Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon) Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  A knock had her looking up but when she went to the door and pulled it open, no one was there. She turned around and then screeched to see a man standing behind her.

  "Didn't mean to scare you, darlin'," the man said.

  Her heart was pounding and then skipped a beat when he dropped a bundle on a stool. "What… what are you doing?"

  "Getting ready for my bath," he said, unbuckling his gun belt and laying it carefully on top of his clean clothes.

  "But it's um, it's early," Rebekah said, as he pulled his shirt free from his trousers.

  "Not really," he said as he began to unbutton his shirt. "By the time I have a nice bath and eat dinner, it'll be time for my appointment."

  "Your… your appointment?"

  "Yes, I would have been here on Friday but we had a bit of a problem at the mine. I'm hoping that Opal will forgive me." He chuckled as he shrugged off the shirt. ""You're new, aren't you? You're a pretty little filly."

  Rebekah wondered how he could possibly think she was pretty as she knew her face was beet red. "Yes, I-I started working only a few days ago."

  "Leave it up to Jewel to figure out a way to make men not only follow her rules about cleanliness, but actually look forward to it. I'm glad I got here early as I beat the men lining up for their turn." Rebekah didn't know what to say, her eyes riveted on the man's bare chest.

  "You'll do just fine here. Jewel and her gems are good people. Though I'm a little surprised to find you as a bath attendant since you're wearing a pink petticoat."

  Rebekah still had no idea how to respond but found she didn't need to speak as he continued. "What should I do with this, darlin'?" he asked, his shirt hanging from his fingers. "It's even muddier than normal."

  "Oh, um, you aren't expecting me to wash it for you are you?"

  He chuckled and shook his head. "As nice as that would be, no. I'll take my dirty stuff to the laundry down the street."

  "You can just drop it here," Rebekah said, pushing one of the pails towards him. "Then, when you are done, you can wrap them up in your towel. I'm sure Mr. March will know that the towel belongs to Miss Jewel and the clothes to you."

  "Ah, a beauty with brains," he said, causing her to flush again. "Can you help me with my boots?"

  Unable to think of a reason to deny him, she helped him tug off his boots and set them aside as he peeled off his socks. "I'm hoping that water is hot."

  "Oh, um, it is," Rebekah said. "I just heated it."

  "I'm not interrupting your own bath am I?" he asked, pointing to her bare feet.

  "No, I-I just came in to wash my stockings and boots." She pointed to the items that she'd set aside.

  "I'd sure appreciate it if you'd give my boots a good scrubbing."

  "I-I can do that," she said, about to reach for the boots when the sight of his pants hitting the pail froze her in place. He was… was naked! She'd never before seen a fully naked man. Her brother had informed their pa the one time she'd attempted to spy on him and Jeb swimming in the water hole. She'd gotten her bottom thrashed for her attempt to satisfy her curiosity and it had been enough to keep her from trying again. However, there were only so many places to look as the room seemed to be growing smaller and smaller.

  "What happened to your hand?"


  "Your hand is bandaged. I can't imagine how you managed to fill and heat those pails."

  "Oh, I-I cut it." Remembering the doctor's orders, she said, "I'm not supposed to get it wet."

  "That's a shame, I was looking forward to you scrubbing my back." At her gasp, he chuckled. "Don't fret, little one, I'll manage." She nodded and kept her eyes averted as he moved to the fire. "I'll even fill my own tub."

  "Um… thank you."

  "You're welcome." She heard him move from the fire to the tub and took the opportunity to grab the washcloth she'd used to clean her own boots. The sound of water pouring into the tub hopefully covered the sound of her pounding heart. She was surprised to hear the pump being used after he'd emptied the second pail.

  "You-you don't have to do that," she said.

  "I don't mind; it'll save you the trouble."

  She concentrated on cleaning the mud off his boots and tried not to imagine which part of his body he was washing. Whichever one it was, it evidently was bringing him great pleasure as he sighed often. When she heard a huge splash, she inadvertently glanced over to see that he must have dunked himself beneath the water. She smiled when he came up sputtering, shaking his head like a dog.

  "Might as well be clean from top to bottom," he said, grinning at her.

  His smile and easy manner relaxed her and she found herself returning his grin. "I'm sure Opal will appreciate that." She actually thought about offering to wash his back but she saw him pick up the bath brush and began to scrub it himself. Returning to her task, she finished his boots and dropped the now very filthy cloth into the pail with his clothing.

  "Can you hand me a towel, honey?"

  "Oh, sure," Rebekah said, taking a towel from the stack. As brave as she thought she'd become, she could still feel her face heating as she approached the tub, turning her head to the side.

  His chuckle told her he hadn't missed the fact she couldn't look at him. "That's fine, darlin', just give it a toss." She did so and lost any remaining courage when he said, "I'm gonna stand up, you might want to turn around."

  "I-I need to go." His chuckle followed her out the door and she didn't stop running until she was back in her room. By the time she pulled on her black stockings and buttoned her boots, she had to hurry to the kitchen.

  "Sorry I'm late," she said.

  Nettie turned to her, lifting a pan of cornbread from the oven. "No worry, we've still got fifteen minutes before the dining room opens."

  "Oh, good, I'll set the tables." As she placed silverware and napkins on the tables, she kept thinking of the man. What surprised her was that she wasn't imagining what she would have seen if she'd not been too chicken, but was wondering what Jeb would look like in nothing but his birthday suit. As men's voices interrupted her thoughts, she hurried back into the kitchen to begin the service.

  She blushed when she approached the table where Jewel and Gabe were sitting with the man from the bath. "What would you like tonight?" she asked, knowing that Jewel and Gabe had already eaten.

  "Ruby, this is our friend, Mr. Harrison," Jewel said.

  "Just John," he said, "after all, we had the pleasure of meeting already."

  "You did?" Jewel asked, looking between the two. "Oh, right, the night we opened the saloon, Reb… I mean Ruby was there."

  "I don't remember that," John said. "I meant we met just a short while ago. Your requirement to be clean isn't a burden at all when you provide such efficient, pretty gems to help a man bathe."

  Rebekah wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. Not because Jewel was looking at her with her lips slightly parted or even because Mr. Gabe didn't appear pleased at the information but because she realized that Jeb had just walked up to the table. She didn't have to guess what he thought of the conversation. His blue eyes were shooting daggers and his jaw was clenched. She was about to admit she didn't do anything more than polish John's boots when she saw Jeb's hand flatten and swat his thigh. The gesture made her see red. He was ready to whale away on her butt and didn't even care that she hadn't done anything wrong.

  Tossing her hair, she smiled at John. "It was a pleasure. Now, let me offer you the pleasure of a delicious supper. Miss Nettie is offering her incredible gumbo and cornbread tonight. For dessert, she's made apple pie."

  "Ahh, that's what I miss the most, Miss Nettie's cooking."

  "I'd not let Miss Opal hear that," Rebekah teased, her peripheral vision showing that Jeb had moved away but hadn't left. Instead, he'd slid into a seat at the closest table, rocked the chair onto its back legs, crossed his arms over his chest and was glaring at her. Her bottom clenched but she was damned if she was going to let him rule her life.
/>   "How about we keep that our secret?" John suggested with a chuckle. "I'll like a cup of coffee with my meal, Ruby." Rebekah nodded and moved towards the kitchen to place his order. After serving him and smiling as he bent to inhale the aroma before lifting his spoon, she moved to another table.

  "Your gumbo is very popular, Miss Nettie," she said. "I need another serving." Turning around to grab a bowl and plate, she saw that Mr. Gabe was standing in the doorway.

  "I'd like to see you in the office after dinner service is done."

  "I-I usually go to bed right after I'm finished."

  "That's fine," he assured her, "but tonight you'll be going to bed after our discussion."

  "Ye-yes, sir," she whispered, well remembering their previous discussion. He nodded and left. Once she was positive he was out of ear shot, she turned to Nettie. "Um, how… how mad do you think he is?"

  "I don't think he's mad," Nettie answered. "Concerned maybe but not mad. Is there a reason for his concern?"

  "I'm not exactly sure," Rebekah said, handing the cook a bowl."

  "Hmmm, watch this," Nettie said, putting her long wooden spoon into the bubbling pot on the stove and stirring slowly. "See all those bits poppin' to the top?" Rebekah nodded as a fat bit of carrot bobbed on the surface before disappearing to be replaced by a bit of potato and a few pieces of okra. "Your mind is like this gumbo. All it takes is a bit of stirrin' to bring those hidden thoughts to light instead of hiding along the bottom." Ladling the gumbo into the bowl, Nettie placed it carefully onto the plate Rebekah held out. "Mayhaps if you give yourself a little stir, you'll know why Mr. Gabe is concerned about you."

  "I'll try, Miss Nettie."

  A loud squeal had her lifting her head as she carried the plate towards her customer's table. She watched John stand and laugh as Opal launched herself into his arms. As he swung her around before kissing her, Rebekah had to smile. Their joy at seeing each other was just too infectious not to. Carefully setting the plate in front of her customer, she blushed when he said, "What will it take to have you greeting me like that, Miss Ruby?"

  "A red petticoat for one thing," John answered for her as Opal beamed at his side. "And, of course, building up a trust and friendship won't hurt." While Rebekah appreciated the coin John tucked into her bodice, his thanking her rather loudly for the great, personal service, had her joy evaporating, knowing Jeb was seated a few feet away. Still, she thanked John and watched as he and Opal left the room arm in arm. Her corset felt a bit tight as she drew in a deep breath and held it before slowly exhaling as she forced a smile onto her lips and her feet to move towards the sheriff's table.

  "What can I get for you tonight, sir?"

  "You can't even begin to imagine what I want," Jeb said. "

  Rebekah met his gaze but refused to flinch. "Please, I'm just trying to do my job."

  "A job that is totally inappropriate for a child to perform."

  "I'm not a… forget it. You seem determined to see me as nothing else. I'm tired of arguing with you, Jeb." His eyebrow cocked and his jaw clenched, both causing her to feel exactly like a naughty child. "Nothing happened."

  "You are a beautiful wom… girl. You're in a room with a naked man and you expect me to believe that nothing happened?"

  Had he just called her a beautiful woman? Her skin began to tingle and her heart to flutter. No, he'd called her a girl. And, it was evident he didn't believe a word she said. Sighing, she said, "Believe what you wish, Sheriff. Now, are you going to order or not."

  "Are cheeks on the menu?" Blushing hotly as he threw back her own words from the previous night, she shook her head. "Then not," Jeb said, startling her by pushing back his chair and standing up.

  "But… aren't you hungry?"

  "Not tonight. If I stay any longer, I'll do something that won't involve my fingers tucking a coin into your bodice but will involve…"

  "I get it," she hissed, looking around to see if anyone heard his blatant promise. "Well, all your scowling assures you'll have to stand in line."

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "Seriously? Are you saying you had nothing to do with Mr. Gabe informing me that we'd be having another discussion?"

  She wished she hadn't said a thing. Too late she remembered how Mr. Gabe had looked the moment his friend spoke of her being in the bathing room and knew Jeb had said nothing. He confirmed it when he shook his head.

  "I'm not a man to require another to take care of my business. I'm very well equipped to handle anything that needs attention on my own. It seems like you are just as well equipped to land in trouble all on your own. Have a good discussion, Miss McTavish."

  All she could do was stand and watch as he left the room. She managed to finish the dinner service but her mind was elsewhere. What surprised her was that it wasn't even on the upcoming meeting with Mr. Gabe. Instead, it was another man's face that filled her mind's eye. Just as she'd been unprepared to see John in the bath, she felt even more unprepared to deal with Jeb. She couldn't believe she actually missed his calling her Red. Though it always raised her hackles, she finally understood that it was his way of teasing her and she remembered how his eyes would twinkle as he waited for her retort. Hearing him addressing her so formally had her fearing that she'd never again see that glimmer of amusement in his eyes or the corner of his mouth lift as he grinned when she reacted. Worst of all, she now feared he no longer had any wish to argue… or ever talk to her again.


  Jeb moved to untie Cappy from the line of horses secured at one of the spots along the hitching post. His attention was diverted by an appearance of light at the side of the building. Retying the reins, he went to investigate and saw Nettie standing in the doorway.

  "What's this I hear about you not wantin' any supper? What do you have at home that's tastier than my gumbo?"

  "To be honest, absolutely nothing, Miss Nettie."

  "Hmph, that's what I thought. So, Sheriff, you gonna let a little spat keep you from fillin' your belly?"

  "Again, to be honest, that girl can tie my innards in a knot faster than I can untie the reins of my horse."

  "Hell, son, that's what makes life interesting. Just like cookin', life is better with a little spice."

  Jeb shook his head. "Maybe, but it might be nice to have something safe and bland every once in a while."

  Her laugh was musical and he had to chuckle as she said, "Laws, Sheriff, you'll have plenty of time to gum bland food when your hair is white and your bones are tired. Until then, I'm bettin' that you can handle the spice of a big bowl of gumbo and a certain little redhead."

  "I'd hate to disappoint you, Miss Nettie, but some women don't appear to appreciate being handled."

  Nettie put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "You might be a mountain of a man, but I'm a big black woman. I've got a wooden spoon that don't particularly care if it's stirrin' or smackin'."

  "Did you just threaten to spank me?" he asked, his eyebrow lifting.

  "Now who said a word about spankin'? Far be it for me to tell a man how to handle his woman. Anyone with eyes can tell you are sweet on that gal."

  "I'm not sure she's sweet on me," Jeb said, a bit surprised at the jolt of pain his remark caused him.

  "Mayhaps you should stop pokin' that hornet's nest. All it takes is a bit of planning to gather the honey hidden inside even if you get a little stung in the process." She turned to go inside leaving him to consider her words. A moment later, she was back with a steaming bowl and a plate of cornbread.

  "Thanks, Miss Nettie. I appreciate it."

  "Who are you talking to?" Jeb looked up from his plate to see Rebekah standing in the doorway. She instantly turned away but Nettie reached out and took her arm.

  "Make sure he don' run off with my bowl and plate." Stepping inside, she closed the door but not before she gave him a look and pursed her lips, making a buzzing sound.

  "I'm glad you got some dinner," Rebekah said. "Miss Nettie's gumbo is not to be mi

  Jeb nodded and dunked the hunk of cornbread into the bowl before lifting it for his first bite. He was more than a little surprised to hear the delightful sound of Rebekah's giggle.

  "That's nice," he said.

  "Yes, she is a really fantastic cook."

  "She is but I was talking about your laugh."

  "Oh, um, thank you."

  He felt a rush of heat that had nothing to do with the spicy gumbo.

  "I was just thinking about how Miss Nettie uses food to solve life's troubles." He lifted his eyebrow.

  "Take that cornbread," she said, pointing to the bread. "You've been eating cornbread all your life and yet, as you grew older, you discovered ways to make it even tastier."

  "I'm not sure I'm following you."

  "Sheriff, why did you dunk that bread?"

  "What?" He looked up and saw her pointing to the bread he'd again dunked into the bowl. "I like it this way. The bread soaks up some of the broth and spices."

  "Exactly. You can enjoy either one by itself but by looking past the bread you've always taken for granted and joining it with a bit of heat and spice, the pair make life more savory."

  Jeb swallowed his bite and felt a rush of heat that had nothing to do with his meal. The words were not those of a child. They were the observation of a woman who was on the cusp of learning what awaited her. He felt an undeniable desire to be the man to teach her all life's passions. But, he was also a man who would demand obedience and would never hesitate to also teach his wife that there were consequences to bad choices. His heart skipped a beat when he realized he'd just thought of Red and wife as one entity.


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