zep’s fear toward him.

  Spider didn’t bother trying to wrap the small as hell towel around his hips before he grabbed his shit off the floor and opened the bathroom door. He didn’t bother to look at Lita or Slade before he dropped his dirty clothes near his duffel and squatted down to dig out fresh clothes from his bag.

  Lita whistled. “Damn, Spider.”

  Spider didn’t acknowledge the large blonde INET agent. He knew what caused the man to comment. His back was a mess of scars. At least three bullet wound scars, one actually on his left ass cheek, and several scars from being sliced up by knives.

  Working for ATF hadn’t been painless for Spider, but at least he learned early that his muscular back dealt with damage better than his front. Not that he didn’t have scars there, as well. In fact, he had two matching bullet wound scars on his front from where the shots passed through him. It seemed that he had a bad habit of getting shot. Altogether, he had seven scars that were the result of bullets entering his body. He never gave them any thought unless someone brought the marks on his body to his attention.

  Spider didn’t reply until he was finished pulling on leather pants. He held a T-shirt, socks, and his boots in one hand and plopped down on the other bed where Lita wasn’t stretched out.

  “Working for ATF isn’t painless. It comes with the job.” Spider didn’t look at either INET agent before he pulled his T-shirt over his head.

  “INET’s not painless either, but you might have more holes than half of us combined,” Lita commented honestly.

  “Might be safer working for INET,” Slade added even though he knew what Spider’s reply would be. The man was obsessively loyal to ATF.

  “Yeah,” Spider pulled on his socks and bent down to grab his boots. “It just might be.”

  That wasn’t anywhere near the answer Slade had expected. The words would have been if the tone had been different. It wasn’t the snarky, condescending, smart ass reply that Slade not only expected, but had become accustomed to hearing from Spider. This was the first crack that Slade had ever seen in the ATF loyalist armor that Spider wore.

  He couldn’t help but think that Spider’s lack of conviction against joining INET had something to do with what went down when he and Lita went to the grocery store. Actually, and more importantly, what happened between him, Zep, and Knight. Still, just because Spider showed a crack in his ATF loyalty and might be open to joining INET, Slade knew now was not the time to press the issue again. So, he kept quiet and looked at Lita.

  “Get a shower if you’re taking one. I want to eat before we head back to Hell’s Minions.”

  “I’m good.”

  Lita stretched his large frame and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stretched again before he stood. Spider stood as well and stomped his feet to adjust the feel of his boots.

  “Then let’s go.”

  All three men grabbed their Knights of Valor vests, put them on, and headed out the door to find food.


  Payne followed Trigger into Cutter’s office. At least that was how Payne viewed the Satan’s Blades’ president’s primary space where he dealt with club members and shit that had to do with managing the MC.

  Cutter sat in a recliner, but his legs weren’t up. Instead, he just leaned back and looked appeared at ease. Payne took that as a good sign since he’d seen what expression the man wore when he was pissed off.

  He had no doubt Trigger had already informe
d Cutter that his brothers were in town to visit. Payne also knew that Trigger would have told Cutter everything that Slade said and hinted at about what he had done when he was a member of the Knights. So, Payne was sure that he wouldn’t be blindsided by anything that was about to go down in this meeting with the club president.

  “Take a seat, Payne.” Cutter waved toward the two couches that were pressed against the walls. “Trigger said you have family in town.”

  Payne sat down, leaned back, and draped an ankle over his knee. He appeared totally relaxed and actually was as relaxed as any other time he had been in Cutter’s presence.

  “Yeah.” Payne grinned. “I hadn’t been in touch with KoV since I moved down here and never thought to update them on my number once I got settled with the Blades.”

  “You wanted to put distance between you,” Cutter said instead of asked.

  Payne chuckled. “God, no. The only thing I wanted distance from was the fucking cold.”

  “Trig said these guys were your brothers, so you’ve known them a while.” Again, Payne noticed that Cutter made his comment a statement instead of a question.

  “Yeah.” Payne’s grin remained firmly on his face. “I knew Thor for three years before I became a Blade. Eliminator was an enforcer when I joined KoV so I’ve known him for five years or so before coming here.”

  Payne didn’t need to lie about how long he had known his teammates. What he told Cutter was the truth. He had worked with Lita for three years and Slade for five before he was sent undercover into the Blades almost two years ago.

  “Widow must’ve joined the Knights after I left,” Payne added.

  Payne didn’t know shit about the agent who had shown up with Lita and Slade. However, he did know that sticking as close to the truth while undercover was the best thing he could do to make his job easier.

  “Though I know the Knights wouldn’t make him Eliminator’s enforcer unless they trusted him,” Payne finished answering Cutter.

  Cutter nodded in agreement. Payne already knew why Cutter had Trigger bring him in for a meeting. He just wished the Blades’ president would get to the point so he could play the part of an overly modest former member of the Knights.

  “Seems like when we vetted you, we weren’t told everything.”

  Payne said nothing and just continued to meet Cutter’s dark eyed gaze. The president of Satan’s Blades wasn’t a bad looking man. He was buff with muscles, had a strong jaw, and eyes so brown they almost appeared black. His dark brown hair was long enough that even braided it almost touched his waist down his back. Not that Payne could see it at the moment.

  “You have skills we should know about?” Cutter finally asked the question Payne knew this meeting was really about.

  Payne gave a casual shrug. “I used to move things for the Knights. Had contacts that wanted everything from drugs and guns to stuff that even I won’t admit to.”

  Payne knew he had just dropped the goldmine Slade had made him out to be into the Satan’s Blades president’s lap.

  “Moved shit all over the country.” Again, Payne shrugged like it was no big deal to move illegal shit all over the US. However he didn’t miss the look that passed between Cutter and tTig.

  Hook set, Payne thought and knew if Slade hadn’t dangled him as bait that the Satan’s Blades wouldn’t be biting at all.

  “Hmm,” Cutter made the thoughtful noise without taking his gaze off of Payne. “You still have those contacts?”

  “Haven’t had a need for them since I’ve been down here, but I’m sure they’re still around and I could reach out to them again.” Payne paused and purposely hardened his eyes. “I won’t waste their time, though. I value my ass too much.”

  Cutter laughed and Trigger smiled. “Oh, I’m sure you won’t be wasting their time.” Cutter grinned. “Tell me what your contacts are generally in the market for.”

  Payne raised a brow as if he couldn’t believe Cutter actually expected him to answer. He leaned forward, rested his forearms on his knees, and replied in a tone that was not only low, but that Payne knew sounded dangerous.

  “I’m not an idiot, Cutter, and I don’t think you are either. So, I know you don’t seriously expect me to discuss my contacts past shopping lists.”

  Payne watched Cutter’s gaze harden even though the guy still smiled at him. The hardening in the Satan’s Blades’ president’s gaze wasn’t a prelude to anger. No, Payne recognized the change in the way Cutter stared at him as one that became calculating. One that was sizing up an unsuspecting opponent. Slowly, Payne saw respect enter the look he was receiving from Cutter.

  “I don’t,” Cutter finally replied and broke their staring contest. “But perhaps we should discuss what we have for sale and see if you know of any buyers.”

  Payne relaxed back against the couch and smiled. “Perhaps we should.”



  Hunter carried his plate of sausage, peppers, and onions over rice to the dining room table where all of his equipment was set up. He had been monitoring the bug that Slade had slipped under the side of Payne’s belt. The bug was smaller than a pencil eraser and Hunt knew Slade had scanned it to activate it before they walked into Hell’s Minions.

  Even though Hunt had heard the beep that let him know when the bug went live, he wasn’t in any rush to listen into what was going on in the biker bar. He had enough experience to know that the first hour or so wouldn’t give them anything useful. He didn’t even start going through the audio until Zep and Knight went to the store.

  Still, that didn’t stop him from listening to the recording in five minute intervals before Zep and Knight returned from their aborted trip to the store and told him the time they had heard the shots. Stopping and starting the audio to listen for about a minute was habit for Hunt. If he didn’t hear anything interesting, he jumped forward again.

  Hearing Payne’s voice for the first time in almost two years made Hunt’s heart skip a beat. He’d forgotten how deep and gravelly his teammate sounded when he spoke. Just hearing Payne greet Slade and the sounds of them embracing made Hunt’s heart ache and bring the image of his desire into his mind. It also reminded him how bad he had it for the guy.

  Payne was tall and lean. Hunt loved the way the man stood several inches taller than he and how Payne seemed to make sure his size never intimidated him or Zep. Not that Payne was the most intimidating member of the team or anything. No, that title now belonged to Knight because of the man’s unpredictable bursts of anger.

  While Zep and Knight had been at the store, Hunt let himself listen to Payne’s deep voice. He allowed himself to fantasize about what Payne would say and sound like in an intimate situation. Preferably, one that would involve him. Yeah, he had it bad for Payne.

  Hunt had only worked with Payne intermittently for a year before Payne was sent deep undercover into the Satan’s Blades. That year was almost torture for Hunt because he was too afraid to do anything about his attraction for the older agent. Payne was never anything but professional and Hunt was too new to INET to even think about overcoming his fear and flirting with the guy. Plus, he didn’t even know if the guy was gay.

  Hunt gave himself a mental shake and moaned around a bite of the awesomeness that Zep cooked them for dinner. He ate for several minutes while he observed his teammates. Hunt wasn’t sure what had happened when they went food shopping, but they appeared more comfortable around each other than Hunt had ever seen. He wanted to ask, but didn’t want to break whatever truce the two had seem to come to while they were at the store.

  So instead, he put his headphones on and started listening to the audio recording again from the bug Slade had planted on Payne. The bug would only last for five hours before it disintegrated. Hunt doubted they would get anything useful. They rarely did when they used such short-term surveillance devices.

  Usually, they only used these disposable bugs when an illegal deal was about to go down and only then it was so they could
flip the asshole they were recording or know when to go in guns blazing.

  Hunt was surprised that wasn’t the case this time. He had compartmentalized what the sound of Payne’s voice did to his body and made him feel, so he wasn’t distracted when his fellow INET agent set the hook in the Blades’ president’s mouth.

  He didn’t hear much after the guy who ran the club mention that he and Payne needed to talk about what they had to sell. In fact, the bug died right after the guy said the word ‘sale,’ but that was still enough for Hunt to know that Payne had just infiltrated the next level of the club that dealt in more than just selling weed in bulk.

  Hunt put his almost empty plate down and removed his headset. Knight and Zep were finishing up their dinner while they sat on the couch watching something he couldn’t see on the TV. He had no reservations about interrupting his teammates.

  “Payne’s hooked them.” Both Knight and Zep stood with plates in hand and walked over to him. “Listen to this.”

  Hunt backed up the timestamp on the audio file and hit play. The three of them listened to the president of the Satan’s Blades tell their teammate that they needed to talk about what the Blades had to sell and all three INET agents grinned.

  “I need more surveillance in there,” Hunt told Zep and Knight. “Slade only has one more of those bugs, but we need more. Something permanent and visual wouldn’t hurt either.”

  “I could go in as someone ignorant of what kind of bar it is,” Knight offered without thought because he knew pulling off that type of act would be a piece of cake.

  “You look too much like Slade,” Zep shot down Knight’s idea because he was sure if Knight walked into Hell’s Minions that people would think he was Slade. Not only think he was Slade, but they would become severely suspicious when they realized he wasn’t the biker they had met earlier in the day.

  “Okay.” Knight could only agree with Zep. Too many people had commented on how much he and his lover looked alike for him to argue.


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