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The Night Watch: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blood Red Series Book 2)

Page 12

by W. J. May

  “I know you feel it’s your duty to protect me.”

  “It is my duty. It’s my life’s mission. An assignment I’m happy to have been given.” He squeezed her tighter and she rested her cheek against the muscle in his upper arm.

  “People get hurt, Caleb. Mistakes happen. If you weren’t there at the right moment, and something were to happen to me,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “All I’m saying is I wouldn’t blame you.”

  “Let’s change this conversation. I don’t like being reminded of my failure last night. I’m sure Petra will punish me. Last night she was too mad to even speak to me.”

  “You’re joking, right? She wouldn’t really punish you, would she?”

  Caleb shrugged. “I let you be carried off by a Blue with glass imbedded in your body. Do you think she was happy with my service? I mean you’re her—”

  Kallie knew that Caleb was going to say, daughter, but he had stopped himself. “It doesn’t matter. You’re safe now. If she punishes me, she punishes me.”

  “What sort of punishment? She wouldn’t take you away from me, would she?”

  “Nah… she’d probably lock me in a cell and starve me. Let rigor mortis set in for a while. If a vamp doesn’t get blood on a regular basis, we start to look like what we are.”

  “And what are you?”


  It was a cold hard truth. One she had been ignoring. If Kallie went through with her plan, she wouldn’t just become a vampire tonight. The young, vibrant girl she knew, would inevitably, die. She realized she had not truly thought this through. There would be no graduation in her future because there would be no school. Unless she went to night school, but wouldn’t her nights be consumed by her new life?

  Would she tell her friends she was moving away? Would she just up and go? Disappear? Would they fake her death just so everyone could move on? She honestly didn’t know if that would be the cruel or kind thing to do.

  Whether she changed or not, the Rogue Reds would still come for her father. And the Blues would still come for her. She had to turn, it was the only solution, the only way she could have a shot at saving her father and protecting herself. She didn’t want to have to rely on Petra or Caleb. Kallie was tired of hiding behind others, and fearing for her life. She was ready to embrace her destiny and take a stand.

  “Your wheels are turning again. I can see it,” Caleb teased. “You going to let me in or what?”

  “I will. But right now, I don’t want to talk.” She turned her face and pressed her lips against his. He ran the back of his fingers against her cheek while they kissed. Being with Caleb felt natural. It was almost as though her mother, Petra, had foreseen it. Perhaps as a witch, she had. She had made the best possible match for her daughter. Petra may have not been here for me when I was a child, but she’s here for me now.

  Kallie returned home late in the afternoon. She put on a white sundress, and nude flip flops. She felt like a bride, about to undergo the biggest night of her life. Caleb still didn’t know, she hadn’t been able to tell him at the beach. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure herself.

  At least when she had asked to see where he lived, he hadn’t argued with her. The sexy smile on his face told her he had misunderstood why she asked. She would tell him there.

  He lived on the other side of town, close to the Red Dragon. It was a small studio that had the bare minimum. All of his furnishings were similar to his vamp-cave in the Red Dragon. Stainless steel, brushed metal, glass and sleek simple designs graced the area.

  “It’s not much, but it fits my needs perfectly.” He grinned at her as he showed her around.

  Kallie tried not to, but she couldn’t stop herself from comparing. It was the opposite of what Liam had. He lived in a house close to her own, with curtains drawn and too much space for one person. Caleb had no curtains, and one entire wall of windows that probably illuminated his lair each morning. It sat high up in a building, and provided a great view of the city. Kallie walked over to the window and looked down at the lights that were starting to twinkle as the sun faded away. She looked to her right and could see the blue lights of the police station. Liam’s probably just arriving at work. She wished she could tell him what she was about to do. Except he would talk her out of it. Tell her she needed to live her life for her, not sacrifice it to save others.

  She understood just how different the two vamps were. Caleb was a city boy, taking it all in from above, watching over the town. Liam, was the man of the people, closer to the crimes. She didn’t know which might be the better way. Or what road she would take.

  The anger she had felt toward Liam dissipated. He was on his own and making do with what he had. She had been the one to throw a wrench in his lonely world and confuse him. She had asked for his help and he had offered as a sense of duty. She could understand that now. She felt alone and was doing what she could as a sense of duty to her family. She straightened her shoulders. She’d find him after and apologize. Maybe one day they could be friends… if they didn’t kill each other first. Damn Red Bloods and Blue Bloods. Why can’t they just mix?

  “Is it everything you expected?”

  “Mmhm. And more.”

  “So…” Caleb ran his fingers through his brown hair and for a moment, he reminded her of Liam. Sexy. She shook the image away. “Now what?” He grinned at her and leaned against the doorframe by his bedroom.

  Now the truth, Kallie thought. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since Liam attacked us last night. I had a long talk with my father as well. I know who I am, Caleb.”

  Caleb straightened, his body rigid. “I have no doubt of that.”

  From his ambiguous response, Kallie realized she would have to initiate the facts. He would not betray Petra, or her secret. She didn’t expect him to. He was loyal to her mother and she respected that.

  She took a seat on his sofa and rested her hands in her lap. She took a deep breath. “Petra looks like me, the resemblance was uncanny.”

  Caleb remained stoic, not so much as a flicker of acknowledgement.

  “This morning my father and I had a talk. I told him what happened last night. I asked him about Petra and he told me. Everything.” Kallie could feel emotion welling up inside her, but she held it in check. “I know she’s my mother, Caleb. Everything she’s ever done, every choice she has made, has been to protect me. But I’m all grown up, and I don’t need protecting anymore.”

  “You don’t know everything.” Caleb crossed his arms and leaned his strong back against the wall, his burgundy eyes locked on Kallie.

  “I believe I do.”

  He shook his head. His eyes and face betraying nothing.

  “I want to be a vampire. I need to be turned, and join your side in this war against the Blues and the Rogue Reds.”

  A pained look crossed Caleb’s features, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t. A sense of duty, or secrets, held him back. His lips pressed in a thin line. “You do this, and you’re against Liam. You understand that, don’t you? His need to fight you will be instinctual.”

  “Liam is not a concern of mine. I need to protect my father. I need to protect myself, and this is the only way I can.”

  “When do you want to do this?” Caleb shook his head, as if he couldn’t believe they were having this conversation.

  “Tonight.” Kallie spoke the word without so much of a waiver, proving her determination.

  Caleb knitted his brows together. “So that’s why you wanted to go to the beach. One last goodbye, huh? Butter me up and use me for clandestine purposes.”

  Kallie swallowed, but the lump that had formed in her throat remained. This was hard enough without him pointing out the obvious. She nodded. “Does your father know?”

  “Yes. I made the decision with him.”

  Caleb crossed the room and dropped to his knees before her, taking her hands in his. “You need to think this through. Hard. The people around you have brought you to this deci
sion. Not you. Make sure this is what you really want.”

  Kallie stared into his unique eyes. She didn’t understand what he was trying to say. He seemed to be hinting at something and yet unable to tell her exactly what it was. “I’m doing it, if you won’t help me, I’ll ask my father.”

  “He won’t have any idea how. He’ll drain you and kill you before he can change you.” The horrified look on Caleb’s face scared her.

  “Then it’ll have to be you. Or Liam.”

  “You can’t ask Liam! He’s a Blue Blood!”

  She didn’t know why she had brought up Liam’s name. Maybe because Kallie knew it would sway Caleb into saying he would do it. Guilt rested heavy in her stomach. She pushed the feeling aside, this needed to be done, whatever the cost.

  “You know what you’re asking of me, right?”

  “Have you done it before?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve watched. I’m a virgin to death Kallie.” He stood and began to pace. “My strength comes from never feeding on the flesh of a living human. From never having killed before. Your father has this strength as well. I’m older than he is as a vamp. I have years more experience. This isn’t only going to change you, it’s going to change me as well.”

  He wasn’t going to do it. She realized it now. It was too much of a risk.

  “Then I’ll ask Petra.”


  Kallie stared at Caleb. She thought a moment ago he had been implying that Petra wanted her to change. Now he seemed about to remind her that she had sacrificed everything to keep her alive and human. It wasn’t Petra’s choice to make.

  “If you do it,” Kallie said softly. She stood and walked over to Caleb, running her fingers through his hair. “You can’t drain me. You’ve never feasted on flesh before. What if it were to change everything I love about you?” At the mention of the word love, Caleb’s downward gaze drifted up to look her in the eye, but aside from a slight smile, he did not comment. “I think Petra should drain me. It was her, after all, who brought me into this world. She gave me my first breath, she can take that breath away. But—I want your blood to be the blood I drink. The blood that completes the transformation.” She felt her face blush. She hadn’t realized what an intimate thing it would be until she said it out loud. “I want to be created by you.”

  Caleb nodded. “I’ll drain you.”

  “Pardon?” His words echoed inside her head.

  For the first time since they had met, Caleb acted shy. “I… I don’t know how to explain it…changing someone, it’s…” He curled his fingers around hers, playing with them the way a child would a toy. “It’s personal. There’s an intimacy to it that I want to completely share with you. I’ve never drank from a human before, and if you’re asking to be changed, then…”

  All of a sudden, Kallie understood completely. This was the vampire equivalent to Caleb losing his virginity.

  “I made this vow to Petra that I would not drink from a human, so that I would be a better soldier for her. The whole purpose was to protect you. But, if you want to be changed… I’ll sacrifice myself too.”

  Kallie stared into his eyes, and saw his vulnerability. Pushing onto her tiptoes, she sealed her fate with a kiss. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Caleb took her face in his hands and deepened their kiss. He held nothing back, and with every brush of his lips, every lick of his tongue, Kallie grew more confident in her choice.

  He stepped back finally, as if the soldier and sense of duty inside of him needed to be taken care of. He stared at Kallie with sad eyes. “We never wanted to force your hand. Free will is the key.”

  He began to light candles around his small studio to create an ambiance.

  Kallie watched, running his words over in her head again and again. We never wanted to force your hand. Free will is the key. Free will? Force my hand?

  Chapter 12

  She wanted to ask what he meant but the longer she waited, the further the moment passed, so she said nothing.

  “Lay down.” Caleb pointed to the couch as he lit one last candle and blew the match out.

  Her heart beat hard against her chest, as if it knew these were its last pumps. Kallie swallowed and settled awkwardly on the leather couch. She shivered.

  Caleb nestled beside her and swept her hair up, revealing her neck. He ran his fingers over the tiny prick marks that were now turning into a scar. He let them lightly drift over to the opposite side, where her neck was smooth, and unclaimed. “Right, here,” he said in a low, husky voice.

  It was soothing, the way he circled her skin with the pad of his finger. Her eyes drifted over to the bed in the doorway across from them. The back of it was red brick, his sheets steel grey.

  Caleb caught her gaze, and agreed. “That’s probably more fitting.” He got up and scooped Kallie into his arms, causing her to giggle nervously as he swooped over to the bed and rested her against his pillows. Climbing on top of her, he arched a brow and shot her a sexy grin. “How’s this?”

  Her heart beat fast and erratic but she was ready. “Perfect.”

  He placed his lips over hers and Kallie was relieved that she had chosen Caleb for this moment. “Are you nervous?” she whispered.

  He smiled and kissed her again. “A little. You?”

  “I trust you, and I’m ready for this.”

  “Okay.” He kissed her again, different than before, it was slow and seductive. Every movement of his body as it moved over her became intoxicating. His kisses were lulling her into a trance, and she submitted. He moved his mouth away from her lips and down to her jaw, where he traced the line with his tongue. Kallie slipped her arms around his waist and moved her hands up his back as he slid his kiss down her neck to the spot he had chosen just before on the couch.

  Slowly, he kissed her, sucking on the flesh enough to tease her and get her blood flowing. Then, she felt the cold point of his fangs as he grazed her neck. She pulled him closer, inviting him to bite, and Caleb pushed his entire body against her, he was hard as marble, but knew enough to not crush her beneath him. Even now, he had full control.

  He dragged his fangs against her skin, in a taunting motion, and Kallie could feel him unlocking all of her desires in that moment. She understood now, why Liam had bit her that night. There was a fine line between foreplay and feast. When it came to vampires, the two were lost in translation.

  She felt an ache in her core. A need for him to bite down and take what she offered him. “Bite me, Caleb,” she said with a ragged breath. “Claim me as yours.”

  The feeling of cold hard fangs shot into the side of her neck, letting out a searing pain. She instinctually pulled away, but Caleb had her pinned down as he began to suck and feed on her life that was slipping away. She held on to him with all of her strength, but it was running out. Her arms fell to the sides of the bed as she heard Caleb swallow, and continue to suck.

  He moaned as he drank from her, and pressed his body against her. She fought against losing consciousness. The room began to fade and all she could cling to was the pain in the side of her neck. And then… there was release.

  Caleb sat up, his mouth dripping red with her blood.

  It made Kallie feel sick. Death was lingering over her… and death was the face of a handsome man who drank her dry.

  “Hold on, Kallie… hold on!” he shouted the order as he rolled up the sleeve of his linen shirt, now covered in her blood. He plunged his fangs into his wrist and slammed it against her mouth. Kallie moved away, not wanting to taste it. But Caleb held her head in place so she would be forced to. “You have to, Kallie… if you don’t, you’ll die!” His words were pleading, and so she obeyed. It started with the slightest, half-attempted lick. It was all she could muster, raising her tongue to lap at his wounds, but it was like quenching your thirst after days in the desert. It was oddly refreshing… revitalizing, and soon she began to suck.

  “Good Kallie, that’s it. Drink, drink as much as you can.”

sp; Chapter 13

  She had passed out. She must have, for when she opened her eyes, the room was dark. “Where… where am I?” Her voice didn’t sound like her own. It was too loud, even as she whispered the words.

  Arms wrapped around her. At least she was not alone. She felt soft lips on her forehead. “You’re safe, Kallie. You’re with me, Caleb.”

  “Why…why’s it so dark?” She tried to move, but every muscle in her body screamed out in a fiery pain. “Ahhh!” she whimpered.

  “I’ve covered the window. The sun will be up by six, if the light touches you… you’ll burn.”

  It’s done. Somehow she thought there would be more to it. Not just a passing out and waking up to be a vampire. Her throat hurt and she was thirsty, but the pain now was worse than Caleb…

  The reality of what had happened struck her hard. The memory of the events that had transpired a few hours ago flashed before her like pictures. Being in Caleb’s arms. How it felt when he bit her. Seeing him covered in her blood. Being forced to drink his blood. She wasn’t sure what she had expected, but this pain… it was worse than the actual draining.

  “Everything hurts, Caleb.” Even talking hurt. “It’s excruciating.” She could barely talk.

  “Your body died. It’s a shock to the system. Right now, you’re being repaired. The vampire blood is fusing itself throughout your core. When the process is complete you’ll be as strong as ten men. But right now, you’re going to feel like you were hit by a transport truck. You have the same amount of strength as a newborn kitten.

  “I didn’t know… I wasn’t prepared for this…” She panted.

  “It’s okay. I’m here. I won’t leave you.”

  “How long… how long will I feel like this?”

  “It’s different for everyone. Some a few hours. Some a few days. The longest I’ve ever seen was a week!”

  A week! Kallie tried to move and her muscles clawed back in response. She didn’t have a week. She needed her strength now.


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