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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 11

by Maggie Ryan

  "Why don't you bring me some jam… honey?"

  Rebekah once again returned to the kitchen with pink cheeks, but this time with a big smile on her face.


  Jeb spoke to his deputy, proposing to take half of his shift that evening in exchange for a few hours the following day. With the agreement in place, Jeb began making his rounds of the town. The streets were relatively quiet as it was not yet the weekend. Beginning on Friday, men came down from the hills and filled the streets with visits to the mercantile to replenish supplies or made trips to leave broken tools with Bo Magnusson to repair in his blacksmith shop. The lucky ones also made trips to the bank to stash the gold they'd found and almost to the man, they'd make sure to visit The Red Petticoat. The saloon was always packed on Friday and Saturday where men filled their bellies with Nettie's cooking, spent a few hours telling tall tales about their accomplishments over the green felt of the card tables, sat back and enjoyed the musical entertainment provided by Charlie Walker, or found companionship in the arms of one of the beautiful gems. Most of the men behaved themselves but a few overindulged in liquor which would earn them a night spent alone on a hard cot in a cell instead of in the soft arms of a woman.

  Jeb was almost to the livery when a horse and rider came down the street. He saw Bo coming out of the double doors. Besides being a blacksmith, the big Swede also owned the livery where he rented stalls to those who needed them. By the time Jeb walked the final few yards, Bo was taking the reins of the horse as Anson dismounted. "Good evening, Bo. Doc, what has you out so late?"

  "Just came back from the Jamison farm," Anson said, untying his bag from the horse. "Gertrude gave birth to a healthy son."

  "I bet Christopher is ecstatic," Jeb said with a grin. "How many does that make?"

  "Six girls and now a boy."

  "Lord, he's sure to be spoiled."

  "Well, what man doesn't like to be surrounded by pretty gals?" Anson smiled as the other two men grinned. "Speaking of pretty gals, how's Miss McTavish doing?"

  "Quite well," Jeb said. "Miss Nettie has taken really good care of her. Red is using both hands now though she's being careful."

  "Nettie knows something about doctoring," Anson said. "She has knowledge that isn't taught in school which is really a shame. I'll go by tomorrow and check out Rebekah's progress."

  "I'd appreciate it if you'd come by early," Jeb said, "I'm taking Red berry-picking and we'd like an early start."

  "I can do that," Anson agreed. Jeb thanked him and continued his rounds as Bo led the doctor's horse into the livery.

  On his last circuit through the streets, he looked up at the sound of horses. Seeing two heading out of town, he grinned. Seemed like The Red Petticoat had some late departures. He spent the rest of his long shift at his desk, going through the newspaper and notices that were left for him each week. None of the posters of wanted outlaws rang a bell but he posted them on the wall among a few others. They'd remain there until news came that the man had been apprehended. Picking up another flyer, he grinned. A circuit preacher would be coming through town soon and, the timing couldn't have been better. If all went well, he planned on making an appearance before him. Of course, it was his wish that a certain feisty little honey-bee would be standing at his side when he did so.

  When Zeke came in, Jeb was fighting back a yawn. It had been a long day with the additional half-shift but one he didn't regret.

  "Thanks again," Jeb said as the two men exchanged positions, the deputy taking the chair behind the desk and Jeb putting his hat on in preparation of leaving.

  "You're welcome. Just make sure you save me a slice of that pie."

  Assuring him that he'd tell Nettie, Jeb left, climbed into the saddle and reached forward to give Cappy's neck a pat. "Let's go home."


  Rebekah was up bright and early as her excitement made going back to sleep impossible. Taking advantage of the quiet house, she heated water and took a long, leisurely bath using a bar of lavender scented soap on her hair and her skin. Her thoughts returned to the sheriff as she sat before the fire, running a brush through her hair as it dried. Lifting a strand, she felt her skin tingle remembering how Jeb had caressed a curl before tucking it behind her ear the night before. What would it feel like to have him stroke far more than just a stray tendril of her hair? If just the touch of his lips could make her quiver and her legs threaten to buckle, what would happen if he ran his fingers across her bare skin?

  Feeling her nipples tighten, she tugged the towel she'd wrapped around her a bit tighter, her cheeks heating. Was it normal to have her lady-bits tingle and, oh Lord, to dampen? Did that mean she was a wanton woman? She'd never given much thought to her body before but couldn't seem to stop herself ever since Jeb had kissed her. Was this how Opal or the other gems felt when they took a man upstairs? Is this how Miss Jewel felt when she was in Mr. Gabe's arms? Remembering that Miss Jewel had indeed had a far more unpleasant discussion recently, she wondered how it would feel to be spanked by someone who loved her instead of being chastised by someone who merely cared for her. The fact that Miss Jewel wasn't upset over what Rebekah knew wasn't a single trip across Mr. Gabe's lap, she began to wonder exactly how his forgiveness was delivered. She might be naïve, but she was pretty positive it included more than a hug and a smile.

  Hearing sounds of people stirring, she stood and dropped the towel to pull on her clothes. She had until late afternoon free and wouldn't be wearing any uniform. Instead, she would wear the dress that had been carefully checked for any remaining glass before being washed. Perhaps it wasn't proper to feel happy as she slowly managed the buttons. After all, it was the dress she'd been wearing when Mr. March accused her of thievery. However, it just seemed right to wear the yellow, calico dress as doing so brought back the memory of the sheriff holding her in his arms. She smiled as she pulled on her stockings and boots. Would he pull her into his arms again and would he kiss her? Blushing hotly as she felt her loins tingle, she gathered her nightgown and slippers and left the bathing room.

  Perhaps it was time to have a far more private conversation with one or two of the gems. But, not in the kitchen! She couldn't imagine speaking about tingling and fluttering in a place where anyone could saunter in and overhear. Giggling, she was halfway to her room when she saw Della slipping around the corner. She was about to call out when she saw Dr. Norwood striding down the hall.

  "Perfect timing," Anson said, striding towards her. "And how's my patient this morning?"

  "I'm fine, sir," Rebekah said and then instantly felt guilty. "Um, I really tried to be careful, but I did get the bandage a little wet. It's hard to wash your hair with only one hand."

  "From what I hear, it probably didn't do a bit of harm. Let's see if we can perhaps use an even smaller bandage, shall we?"

  Rebekah nodded and they were joined by Nettie. The three went into Rebekah's room. After putting her things down, she took a seat on the edge of the bed as the doctor pulled up the chair to sit in front of her. He unwrapped the damp strips of cloth and removed the poultice.

  "This looks very good," he said, running the tip of his finger across the wound. "Does that hurt or tingle?"

  Her cheeks flushed at his last word but she shook her head. "No, sir."

  "Wiggle your fingers for me." She did so and when he instructed her to touch each fingertip with her thumb, she did that as well. "Good girl. Now, can you make a fist?"

  She did but winced just the slightest. "That's fine. It will take a day or two for your hand to remember how it's supposed to move. You are a lucky lady. I don't see any evidence of nerve damage." He looked up at Nettie. "I'm going to have to be careful. You might be taking my job."

  "Naws," Nettie said, her face beaming. "I'm too old and too fat to be bouncing around on a horse to go see patients."

  "Hmm, I don't believe that for a minute," Anson said. "But, if you promise to discuss some of the remedies you've learned, I'll do all the traveling."

  "That I can do," Nettie said. "Do you want another poultice today?"

  "No, I think we can go with just a light wrap," the doctor said, using just two strips to cover the wound. "I hear someone is going berry-picking and with both hands free, I'm expecting you'll see a big bounty."

  "I hope so," Rebekah said. "Miss Nettie is going to make pies tonight if we find enough berries."

  "Make sure to save me a slice," he directed, reaching for his bag. At her heavy sigh, he grinned and began buckling the straps and then stood. "I didn't see any signs of infection so I think we can forego taking your temperature."

  "Oh, thank you, Dr. Norwood. I'll save you two pieces of pie." Her cheeks heated at his knowing grin but he thanked her and reminded Nettie that he was serious about her knowledge of herbs and plants as medicine. "You let me know when you have some time and I'll be your pupil, Nurse Nettie."

  Rebekah was happy to see the woman's own cheeks grow a bit darker at the unexpected compliment as Nettie told him that the mornings were the slowest and she'd be happy to pass along her mammy's cures.

  The three left the room to find Jeb talking with Gabriel. Rebekah felt her tummy flip when the sheriff met her gaze and he grinned. "Good morning, Red."

  "Good morning."

  "I've got your basket all ready," Nettie said.

  "Ya'll have a good time," Gabriel said, slapping Jeb on his shoulder. "Remember, have her back before supper."

  "Yes, Pa," Jeb said, causing chuckles all around. He thanked Anson for his early morning visit and then he took Rebekah's hand gently. "How is it today?"

  "Almost completely healed," Rebekah said. "Dr. Norwood said there's no infection and I can start using it more." He smiled down at her as he changed the position of his hands to link his fingers with hers before lifting their hands to his lips and kissing her knuckles. She blushed hotly, the tingling she felt moving much further south.

  She squealed when he lifted her up onto the saddle. "Don't be scared. Cappy is a gentleman." He passed her the picnic basket and then tied the quilt he'd rolled to the back of the saddle before mounting behind her. She giggled as he encircled her waist with one arm, pulling her back against his chest.

  "Hmm, are you as much of a gentleman as Mr. Cappy, Sheriff?"

  "Now, Red, where else would be safer than with the sheriff?" She relaxed against him, not bothering to mention that he hadn't exactly answered her question. It was a beautiful morning as they rode out of town. Fluffy white clouds moved across the canvas of the blue sky, the sun warming their skin. As they continued, he inquired as to the whereabouts of Clay.

  "He and Maria sold the farm and moved across the border. Maria has a large family there and it makes sense that she'd want to be around them when their baby came. It was a little boy and they named him after Pa."

  "Perhaps we can visit them sometime," Jeb said. "I'm sure your nephew would be pleased to meet his Auntie Red."

  "You are the only one who still calls me Red," Rebekah said. "Even Clay stopped teasing me years ago."

  "If it bothers you…"

  "Oh no, I-I like it," she confessed.

  "I like it too," he said, bending to kiss the top of her bonnet. "Your hair is the color of a fire and when you blush, I love watching your freckles disappear beneath the red hue."

  She smiled, knowing that if she looked up, he'd see that hue on her skin. Instead, she snuggled a bit closer, feeling his arm tighten around her a bit more. "Do you still live on your family's farm?"

  "Yup. It was a bit run-down after the… when I returned home, but I've almost managed to get it back into shape."

  "I'm sorry," she said, turning her head to look at him. "Clay said you'd been wounded in the war."

  He stiffened for a moment, looking away before dropping his gaze to hers. "I'm one of the lucky ones. At least I got to come home even if it was too late to see Ma and Pa one more time."

  Rebekah knew his parents had died during an outbreak of cholera. The town had lost several people during that awful time. Though he had been injured, she was glad he hadn't been in Culpepper Cove to watch his parents pass. The disease had struck down entire wagon trains as they trekked across the plains on the Oregon trail.

  "It's all right, honey," Jeb said, giving her a squeeze. "It just reminds me that life is fleeting and we need to enjoy every moment the good Lord grants us."

  They were silent for a bit, lost in the memory of loved ones lost but as Cappy began to climb into the foothills, the breeze swept the sadness away and the birds' song served to remind them that today was a happy day. They climbed further and when she heard the sound of water, she turned to him again. "Do you hear that? I think we're close."

  "I do and we are," he agreed, pulling on the reins to guide Cappy towards the river. "As I recall, there is a small meadow on the bank above the rapids. The berry bushes around there were the best." It took another few minutes before they broke through the tree line to see the water running over the rocks, droplets leaping to shine like diamonds in the sun before rejoining the flow as the river twisted and turned down the mountain. Pulling Cappy to a stop, Jeb slid from the saddle.

  "It is so beautiful here," Rebekah said, looking around at the idyllic spot.

  Taking the picnic basket from her and setting it on the ground, he turned back. "You are beautiful," he said, reaching up and putting his hands on her waist. She smiled as he lifted her from the saddle and then blushed as he allowed her to slide down his body before her feet touched the ground. Her heart pounded as he bent to kiss her and she became lost in the sensation. With no plate or bowl between them, he pulled her closer, one hand pressed at the small of her back and the other holding the back of her head. She moaned as the press of his tongue against the seam of her lips demanded entry. Her knees began to shake a bit and her stomach did somersaults as his tongue swept inside her mouth, her hands moving to wrap themselves around his neck as if ensuring he'd not let her go. When he finally released her, she was both sorry and glad. Sorry because she wanted nothing more than to have him kiss her again but glad because only with his release did she remember to breathe.

  "You smell like flowers," he said, his grin causing her heart to pound. "You taste like the sweetest nectar."

  "It's… it's lavender," she said and he shook his head.

  "No, Red, it's all you."

  "Um, thank you," she said, a bit unsure what one did after being kissed senseless. Yes, she'd definitely be having that talk with the gems and, the sooner the better. He bent down and kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Let me secure Cappy and we'll go find those berries." She nodded and accepted the rolled quilt and picked up the basket to carry them over to the rocks. Once he'd hobbled Cappy where the horse could graze on the grass or drink from the river, he came towards her.

  "She has high expectations," Jeb quipped lifting the two baskets Nettie had given them to fill.

  "Then we better get busy," Rebekah said, accepting both a basket and his hand, tugging on it when he remained still.

  "Before we go, I want you to be careful. You are to stay with me. There are bears in these mountains and bears love berries as much as people do."

  "Jeb, I grew up here, I know to be careful."

  "Do you know what will happen if you disobey me?"

  His question had her flushing. "Um, I'm guessing that I won't be as comfortable riding Cappy back to town?"

  He laughed. "No guessing necessary. If you put yourself in danger, I'll force myself to forget how sweet you taste and turn your little bottom into a furnace. Are we clear?"

  "Yes… yes, sir."

  "Good. If we do happen to encounter a bear, remain perfectly still. The chances are he'll not want to deal with us as much as we don't wish to deal with him. You are to do exactly what I tell you without question. Understand?"

  "Yes, sir." He gave her a quick kiss which did wonders at softening his bossy tone and they walked across the meadow to where they'd spent many hours of their childhoods gathering nature'
s bounty. She didn't protest as he asked her to stay back while he pushed through the bushes and a good distance further to look for any signs of bear activity. She didn't even bother to tell him that if there had been bears around, the chances of the bushes being so heavily loaded were slim. Instead, she simply accepted the fact that he was trying to protect her.

  Her new found ability to obey didn't keep her from launching a handful of thimbleberries at him after they'd been picking for the better part of an hour.

  "Hey!" he said, raising from where he'd been squatting to pluck berries from the bottom of a bush. "Careful, Red, turn-about is fair play."

  "Is it?" she asked, squealing and ducking when he released a volley of his own. "Missed me!" she teased, reaching for another missile only to yelp and stick her thumb into her mouth.

  Jeb instantly pushed around the bush to stand beside her. "Thorn got you, huh?"

  At her nod, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on her sore thumb, she watched his eyes begin to darken.

  "Let me see," he said, his voice sounding a bit gruff but he didn't appear upset. She allowed him to draw her thumb from her mouth and swallowed hard as he engulfed it between his lips. If turn about meant that he'd be suckling on her thumb which was doing remarkable things to her tummy and her lady-bits, she'd have started pelting him with berries the moment they'd begun.

  He grinned as he released her thumb. "Seems nature agrees that a little sting can help a girl learn the folly of being naughty." The smoldering look in his eyes distracted her until she realized she was far too late in making her escape. She yelped as his hand slapped against the back of her skirts and then melted into him when he pulled her close and his mouth once again descended on hers. She figured it was a really good thing there didn't seem to be any bears in the area because when he released her, she knew she wouldn't have been able to stand perfectly still. Nope, she was far more likely to melt to the ground in a quivering heap.


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