Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 5

by Maggie Ryan


  They entered the kitchen where Doctor Norwood was digging into a huge stack of flapjacks. Though Rebekah didn't see Della, she did see Opal and Dottie sitting at the table. She managed a smile when they greeted her, asking if her hand was hurting.

  "Not too badly," Rebekah said, the presence of Mr. Gabe causing her to blush as she was aware the two beautiful gems could just as well have asked if her backside was giving her pain. "Thank you," she said as Nettie slid a plate in front of her.

  "What would you like to drink? We have coffee, tea or milk."

  "Um, milk please," Rebekah said, picking up her knife and then realizing that her bandage kept her from picking up her fork.

  "Let me help," Gabe said, reaching for her plate.

  "Thank you," she murmured as she watched the hands that had disciplined her only a few hours earlier cutting her flapjacks into manageable bites.

  "You're quite welcome."

  It seemed that everything had indeed been forgiven as no one looked at her with any sort of judgment. Of course, that would change unless she got rid of the evidence that proved she didn't deserve forgiveness. Tonight, she'd slip away and return the knife. Perhaps then her heart would stop skipping in her chest and her bottom would stop clenching

  Though she cleaned her plate, she didn't remember what her breakfast had tasted like. By the time she was done, Mr. Gabe had walked the doctor out, leaving Nettie doing dishes.


  Looking up, Rebekah saw Opal had her finger in her mouth.

  "Are you all right?"

  "I hate sewing!" Opal said around her finger. Popping it free, she gave it a shake. "I never fail to stab myself."

  Dottie giggled and shook her head. "Tell your customers to stop ripping your clothes."

  "Believe me, I've tried," Opal said. "But do they want to give me even a minute to properly remove them? No, they are in too much of a rush. I can't tell you how many pairs of drawers or petticoats I've tried to repair."

  "Well, I guess better in a rush to undress you than be in too big a hurry when they are between your legs." The two women shared a laugh until Opal looked towards Rebekah.

  "Oh, um, sorry."

  "Let's keep those types of discussion upstairs in your parlor, shall we?" Jewel suggested.

  Rebekah felt her cheeks heat and knew the ladies would not have been even gently chastised if she hadn't been seated at the table. "I don't mind," she said, "after all, I'm a gem too."

  "A gem who will remain downstairs," Gabe corrected as he strode back into the room.

  "Still, she is a gem," Jewel said. "In fact, we need to find you the appropriate sized outfit."

  Rebekah felt her heart race, in happiness this time. "Oh, I can't wait to get my petticoat!"

  "Pink petticoat," Gabe reminded.

  "I don't care," Rebekah said. "In just a few days, it'll be red!" Turning away from him, she addressed Opal. "I love to sew, Opal. I'd be glad to do your mending."

  "Really? How much will you charge?" Opal asked and then smiled. "Never mind, whatever it is I'll be glad to pay. I've got these and a few more for now."

  "Honey, are you sure?" Jewel asked, motioning toward her bandaged hand.

  "Yes, I'm right handed so it won't be a problem," Rebekah assured her, wanting to feel as if she were contributing. "It will take me longer but I'm sure I can do it."

  Opal pushed the petticoat and pair of bloomers towards her. "Take as long as you need. I've still got a couple of pairs left. I'm sure some of the other girls will hire you as well."

  "Oh, no, you don't have to pay me," Rebekah protested. "I'll do it for free."

  "No you won't," Gabe countered. "You are providing a service and deserve to be paid for it. Just do the mending in your free time or after you've finished all your chores."

  "Yes, sir," Rebekah said, picking up the petticoat. "Um, you really should use red thread."

  "I didn't have any," Opal said, standing and heading towards the sink to give Nettie her cup.

  "I can get some from the mercantile," Rebekah said. "I'll get some more white as well. If I'm going to be paid, I'm going to do the job right." She was surprised when Opal stopped and gave her a hug.

  "Thanks, Rebekah… hey, Jewel, what is this newest gem's name?"

  Rebekah felt her heart skip yet again as she looked at Jewel. One could say one was a gem but until they had been given the name of a gemstone, it didn't make it a true statement.

  "Let's see," Jewel said, a smile on her face as she looked Rebekah up and down. "No one can deny that only one gemstone comes to mind. I mean, with her gorgeous red hair, I have but one choice. Opal, Dottie… everyone, meet Ruby."

  Rebekah felt as if she could burst with happiness. Ruby—it was such a pretty name. She stood to accept hugs from everyone, thanking Jewel.

  "Mighty fancy name, Red."

  Whirling about, she saw the sheriff lounging against the door frame.

  "What are you doing here!" Rebekah demanded and then instantly remembered the hidden knife. God, was he here to arrest her?

  "Just wanted to make sure you're all right, Red."

  Trying not to let her relief show, she said, "Maybe you need to have Doc check out your ears," she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder before gathering the mending in her arms. "There's no one named Red here. I'm Ruby now."

  Chapter Four

  Jeb watched as she breezed towards him and then hesitated. He grinned at the blush on her cheeks when she realized he was effectively blocking the doorway. His grin slid from his lips as he saw what she was holding.

  "What are those?" he asked, nodding towards the bundle in her arms.

  "None of your business," she retorted. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

  "Red, I asked you a question."

  "Are you here in any official capacity, Sheriff Justice, or do you just intend on harassing an innocent citizen?"

  He couldn't believe her gall but, then again, she'd always been rather quick on her feet. Though he felt an almost unbearable desire to pluck her off her feet and place her over his lap, he had to admit she was right.

  Bending forward so that he was eye level with her, he spoke quietly, "Careful, Red, I just might think that Gentleman Gabe didn't do a very good job last night. Perhaps it would be best that I make sure you learn a lesson about respect."

  "He did a perfect job," she hissed and then flushed almost as red as the lace on the petticoat she was holding. "I mean… never mind! That's none of your business either. Now, get out of my way. I have better things to do than to… to talk to you!"

  He straightened only to shake his head as he stepped out of the door. "I see you are still full of sass and vinegar. I suggest you remember your manners if you want to do Miss Jewel proud, Ruby Red." He almost laughed as she growled and stomped past him and he heard the sound of a slamming door.

  "She's a spitfire," Gabe said, chuckling as he walked up.

  "She's something," Jeb agreed and then turned serious. "You will remember that she is underage, right?"

  "Right," Gabe assured him. "Jewel and I were just about to sit down and discuss her duties before you showed up and scared her off."

  "I didn't scare her off," Jeb countered. "Stirred the hornet's nest maybe, but I warned her that she won't be wearing a red petticoat and yet she already has one."

  "Relax, Sheriff," Jewel said. "Ruby is just earning some money by doing some mending. Besides, I don't believe you have the right to decide what Rebekah wishes to do with her life."

  Jeb opened his mouth and then snapped it closed. Jewel was right. He had no claim on the girl nor the right to tell her what to do. But, he did have the law on his side—at least for another few days. Perhaps by the time her birthday rolled around, she would learn that she was definitely not suited to be a gem.

  "Fine," he conceded, "but I've known her for a long time. I was surprised to hear she'd been sleeping in the shop. Last I knew, she was living with Clay and Maureen."

  "I d
on't know anything about that," Jewel said, accepting a cup of coffee from Nettie and handing it to Jeb. "I don't ask a lot of questions of my girls."

  "Then how do you know they aren't all running from the law?"

  "Gabe is far less trusting than I am," Jewel admitted. "He makes sure they aren't outlaws but, if a woman wishes to make her living under my roof, Sheriff, I won't have you or anyone else attempting to stop her."

  "That's fine, Miss Gardner," Jeb said, his term of address taking the conversation from friendly to formal. "As long as I don't find anyone underage wandering upstairs or wearing one of those red petticoats, we won't have a problem."

  "I have no wish to break the law," Jewel assured him. "My only wish is to help these women find themselves and be able to make money so that they can follow their own dreams. I see no harm in that, do you?"

  Jeb ran his hand through his brown hair. "No, ma'am, I don't. You've been open and honest since you came into town and the only trouble we've had is the need to haul a few drunks out of your place. I don't mean to get all riled up…"

  He felt a hand slap his back and turned to see Gabe grinning. "Amazing how riled up one can get over a feisty, stubborn little gal, isn't it?"

  Jeb didn't miss the look the man gave to Jewel or the blush that ran up her neck. He heard both Opal and Nettie laugh and shook his head. Men might be far stronger and larger than females but damn if they didn't have hidden strengths and talents that could bring a giant to his knees.

  "Yup, amazing," he agreed. "Thanks for the coffee. I'll stop back later."

  "I'm sure you will," Gabe said.

  "Come by tomorrow, Sheriff, and I'd be glad to keep you company," Dottie said, giving him a dazzling smile as she and Opal walked towards him.

  "Um, I've got rounds to make," Jeb said, turning to leave before remembering the cup in his hand.

  "I'll take it for you, Sheriff," Opal offered. He pushed it into her hand and then turned to leave.

  God, why was he acting like some untried schoolboy? It wasn't like he hadn't enjoyed the company of a few fallen angels in his life and he couldn't deny that every gem under Jewel's roof was quite beautiful. Passing a door that he was pretty sure hid a certain little redhead, he gave his own growl, slammed his hat onto his head and pushed out the bat-wing doors.


  Rebekah stepped away from where she'd had her ear pressed to the door. The fact that she was pretty sure the boots she'd heard clomping by her door were Jeb's should have reassured her and yet she felt unsettled. She sighed heavily and then dropped the garments on the bed and moved to drag her chair from the small desk. Sitting down, she picked up the red petticoat and began to pull out the white stitches Opal had made. She discovered it was good that Opal wasn't a very good seamstress as holding the garment on her knee with the back of her injured hand was awkward and yet the large stitches were pretty easy to remove. As she worked, she began to calm and her mind moved from seeing the sheriff to the conversation she'd heard between the two gems.

  The rip in the petticoat was pretty big, the fabric hanging away from the waistband. She shook her head. All it would have taken was to untie the bow to allow the garment to be easily removed without tearing. Remembering Opal's words, she felt her face heat. Some man had evidently been unwilling to wait and had ripped the petticoat free. Stroking her fingers across the red lace, she tried to visualize the scene. Instantly her heart began to race at the image of a man in her room, reaching beneath her skirts to… to what? She might be innocent but she wasn't stupid. He'd been attempting to strip the very clothing off of Opal in order to bare her completely.

  Remembering her humiliation at having the doctor, a professional man, bare her bottom, she squirmed on her chair. She knew men and women did things together but had a hard time picturing the beautiful Opal standing naked in front of a man. Blushing again, she threw the petticoat onto the bed and picked up the drawers instead. They had much the same damage. Sighing and thrusting any such naughty thoughts away, she picked up the spool of white thread to get to work. It took her several minutes before she realized she couldn't even thread the needle. Hoping that Jeb had indeed left, she cautiously opened her door to stick her head out. Seeing no one about, she stepped out, carrying the thread and the needle.

  She found Della in the small sitting room. The girl appeared startled but relaxed when Rebekah smiled. "Hi, I don't mean to bother you, but could you help me?"

  "I will if I can," Della said. When she saw the bandage, she grimaced. "Miss Nettie told me you cut your hand."

  "Yes, last night. It's not that bad but I can't thread my needle," Rebekah said, passing her both of the items. "Would you thread this for me?" Della nodded and easily pushed the thread through the eye of the needle before passing the items back.

  "Thank you, oh, and I wanted to tell you that the flapjacks this morning were the best I've ever eaten. You were already gone when I went in to breakfast. I'm sure Doctor Norwood agreed," Rebekah said, "he ate a huge stack." She wondered at the startled glance the girl gave her. "Oh, maybe you didn't know he was here? He came to… um, check on my hand."

  "Yes, I heard him but I-I had things to do," Della said. "I also heard that Sheriff Justice came by. That's an awful lot of visitors for a day when we are supposedly closed."

  "That's my fault," Rebekah admitted.

  "You're not in any kind of trouble are you?"

  "No!" Rebekah said sharply, the question striking too close to home. "I mean, the doctor was just doing his duty and… well, the sheriff was just being his own nosy self."

  "Ah, I see," Della said, giving her a small grin. "So, you won't say anything if I avoid the doctor, and I won't say anything if you avoid the sheriff. Deal?"

  Rebekah had no knowledge of why the girl would be avoiding the doctor, unless… well, there was that horrid thermometer and she heard Della coughing quite often. She discovered she couldn't blame the girl for dodging an examination and nodded. "Deal."

  "You can sew out here," Della suggested.

  "Thank you, I'd like that." Rebekah returned to her room for the drawers. After explaining that she was offering her services as a seamstress, Della said she'd make sure to remember that and returned to her book. Rebekah was soon slowly and meticulously making tiny stitches to repair the damage. She'd just finished and had snipped the thread when Jewel appeared.

  "Ah, good, when you are done, I'd like to see you in my office, Ruby."

  "Oh, I'm done now, Miss Jewel, but I need to run outside."

  "That's fine, sweetie. I'll be waiting. Della, how are you today?" Rebekah left the room as she heard Della assuring Jewel that she was good. After folding the mended garment and setting it on her desk, Rebekah made a trip to the outhouse, noticing that her dress was no longer on the line. Finishing her business, she headed back inside, wondering what Jewel wanted to discuss and prayed it didn't include another trip over Mr. Gabe's knees. Her own knees were shaking a bit as she knocked on the office door and entered when called.

  "I know it's almost lunch time, but we wanted to talk to you," Jewel said, motioning to a chair in front of her desk.

  "I'm not in trouble am I?"

  "No, of course not. We just wanted to talk to you about your duties."

  "Oh, I promise, I'll work really hard."

  "I have no doubt of that," Jewel assured her. "But, until your hand heals, I've promised Doctor Norwood to keep you to light duties."

  Rebekah gradually relaxed as they discussed what duties she thought were within those guidelines. She'd be doing things such as dusting, sweeping, setting the tables, and anything else that was asked of her as long as it didn't strain her hand.

  "And, of course, if you feel dizzy or your head begins to hurt, you are to stop whatever you are doing and inform me, Nettie or Mr. Gabe immediately."

  "Yes, ma'am," Rebekah agreed. "That's not very many chores. I can help with the wash and I know how to play cards. I can deal at the gaming tables."

  "I'm sure you w
ill take on more duties, but not until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health."

  "Oh, um, do I still get a petticoat?"

  Jewel smiled and nodded. "Yes, you get an entire uniform. Of course, it will be different during the morning, but you'll change after lunch. We'll take your measurements later. I have several uniforms in the storage room as well as the pink petticoat you'll be wearing." Rebekah thought she'd successfully hidden her sigh but knew it had been audible when Mr. Gabe spoke.

  "I catch you in a red petticoat and that spanking last night will seem like nothing but a gentle pat on your backside. I won't have you getting Madame Jewel into trouble just because you are trying to prove to a certain man that you aren't a child any longer."

  "He's the only one who thinks that! I'm a grown woman!" Rebekah snapped only to instantly apologize as she saw Mr. Gabe's eyebrow quirk. "I mean, yes, sir."

  "You're not quite a legal adult yet," he said and when she reluctantly nodded, he continued. "It's a good thing we cleared up your age yesterday. I would have been truly unhappy discovering the lie later. I'm not sure if you are aware of the fact that I do make inquiries about all our employees. Is there anything you wish to tell me before I complete yours?"

  "Inquiries? What… what does that mean?"

  "It means that we can't employ anyone who is running from the law. I will ask the sheriff to let me know if there is any reason we shouldn't hire you."

  "That's not fair!" Rebekah said. "He will just tell you not to hire me because he… I don't know, just because!"

  Gabriel shook his head. "I meant, I'd ask if he knew of any legal reason that you would be unsuitable for employment. Not to say that we expect perfect angels to work here, but while we will offer help to those who come to us, we can't harbor criminals."

  She couldn't deny that his explanation made sense but her pulse raced as she once again thought of the knife. If they asked her to leave, she had nowhere to go. Hell would have to freeze over before she asked her brother and his wife to take her in. Besides, she had never done anything illegal before and she planned on returning the blasted knife tonight. Realizing that he had not dropped his gaze, she said, "I'm not a criminal."


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