House of Pawns

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House of Pawns Page 6

by Keary Taylor

  I see Jasmine swallow hard and her eyes follow me as I walk around her, circling her like a vulture ready to devour its next meal.

  “Money does not buy true loyalty,” she says. “It only buys fickle minions.”

  “I only need numbers at my back for a little while,” I say as I complete my full circle around Jasmine. I stop before her. “You should know—the King has already sent spies to watch me. It won’t be long.”

  And her face blanches. Her expression does not change, but her skin does pale.

  From one of the back halls, Markov saunters into the foyer to join us, his hands casually in his pockets.

  “Quite the interesting conversation taking place out here,” he says.

  And I note: he does not stop at Jasmine’s side. He stands a little ways off, observing the two of us.

  That makes a smile curl on my lips.

  “It’s good to see you looking well, Markov,” I offer. “I heard you all suffered a little attack yesterday. Samuel told me Cameron got a bit roughed up. Is he okay?”

  Jasmine lunges at me. Her eyes flash brilliant red. But in my pocket I already had my hand wrapped around a stake and as she collides with me, I pull it out and jab it up into the soft space at the bottom of her ribcage.

  She instantly freezes, her eyes dropping to my hands. One I have fisted around her shirt, holding her tight against me. The other presses the point of the wooden stake to her chest.

  “Now, now,” I say in a low voice. “I was only trying to make this a friendly visit. I’m sorry if my mentioning Samuel upset you. But he and Lillian are having a lovely stay in my father’s beautiful home.”

  The chuckle I hear from behind Jasmine throws me off. I glance over her shoulder to see Markov watching us with much amusement. “I feel the next few months will be most entertaining.” And without another word, hands still in pockets, he turns and walks away.

  “You will never take them all,” Jasmine hisses, her eyes gleaming. “You know nothing of what it takes to rule a House of vampires.”

  “It seems you don’t either, or at least, that’s what Samuel, the son of the man who ruled for over a century, said,” I breathe. I am very aware that Jasmine can move fifty times faster than I. She could twitch her arm and break my neck. She could crush my skull and squeeze my brain. But there is too much adrenaline coursing through my body right now.

  And I love how it feels.

  “And I suggest you think about the numbers for a moment,” I continue. “I’ve not even tried, and already in a week and a half you’ve lost twenty-five percent of your pawns. I call checkmate within three months.”

  She shoves me away, nearly knocking me to the ground.

  I don’t act scared or alarmed at losing my balance. I simply right myself. From my pocket, I pull an envelope that contains the invitation to my party and place it on the splintered table in the foyer.

  I turn for the door and open it. “You need to consider your actions very carefully, Jasmine,” I tell her, and I am sincere and honest. “I am not some silly girl you can manipulate.”

  Without another word, I step outside into the darkness and close the door behind me. I walk to my car, climb inside, and start down the driveway. I stop at the turnoff and in climbs Ian.

  “That was…” he says as I start down the road again. Behind me, I see two more sets of headlights turn on and start to follow us. Rath, Lillian, and Samuel. “I don’t even have words for what that was, Liv.”

  “Everything from here on out is a game of control,” I say. My heart isn’t even racing. I’m calm and collected…and weirdly…excited. “Things will not get out of hand again like they were just a month ago. I won’t be scared again. I won’t be toyed with.”

  Ian reaches over and puts a hand on my thigh. I glance over at him in the dark. “I get that,” he says quietly. “I do. But…just be careful that you don’t go too far.”

  I think about that as I drive back to the north Conrath Estate.

  How far is too far? When you’re dealing with a tri-polar, wannabe House queen, and the threat of a multi-millennia old King, can one really go too far in taking control and caution?

  How far is too far?

  THE STYLIST I HIRED PUTS the finishing touches on my hair, sprays it one last time, and leaves as I thank her. She’s the beautician in town. I don’t know how willing she was to come, Rath arranged her arrival and employ, but she didn’t say much despite my efforts to engage her in conversation.

  I stand from the chair in my massive bathroom and hang my robe on a hook, standing in my strapless baby blue bra and matching panties. I unzip the bag my dress resides in and admire it.

  The gown is layered in tiers, the same baby blue of my underthings. White beads swirl and chase around the dress. Lillian designed it to make me look sophisticated but approachable. I’m going for a grown, responsible, and respectable woman, but never someone anyone should be afraid of.

  “You going to put it on or just stand there drooling over it?”

  I whip around to see Ian leaning in my doorway. He wears a perfectly fitted tux, which is enough to melt my panties clean off, but he also wears that mischievous smile of his, those smile lines I adore, and lust in his eyes.

  “I don’t know, I kind of like the aftermath of not putting it on,” I respond with a smile as I turn to face him. I lean back against the counter and cross my ankles. Ian’s eyes sweep over my body, from foot to hair, in slow, lustful motion.

  I admire him in return. The gray suit hugs his body, hinting at the muscles that cover every inch of him. The jacket clings to his broad shoulders. His hair is swept up and back. He looks like he belongs on the cover of some top one hundred hottest magazine spread.

  Ian Ward is here, in my bathroom. With me. Me mostly naked.

  We have time. Forty-five minutes to be exact until my guests, however many of them do come, arrive.

  A hunger like I’ve never experienced comes over me. My eyes don’t meet Ian’s. They study his body as I cross the space to him. He doesn’t say a word, doesn’t even breathe as I unbutton his jacket.

  I lick my lower lip, breathing in his scent that has only intensified since his resurrection. Like the woods. Like adrenaline. Like sandalwood and curses.

  As I peel Ian’s jacket off, his lips come to my neck and my desire explodes. One of his hands comes to my waist, closing the distance between our bodies. The other lands on my ass, gripping it hard and possessively with perhaps just a little too much vampire strength.

  But I crave more of it. I start yanking at the buttons on his shirt and clawing at his tie.

  “Damn, I want you, Alivia,” Ian growls into my neck as he hoists me up like I weigh nothing at all. He turns to pin me against the door, his hips grinding into mine to keep me so far up off the floor. “Every,” he groans as he digs further into me, “bit of you.”

  My head falls back against the door and my eyes roll back into my head. If he keeps this up much longer, I’m not going to be able to contain myself. “You can have me,” I pant, my breaths coming along faster and faster. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready,” he says, kissing his way along my chest, his right hand coming up to cup my breast. “So damn ready.”

  “Whoa, holy fu…”

  Ian and I both turn to find Samuel looking embarrassed but way too smiley in the doorway to my bedroom.

  “Sorry, I knocked, heard something, and thought it was a come in,” he gives us a little side-glance. His eyes linger way too long on my chest. Ian lets me down from the door.

  “Like you couldn’t hear exactly what was going on,” Ian says with about a truckload of annoyance. “Pervert.”

  Samuel raises one eyebrow and gives a little shoulder shrug. “Maybe. But damn, can you blame me for wanting to catch a little glimpse?”

  Samuel’s head suddenly cracks against the doorframe, Ian’s hand closed around his throat.

  “You catch another glimpse, and I’ll make sure you never
get a look at anything ever again,” Ian seethes.

  “Ian!” I yell. I debate dashing across the room to break up the fight, but it hasn’t worked yet. “Let him down. He’s just being a Kask.”

  “She’s right,” Samuel squeaks out. “But I promise. I won’t do it again.”

  Ian drops Samuel, who doesn’t even cough or sputter. He simply straightens his own suit jacket and extends his hand, dangling a pair of silver pumps. “The reason I’m here. Lillian asked me to send them up.”

  Ian snatches them from Samuel’s hand, shoves him back out the door, and shuts it in his face.

  He turns back to face me and shakes his head in annoyance. “Let’s get that damn dress on you before the rest of your House gets a peek at my property.”

  “Your property?” I question as I give him my own raised eyebrow.

  “Mine.” He buries his face in my neck and growls. His hands snake their way around my back once more, but just as I’m about to get way too excited once again, he grabs my dress and before I realize I’ve been moved like a rag doll, he slips it over my frame, not disturbing one strand of my perfect hair.

  It’s still something I’m getting used to, Ian being like this. Being able to do impossible things. So, I don’t say anything. I let him spin me around and slowly, he zips me up.

  THE ESTATE LOOKS AMAZING. AND Rath had it all done in just one day.

  Twinkle lights line the entire length of the driveway and are strewn and twisted around every single tree on the property. Inside, there are just as many fairy lights crisscrossing in every direction. Silver and blue is the theme of everything; glitter and sparkles make everything feel light, airy, and completely unreal.

  It’s a fairytale in my house.

  And to my surprise, a few hundred people walk its chambers.

  Ian told me there are around thirty-five hundred people who live in Silent Bend. I invited every one of them, knowing not many would come, but there are far more in attendance than I expected.

  Most are here out of curiosity, I’m quite sure. This house is a town legend, it’s a part of their history, and now they’ve been invited inside its walls. I would have been curious, too.

  I don’t make myself a big deal. I wander through the ballroom, loop through the library, and make a track through the foyer. When people have a comment for me, they speak to me, but most don’t. Most are still too afraid to address me directly.

  That’s okay.

  Baby steps.

  I didn’t expect much, but there is a mounting pile of presents on the round table in the foyer. Large, wrapped boxes, small envelopes, many bottles of wine. I didn’t expect that at all.

  Music plays from the ballroom and I make my way back there. I find a few couples dancing, but mostly people are just looking around in wonder. I study the faces I see.

  There’s Fred, dancing with his lovely wife. He greeted me with a bear hug and a warm happy birthday. Luke came, as well; it was his night off. He’s watching everyone from the far wall. Lillian talks to two other women, who look nervous, but they aren’t exactly running away. Samuel sits in a chair against the wall, looking grumpy.

  Ian has yet to come downstairs. I wanted to wait, to make a grand entrance for him. The rumors of his death have to be spreading through town, with him not going to work and I have no idea how much Elle has said to her peers. So, we are going to show the town that someone they have know for forever has indeed risen from the grave and that they do not need to fear him.

  It took a lot of convincing. Ian still wants nothing to do with my games and ploys. He’d rather be out, patrolling the streets of Silent Bend. But he finally agreed that he needed to break out of his shell of hiding. He needs to get back into a normal life and that includes interacting once again.

  But he’s still hiding.

  “Happy birthday, Alivia,” a young woman says as she walks away, toward the doors.

  “Thank you,” I offer with a warm smile. I give her a wave before she disappears into the crowd.

  “You’re awfully young to be the financier to a low income housing development.” I turn to see a short, thick man with a white mustache walking up to me.

  “I just want to do what I can to give back to this new, beautiful community of mine,” I say. I flash him my smile in hopes that it will carry me through this night.

  The man seems to evaluate me for a long moment. He isn’t sure what to think of me. “There’s been a lot of talk about you these past few months, even more so in the last week and a half.”

  I nod. “I’ve heard that. What do you think of me, though, sir? Am I someone to be afraid of?”

  Once again, he stares at me long and hard. “I don’t know yet, that remains to be seen. But I think we can all appreciate someone who tries to do good with their fellow men.” He reaches into his pocket. “Someone asked me to give this to you.”

  He hands over a piece of glossy paper, and without another word, he tottles away.

  I look down and see this is the final puzzle piece. Featured in this one is Ian’s hand and mine. They hover close, reflecting the feelings of anxiety I felt that day at our separation.

  I tuck the piece between my breasts since I do not have any pockets in this dress.

  I turn, observing the crowd, and my eyes land on Samuel.

  He doesn’t look his happy, partygoer self.

  I make my way through the crowd and stand beside him. “Why the long face?” I ask as I watch the dancers in the middle of the room.

  “I haven’t eaten in over a week and your party is reminding me a whole lot of Jasmine’s, and that one has a completely different purpose than this one,” he growls. “Everyone just looks like a meal.”

  I look over at him and notice the barely visible, raised black veins around his eyes.

  Proving loyalty means far more than blood.

  “Come with me,” I say. I extend a hand out to him. He looks at it hesitantly for a moment, but takes it and lets me pull him to his feet. I don’t let go of him as I lead us through the crowd. We exit the ballroom, push our way through the people that block the hall, and then go down it to the very last room in the far north wing.

  I open the door and close it behind us.

  “What are you doing?” Samuel asks, even as a hopeful smile starts creeping onto his face. “I don’t think Ian was kidding when he said he’d take my eyes out.”

  “Shut up,” I say with a roll of my eyes and the shake of my head. “That’s never going to happen.”

  “Never say never, sweet cakes.” He winks at me.

  “Never,” I say with a raised eyebrow, but a smile does cross my lips. “But…you said you’re hungry. And I can’t let you feed on my party goers, but…” I raise my wrist up, leaving it exposed before his lips.

  Samuel gives me a confused expression, but his eyes go back to the tender flesh of my wrist. “You…you’re offering your blood? Are you serious?” His eyes flick back to mine.

  I nod and meet his eyes. “You took a risk coming here, to my House. That isn’t lost on me. If you really will be a member of my House, I will take care of you.”

  Something shifts in Samuel’s eyes. They soften. His gaze deepens.

  He doesn’t look away as he hesitantly grabs my wrist and brings it to his lips.

  Even when his fangs extend. Even when they sink into my flesh.

  My mind goes numb and my body freezes as the vampire toxin sinks into my system. The world seems hazy and I don’t really have a single thought rolling around in my head.

  It’s terrifying. But it’s also kind of blissful.

  There’s no plotting. No scheming.

  I just am.

  It can’t be more than a minute or so later when Samuel’s teeth retract from my wrist. He licks the puncture wounds and I only somewhat process it when I see them close up, not a trace of what happened left.

  “You okay?” he asks hesitantly. He holds onto me gingerly and helps lower me onto the vacant bed.

p; Slowly, so very slowly, the fog in my brain beings to clear. My vision makes sense again. I can feel my toes, my fingers. “Yeah,” I say airily. “I’m okay.”

  “I don’t think I took too much,” Samuel says. He hasn’t let go of my hand. He watches me intently. “I’m usually pretty good.”

  I nod again, my senses rushing back to me. I turn my head side to side, clearing the haze away. “I’m just fine. You did good.”

  Samuel chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re one crazy chick, Alivia Ryan. But I feel like you know exactly what you’re doing. Thank you.”

  I place my hand on his cheek for a moment and offer a small smile. “You are very welcome. Now let’s get back to the party so you can actually enjoy it.”

  He helps me to my feet and then offers an arm. I loop mine through it, and together we step back out into the hall.

  The foyer is crowded, bodies occupying every space. We have to fight our way through.

  “King Cyrus desires a meeting in five weeks time.”

  I whip around, searching the crowd for the face to the whisper. My eyes race through the masses, my heart instantly in my throat.

  “Did you hear that?” I hiss at Samuel.

  “What?” he asks absentmindedly as he takes a glass of Champagne from the server.

  “He’s here,” I say, my voice rising in volume. “King Cyrus’ spy is here.”

  Samuel is instantly alert, scanning the crowd with far more enhanced eyes than mine. “I’ll take a look around. You have a party to attend to.”

  Without another word, Samuel is gone.

  The slightest movement on the staircase draws my eyes upward.

  It’s Ian. And he has an action-ready look on his face, scanning the crowd.

  “Don’t,” I breathe. Not even the crowd around me would be able to hear me, but I know Ian can. And his eyes suddenly meet mine. “Don’t make a scene right now. Samuel is taking care of it. It’s your time now. This is it.”

  I see him swallow hard, but he gives a slow nod.

  I make my way through the crowd, to the bottom of the stairs. And draw attention to myself as I do. Eyes follow me, curiosity at the vampire princess in a town that won’t talk about what they know about the night.


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