Shards of a Broken Sword

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Shards of a Broken Sword Page 21

by W. R. Gingell

  Much to Rafiq’s surprise, there was a flicker of amusement in the boy’s eyes. That made him look more narrowly at Kako; and having looked, to realise that she was laughing at him.

  “I’ll be scarred for the rest of my life,” Kako said sadly, but he wasn’t fooled this time.

  “I didn’t get a very long look at the scar,” he said. “How can I be sure I was the one who inflicted it? Show me again.”

  “Kako!” said three scandalised voices together. As Rafiq softly closed the gap between himself and Kako, Suki’s voice won out to say in a squeak: “Has he seen your neck? Kako, you’ll have to marry him now!”

  “No, I won’t!” spluttered Kako, slapping Rafiq’s hands away from her scarf. “He didn’t know it was against custom. Stop it, Rafiq! You’re corrupting young minds!”

  “I don’t mind,” said Dai, ignoring Zen’s mutter of: “Of course you don’t!”

  Miyoko said, indignantly: “Raf has to marry me, not Kako!”

  “This is beside the point,” Kako said firmly: “Look, I closed the tear. How are the Fae getting into Shinpo, let alone in here?”

  “Some of ‘em are coming through Llassar, some through Illisr,” said Dai. “And dad thinks that some of ‘em are coming through new Doors right here in Shinpo.”

  “I thought I had more time,” said Kako ruefully. “Zen, did you do what I needed?”

  “That? Oh yes, that was easy.”

  “What was easy?” demanded Rafiq. As disappointing as it was that his previous gambit had been overturned, the conversation had become distinctly interesting. Zen looked torn: he’d obviously done something he was quite proud of despite his dismissive attitude, and he looked as though he would very much like to share his cleverness.

  At last, however, he said: “Oh, nothing in particular.”

  “Sit down and have a cup of tea,” said Dai. “Later on we’ll talk about that thing you wanted me to look at. You’re going to like what I discovered.”

  Since it was obvious that they weren’t going to discuss whatever it was they were so jubilantly hinting about in front of him, Rafiq heeded the small tuggings of Miyoko upon his cuffs, and allowed himself to be pulled to the opposite end of the room.

  “Sit,” said Miyoko, pointing at the hearth. Rafiq, much amused, sat. She sat down opposite him with her legs crossed and her stomach poking out, and looked expectantly at him.

  Rafiq said: “What?”

  “Burn it,” Miyoko said, as if to an imbecile, and he saw that she’d heaped dust bunnies and twists of paper in the otherwise empty hearth.

  “No,” said Rafiq.

  Miyoko whined: “But Rafiq...”

  “Kako will scold me.”

  She regarded him for a silent moment, then said with great craftiness: “Kako won’t scold. Dragons are supposed to burn.”

  “I’m not a dragon. I’m a man.”

  “Oh,” she said sorrowfully. And then, more cheerfully: “Matches? Magic?”

  “No,” said Rafiq, his eyes on Kako. Dai had very carefully passed her something that was wrapped in a handkerchief, and Kako’s eyes were shining with more animation than he’d ever seen from her. “Why is Kako happy?”

  “Presents,” said Miyoko, shrugging. “Kako likes presents.”

  Kako had brought something with her last time she visited her family. Something from the Keep, wondered Rafiq, or something she got from elsewhere– Prince Akish, for instance? If so, why? What could Akish have that was worth stealing to Kako? And when had she done it? He thought about it until she put the folded handkerchief in her pocket, and until Dai left the room, looking pleased.

  Then he trod lightly up behind Kako and said in her ear: “It was a very good performance. I thought the faint was real.”

  Kako jumped and made a stifled noise, which made him grin. “The faint was real,” she said, when her breathing became even again. “He was crushing my windpipe. Very uncomfortable.”

  “Then why needle him into attacking you?”

  “I needed to get him a lot closer than he’d normally allow himself to be to a maid,” Kako said, surprising him by being absolutely honest. “I can’t pick pockets from a distance. Are you choking? You’d better sit down.”

  “So you did pick his pocket!”

  “Yes. You really should sit down. You look a little strange.”

  Rafiq laughed aloud and sat down. He’d thought when he met Kako as a dragon that she was as deadly as she was small. It was surprising to realise that Kako in her human form was even more deadly than Kako in her dragon form. “What did you take from him?”

  “Something that wasn’t his. It’s not mine either, but it’s probably safer with me until the proper owner comes for it.”

  “You’re not going to tell me.”

  He thought that Kako looked regretful. “No. Sorry.”

  “You’re not supposed to tell him you’re hiding things from him,” said Dai, returning to the room. Behind her was a short, pleasant-faced woman with an elaborately coiffed head of hair but no head-dress or neck scarf. Kako’s mother, Rafiq realised, with a stab of dismay. He leapt to his feet as Kako rose gladly to embrace the woman.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt you,” she said remorsefully.

  “You didn’t, my little clever one,” said the woman, hugging her tightly. “The day is done and we’ve all gone home.”

  Dai said: “I thought I was your little clever one!”

  “You’re my slightly smaller clever one,” said Kako’s mother. “Am I to be introduced to the dragon, my dears?”

  “Mother, this is Rafiq,” Kako said. “Rafiq, this is my mother.”

  Rafiq found himself bowing, which was something of a surprise. It was polite to bow to a woman, of course; but he’d worked with Akish long enough to know not to bow to servants.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” said Kako’s mother, inclining her head in return. “We were expecting you last night, you know.”

  “We had a bit of trouble with some Fae water,” said Kako. “Rafiq was trying to climb over a wall into Faery and I had to tie him up.”

  “She tied me to a chair once,” said Dai. “What’d she tie you to?”

  “A tree,” said Rafiq. “Why did she tie you up?”

  “Fae plum. We were experimenting. Fae things pack a bit of a wallop, don’t they?”

  “Yes,” Rafiq said briefly.

  “Children, why don’t you talk amongst yourselves,” said Kako’s mother. “Rafiq and I wish to speak together for a moment.”

  Kako, looking rather startled, said: “Mama–!”

  “I have some questions for him,” said the lady, and though her voice was as pleasant as ever, Kako melted into the group of siblings without another word. It surprised and rather worried Rafiq, who watched her go with a feeling akin to abandonment. Dai allowed herself to be subsumed by the group as well, twitching a rueful and sympathetic brow at him, and Rafiq was left to the gentle smile of their mother.

  Hawthorne Keep became abruptly more serious the next day, when Rafiq made his first airborne attack under Akish’s orders. Neither had quite acknowledged the fact, but Rafiq thought they must have both expected the weapons of the spiky humanoids below to be as unreal as the Constructed story. When Rafiq swept low and swift over the army to lay down a blistering stream of fire, such a hail of arrows and spears hissed at him that he banked automatically: and in so doing possibly saved his own life. As it was, one of the spears tore through his right wing, slitting the stretched skin there and tossing him into a dangerous sideslip that ended heavily and painfully on the tower from which he’d begun.

  Kako, who had somehow managed to be one of the tower party, darted around the other humans and ducked beneath Rafiq’s awkwardly stiff wing to run her hands over the tear. He felt the snarl of pain rising through his stomach, mixed with fire, and fought back the urge to snap at her.

  “It’s not too dreadful,” she said. “But you should change to human again. Trust me. It�
�ll help.”

  Akish said: “Hmm. I did not expect their weapons to hurt us. Nor did I expect them to be immune to your dragonfire: not a one of them dropped! Wench, what is the meaning of this?”

  For once, Kako seemed to be entirely taken aback. “I didn’t– I wasn’t– I don’t know. I really don’t know. I didn’t expect this at all.”

  Rafiq changed slowly and painfully until he was somewhat familiarly human again, and said: “Taking your revenge, were you?”

  “Don’t be a baby,” said Kako, though her face was still pale. “You’re not even injured anymore.”

  Rafiq looked incredulously down at his arm, and instead of a bloody gash he saw a new scar. His eyes met Kako’s, his mouth working to form the right words; words that wouldn’t inadvertently betray her to Akish. At last, he simply said: “How?”

  Kako shrugged her shoulder. “I don’t know for sure. My theory is that the physical change from dragon to human rewrites the whole of your body every time.”

  “Why the scar, then?” asked Rafiq, unconsciously flexing the muscle.

  “I don’t know that for sure, either. I think it’s because the magic doesn’t know exactly what to do with it. It’s like a grain of grit in the workings: it doesn’t stop the workings, but it makes them move just a little jerkily. The scar is a flaw in the construct.”

  “We’ll have to change our plans,” said Akish, without heeding either Rafiq or Kako. “A close aerial assault is obviously out of the question. If this constructed environment allows us to be injured or killed, all my assumptions will have to be reassessed. Back to the war room!” He made for the tower stairs in an energetic swirl of cloak and sword, followed by an eager trail of armoured men and women.

  Kako, closely observing the new scar on Rafiq’s arm, said: “Do you think he wants us down there too?”

  “Probably,” said Rafiq. He was disinclined to move. The sunshine was pleasantly warm, Kako’s curious fingers were not unpleasantly running over his new scar, and he had never felt either more human, or more content to be so.

  A warm summer breeze picked up, wafting over the turrets and confusing Rafiq with its sense of oddity until he realised why it was so alien. “There’s no smell here,” he said.

  “Yes, I noticed that,” murmured Kako, prodding at his scar. “It’s a bit off-putting, isn’t it? I don’t think the Keep knows about scent. Rafiq?”


  “What did my mother ask you yesterday?”

  Too late, Rafiq found that he’d stiffened. No use pretending now that Kako’s mother had simply wished to become better acquainted with him.

  “She asked me what I’d do once you broke my Thrall to the Illisran Crown.”

  The question had taken him by surprise at the time, and he had answered with the absolute truth: he would stay at the Enchanted Keep with Kako, of course. As the thought blossomed, it had seemed natural. Both Kako and the princess would benefit from the addition of another dragon, and it had occurred to Rafiq at much the same time that he would also benefit from the addition of another dragon. From there, perhaps it would be possible to convince Kako of the benefits of having another human in the Keep, too.

  Kako’s eyes were very wide: whatever she’d expected him to say, it hadn’t been that. “Really?”

  “Mmm. She said you had some ideas about how to do it.” She had also, very gently and in no uncertain terms, made Rafiq aware that Kako’s family could and would slowly take him apart piece by quivering piece if he so much as looked at her in the wrong way. Since relating that particular part of the conversation would have taken this conversation in a way that Rafiq wasn’t yet prepared for it to go, he thought it best not to mention it.

  Thus, when Kako looked enquiringly at him and demanded: “What else?” he merely shrugged.

  Her eyes narrowed very slightly, but she seemed to accept that. She tipped her head toward the tower stairs and asked: “Is he likely to come up with a good plan?”

  Rafiq considered this. With Akish involved, the merit or otherwise of the plan would depend entirely upon who you happened to be and how important the prince believed you to be. For Akish, the plan would undoubtedly turn out to be good: the prince had a way of looking after himself that was tantamount to genius. For Rafiq, it was also likely to turn out well, but not absolutely guaranteed: Akish was unlikely to want to see him dead or injured, but if it was a choice between himself or Rafiq, Rafiq knew who would come out safely. When it came to Kako, things were very much shakier.

  Of one thing, Rafiq was very certain. If, as seemed increasingly possible, they could die in this construct, it was entirely likely that they would die, be the prince never so crafty. The Arphadians were far too many for the people of Hawthorne Keep, and if dragonfire had no effect on them, it was unlikely that the keep would last many more nights. He couldn’t even fly away if Akish didn’t order it, since leaving the prince there would be tantamount to causing his death, and he was Burdened not to do so.

  Kako, seeing his struggles, gave a little spurt of laughter and said: “Oh, never mind! I suppose that makes it clear, after all. We should have an interesting night.”

  Night came and brought with it darkness, confusion, and a sudden change in circumstances. Rafiq woke to a sickening feeling that everything was double—or perhaps even triple—and was prevented from emptying the contents of his stomach on his bedroom floor only by the merciful return of coherence to his sight. By then that single-sight was showing him the rapid influx of spikily armed men to his bedchamber, and a shouting from Akish’s bedroom informed him that the prince had been similarly overcome. Rafiq dived for the door in an instant, narrowly avoiding two wickedly sharp knives that sliced at him in passing, and was halfway to Kako’s bedroom before it occurred to him to wonder why his Burden hadn’t forced him to go to Prince Akish’s aid instead. The thought flitted in and out again immediately, because he was then so busy fighting to get to Kako’s side that he had no room for any other thought. At the entrance of the Arphadians—for it could only be the Arphadians—she had been awake quickly enough to rapidly scale the frame of her canopied bed, from which vantage point she was at present hailing sharp, deadly spells down on the company.

  Rafiq, having tried and failed to change into his dragon form, had no time to dwell upon the somewhat terrifying fact. Instead, he wrestled a knife from a bulky Arphadian who didn’t stand up well to a solid blow to the base of the skull, and furiously slashed with it, edging his way toward Kako and the bed. He had only a rudimentary idea of hand to hand fighting, however, and his wildness notwithstanding, the result was a foregone conclusion. Rafiq was borne to the floor not two yards away from the foot of the bed, painfully beset by Arphadian boots and fists.

  Curling into a defensive ball with his head ringing from the kicks, he heard one of the Arphadians say: “For the last time, will you come down!”

  “Oh, all right, all right!” Kako said disgustedly. “Look, stop kicking him! I’m coming down!”

  The leading Arphadian gave Rafiq one more kick for good measure, then casually tore Kako from the curtains as she climbed down. She fell heavily, and without a sound but the crack of her head against stone as she hit the floor. Rafiq spat blood and tried to crawl toward her, but he was dragged from the room and Kako alike by one leg, jolting over the stone floor until he was in the common-room again. Akish was being shoved through the door of his own bedroom; furious, dishevelled, and disarmed.

  “Change, you maggoty son of a lizard!” he howled.

  “Can’t!” croaked Rafiq, aware of two missing teeth and a possibly torn tongue. “The Keep is preventing me.”

  “You’re a good fighter,” said the Arphadian leader to Rafiq. “That one is, too, but he had the advantage of cold steel. I think you want to live.”

  “Do you?” said Rafiq in cold rage, thinking of Kako lying senseless and perhaps dead in her bedroom.

  “I do, my bucko, I do.”

  Rafiq gave him a narrow look that
was made all the narrower because his left eye was rapidly swelling shut. “What if I do?”

  “Well now, if I was to be convinced that you’d turned—become part of the Arphadian army—I’d be inclined to save your life.”

  “Convinced, how?” asked Rafiq, his thoughts flying very quickly. Was there a chance of getting Kako out of this alive?

  The Arphadian grinned. “Oh, you’d have to be obedient. Very obedient. And you’d have to cut all ties to your past.”

  “Cut ties,” said Rafiq slowly, because it sounded as though the man had used the words deliberately. The Arphadian was turning a dagger in one hand, rolling it lightly from finger to finger, and when Rafiq’s eyes rose from the dagger to his eyes, the man jerked his head in Akish’s direction.

  “Kill your companions,” he said, this time plainly and clearly. “Earn our trust, and at the same time destroy any chance of being accepted by your countrymen again. Of course, it’s unlikely any of them will live through the night, but the chance, my friend, the chance!”

  “You will not kill me!” shouted Akish. “I Burden you!”

  Rafiq waited for the Burden to settle on him, heavy and impossible to ignore, but it never fell. He drew a slow breath, his thoughts whirring away madly, and came to the conclusion that the Keep was preventing his Thrall from being used against him. He could kill Akish here and now, without the Burden stopping him.

  Kako, on the other hand, he certainly couldn’t kill. “I won’t kill the girl,” he said. “Keep her safe and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “The girl’s dead already,” said the captain. His lips were still moving, and he might have said something like: “Just him then. Do you want to live, or not?” but Rafiq’s hearing had gone distinctly fuzzy.

  The Arphadians laughed when he staggered to his feet, a scattering of half-respectful, half-derisive mirth. Rafiq’s thoughts were as fuzzy as his hearing: it seemed to him that if he had neither knife nor dragonfire to kill the man who had killed Kako, he would tear out his throat with his teeth. He snarled and leapt for the captain, and in leaping he flew through dark and cold and the last of the Fifth Circle...


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