The Viscount's Salvation (Honorable Rogue Book 3)

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The Viscount's Salvation (Honorable Rogue Book 3) Page 12

by Vikki Vaught

  With that decided, she went to the washstand and wiped her face and washed her hands. She found her hairbrush and tidied her unruly locks. Several of her school friends had told her they envied her for her thick, curly hair, but they did not have to try to manage it.

  Perhaps she should change her gown. She’d packed one of the dresses Kathleen bought her and had planned to wear it for the ceremony. She would have liked to change before they got married, but then Cortland had wanted them to go straight to the blacksmith’s as soon as they crossed over the border.

  She had not wanted to mention it. Now she wished she had insisted. Oh well, it was too late to cry over it, and with that sense of impending doom she’d experienced when they had crossed over into Scotland, she would not have felt safe until after they had married. She would just wear the gown for dinner instead.

  She picked up her valise and carried it to the bed. Once she pulled out the gown, she realized it was far too wrinkled to wear. Then she remembered Mrs. McGilfrey had said to ring if she needed anything. Going to the bell pull, she gave it a tug, then went behind the privacy screen.

  Before five minutes passed, a knock sounded on the door. She went over and opened it, and a young girl curtsied. “Good evening, Mrs. Wallingford. I’m Katie. Did you need something, ma’am?”

  “Yes, please,” she replied. “I wonder if it would be possible to have someone press my gown? It’s terribly wrinkled from being packed in my valise for several days.”

  Katie grinned, showing her white, even teeth. “I would be happy to do that. If you will give me the gown, I will have it back to you in fifteen minutes. I’ll also have my mother delay sending your dinner until after I bring you your gown.”

  “Oh, thank you. I truly appreciate this so much.” She handed Katie the dress and the young girl left with it.

  Once she closed the door behind Katie, she knocked on the adjoining door and peeked her head in. Cortland rose from the sofa and asked, “Did you need something?”

  She tried to keep her tone light. “I wanted to let you know that dinner will be delayed fifteen minutes. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” he replied, “but why did they tell you instead of me?”

  Mary blinked. Perhaps she should have consulted him. “I-I wanted to change my gown for dinner…it was wrinkled. Mrs. McGilfrey’s daughter, Katie, is pressing it for me.”

  He chuckled. “Ah, now I understand. I have been out of the company of ladies for far too long. I had forgotten how important things like that are to a woman. Am I forgiven?”

  She giggled. “Of course. Well, I’ll just go back into the bedchamber and wait until I can dress for dinner. See you in a bit.”

  He met her gaze, and his eyes flared to burnished amber. “I can’t wait.”

  Oh, dear. Perhaps I shouldn’t ask him to wait after all.

  No…as much as she was intrigued by the tingles in her belly he’d generated with that burning gaze, she truly did want to know him better before she shared his bed. With a wave of her hand, she closed the door and sat on the dressing stool to wait for Katie and the return of her gown.


  Cortland stared at the closed door. He needed to cool his desire before she returned or he would be in trouble. There was no way he would be able to take it slow. Perhaps he should go downstairs for a small glass of fortifying whiskey and concentrate on keeping her safe. While he doubted anyone would show up before he had a chance to consummate their union, it would be wise to consider a plan of action in case that happened. Grabbing his jacket, he pulled it on and made his way to the tavern below.

  After he ordered the bottle of whiskey, he carried it upstairs to his room. He poured a glass and drank it down, feeling the slow burn to his belly. As much as he dreaded traveling without a respite, something told him he needed to get Mary away from here and get her to his estate without delay. He would be better able to keep her safe there.

  Of course, tomorrow was Sunday, and it was highly improper to travel on the Lord’s day. If he could even convince the postilion to do it, where would they find a place that would accept them for the next night? He would have to make it work, because he had a bad feeling about staying the next day in Gretna.

  He heard the door open, and that ended his contemplation. Turning, his breath caught and his lungs seized. Mary stood there in a lovely aqua gown that matched the color of her gorgeous eyes, making them sparkle as brilliant as diamonds. The dress was of the current fashion, and her breasts filled the low cut neckline of the bodice. The skirt clung to her hips and the diaphanous material allowed him to see a bit of the cream underskirt peeking out from the hem.

  “You…look beautiful.” He cleared his throat, but his voice still sounded husky. “Come. Let us sit on the sofa until our meal arrives.”

  She twisted her hands, giving away the inner turmoil she was probably feeling. “T-thank you. I had wanted to wear this gown for the ceremony, but I understand why we dared not take the time before we said our vows.”

  His heart ached at her words. He was an unthinking clod. He should have realized she would want to wear something pretty to get married in. “I beg your pardon. In my haste to wed, I did not think of what your wishes might have been. I wish you had said something.”

  “It’s all right.” Her words came out rushed. “I wanted us to wed as soon as possible as well. Now that we’re married, I feel much safer. Besides, at least I’m able to wear it for our first meal together as husband and wife.”

  Before he could say anything else, a knock sounded on the door. Their dinner must have arrived. “Excuse me. I’ll let them in with our food.”

  He opened the door, and a young girl and the youth from earlier entered carrying several trays of food. After they laid out the meal, Cortland handed them each a coin and thanked them for delivering their dinner.

  Once the servants left, he offered his arm to Mary. “Let me escort you to your chair. I’m sure you must be famished. I know I am.”

  Mary gave him a sweet smile as he helped her sit. Then he went around the table and took his seat. “Shall we see what they have prepared for us? I think I smell chicken.”

  He took off the domed covers and they were indeed having roasted chicken and gravy, along with buttered potatoes, green peas, and carrots. The last dish he uncovered was a raspberry tart trimmed with clotted cream.

  He filled a plate and handed it to Mary as she murmured, “Thank you. It all looks divine and smells wonderful.”

  “It certainly does.” He proceeded to fill his plate with generous servings and sat it before him. Mary took a bite of the chicken and groaned. “That good, is it?”

  She wiped her mouth. “Oh, dear, excuse me, but this chicken is the best I have ever tasted.” Then she picked up another fork full and continued eating.

  For such a petite woman, she certainly seemed to enjoy her food. It had him wondering if the earl had withheld food as a form of punishment, or he could have been too miserly to set a good table. She had mentioned how frugal he was.

  He followed her lead and dug into his meal. After a few minutes of eating and watching her, he said, “I’m pleased you’re enjoying your meal.”

  She looked up with a startled look, then lowered her eyes. “This food is excellent.” Then she blushed. “I don’t normally eat very much. My father likes bland food, and I’m finding out I much prefer well-seasoned fare. He refused to spend money on spices. I shall need to be careful, lest I end up plump.”

  He smiled. “You have no need to worry that will happen. And anyway, just as I still need to gain a bit more weight, a few extra pounds will be good for you as well. Relax and enjoy your meal.”

  Other than a few more comments regarding the food, they continued eating until their plates were empty. He leaned back in his chair, replete. “That was delicious, especially the raspberry tart. Would you like another slice?”

  “Perhaps a very small piece,” she replied.

  He grinned and cu
t her another slice, along with another much larger portion for himself. He watched as she savored a bite of the tart. Her pink tongue darted out and licked the corner of her mouth. He wanted to taste her, to lick that bit of raspberry away.

  When she took another bite and a dollop of clotted cream fell on her chin, before he could think, he leaned across and licked it, then nibbled his way to her luscious mouth. He tugged on her lower plump lip and sucked. The flavor of raspberry and cream and the scent of Mary sent his desire racketing upward.

  Before he could think better of it, he arose, and moved around the table, pulling her up into his arms. He devoured her luscious mouth like a hungry beast. At first, she stiffened, but as he continued to kiss her, her body relaxed, and she tentatively kissed him back. His shaking hands roamed to the bodice of her gown where the plump upper part of her breasts enticed him beyond endurance. He stroked the skin, soft as velvet to the touch.

  He released her mouth to trail kisses down her neck and onto her breasts, slipping his hand inside the low neckline of her bodice. It did not take much effort to reveal the pale peach hue of her nipple. Unable to resist, he drew the small bud into his mouth and gently sucked.

  Mary’s hands and fingers wound their way through his hair, and she moaned, giving herself up to his passion. Sweeping her into his arms, he shouldered his way into the bedchamber and dropped her on the bed. Not giving her time to think, he continued to plunder her breasts, running his tongue around the areola, nipping at the nipple.

  He reached down and slowly inched up her gown until he found her moist heat. Slipping a finger inside her tight passage, he moved it in and out, her channel growing slick. Her breaths came out in little pants. Taking his thumb, he flicked her clitoris, and a high keening sound erupted from her, sweet music to his ears. Her head tossed back and forth on the pillow as she experienced her first taste of pleasure. A soft little sigh slipped from her lips, and his shaft hardened beyond what he had ever experienced before.

  His little wife may appear prim and proper, but under his touch, she was a passionate temptress.

  Reaching down he released his swollen cock and settled between her thighs. Not giving her a chance to come out of the sensual haze, he positioned himself and pushed inside until he reached her virgin’s barrier.

  He murmured, “I’m sorry,” and broke through with a final thrust. She whimpered and he felt like the biggest cad in the world. He had hoped she would not feel it. “I know that hurt. Try to relax. I promise the pain is fleeting.”

  He remained still until he felt her muscles loosen and the tension leave her body, then he began to stroke in and out, keeping a steady pace. Higher and higher he climbed, as sweat broke out on his forehead.

  The muscles in his arms grew tense.

  His heart beat faster and faster.

  He was fighting off his release, but he could no longer keep it at bay. It had been too long. Slipping his hand between their bodies, he found her pleasure point, and she gasped. Satisfied he’d helped her find some release, he thrust one last time. His seed flooded her passage, and he slumped against her, his breathing ragged.

  Good God! I’ve just ravished my wife.

  Shame filled him. Ready to roll to the side, he felt Mary’s hands gently rubbing his back. His mind wanted him to pull away from her touch, but his body craved her soft caress. Her soft cooing noises helped him relax against her body; it felt so soft and warm.

  Could it be?

  Had she enjoyed our loving as much as I?

  He raised his head, daring to hope. Then she grinned from ear to ear. “So, this is what Kathleen meant.”


  “What did you say?” Meeting his startled gaze, she giggled, then buried her face against his shoulder, too embarrassed to face him. Heat rose to the surface of her skin. Her behavior shocked her. She never imagined she could be so bold.

  He must have realized her concern. “You need not hide from me. I take it, you did not find our lovemaking offensive. I should have been gentler.”

  Offensive? She felt overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of it. Did that make her a wanton? Then she remembered what Kathleen had told her and murmured, “Not at all. I’ve never experienced anything close to this before. It was incredible.”

  He rolled to her side and cradled her in his arms. “I’m relieved you feel that way. I was sure I had ruined your first experience. I promise to take it slower next time.”

  “Can we do it again?” Shocked that she had asked such a question, she cringed, afraid he would think her of easy virtue.

  He laughed, and she felt the vibration of his chest against her cheek. “As often as you wish, but for tonight, we need to resist further temptation. You are bound to be sore. Let me take care of you.” He climbed from the bed and went to the washstand. Wetting the cloth, he came back to the bed and crawled in beside her. “This will help soothe you.”

  Before she understood what he meant, he wiped the cloth between her legs. Heat rose up in her face. Mortification filled her. She stammered, “T-That is n-not necessary. I c-can do that.”

  He raised her chin and met her gaze, his eyes soft and glowing with tenderness. “Shhh, as your husband, it’s my privilege to care for you.” Although still flustered, she relaxed against his shoulder as she allowed him to clean his seed and her virgin’s blood away.

  When he finished, he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head, then released her and sat up. “Sit up so I can help you take off your gown.”

  She allowed him to help her, all the time remembering what she had just experienced. Even though her friend had told her it was beautiful, she had never imagined what it would truly be like. He left her in her shift, while he removed his clothing, then climbed in beside her.

  “Go to sleep,” he crooned. “We will talk more in the morning.”

  Snuggling against her new husband, she closed her eyes, her body languid, feeling too deliciously happy to remain embarrassed over what he had done. She drifted off into a deep and restful slumber.

  As she slowly awoke the following morning, warmth surrounded her. Something firm pressed against her bottom, and her husband’s arm was wrapped around her waist. She lay there savoring the feel of him. Now that she had experienced making love, she was glad she never had a chance to ask Cortland to wait. Thank goodness she’d allowed passion to overtake her senses, or she would not know how marvelous it was.

  Tingles sizzled in that place between her legs she had never realized existed until last night. Before she could continue her musings, Cortland moved and tightened his hold around her waist. He nuzzled her neck right below her ear, and a wave of pleasure ran down her spine. The scruff on his chin grazed her shoulder, and she reveled in the prickly sensation.

  “Good morning.” His voice sounded gruffer than normal. “How do you feel? I hope you’re not experiencing any discomfort.”

  “I’m fine,” she murmured. Although she felt some soreness, it was minimal.

  “Excellent. Roll over so I can give you a kiss.” Keeping her eyes shut, she turned toward him. He chuckled, obviously seeing her flaming cheeks. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, my sweet. Open your eyes.”

  She shyly raised her lids and met his gaze, which was filled with warmth. He raised her chin and touched his lips to hers in the gentlest of kisses. Then he ran his hands lightly down her arms causing gooseflesh to run everywhere he touched.

  He groaned. “The last thing I want to do is get out of this bed, but we dare not linger here any longer. Just on the off chance your father has figured out where you have gone, I want to get you to my estate as soon as possible. It will be easier to face him there than at this inn.” He released her and crawled from the bed.

  Mary pushed the covers down. “I shall be ready in fifteen minutes. I’ll take my traveling gown behind the screen and dress there.”

  “Wait. Let me stoke the fire first. It’s too blasted cold in this room. Pull the covers around you while I get dressed.” He went o
ver to the hearth and added fresh logs and kindling. In no time at all, he had a fire burning, and it began to take the chill away. He dug around in his valise, pulled out a fresh shirt and breeches, and went behind the screen.

  She arose and picked up her rumpled gown that Cortland had removed the night before and found her last clean traveling dress and a chemise. Then a thought occurred to her. He had never removed his shirt. Why was that? She would have liked to see his bare chest.

  By this time, Cortland had come back, and she changed places with him. While she dressed, she heard him ring for a servant. As she walked around the screen, there was a knock on the door.

  Cortland opened it and Katie stood in the doorway. “Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?”

  “Please send up breakfast in fifteen minutes,” he replied.

  She curtsied. “Certainly, sir.”

  He closed the door after the servant left. Going over to his valise, he pulled out his shaving blade and soap. “May I use the mirror above the dresser so I can get rid of this scruff on my jaw?”

  Mary walked to the bureau. “Of course. I shall get my brush and untangle this mess of hair while you finish getting ready.”

  While she retrieved her comb and brush, he told her, “Your hair is gorgeous and certainly not a mess. I love your curls.”

  Her cheeks grew warm, and she lowered her head. “Thank you.” He walked over to her and raised her chin.

  Her heart did a little flip.

  He lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Mary. I think you’re beautiful. No need to shy away from me, all right?” Her heart raced. No one had ever called her beautiful before. He smiled at her. “Now, let’s finish getting ready. Once we’ve eaten, we will head south and travel until dusk.”

  She murmured her agreement and went over to the bed, sat upon it, then began brushing the knots out of her hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Cortland take the blade and run it across his face. With each swipe, he removed more of the stubble. She recalled it scratching her shoulder earlier and a delicious thrill ran through her. She was going to enjoy marriage a great deal more than she had ever imagined.


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