Betting on Both

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Betting on Both Page 6

by Sheryl Nantus

  They were wrong.

  Kat was made of steel, seeing right through the lies some employees had tossed out in hopes of keeping their positions.

  She’d sliced and diced them into tiny chunks and swept them out the door. There’d been one man, a large, overbearing sort, who had stood and glared at her. He’d worked in the laundry room, and his file was stuffed with complaints about his misogynistic and raunchy comments made in public around and about the visitors.

  “You don’t want to mess with me,” he’d growled, day-old beard stubble dotting his face.

  Cole was about to step forward when he caught Kat’s gentle pat on the desktop, the unspoken signal telling him to back off.

  She’d risen and faced down the man with a stare that would have slain lesser men. She didn’t say a word, didn’t have to.

  It took a full minute of silence, her unblinking gaze targeting the miscreant with laser-like intensity.

  The punk shriveled up like a snail on a salt block and slunk out of the office without further comment.

  A minute later Kat sat and continued her work as if nothing had happened.

  But he’d seen the tremble in her hand, the nervous scrawl on the page.

  It took a concentrated effort not to go over and pull her out of her chair, hug her until the shakes stopped.

  Instead Cole spoke into his phone and made sure the jerk was escorted off the property immediately and his picture added to the list of people banned from the site.

  It wasn’t much, but it was all he could do. For now.

  Cole walked out of his room to see Kat waiting for him, seated on the couch. She wore a white blouse, the almost transparent fabric taunting him with the sight of her perfect breasts held in check by the black bra. The jeans were tight against her slender legs and the black high heels clung to her bare feet like a drowning man to a life preserver.


  He swallowed hard and nodded to her. “Ready to go?”

  Her smile stroked his soul, reminding him of another woman in a world far, far away from the Majestic and New Orleans. “Always.”

  They took a car from the Majestic to a street corner and hopped out, mingling with the evening tourist crowd.

  He stayed close behind Kat, glancing around to make sure no one had recognized her or worse, was about to approach her. The last thing they needed was some rude photographer angling for a shot of Kat McMaster enjoying a night out in New Orleans.

  Julien didn’t seem to notice or care that Cole was there, busy rolling stories off his tongue about this street and that street, this club and that club as he led her through the tourist area. Tonight he wore a black shirt and matching jeans, his long hair pulled into a ponytail. Kat tucked her arm into Julien’s, enjoying the tour and ignoring her bodyguard. A few twists and turns and they were in an alley not too far from Bourbon Street.

  Cole felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he studied the shadows. This was the type of area regulars went to and visitors avoided.

  This wasn’t a tourist trap. He wasn’t sure yet if that made him feel better or not.

  Julien paused at the entrance to a building, one Cole would have easily passed by in the dark.

  “Now, this club, so they say, is where the devil made a deal with Louis Flambeau so he could be the best trumpet player ever!” He gave a low, evil chuckle. “His soul was supposed to go to Hell, but he died halfway through a set so it’s stuck here forever, trying to finish the last note.” He cupped one hand to his ear as they stood by the front door. “Late at night, when everyone’s gone, you can hear one long, painful note hanging in the air.”

  Kat laughed. “And is that what you tell all the ladies you bring here?” She smirked. “Does it get them into your bed?”

  Cole allowed himself a tight smile as he eyed Julien, waiting for his response. He usually hung back far enough to allow a couple to talk without being overheard, but he felt this situation warranted a closer approach.

  If the man thought he was going to be able to get in her pants so easily . . .

  Julien chuckled as he took her hand and led her inside. “Only the silly ones, and those aren’t the ones I like.” He glanced back at Cole and nodded. “The food is excellent and so is the music.”

  He babbled at the maître d’ in a thick accent and slipped the man a twenty. The young fellow beamed and waved his arm, clearing a path through the crowd for the trio.

  Cole settled himself at the bar, watching as the pair were seated in a corner near the stage. Whether it was on purpose or an accident, Julien had selected a perfect spot for Cole to stay out of their way and keep an eye on them.

  He ordered a club soda from the bartender and settled in for a few hours of music and watching Julien try to win Kat over.

  Julien knew how to seduce a woman. He’d done it plenty of times in his life, never receiving any complaints the next morning when they’d gone their separate ways.

  This, however, was different. Not so much that she was his boss—he’d dated many of his employees and his superiors before, agreeing what happened out of the office was to be kept out of the office. And for the most part there had been no issues.

  Kat McMaster presented a challenge. Not the woman herself; she seemed eager enough to at least see how compatible they could be.

  It was her pit bull.

  To be fair the man had tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, keeping behind them as they walked along the sidewalk. But now he was truly the elephant in the room, and Julien doubted he would be so accommodating if Julien offered to take Kat back to his apartment for a wonderful night of lovemaking. At the very least there’d have to be discussions and negotiations, a possible mood-killer.

  He couldn’t help feeling a bit of sympathy for Cole. If things went according to plan the security chief would have to listen to the woman he cared for being loved to heights of ecstasy.

  Julien looked at Kat and smiled, reveling in the way she reacted to the music, to him.

  Maybe not so much sympathy.

  Kat watched the musicians take the stage, the trumpeter bobbing his head to Julien before starting the set.

  The low sensual tones filled the club, a perfect background to the couples chatting around them.

  Julien gestured to the paper menus in front of them. “Everything is good.”

  She ordered a glass of white wine and the fried chicken plate before settling back to listen to the music.

  It was impossible to avoid glancing over at Cole who sat at the bar, ordering off the same menu.

  “I told the bartender to put it on my tab,” Julien said. “He shouldn’t starve while watching us feast.”

  Kat smiled. “I could have paid for it. He does work for me, after all.”

  Julien took her hand and squeezed it. “But he has to watch me with you, a divine torture. Let me ease the man’s pain a touch.” He tilted his head to one side with a mischievous grin. “But not too much.”

  She laughed and nodded. It was easy to relax into the chair and enjoy the music.

  And the company.

  Julien bobbed his head up and down with the musicians, his fingers tapping the tabletop in perfect sync with the piano player on the stage. The notes danced around them as the food arrived and they ate.

  A smattering of applause signaled the end of the first musical set.

  The fried chicken was crispy and delicious, leaving her licking her fingers as she stripped the meat from the bones.

  Julien raised one eyebrow. “I like women who like to eat.” He let out a low chuckle as he worked on his own drumstick. “A good appetite is healthy. In all things.”

  Kat took a sip of wine and shook her head. “I’m not going to sleep with you tonight.”

  “I don’t recall asking you to.”

  Her face burned and she resisted the urge to feel her cheeks and cover up the blush.

  “But . . .” Julien lifted his martini glass. “I find your honesty refreshing.” He pl
ucked one of the three olives out and drew it off the toothpick with his teeth. “But if I were to ask, what would you say?”

  Kat smiled. “I don’t sleep with my employees.”

  “Pity.” He fished another olive out of the glass. “Why not?”

  “Because it’s unprofessional.” The words sounded bland on her tongue. She took another drink, savoring the dry wine.

  “Out there, maybe.” Julien stabbed at the ceiling with the tooth pick. “But this is New Orleans. We tend to make our own rules and see what works for us.” He placed the toothpick in his mouth and rolled it along his lips. “Aren’t you attracted to me?”

  Kat paused, caught in the trap he’d so carefully woven.

  The musicians returned to the stage and began their second set, a soft sexy tune wrapping around them like a warm blanket.

  “That’s not the point.” She dotted her mouth with the napkin. “If I sleep with you I can’t be neutral about our business relationship.”

  He brushed a handful of crumbs off the front of his shirt. “I could be.”

  Kat couldn’t help laughing, keeping it soft and low. “You believe that?”

  “Of course. And if not, you can put me out on the street.”

  He looked into her eyes and she saw the fire, the desire simmering under the surface waiting for her permission to come forth. The burning raced down her spine to her inner core and she remembered it’d been a long, long time since her bed had been anything more than a place to sleep.

  Kat pushed the idea down, turning to look at Cole.

  She froze.

  He wasn’t eating, wasn’t drinking. All of his attention was focused on her and her alone, his intense gaze both unsettling and comforting at the same time.

  Keeping me safe.

  Even though she felt a very different sense of what might be considered safe.

  She looked at Julien, feeling as if she were a juicy treat caught between two hungry canines.

  He’s putting the moves on her.

  Cole held back a sigh. The food was good, the music great, but now he had to deal with a nasty situation about to happen.

  The look she’d shot him wasn’t one of need, asking him to come retrieve her from a bad scene.

  It was a cautionary check, a guarantee he’d still be there in a few minutes if she decided to dump the fool.

  Probable scenario. He hits on her. If I’m lucky she says no, fires his ass, and he slinks away without causing a scene.

  If I’m unlucky he yells and we all get physical. And not in a good way.

  Cole fished his cell phone out and pulled up the security team number. If he needed backup to get Kat out of there, all he needed to do was hit the button and they’d track him straight to the club.

  She leaned over and said something to Julien who laughed and gestured at the trumpeter on the stage. The musician came over and listened to him for a second before nodding and returning to the band.

  Requested a special song. Right out of the playbook.

  Cole settled in his chair and put the cell phone on the bar, waiting for the inevitable soppy romantic song.

  That’s not going to get her into your bed, he mused as the trumpeter said something to the drummer.

  He blinked as the drummer tossed his stick at a thick-set man off to the side, the slender piece of wood bouncing off the bald pate.

  The man looked around with bleary, bloodshot eyes and roared at the man at the next table before lurching to his feet and staggering toward the stage.

  Oh. Shit.

  A bouncer appeared as if out of nowhere and charged the drunk in an obvious effort to take him out of the situation before it got worse.

  It got worse before Cole could blink.

  The drunk pushed the bouncer before smashing his fist on a table and sending it flying, leaving the couple seated there in shock.

  The club erupted into a free-for-all, half of the crowd cheering on the bouncer and the other half betting on the drunk.

  In the middle of it all Cole spotted Kat, her hand tight in Julien’s, heading for the back door.

  He took a last sip of his drink, stood, and smiled.

  Nice try.

  Julien roared as they burst through the fire exit into the dark alley, Kat’s fingers tightly entwined in his.

  Everything was going according to plan. Next stop would be an intimate little café where he’d convince her to visit his bed for at least one night, escorting her back to the Majestic tomorrow morning with a smile and a wink. From her heated touch and the way she laughed, his superior was ready and willing to consider stepping out of her safe zone and right into his arms.

  His heart skittered in anticipation, something that startled him. This wasn’t going to be just another night for either one of them and he knew it.

  All he had to do was close the deal and get her away from here.

  Her voice was loud and high. “Cole’s going to have a fit.”

  “Let him.” Julien led them to the street. “You’re allowed to have a little fun.”

  He raised his hand to flag a taxi, one hand around her waist to pull her to him possessively, enjoying her surprised gasp. “Life is too short to spend all of your time watching others living it.”

  She laughed and kissed him, a brief brush against his lips that sent his pulse soaring. He wanted to pull her into the shadows and make out like frantic teenagers, but he knew Cole would be hot on their trail once he made his way through the brawlers.

  A black car skidded to a stop in front of them, blocking the yellow cab pulling up behind it.

  “Hey.” Julien motioned for the black car to move on. “We want the taxi.”

  “I don’t.” A familiar voice came from behind.

  Julien turned with Kat to see Cole scowling at them. The bodyguard’s hands were on his hips as he stared, not a hair out of place. His face was flushed, though, showing his displeasure at their attempted escape.

  “You don’t think I’ve had that trick pulled on me before?” He jerked his thumb at the car. “Get in, Kat. Your night out is done.”

  The back door opened and one of the McMaster men stepped out, silent and waiting.

  Kat pulled free of Julien’s grip and advanced on Cole. “I’m your boss. You can’t order me around like this.”

  His jaw clenched and Julien saw the guard dog come out, the protective stance as he stood his ground.

  “I work for McMaster, the company. Not for you. My job is to protect you and the company name.” He pointed at Julien. “You want to screw the employees, fine. But don’t dash off to some sleazy hotel and risk getting robbed or worse, getting jumped in an alley. If you really want this, if you really want him, then take it back to your suite and keep it safe.”

  The last sentence came through clenched teeth.

  Kat paused and Cole saw his words had struck home.

  Problem was, it’d hit him as well. Mentally he berated himself for not seeing beyond his own needs.

  Katherine McMaster wasn’t just another woman.

  She was special. In more ways than even she might know.

  Julien moved to Kat’s side and touched her arm. “The man has a point, chérie.” He looked at Cole. “I apologize. I didn’t think about the possible issues.”

  “Apology accepted. But keeping her safe isn’t your job.” Cole tilted his head. “That’s mine.” His attention returned to Kat. “I don’t have fifty, a hundred employees on hand to guard you. Think about what could happen to you.”

  Kat pressed her lips into a tight line before turning to Julien. He saw the shift in her stance, the shutters slamming down behind her eyes and cutting him off from her inner self. “Thank you for the lovely dinner. I enjoyed the music.”

  It was hard to concede defeat but it was the right thing to do. “Thank you for the evening.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I’ll see you tomorrow. We’ve got a lot of work to do to restore the Majestic.”

  “We do.” She smiled before get
ting into the car.

  It drove off, leaving Cole and Julien behind.

  Julien spotted Kat turning and looking back through the window, frowning as the car left.

  The night might be over for her but it wasn’t for him.

  Julien raised one eyebrow, waiting. This confrontation was long overdue, in his opinion, and it was necessary for the two of them to work together in the future.

  No matter who won the battle for Kat’s affection.

  Cole crossed his arms, back ramrod straight. “Let me make this clear. I’ve got no problem with her screwing you, if that’s what she wants. It’s her choice. But if you put her in danger I will put you down like a dog.”

  The strong language mentally pushed Julien back a step.

  He tilted his head, holding fast. “You sound like you’re taking this personally. Is there something already between you and Kat I should know about?” He spread his hands. “I didn’t mean to step on your toes. But if you don’t tell—”

  “Nothing.” The single word held a volume of emotion. “There’s nothing going on between us. I’m her bodyguard and she’s my responsibility. I’m going to protect her.” His eyes narrowed, locking with Julien’s. “From anyone who might hurt her.”

  “And you think I would hurt her?” It was hard to keep the emotion from his words, the anger at being questioned.

  “I think you wouldn’t mind having another notch on your bedpost. A special one for Kat McMaster,” Cole growled.

  Julien leaned in, sensing the connection between them. “You want her as well.” He lowered his voice. “There’s no shame in admitting it.”

  “I won’t let you play with her like she’s some delicate toy you can smash under your heel when you’re done.” Cole glared at him.

  “What sort of man do you think I am?” Julien pointed at himself. “I take my loving seriously.” He studied Cole, seeing past the man’s bluster and finding a faithful, dedicated soul. “As you do.”

  “If she wants you, she can have you,” Cole said. “It’s her choice. But don’t think for a second I’ll let you put her in danger. In any way.”


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