Entice Me

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Entice Me Page 10

by Kelly Elliott

  “Yes. When your mother mentioned you had looked at it, I pulled it up. It’s a good investment. Austin is booming right now. So even if we get it remodeled and fixed up to our liking, it won’t be a big deal to sell it when you give up this silly dream of living here.”

  I balled my fists, took the phone away from my ear, and counted to five.

  “Give me a few minutes and I’ll leave. I need to change. I was about to go for a run.”

  “Sounds good, sweetheart. Just let the doorman know you’re here for us. We closed this morning, so the place is officially ours.”

  “Right. Of course you did. I’ll be there in a bit.”

  “Bye, sweet pea.”

  Two hours later, I was leaving my parents’ new condo with them and heading out to grab dinner. I felt someone staring at me and glanced over my shoulder, only to find no one there. The weird feeling in my chest made me look twice.

  “What’s wrong, darling?” my mother asked.

  “Nothing. I thought someone was here.”

  “Here? What do you mean?” she asked confused.

  “It’s nothing, Mom. Honestly, I just had a weird feeling someone was watching me. What are you in the mood for?”

  My father cleared his throat. “I already made reservations for Perry’s Steakhouse, we need to get a move on if we’re going to make it.”

  If only I’d turned around once more, I would have seen Nash standing there.

  “DUDE, YOU ARE off in a faraway place. Want to talk about it?”

  I hadn’t noticed I was sitting on the floor of the nursery, staring at the crib. Blake plopped down next to me and bumped my arm.

  “If you need help putting it together, I can probably help. I am an architect.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Yeah, I’m the builder who built the damn thing. I think I’ve got it figured out. I was just . . . lost in thought.”

  “About what?” Tucker asked.

  Glancing between the two of them, I let out a breath and decided to just go for it. “More like who.”

  “Kaelynn?” Tucker asked.

  “Your sister’s hot friend? You do like her! I fucking knew it,” Blake chided me, wiggling his brows.

  “I’m attracted to her, yes. We’ve had a few misunderstandings, and I’m not sure if she likes me like I like her.”

  Tucker leaned against the changing table. “Have you asked her out?”

  “Yes. Once in person, once via text, and both times she turned me down, the third time when I attempted to ask her out, she got a call from the guy who had beat me to it.”

  “Ouch,” both Tucker and Blake said at once.

  “Okay, so what has you so lost in thought?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, I can’t put my finger on it. She’s hiding something from me, something about her family. Yesterday I saw her walking out of the Austonian with her parents. She didn’t see me, I was around a corner, but I overheard her call them both Mom and Dad.”

  “What were they doing there?”

  “I don’t know, but I sort of have a feeling they purchased a place there.”

  Blake looked to be thinking, then said, “You think she comes from money, obviously a lot of it if her parents are buying a place in the Austonian, and she’s afraid to tell you? I mean, with her being Morgan’s best friend, maybe she knows the history of you and Lily.”

  I stared at Blake as everything started to fall into place all at once. The way she avoided talking about her family. How angry she got at me that day we drove back from Houston when I made the comment about Lily and her money. It was all beginning to make sense.

  Slowly, I shook my head. “I think that’s it. You may be right. I told her all about what went down with Lily, and that’s when her demeanor changed completely.”

  Tucker laughed when Blake’s eyes widened in shock. “Holy shit, you mean I got that on my first try? I need to join Morgan and get into therapy and shit. I can really read people.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I gave him a push, causing him to lose his balance and topple over with a laugh. Standing, I faced Tucker.

  “How do I run a background check on someone?”

  His smile faded. “What? Are you serious right now, Nash? Why don’t you just ask the girl?”

  Shaking my head, I replied, “No. If she’s lying to me now, what makes you think she wouldn’t keep lying to hide the truth? I need to figure this out first, then go from there.”

  “Yeah, I don’t like the sound of this,” Tucker said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Blake laughed. “Says the guy who was trying to seduce Charlie first because you found out she was trying to seduce you even though the two of you were still in love with each other and both of you were playing games.” Blake frowned. “Wait. Did that shit just make any sense?”

  I nodded. “Strangely, yes.”

  He smiled again. “Damn, I’m on a roll today.”

  Pointing to Blake, I got an idea. “Your brother Dustin can run the background check.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing it. Just get as much information as you can on her and send it to me. I’ll have him get on it. He’s on vacation for a couple of weeks, though . . . Do you want his associate to handle it?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’d rather Dustin handles it. I’m not in a rush.”

  Tucker sighed. “Nash, I don’t like the look in your eyes. What are you planning on doing?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing. I’m going to ask her out again and see what happens. I have at least two weeks to get her to tell me the truth. Maybe I won’t even have to run the background check.”

  “Who are you running a background check on?” Charlie asked. Tucker and Blake both looked white as a ghost. Turning, I saw why.

  Kaelynn stood next to Charlie, holding Hannah in her arms. She was dressed in sweats and a black T-shirt with a sweatshirt tied around her waist. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she wore hardly any makeup at all.

  She was breathtaking. I’d never in my life seen a woman so beautiful.

  Blake ran his hand in front of my face.

  “Someone sees a pretty girl. Is it the baby or the hot chick holding the baby?” Blake asked with a chuckle. Snapping me out of the fantasy I was quickly getting lost in, I slapped his hand away from me.

  “Knock it the hell off,” I spat.

  Kaelynn smiled, and I swore it made my breath stall in my throat. “Hey, Nash. Hi, Tucker, Blake.”

  “How’s it going, Kaelynn? You getting settled into your new condo?” Tucker asked.

  With a nod, she replied, “I am. I love being so close to Zilker Park.”

  It didn’t make any sense. If Kaelynn’s parents were looking at places in the Austonian, why in the hell was Kaelynn living in a condo that I knew cost her less than three-hundred-and-fifty thousand?

  To keep up the charade, maybe?

  “Can you see the Zilker tree from your place?” I asked.

  A huge smile spread over her face. “Yes! I’m dying to go down there, but Morgan has been so busy, and I don’t want to go alone.”

  Blake bumped me on the arm. I looked his way, and he didn’t even try to hide his bobbing head.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  In a hushed voice he replied, “Dude, that is your cue to ask the girl out before I do. She blew me off once, but I have no shame, so I’ll totally ask her out again.”

  That caused my blood to boil. Turning back to Kaelynn, she looked between the two of us, confused.

  “I can take you tonight if you want.”

  Her eyes lit up, which made my stomach feel like I was on a damn roller coaster. That never happened with Lily. Not once.

  “Really? Are you being serious? You’ll go with me?”

  Laughing, I replied, “I’m totally being serious. I used to love going down at Christmas time.”

  “I think the Trail of Lights is open as well,” Charlie added, a smile so wide
on her face I would swear she had set this whole thing up.

  “So, what brings you by, Kaelynn?” Tucker asked, interrupting both of us.

  She glanced at Charlie then to me before her gaze went back to Tucker. “I called to see how Charlie and the baby were, and she told me today was decorating the nursery day. I offered to help, so here I am.”

  “Here you are,” Tucker said, peeking over to me and winking. “You are hereby dubbed the decorating princess. Charlie here is the queen. She drew up a photo of where she wanted each picture, each toy, every little thing in the spare room that I cannot believe a few-weeks-old baby needs.”

  “Well, she is a woman, so you have to cater to their every whim, right?” Kaelynn threw out with a giggle, and it sent a shiver through my entire body. I turned away and got back to work putting the crib together. Blake gave me a curious look, but I ignored him.

  “Nash, who are you running the background check on?” Charlie asked, taking Hannah from Kaelynn.

  “Oh, just someone I need to have checked out who wants a job with Barrett.”

  Tucker shot me a look, then raised his eyebrow. I narrowed my gaze at him when he shook his head. He was one to judge.

  “Oh, good idea then. You can give me the information. I’ll have our security department run it,” Charlie offered.


  Both Kaelynn and Charlie jumped. Even little Hannah let out a small cry from the sudden outburst.

  “Geesh, fine. Use Blake’s brother. My gosh, y’all.”

  Kaelynn grinned. “Why don’t you go put Hannah down for her nap and take one yourself while I supervise these men . . . and I’ll try to keep them quiet for you and for Hannah.”

  “That sounds like an amazing idea.” Charlie walked up to Tucker. “You okay? Do you need a break?”

  He smiled and both me and Blake groaned. “Dude, seriously, you are not allowed to have sex with your wife while we’re all here.”

  Charlie winked. “I wish. I’m not cleared for fun times yet.”

  Kaelynn’s face turned pink as she looked from Charlie down to the paper Tucker had handed her.

  “Go lay down with Hannah; we’ve got this,” Tucker said to Charlie.

  “If you need any direction on anything, let me know,” Charlie stated.

  Holding up what looked like a detailed plan, drawings and all, Kaelynn smiled. “I think you have it all laid out pretty well.”

  Tucker left with Charlie, and the three of us got back to work. It wasn’t until Blake and I had the crib put together, had helped Kaelynn hang six pictures on the wall, and carried in a box of decorations that we noticed Tucker had never come back.

  “Has anyone seen Tucker since he left with Charlie?”

  Blake and Kaelynn glanced my way, both shaking their heads.

  Kaelynn grabbed a baby blanket and draped it over the back of the rocking chair and said, “I’m sure he probably laid down with Charlie and they both fell asleep.”

  Blake left the room and came back, a huge smile on his face. “All three of them are crashed together sleeping. Poor Tucker is going to have a stiff neck with the way he is sitting up straight and his head is dropped to the side.”

  The three of us chuckled. Then, with a sigh, I scanned the finished nursery. “I like it.”

  “Me too,” Blake and Kaelynn said at the same time.

  Charlie and Tucker had wanted to wait on the nursery until they found out if the baby was a boy or girl. It was painted a soft sage green and the rest of the décor was forest-themed. Sprinkles of pink were scattered around the room, so you knew it was a little girl’s room.

  “I have one finishing touch to add,” Kaelynn said, making her way over to her purse that was on the floor. She pulled out a picture frame and set it on the dresser. Blake and I walked up and smiled when we saw it.

  “Kaelynn, this is great. Really great,” Blake said, his voice cracking.

  “Dude, are you going to cry?”

  He shot me a dirty look. “Fuck off, asshole. I’m not going to cry. It just got me right here,” he said, hitting his chest with his fist.

  The picture was all of us at the comedy club. Charlie and Tucker were in the middle. Terri and Jim were on one side, and Blake and I on the other. We were all pointing to Charlie’s belly. Charlie’s head was tossed back as she laughed, and Tucker was looking at Charlie. A wide smile and a look of pure love on his face.

  “The moment I saw it, I knew I needed to get it framed. You can just see the love on Tucker’s face, and with the way you are all pointing to Charlie. It’s precious.”

  “It’s perfect,” I whispered, looking at the photo and then over to Kaelynn. Her eyes twinkled, and she looked pleased she had made us happy.

  She set a card next it and then let out a breath and said, “Well? Should we head on out and let the happy family get settled in?”

  Blake nodded. “Yeah, I need to get out of here, I’ve got a big meeting I need to prepare for for tomorrow.”

  Reaching for his hand, I shook it and said, “Thanks so much for helping, Blake.”

  “Yeah, no worries. I probably won’t see y’all until we start getting ready for Terri and Jim’s wedding next week. I’m knee deep in two projects.”

  I slapped his back. “No worries. I know Tucker appreciates the help today.”

  Blake smiled. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for y’all.” Turning, he reached out and gave Kaelynn a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Kaelynn. See ya around.”

  Her hand lifted as she replied, “See ya.”

  I walked Kaelynn out and stopped in front of her car. She leaned against it, and I swore the woman was looking at me like she wanted to crawl inside of me. The feeling was mutual.

  “So? Zilker Park tonight?” I asked with a wink.

  She giggled. “Okay, is it crazy I’m super excited about this?”

  “Nope. Well, unless you’re excited about the tree and not about going out with me tonight.”

  Her cheeks deepened in color while her teeth dug into her lip. She stared down at the ground. Lifting her chin up to meet my gaze, I winked at her. “I like you, Kaelynn, and something inside of me wants to see where this goes.”

  When her tongue slid across her lips to dampen then, my knees about buckled. “So, does that mean we’re leaving the friend zone?” she asked.

  Leaning down, I placed my mouth inches above hers and replied, “We are most definitely leaving the friend zone.”

  Her breathing picked up, and she almost whimpered, “Kiss me, Nash. Please.”

  My mouth pressed against hers. It was soft and slow, as if we were both taking our time, just feeling each other out. Kaelynn’s hands went to my chest where she clung to my T-shirt. She opened to me, allowing me to deepen our connection. We both moaned and her hands slid up my body and around my neck.

  The heat between us was hard to ignore. I was becoming lost. Nothing else mattered but this moment. The way her fingers slipped into my hair, or the soft moans she let out as I pulled us farther into the kiss. When we both needed air. I broke free, leaning my forehead against hers. Our chests rose and fell as we both fought to gain control of our breathing.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment I first bumped into you.”

  Her only reply was my name, whispered softly from her kiss-swollen lips. “Nash.”

  Drawing back, I got lost in her eyes. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I’ve been wanting you to do that since you first smiled at me. I sort of have a thing for guys with dimples.”

  Laughing, I cupped her face and kissed her again. This time it was soft and sweet and not nearly as long.

  “Do you need to change, or should we head straight to grab a bite to eat and then to the park?”

  “I want to spend as much time with you as I can, so my vote is let’s go grab food, then go to the park.”

  My heart still hadn’t settled down to a normal rhythm yet. The flush that was still on her c
heeks made my knees weak.

  “I’ll follow your every step,” I said.

  “How about we go to my place, drop my car off, and then we can just grab something to eat as we walk to the park? There is a plethora of food trailers near my condo.”

  Motioning with my hand, I replied, “Perfect. Lead the way.”

  MY LIPS TINGLED from Nash’s kiss. Hell, my entire body felt like it was on fire. The moment his lips touched mine, I felt something I’d never felt before. All thoughts of telling Nash the truth slipped from my mind, at least for now. I was going to tell him what I had been withholding. Sooner rather than later. A fear crept into my thoughts.

  What if I told him and he hated me? I had been keeping it from him, and now we were moving things to another level. I needed to come clean with him.

  Peeking into the rearview mirror, I saw his handsome face. Good Lord, the man was hot. His dark hair was a mess from my fingers sliding in it. His face had a scruffy, unshaven look that should make him seem unkempt, but it didn’t. Instead, it screamed sexy and I couldn’t help thinking about how it would feel on my every part of my body.

  “Ugh. Stop this, Kaelynn!” I scolded myself. Hitting the button on my car, I spoke again. “Call Millie.”

  It only rang twice before my younger sister answered. “Hey! What’s up?”

  “Hey. Not much, how are you?”

  “I’m amazing. It’s snowing here and I’m getting ready to go Christmas shopping for the Make-A-Wish tree at Justin’s job.”

  I lifted my brows. “Things with you and Justin are going good?”

  “Never better.” She sighed. “Kaelynn, he knows how to treat me. In all ways . . . if you know what I mean.”

  Giggling, I replied, “I can safely guess.”

  “Other than that, I’ve just been working at the office and trying to help Mom plan her New Year’s Eve benefit dinner at the country club.”

  My mother put on a benefit dinner every year, with all the proceeds going to a different charity. She always made each event successful and raised a ton of money for every charity she took under her wing.

  “Mom and Dad left late last night. I forgot to ask her what charity she was doing this year.”


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