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Infinite Page 8

by Amy Richie

  “You don’t need to follow me,” I snapped more sharply than I intended.

  He wasn’t fazed in the slightest. “Agreed,” his teeth flashed in a brief smile.

  “I can make it out to the fire without an escort.”

  He shrugged. “I was just going that way anyways.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Where else would I be going?” He looked around dramatically. “You expect me to stay here?”

  “Well, you keep coming in here.”

  “Only because you are here.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You shouldn’t.”

  “I’m protecting you—whether you want me to or not.”

  “No you’re not.” I spun on my heel to glare at him. “I don’t want you around me.”

  “Why?” Only amused curiosity lit his eyes.

  “Because Liza told you to stay away.” Well, that was part of it at least.

  “Liza?” he scoffed.

  “You don’t want to cross her.”

  “Liza doesn’t like me just because of Damien. She won’t care if I keep you safe.”

  It wasn’t doing much good to tell him again that I didn’t need him. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to glare at him. “Leave me alone.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  If he wasn’t going to leave me alone, I would just stay close to the sisters. He would watch what he said around them. Even if he didn’t, Liza would put him in his place. I shrugged, trying to look like I didn’t care and started once again to the fire.

  I didn’t stop this time, heading straight for Gloria. I didn’t even look at any of the other vamps, even though I knew they were probably watching me. Irritation made my steps heavier than usual.

  I pushed my hair out of my face and plopped down heavily beside Gloria. Liza may be closer, but no way was I sitting close to her when I was angry. Gloria’s eye narrowed when I looked at her, but she didn’t tell me to go back to the nest.

  I pressed my lips together tightly until they were in a firm little line. Paris Letrell was crazy if he thought I needed his help. Did he think I had gotten this far because the sisters were soft on me?

  I snorted my disagreement even though he wasn’t even there to hear me. I glared his way as he came back to the fire and took a place across from me.

  I almost vented some of my feelings when he winked my way. Morning couldn’t come fast enough for me. Now we would be running from more than just the wolves.

  Chapter 12

  I felt Gloria’s hand press gently against my back, calming me down slightly. She was probably just as surprised as I was at my unexpected anger towards Paris. I wasn’t around vamps often, but they had always told me that when we were, I shouldn’t say anything and only show fear. Like the other pets.

  “You won’t see any of them having an opinion,” I heard Gloria’s voice in my memories.

  “What are they like?”

  “They’re afraid of everything.” There was obvious disgust in her voice.

  “Why? Are the vamps mean to them?”

  “Who knows?” She let her breath out in a huff. “It’s just from traveling with vampires, though. They can’t handle it.”

  “They’re only human,” Melody added.

  So was I.

  “You’re different though,” she patted my leg affectionately. “You’re stronger than other humans.”

  I almost laughed at her compliment. I had never been described as strong before. Considering the strength of the sisters, it wasn’t surprising. “I think their vamps are mean.”

  “Having pets is disgusting,” Gloria sneered.

  “The humans agree to the arrangement, though,” Melody pointed out.

  “But why?”

  “Who can understand humans?”

  Gloria talked as if she had never been human. She touched my back again, bringing me back to the fire. The flames were dancing higher now, trying to discourage the wolves who circled us.

  I glanced back at Gloria, but she was in a quiet conversation with Melody. Liza glared into the fire, not even a little bit approachable. I didn’t want to talk to her anyways. I turned back to the fire, doing my best to not look at Paris. I was glad that he wasn’t looking at me. He was deep in conversation with Achilles.

  The vampire on the other side of Paris was Owen, the one who had talked to us when we first arrived, and his sister, Addison. As I was watching them, I was surprised when the girl from the nest with the dark hair and calm eyes came to sit beside Owen. He smiled tenderly at her, a smile that she easily returned.

  She was his pet. A strange feeling coursed through me and I found myself smiling. I was glad that she belonged to him. He seemed decent among the group of vamps. Of all of them, I could see Owen protecting his pet. And it was obvious from the smile that they got along. Maybe even more than that. Was that possible?

  The girl turned to me, sensing that I was staring at her. She didn’t accuse me with her eyes, though. She was content being here with Owen. There was still fear in her eyes, but it wasn’t defining.

  Why wouldn’t she be afraid, I rationalized. We had been chased in here by monsters—monsters who were lurking just out of sight. I was the crazy one for not being afraid. What were the wolves waiting for? Daylight? Maybe they couldn’t see us as well in the darkness as the vamps.

  “Here,” Gloria nudged my back with something hard.

  I took the object without much thought. A knife. She nodded lightly, her eyes intense. I shoved the sheathed knife into the top of my boot without a word. If she thought I needed to be armed, then I would be. I wasn’t sure how much damage I could do with a small knife, but I wouldn’t go down without a fight. If it even came to that.

  When I looked back across the fire, Paris was the first face I saw. He was watching me this time, without a smile to soften the intense lines. Had he seen Gloria give me the knife?

  I squared my shoulders, challenging him in a silent battle. So what if he saw the knife? I needed to be able to protect myself. The vamps could run faster than a wolf, but I was only human. No matter what happened, I wouldn’t be taken by a wolf.

  Achilles leaned over to whisper something to Paris, finally making him look away. I watched the two talk, wondering what they were saying. Whatever it was, it made worry lines pop up all over his handsome face.

  The fire flickered across his skin, the shadows making him appear darker than he was. I wanted to run my hand across his face, smoothing out all the wrinkles that Achilles was creating with his words. Paris needed to smile; I didn’t even know him and I could tell that’s what he usually did.

  Was he really that concerned about me? Warmth spread throughout my chest that had nothing to do with the fire. He really was good looking and his muscles bulged out of his shirt. I wouldn’t doubt that he could take on a wolf.

  Judging by his scowl, I almost thought he would do it. If one of the wolves happened to get into the camp and came after me, he could probably take it on single handedly.

  My lips curled up into a smile at the thought. As if on cue, he turned his face to look at me. I jumped, embarrassed at being caught staring at him, but I didn’t look away like I should have. He smiled back at me, his face changing slowly until it was almost as tender as the look Owen had given his pet. His pet. The thought brought me up short and I looked away quickly.

  I rolled my eyes, furious at my own reckless thoughts. I bit down hard on my tongue, trying to stop myself from thinking about Paris. Liza had told me when I was twelve how to get my mind off of painful thoughts.

  “Does your toe hurt?” She pointed to the bloody mess.

  “Yeah,” I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks.

  “Buck up,” she snarled with wide eyes. “We’ll just cut your foot off, that should get your mind off your toe.”

  “Wh… What?”

  “Find a different pain to focus on, one that makes the first pain fade away.”

  It had seemed crazy then, bu
t I was starting to see the wisdom in her words now. I only let go of my tongue when I tasted blood. Once again, not a smart thing to do in a camp of vampires.

  Paris Letrell was affecting the way I was thinking and making me slip up. I squirmed uncomfortably, determined not to even glance at Paris. I was already too aware of his presence across the fire.

  I pursed my lips tightly and leaned back against Gloria’s legs. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but I could at least close my eyes and pretend. Then Paris wouldn’t know I was thinking about him. Neither would the sisters.

  I forced my eyes closed and laid my head back. I couldn’t block out everything like I normally could, but I was able to relax a little. Not enough to sleep. I still heard the crackle of the fire and the rustling and yelps of the wolves.

  I strained my ears to hear any voice around us, but the vamps weren’t saying anything. I wondered if Paris and Achilles were still talking, but of course I couldn’t hear anything from across the fire.

  Because I was listening so hard for a whispered conversation, I heard the footsteps coming towards us before I felt Gloria stiffen. My eyes flew open and I sat up straight. Had the wolves finally gotten in? No, I realized immediately, no one was moving.

  Except for one man.

  Paris sat down next to Gloria, but not close enough to touch. “Ladies,” he greeted with a nod. No one responded.

  I watched him carefully, reminding myself every so often that I was annoyed with him. “What do you want?” Gloria demanded.

  “To talk?” He fanned his hands out wide.


  His eyes flickered to me and then back to her. “Exchange recipes.”

  Liza scoffed and snorted behind me, but Melody was quick to intervene. “We’re leaving at first light.”

  “To go where?”

  “Away from the valley.”

  “Why did you come here anyways?”


  “Hiding?” He raised one eyebrow in question.

  “We heard the Letrells couldn’t come to the valley. An order from Neleh herself.”

  His eyes narrowed. “We don’t answer to Neleh.”

  “So we see.” Even though I didn’t look, I could tell she was smiling—not amused though.

  “You would rather come into wolf territory than risk being found by me?”

  I held my breath, waiting for Liza’s explosion. It didn’t come, though. Melody still answered. “We didn’t know there was such an infestation.”

  “Hmm.” He nodded thoughtfully.

  “Enough,” Gloria suddenly snapped. “We don’t care for your games.”

  “Games?” His eyes widened in a show of innocence that disappeared quickly.

  “Tell us why you were looking for us,” she half snarled.

  “You already know why I’m here,” he growled.

  “To get Lexi?”

  My eyes darted between Gloria and Paris. They were a formidable duo, but facing off like that was almost scary. It was impossible to say which one of them would win if it came to a physical fight. Paris was, of course, stronger, but there was a cockiness to the tilt of his chin that might make him slip up.

  And Gloria would only need one chance and she’d take him down. She was strong and wouldn’t back down. Part of me wanted to pull them apart, but another part was curious to see the match up.

  Foolish thoughts, once again. I wouldn’t be able to do anything even if I wanted to. If it actually came to a fight, I would have to watch from a safe distance. She glared at him, waiting for confirmation.


  I flinched away from his answer. Had he really just said he had come to get me? No, that wasn’t it. I must have missed part of the conversation. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that had happened.

  “What will you do with her?”

  I went rigid. “I’m taking her back to Blakesly House with me.”

  “Like hell you are,” Liza flared.

  Gloria held up one hand, stopping any other outbursts. “And if we refuse to let her go?”

  “It’s an order from Damien.”

  I blanched at his words, but Gloria seemed unconcerned. “He’s not here to give them.”

  “He sent me.”

  “So we can see.”

  Her words were low and cold, I felt myself relaxing again. She was right, Damien wasn’t here, so I wouldn’t have to go anywhere. It didn’t really matter what Paris said now. Besides, it was probably too dangerous to run off in the middle of the night with the wolves around us.

  “Achilles and I have come to take Lexi back to Blakesly House,” he repeated with more force.



  “Kiera doesn’t even know about her,” Gloria cut him off.

  “She found out and was furious that Damien would entrust a child to the three of you.”

  “She’s still alive.”

  “She isn’t even afraid of the wolves.” He said it as if that were a bad thing.


  “She should be.”


  “There is danger here to humans.”

  “We’ll get Lexi out of here.” Gloria wasn’t backing down.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere.” Unfortunately, neither was Paris.


  “Fine?” Luckily, Liza said it before I could.

  “We’ll go together. Once we get out of the valley, we’ll take Lexi to see Kiera.”

  “I will. You can come if you want.”

  “She won’t go with you.”

  “I don’t plan to ask her opinion on the matter.” His eyes fluttered to me, making my heart react stronger than I expected.

  “We leave at first light.” Her tone was final, not open to any more of his arguments.

  “If we last that long.” He sat back lazily, getting comfortable beside Gloria.

  She tightened her lips, but sat back, too, determined to not let him get to her. “They won’t be stupid enough to attack a camp of vampires. It’s safer in here than out there alone.” Safer? Safer for who? No way was she afraid of them.

  Achilles stayed on the other side of the fire, talking with Owen and Addison. He didn’t seem bothered that Paris was talking with the sisters. Was it really true that they had been sent here to get me?

  What did Kiera care if I was with the sisters? Paris had said she was worried about a child running with the sisters, but I wasn’t a child anymore. If Gloria really did take me to meet her after we got out of the valley, she would see that I was fine and then leave us alone.

  A low growl and bustle of movement had some of the vampires nervous. I couldn’t see any of the actual wolves, but they were getting braver. The fire raged bright, but how long could that possibly keep them away? Who knew how long this standoff had been going on already?

  Paris watched something moving on the other side of the darkness, his eyes tight with worry. He didn’t say anything, though, and when he saw me watching him, he gave me a reassuring wink. I tried to see what he saw, but couldn’t make anything out.

  “You’re safe,” he murmured.

  I tightened my jaw and turned back to the fire. I was safe with the sisters. Just as I had always been. I wasn’t a child anymore and no matter what Damien or this unknown Kiera said, I wasn’t leaving the sisters.

  Chapter 13

  “It’s not safe here.” Paris moved enough so he was crouched in front of me. I resisted my urge to kick his feet and make him fall.

  “Go back with the other pets,” Gloria ordered stiffly.

  I stood up immediately, prepared to do what she said without question. Paris was in my way, though, alert and ready for a fight. “Stay with us,” he half growled, half hissed.

  He stood up quickly, too quickly, almost sending me sprawling backwards. I might not have been vampire quick, but I was still fast enough to right myself before I fell all the way down. “Watch out!” I yelled. />
  He reached out to grab my shoulders, nostrils flaring wide. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Gloria stood up then, not as tall as Paris, but I was glad to have her on my side. “She’ll go where I tell her.” His hands slid off me to turn to Gloria. Since they were preoccupied with fighting each other, I slipped past Paris and shuffled towards the nest.

  Most of me wanted to stay out there by the fire, but no part of me would disobey Gloria. Especially not now that I knew what Paris wanted.

  I didn’t hear anything they were saying after I was only a few feet away and none of the vampires around me were paying any attention. Weary of the wolves or they just didn’t care, I wasn’t sure.

  “Just until morning.” My feet and heart kept rhythm with my single thought.

  Despite his perfect smile, I was now just as eager to get away from him as the sisters. The Letrells were a dangerous family. I had met three of them now, and they all posed a threat to me. I was never going to Blakesly House with Paris.

  The dark haired girl was suddenly there in front of me before I realized it. “Hello,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Um… hi.” She didn’t look like a typical scared pet, but I still wasn’t ready for a pleasant talk.

  “I’m Miranda.”


  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” she admitted.

  That stopped me from looking for a way around her. “You have?”

  “A pet of the sisters?” She smiled wide, showing her crooked teeth. “Oh yeah.”

  I clenched my own teeth together to stop form saying anything stupid. “I guess so.”

  “You don’t look like the others.”

  “Neither do you.”

  She ducked her head. “You going back in there?”


  “Me too.”

  It was only natural for her to fall into step beside me. Neither of us said anything along the way. I let her duck through the entrance, but I was right behind her.

  Everything was about the same as I’d left it. Most of them were still huddled in the middle and all of them looked terrified. Miranda looked back at me, sending a silent message of fear and annoyance. I agreed—the wolves weren’t something to take lightly, but being so scared was ridiculous.


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