Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 4

by Maggie Ryan

  "I won't have you attempting to step in for any one of our girls, chiquita," he said, another crisp slap landing on her right cheek. "There has to be absolutely no question of authority or these girls will be lost." An identical swat peppered her left cheek.

  "I know! I'm sorry," Jewel said, lifting her face from the pillow. "I won't do it again!"

  "I hope not," Gabe said, his hand landing stroke after stroke on each of her cheeks despite her attempt to wag her bottom from side to side. "We've agreed that discipline is necessary to keep order and calm and if there is a hint of subversion, we'll be right back here with your arse over my lap until you understand that we must stick together. Is that understood?"

  "Yes! Yes, sir!"

  "Good, then we can finish this." Her wail told of her experience that even though he said the word 'finish' it didn't mean he was done. No, she'd learned the hard way that it meant the next strokes would be lightning fast and harder than any that he'd given before. She might vacillate in her partnership when it came to knowing that one of her gems was about to be punished, but this man never did. He had a moral code that would never be broken. When he made a rule, it was followed or else. The 'or else' always included giving the miscreant a very hot bottom and with the one woman he'd given his heart to, it often included far more intense consequences. As his hand flew over every inch of her bottom and the tops of her thighs until they were scarlet, she promised over and over that she would not undermine his authority ever again. Once her bottom was properly blistered, she was flipped over to sit on his lap.

  Jewel buried her face in his chest, her sobs soaking his skin as the same hand that had lit her ass on fire stroked down her back. "Shh, chiquita, it's over."

  He didn't have to say she was forgiven, she knew she was the moment the punishment was done. When her tears ended and after he'd helped her to blow her nose, she didn't resist as he gently guided her to lay back. Even though she wanted to lift her punished globes off the mattress, she didn't dare. Not only did he spank her far longer and far more often than any of their girls, he also was in complete control afterwards. If he wanted her to feel the burn of her bum pressing against the mattress, she accepted it as further encouragement to remember the lesson. Jewel moaned as he spread her legs widely, lifting her hands to his shoulders and willingly accepting him as he positioned himself.

  "You are very, very wet," he said, his lips turning up as he bent to kiss her, his fingers drawing through her sex before settling on her throbbing clit and giving it a slight pinch. She surged up at the intense pleasure and moaned into his mouth as he kissed her. God, he could light her on fire on so many levels and she'd accept each and every one.

  If anyone was listening, they'd hear the sound of her pleasure as he filled her and her begging of mercy was not for her spanking to stop but for him to take her harder, faster until her last cry was joined by his own.

  Afterwards, he pulled her to spoon against him, his hand cupping a hot nether cheek as his lips kissed a soft one before moving to nip at her ear. "I love you, niña de oro."

  "I love you too," she said, her body quivering at his touch and the words that she'd never tire of hearing.

  Chapter Three

  Gasping, Rebekah sat up, her heart pounding as the remnants of her nightmare began to fade. She'd been standing on a platform before the entire town as they shouted for justice. It was only when she saw Jeb shaking his head and Mr. Gabe and Jewel looking at her with disappointment in their eyes that she'd managed to pull herself out of the dream. She'd sworn again and again that she wasn't a thief and yet her subconscious had shown her the truth. She was exactly what the town was crying.

  Slipping from her bed, she eased her door open, cocking her head to listen for any sounds. Hearing none, she made her way through the building to the bathing room. The knife that had pricked her finger earlier was calling out her guilt. Her moan was soft but anguished when she saw that the towel where she'd dropped her dress was no longer on the floor. Her dress was gone as well though she dropped to her knees to peer beneath the tubs as if it had crawled out of sight. Standing again, and grimacing as her injured hand took her weight as she pushed up from the floor, she almost screamed at the sound of a door closing. A soft humming told her that Miss Nettie was awake. It was far later than she'd thought if the cook was already bustling about the kitchen. Fear of discovery had her bladder clenching. Lifting the latch on the door that led outside, Rebekah eased it closed behind her as she made her way to the privy. The moon that had left her in darkness earlier had once again appeared. It, as well as the sun that was beginning to rise, bathed the yard in soft light.

  She almost screamed again when something moved a few feet to her right. Clasping one hand over her mouth and her injured hand against her chest, she recognized her dress, twisting in the wind. Of course. Miss Jewel had evidently hung it up with hopes that any remaining glass would be blown off the fabric. Her bladder reminded her of her urgent need and she hurried to the outhouse and collapsed onto the seat.

  She knew she'd have to return the knife but couldn't bear the thought of seeing Mr. March again. Her possession of his knife would prove that she was indeed a thief. He'd not give a hoot that she had innocently tucked it into her pocket. No, he'd demand that this time she be put behind bars, reminding anyone who cared to listen that she'd lied about being a thief.

  "Fine, I'll just sneak it back. No one needs to know," she mumbled to herself as she finished her toilet.

  Once outside again, she moved towards the clothesline. Remembering the jab of the blade, Rebekah carefully slid her hand into the pocket of her dress. She whimpered when her fingers discovered nothing was inside. Pulling her hand free, she was about to cry when she remembered her other pocket. This time, her foray was successful and she pulled out the small knife only to give a shriek and drop it when a voice came from behind her.

  "Child? What are you doin' out here so early?"

  Forcing herself not to faint dead away, Rebekah turned toward the voice. "Oh, I-I just needed the privy Miss Nettie." At the woman's glance toward the privy, she rushed on. "Um, I just needed to make sure my dress was… um, was all right. I've already made my… um…"

  "You're gonna need the doctor if you don't get yourself back in bed, missy. It's too chilly out here to be hanging no laundry."

  "I'm going," Rebekah said, lifting her hand to wave and instantly regretting doing so when she saw Nettie's eyes widen.

  "Laws, what happened to your hand, child?"

  "Oh, it's a long story, Miss Nettie, but I'm fine now. Just, um, really tired. I'll tell you about it tomorrow… oh, I mean later."

  She didn't wait for a response, bending to pick up the knife before sliding it beneath the thick bandage Doctor Norwood had used to wrap her hand.

  "What's that?"

  Rebekah almost yelled again when the voice sounded right behind her. "Oh, nothing. I thought I saw a clothespin on the ground. Good night… uh, good morning," she called, hurrying around Nettie to the door, not daring to breathe until she saw Nettie move towards the outhouse.

  Once back in her room, she pulled the knife out and slipped it beneath her mattress. God, she could never be involved in any real crime. Her heart would give out!

  Satisfied that no one knew of her innocent theft, she crawled back into bed. Once her head hit the pillow, she prayed that the nightmare wouldn't return. Forget the spanking. Her bottom no longer hurt but she knew she'd never recover from the shame of disappointing Jeb… wait, no, she meant Madame Jewel and Mr. Gabe.

  She didn't awaken again for several hours. This time when she sat up, she could hear other people moving about the building, muffled voices and laughter informing her that another day had begun. It was Sunday and the saloon was closed. The thought of food had her stomach grumbling. A knock on her door had her pulling the sheets up to her chin. Had Mr. March already discovered the theft?

  "Rebekah? Are you awake?"

  "Yes, ma'am," she replied, drawing a
calming breath when the door opened to admit Jewel. "I'm sorry I overslept. I was just going to get dressed."

  "That's fine, honey. Before you do, Doctor Norwood is here to check on your hand. I just wanted to make sure you were decent." Rebekah's heart skipped a beat knowing she was not a decent person but she remained silent as the doctor entered the room.

  "How's my patient this morning?" he asked in a jovial voice.

  Rebekah didn't get a chance to answer as Jewel spoke. "I didn't find any additional cuts when I gave her a bath, but she did sleep a long time. I am a bit concerned about the goose egg on her head. It was pretty large."

  "Goose egg? Hmm, seems some little girl forgot to mention she'd hit her head."

  "It's fine," Rebekah assured him, not bothering to state she was not a little girl. She was more than a little embarrassed that he had just been informed that she'd been bathed like a child.

  "Let me be the judge of that," Anson said, opening his bag and pulling up the chair from its place against the wall. "Knocks on the head can cause all sorts of problems. I've seen grown men lose their memories from rocks falling on their heads. I'm sure they've much tougher skulls than you, my dear. Come and sit right here," he directed, patting the edge of the bed. "We'll get you all checked out."

  Rebekah slid out from beneath the sheets and moved to sit, her legs dangling between the doctor's. She didn't complain as he checked her eyes and ears but sneezed when he checked up her nose.

  "Bless you," he said, his fingers gently palpating her throat. "Bend your head if you can."

  Obeying, she found herself looking at her bare feet while his fingers gently ran over the top and back of her head. She winced a bit when he found the lump.

  "Does that hurt?" he asked, parting her hair and running his fingertips around the rather large goose egg.

  "Not unless you touch it," she said.

  His chuckle had her blushing but he said, "Then I'll stop touching it. I don't see any open wound but you need to tell me if you begin to have trouble with your vision or feel dizzy or nauseated. Those could be a sign that you hit your head harder than you thought. But, it's a good thing it is on the outside and not the inside."


  "Far better the pressure forms a lump than to press against your brain," Anson explained, sitting back again. "It should go down in a few days. Now, let's get that hand checked out."

  Rebekah had to look away as he began to unwrap the layers of bandages. She grimaced as the last one was peeled away.

  "Sorry, it stuck a bit," Anson said and then made a sound that had her looking at her hand before feeling her stomach flip at the sight of the wound causing her to slam her eyes shut.

  "I don't understand how on earth your hand is dirty. I know I washed it last night." She didn't answer, knowing exactly how dirt had gotten under the cloth. She was practically sitting on the culprit, only hidden by a few inches of her mattress.

  "I didn't unwrap her bandage," Jewel said, a slight frown on her face.

  "No worry," Anson said, "I'll give it a fresh wash."

  "Oh, I should have thought of that," Jewel said with a shake of her head. Rebekah opened her eyes to see the woman step to the door and heard her ask someone to bring her a basin of water and some soap.

  "We'll finish your exam while we wait," the doctor said with a smile, pulling a case out of his bag. "Though I didn't see any dirt in the wound, it's important that we make sure you aren't running a fever. An elevated temperature is a definite sign of infection." Pulling a small jar from his bag, he patted her arm. "Go ahead and turn onto your tummy. Be careful of your hand."

  "My tummy? Why?"

  "Because I'm going to take your temperature."

  "But…" Her eyes grew huge as he opened the case and she saw the largest, longest thermometer she'd ever seen. "That's… that's huge!"

  His chuckle had her eyes flying to his. "Believe me, I have much larger ones than this. You'll hardly even know it's in your bottom."

  She remained frozen in place. "My-my bottom? You're going to put that… you can't!"

  "I assure you I can," he said, his smile remaining on his lips. "It won't hurt, I promise. Taking your temperature rectally gives the most accurate reading."

  She felt her entire body flush at his easy use of a word that had her bottom clenching. "But... I-I never… I don't have a fever!"

  "Do you have a medical license?"

  "No, but…"

  "Sweetie, let the doctor finish his exam," Jewel said. "He examines all the gems quite regularly."

  Rebekah couldn't care less about the other girls right now. She was about to protest again when the doctor spoke.

  "Do you need my help in flipping you over?"

  All she heard was 'flipping' and could imagine him flipping not her, but the mattress, exposing the stolen knife. She couldn't bear the thought of having to explain its presence. Her face feeling as hot as her bottom had after her spanking, she shook her head and slowly moved to lay face down on the bed. When she felt her nightgown being lifted, she clenched her eyes shut and gave a soft whimper as the tie to her drawers was pulled free.

  "Lift up a bit," Anson instructed.

  Rebekah did and felt her drawers being tugged down. When his fingers pressed the globes of her bottom apart, she gasped as something cold was smeared across her bottom-hole.

  "Relax, honey, it's just a bit of lube to make the thermometer slide right inside."

  God, this was her true penance. This was the cost of her thievery. Hell, she'd rather take a million spankings instead of this humiliating invasion. She squealed as the cold glass began to penetrate her most private opening. Rebekah didn't think anything could be worse until she heard another voice. Was every occupant of the house going to stand around and witness her shame?

  "I've brought the water and soap," Nettie said. "Mr. Gabe told me our poor girl cut her hand last night. I've brought a poultice to help with the pain."

  "That's a good idea," the doctor said, pressing the thermometer further into his patient's bottom until only enough remained outside for him to grasp. When she wiggled, he patted her right cheek. "No, don't try to push it out. Try not to move, Rebekah, I don't want the thermometer to slip up inside you."

  Heat suffused her entire body as she froze. She barely dared to breathe while the others continued to talk as if they were seated around a table sharing a meal instead of standing around her bed where she lay, bottom exposed with its horrid glass invader visible. It seemed as if an hour had passed before she whimpered again at the thermometer's withdrawal.

  "She doesn't have a fever," Anson said, wiping down the glass tube. "Perhaps the dirt didn't do any damage though I still don't know how it got under the bandage."

  "Maybe it did when she was picking up that clothespin," Nettie offered. Rebekah didn't move, not even aware when her drawers were pulled up and her gown down. She didn't offer a word as Nettie explained how she'd seen her pick up something out of the dirt in the early morning hours.

  "I don't remember dropping one," Jewel said. "Oh, I forgot to give you this, sweetie."

  Rebekah finally managed to move with the doctor's help. She saw Jewel holding out the wrapped coins. Good grief, she had totally forgotten what had started this entire debacle in the first place!

  "Thank you," she said softly and then had to close her eyes when the doctor took her hand. It was several minutes before she dared open them again as her palm was washed and patted dry. She felt something cool press against her skin before a fresh bandage was wrapped around her hand.

  "Good girl," Anson said, patting her arm. "You keep this dry and clean, young lady. No more digging around in the dirt. I'll be back later to change the bandage."

  "Ah, no need, Doctor Norwood. I can do that," Nettie said.

  "Do you know how to take her temperature?"

  "Yes, sir. I've tended to patients before. Granted, most of them were black but I don't see how the color of a person's skin makes much of a difference. A
bottom is a bottom as far as I know. Oh, but I don't have one of those long thermometers." Rebekah's joy at hearing those words lasted but a second before she saw the doctor hand Nettie the case and the small jar.

  "You can keep these. I've got plenty more. Take her temperature morning and night. If it's elevated, send for me."

  "I will," Nettie promised, tucking the items into her apron pocket and picking up the bowl and washcloth. "Stop by the kitchen before you leave. Fresh coffee is on, and Della and I made a huge batch of flapjacks."

  "That sounds marvelous," Anson said, giving her a smile as she left the room. Turning to Jewel, he said, "I know Rebekah is an employee, but she needs to be careful. I don't want that wound to fester or grow worse."

  "I'll keep her on light duty, I promise," Jewel said. "Why don't you go get some breakfast while I help Rebekah dress?"

  "You be good and mind Miss Jewel," Anson said, giving his patient a smile. "And don't give Miss Nettie any trouble."

  "I will. I mean I won't," Rebekah said, her cheeks flushing when he chuckled.

  "No, I don't think I need worry. You seem a great deal more obedient than you did last night." He gathered his bag and with a wink, left to find his breakfast.

  A few minutes later, Jewel had her dressed. "Tomorrow, we'll go to the bank and open you an account."

  "An account?"

  "Yes, unless you are as foolish as Mr. March and believe leaving money lying about is a good idea?"

  Rebekah didn't want to think of Mr. March but shook her head. "No, but I don't have much money."

  "You will be earning a salary and I promise it will be paid at the end of each week," Jewel said. "Before you know it, you'll have a nice sum safe and sound in the bank. Now, let's get you fed. You look a little pale. Would you rather I bring you a tray?"

  "No, ma'am," Rebekah said, wanting to get out of the room that seemed to be growing smaller and smaller. She'd survived the examination but wasn't sure she'd survive the anxiety that continued to grip her. It was imperative that she get rid of the evidence as quickly as possible.


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