A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets) Page 78

by Michael Lampman

  Jimmy tried to focus his eyes. With the car vanishing and crashing through the wall in front of him, it took him some time to do it, but when he did see again, he could see a fresh gash of blood on the wolf’s turned back, just under its armpit on its left side.

  The wolf reached to the wound. Its left arm had to wrap around its waist to get a firm hold of where it was.

  The blur came again, and this time Jimmy could see it coming from his left to his right. As fast as it came, it vanished again.

  As it passed, the wolf yelped again. The whimpering sound followed it. Its head moved violently to the right as the flash of blur went by it.

  To Jimmy it looked almost like the wolf was just punched. Its head flew back some. It yelped again as its body shook some from the impact.

  The blur came again, this time it came back from the right. It stopped just between the overturned car and the wolf, and once there, Jimmy couldn’t believe what he saw or who it was.

  Brandon smiled. “Looks like you needed a hand?” A set of sharp white fangs hung low out from his top lip. His eyes sparkled, looking like rubies shining in the bright sun.

  Jimmy had to blink several times. With his friend still standing there, he knew it had to be really him. “You’re late.” He returned the smile, grimacing some with it. His face felt too messed up for even that.

  “I’m sorry Jimmy.” Brandon looked back to the wolf. It already started recovering from his punch. However, it still looked dazed. He still had some time to say what he wanted to say. “I hope this settles things for us.” He held up both hands looking almost like a boxer readying himself for a fight.

  To Jimmy he looked so much more like a child than he ever did. He nodded to his friend. A single tear formed in his left eye. Inside him, he knew Brandon would never let him down, and now, he proved him right.

  The wolf looked to the man that struck it. Its head continued pounding, but that feeling already started to fade. It roared.

  Brandon looked back to the wolf. “All right big boy.” He bounced around on both legs, looking like a boxer dancing around the ring. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  The wolf roared again, louder this time.

  Brandon turned and the blur came again. This time it went back off to the right.

  The wolf swung at the blur, but obviously missed him. Its swing went wild and just as quickly, it spun around in an almost complete circle when it did it. The motion caused it to get uneasy on its legs and it fell backwards to the ground towards Jimmy’s right.

  Rachel watched all of this with fascination. Seeing Brandon after the car rolled over to the wall to the right, she smiled. It’s about Goddamn time Brandon you showed up! When he vanished again, she rushed to Jimmy, and joined him on the ground by the pillar. She reached him when the wolf went down to her left. “Jimmy?” She knelt down. She rushed both hands to his face.

  He welcomed the touch and turned his head into her palms.

  “You okay?” She felt like crying. His face felt slimy. It felt clammy. It felt worse than it looked.

  Jimmy sat up some. The pain in his chest started to fade. He reached up with his left arm and draped it over her arms. When he did, he looked at it, and sighed instantly. The gash across his wrist started to fade. His entire body began to tingle some from within. He looked from his arm up to her beautiful face.

  She could see his face light up. “What is it?”

  He smiled. “Look at my arm.”

  She did, and noticed that the wounds on his arm began fading away. Seeing that, she looked back to his face. Blood and dirt still covered him, but she could also see that the scratches across his forehead looked like they too started closing. She knew what it meant. He’s healing. The drug must be wearing off. “Can you change?”

  He looked back to the wolf, and saw that it already climbed back to its feet. He could also see the eyes. They were there. He was back again.

  He watched the blur come again, and again, from all different directions, and each time it went by it, the wolf would yelp and then whimper from each blow Brandon gave it. Each time he did, its head would bounce to the opposite side just before the yelp. It told him that Brandon was putting on one hell of a good fight. Feeling that, he looked back to Rachel. He slid his back up along the post behind him and stood back to his feet. “I think so.” He smiled. His body felt strong. The pain disappeared. He felt normal. He felt right again. He turned back to her. “You have to leave. I have to take him.”

  A yelp echoed around the walls with a loud thunderous smacking sound coming just before it.

  Jimmy turned and watched the wolf fall back to the trunk of the car. The blur flew to his left. He turned back to Rachel.

  Rachel took the time to remove the vial and the syringe from her jeans. She held them out to him so he could see what they were.

  He looked down to her hands. He knew what she had. It gave him an idea. “I’ll have to get close enough to him.” He looked back to her eyes and God what beautiful eyes they were.

  “You can’t do this alone Jimmy. Let me help you.” She smiled. She sounded beyond serious. She felt beyond tired for having this same argument over, and over again. He had to let her help him. He needed it. She needed to do something. “He won’t watch for me. He never did before.”

  Jimmy looked back to the wolf.

  It once again picked itself back up off the ground.

  He looked back to Rachel. As the wolf, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to handle the syringe. Not being sure about something wasn’t a good idea to think about it further, so no, he would have to do it some other way. Thinking of what she said, he nodded. “I’ll distract him.” He looked back to the wolf, and gasped.

  The wolf had Brandon by the neck. He looked like he was struggling, hanging off the floor. The wolf finally caught him somehow, how; Jimmy didn’t need to know any more than that, so it was time. It was high time to start the fight. “Get behind me.” He said to Rachel as he threw off what was left of his shirt.

  She nodded. She knew what he was thinking. Now, all she had to do was get close enough to make the hit. He would keep it occupied. He would give her the chance to get close to it. She just had to know when that time came. She could only hope it would work.

  “Gary!” Jimmy undid the button on his jeans.

  The wolf looked towards him from around Brandon’s shoulder. A strange look of wonder flared in its eyes.

  “Pick on someone your own size would you.” Jimmy let the eyes at the back of his mind come forward. Kalima came rolling. He came flashy. He came strong.

  The wolf snarled, and growled.

  Jimmy pulled down his jeans. He felt his entire body bulge. He felt his bones crack. He could feel fire race through his entire body from head to toe. The wolf came. It took only a minute for him to change.

  Rachel stepped back from the post, and watched as Jimmy’s white skin turned black. She watched as it bubbled all around his frame. She could hear his skeleton snap, sounding almost like it broke into a thousand pieces. She watched his nose and jaw push out, and form into a snout. She watched as the ears on the sides of his head pointed up, and raced towards the rafters of the room. She watched as the top of his head followed with the ears, as he grew taller. The hair came out last. He became the wolf just as fast.

  The black wolf let out one large growl as the wolf came out in front of him. It looked back to the one that it held briefly, and then tossed him back behind it.

  Rachel watched Brandon fly to the wall to her right. He hit it hard and slid down its side, until he sat down on the dirt floor just in front of it. She raced around the pillar and went to his side.

  The black wolf charged as soon as its hands were free. It didn’t hesitate. It had to strike.

  Jimmy was fully changed, when it reached for his throat. The strike came hard. It came fierce. He was somewhat off balance and because of it, he swaggered backwards some, and fell to the post still behind him.

  The black
wolf pinned him to it. Both of its hands wrapped around his throat, squeezing him, trying to lift him off his feet. He could feel that it was incredibly strong. It felt much stronger than the others were, and feeling that, he had to use all of his strength to get it off his throat. He had to use everything in him to get it off his chest. He reached up, taking both of its wrists into the palms of his grip, squeezed, and pushed up using all of his advantage, and strength in his legs to pull its hands off his throat. He did manage to do it. The black wolf’s claws dug into the sides of his neck as they moved up and off him.

  The black wolf roared.

  With his neck free, and the wolf firmly in his own hands, he pushed the massive beast from his chest. He lifted its arms up and over both of their heads.

  The black wolf responded to it all with a sharp kick of its right hind leg.

  The nails of the paws dug into his belly. They raked up and along him, coming close to his chest. He yelped out with the pain of the blow coursing its way through his flesh and fur. With it, he had to let go of its wrists. He had to release the grip.

  Free, the black wolf backed off. It moved to its right. It moved to its left. It knew that Kalima was stronger than any other wolf it ever fought before, so it had to find a better way to get close enough to him to do what it wanted—what it needed—to do. It knew that it wasn’t going to be easy. It would to take everything it had to get the bite that it wanted to give him.

  Rachel reached for Brandon and knelt down by his side. The front of his shirt looked covered with blood. With the scrapes at the sides of his neck, she could tell that the blood was his. “Are you all right?” She took his cold right hand into hers.

  Brandon was able to get up into a seated position. “The fucker’s strong.” He winced some from the pain around his throat. He had to rub at it with his left palm. It hurt, but he could tell that it already started to fade. It must be already starting to heal.

  Rachel turned back to Jimmy and Gary, and could see that Jimmy had already gotten him off him and watched Gary now swaying in front of him in some type of a little boxing dance. Seeing that Jimmy was still fine, she turned back to the matter at hand. “We have to try and distract him.” She held the vial in front of Brandon. Her left hand sat directly over his waist.

  Brandon saw what she had. “Sure.” He looked back to the two wolves. Watching them, he couldn’t tell which one was which. “Who’s who?” He blinked.

  Rachel turned back to the wolves. Jimmy just took a swiping blow to the side of his head. He went back to the right. The sounds of his yelps echoed around to her, and made her wince. She hated the sound. She hated what Gary just did to him. She had to get her plan into motion. “He’s the one with the gray and white around the snout.” She turned back to Brandon.

  Brandon nodded. “Got him.” He pulled his feet under him, and stood back up.

  Without saying anything else, he flew himself towards the black wolf.

  Rachel watched him turn into a blur. She turned her head back to the wolves just in time to see the blur strike at the back of Gary’s head.

  He yelped from the claws to his neck. He turned towards the pain. In fact, he nearly spun around in a complete circle.

  The blur whizzed by.

  The black wolf swung towards the blur, but found nothing but air.

  Jimmy stood back straight from the blow to the left side of his face, and saw the back of the black wolf right in front of him, turned towards him. He saw a chance, and took it. He had him defenseless. He went for the shoulders. He went for the tender spot between the shoulder blades. He reached in and dug with all of his fingers into that spot.

  The black wolf screeched out. It yelped.

  He took his opportunity and struck with all his might with both arms to the back of its head.

  Again, the black wolf yelped. The blow pushed it forwards. It lost its balance, and fell to its face. The upper part of it struck the roof of the car lying against the wall. With the blow to the car, the back window shattered into a million pieces of glass. That glass flew all around it and him. It shattered the ground. It shook the world. It felt and looked incredible.

  The black wolf rolled over onto its back as its clawed feet began to shrink back to a human looking foot. Its black hair turned blonde and slid back through a whitening skin. Its snout pushed back into Gary’s human face. He took a deep breath as he winced from the bruises covering him. He looked up to Jimmy.

  Brandon stopped just beside Jimmy. He couldn’t help but notice that the black wolf turned back into a human. Seeing it, he had to catch his breath. He used a lot of his energy for the fight, and with it, he had to stop. He also had to see what happened.

  Jimmy paused, and took a deep breath.

  Rachel watched Gary reform. She couldn’t believe what she saw. It seems that she didn’t need the drug after all. She could remember what Sasha said about having wounds. It hurt the wolf. They couldn’t change when they had damage to their body. It was dangerous for them. It must be what happened to Gary. Seeing it, and thinking that, she sighed.

  Gary looked to the wolf, and blinked. Pain continued shooting through his entire body. He had to rest for a moment. He had to think of what to do next. He couldn’t take the two of them together. He had to come up with something else. Inside him, his mind turned over, and with it, he let it go. It went blank, and when it did, he felt the air around him like never before. It came on him strong. It made him feel different. With the feeling, an idea came up naturally in his mind. It all seemed a little odd. It felt weird. It felt strange. It felt almost like someone else talked to him in his thoughts. He listened to the voice. He nodded, and one single word came up and rolled to his mouth.

  Brandon looked to Jimmy. “Is it done?” He had to strain his neck up.

  Jimmy turned down to him and then turned back to the car. He tilted his head.

  Gary smiled. “Wind.”

  Behind Rachel, a thunderous booming sound started rumbling, getting closer to the wall. It sounded almost like a freight train heading towards her from some unseen tracks. She didn’t like the sound. It came straight at them. She had to get away from the wall. She had to run, and she did just that.

  Both Jimmy and Brandon turned, hearing the turning, booming sound coming towards them. They both watched as the sound transformed itself into what looked like the entire wall of the barn breaking free with a tremendous gust of air behind it.

  The wall came at them so fast they couldn’t react. It crashed into their sides with Brandon taking the brunt of the wood, being that he was on Jimmy’s right.

  The wood shattered all around them. It knocked Jimmy back some from his feet. He could feel Brandon bounce into him and then off him, as he fell to his left. He fell hard. He fell with a resounding thud to the floor.

  The wall just missed Rachel’s backside. She could feel it blow past her. She could feel it pass with the wind blowing strongly behind it.

  She jumped to the floor just behind one of the pillars that held up the roof, and there, she found herself able to get behind it. She was lucky. She was just able to avoid the crashing of the wall.

  Brandon wasn’t so lucky. Not only did he take a major blow from the entire wall, but he also felt some of it as it raked across his arms and legs. Some of it even scraped his face. A thousand chards of woods dug into his flesh. He also felt blown off his feet. He flew through the air as a single two by four piece of wood, crashed to the back of his head. With it, blood went everywhere. A piece of the same two by four went through his right leg, piercing it completely. Pain raked him fast. It not only hurt but it also burned. It felt beyond awful. It felt wrong. When it was over, he landed to the front of the barn. The wall even pinned him to it. He didn’t see anything really. However, he did feel extremely dazed. He also felt shocked.

  Jimmy crawled back to his hands and knees. He spun himself around, and looked back to the car.

  Gary laughed, watching everything happen. The old man was right. I absorbed
his gifts. Realizing that, he took a solid breath. I guess killing the old bastard was a good idea after all. He felt pleased. It made him want to try something else. “Lightning.” He smiled again.

  Jimmy heard him, turned, and looked back to the new opening in the barn. He looked outside, feeling the rumble start softly at first, but when a blinding light came through the empty wall; it grew into a loud crashing, cracking, and blazing sound.

  Rachel felt the heat. She looked back and saw a streak of bright white light fly from her right to the left. The smell of heat became indescribable. It felt downright incredible. She couldn’t believe any of it.

  The blast struck Jimmy’s right shoulder like a bomb going off beside him. The heat and the charge blew him backwards and towards his left. He fell to the wall, not that far from the door that they used to get into the barn. With it, his flesh burned. He could smell it. It smelled beyond intense. The smell of burnt flesh always was.

  Gary slid himself back up to his feet, using the car’s roof for help. When he stood again, he let the wolf come back forwards from the black recess of his mind. The pain of the change raked through his body.

  The black wolf came out easier than ever before.

  Jimmy picked himself back up to his hands and knees. His right arm couldn’t move. It felt locked to his side. He had to use his left arm to do everything to try to get back up to his feet.

  The black wolf came at his back. It grabbed for his right arm. It grabbed the burn. It wanted him to feel as much as possible.

  Rachel took a deep breath. She looked to where the wall crashed towards her left, and looked somewhat to the right from there and watched as Gary went to where Jimmy landed. She watched Gary squeeze Jimmy’s arm and pull him up off his feet. She heard him scream. She heard him yelp. She had to do something. She looked down to her hands, and found them empty. During the crash of the wall, and with her attempt at trying to escape from it, she must have dropped the vial and syringe. Oh no! Oh shit! She looked around the post. She searched the ground. She didn’t see them. How could I drop them? She lost them. How could she do such a thing? Shit!


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