A Little Harmless Rumor

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A Little Harmless Rumor Page 11

by Melissa Schroeder

  Randy slipped his hand up to Jaime’s head and threaded his fingers through her hair. She smelled of roses and seduction…nothing had been as sweet. Or so he thought, until Randy started to deep throat him. Sean felt the back of Randy’s throat and almost came. The man was a fucking demon with that mouth. He knew just how much to push Sean, and Randy loved a cock in his mouth. Next, he added his hand to Sean’s shaft, stroking him. Fuck. Sean tore his mouth away from Jaime’s.

  “Fuck, yeah,” were the only words he could come up with.

  Freed from the kiss, Jaime took advantage of the opportunity. She rose to her knees, lifted her leg and set it on the other side of his face so she straddled him. Without hesitation, she set her pussy down on his mouth. Taking hold of her ass, he pressed her dripping sex against his mouth. Over and over, he fucked her with is tongue. She moved with him, her moans growing louder and louder with each passing minute. The taste of her danced over his taste buds as he slipped a finger between her cheeks and teased her anus. Just one touch jolted her, then she pressed down harder. She had been wet, but now she was dripping with it.

  Randy continued to suck Sean’s cock, slipping his hand down to tease Sean’s sac. His talented fingers stroked the sensitive skin. Damn, the fucking man was going to drive him fucking insane. Sean was about to lose it, come right then and there, but Randy, being Randy, knew it. He pulled away. Sean tore his mouth away from Jaime’s tasty pussy to glare at Randy.

  Randy shook his head. “Nope. Not yet.”

  With a naughty smile, Randy slipped from the bed as Jaime scooted down and straddled Sean’s hips. She pressed her wet sex against his cock. Fuck. She rubbed against him as she slipped a finger into her mouth. Something as simple as that was pushing his arousal to new levels. Randy handed her a condom, which she opened. Jaime slid back, allowing Randy to grasp Sean’s shaft. He stroked him a few times before he stopped to hold it for up for Jaime.

  She took the condom and settled it on the tip of his cock. Then…she did nothing. Apparently she was waiting for him to look at her. He glanced up. She held his gaze as she slid the condom down his cock. Jaime took her time, teasing his flesh as she went. By the time she reached the bottom, he was shaking. The curve of her mouth told him she knew what she’d done to him. Of course she did. The woman knew every button of his to push.

  With a growl, he jackknifed up, and rolled them over the bed. She went with him easily, setting her feet on top of the mattress and widening her legs. He pulled her up by the hips and entered her with a hard, swift thrust.

  “Oh, fuck…yes,” she moaned as he started to move inside her. The feel of her wet, tight pussy clinging to him almost had him, but he controlled himself, for the time being. Randy was watching them. Sean turned his head and watched Randy roll on his own condom; he joined them back on the bed. He situated himself behind Sean on the mattress.

  With easy, confident movements, he worked his way up Sean’s ass. Being inside of Jaime and having Randy inside of him…it was the closest thing to heaven Sean had ever felt. It took him just a few moments to work that gorgeous cock of his into Sean’s ass, then, together, they started moving.

  Sean bent down to kiss Jaime, then, he dipped lower and took one of her nipples into his mouth. As he did, Randy dug his fingers into Sean’s hips. They were fucking so hard, the massive wood headboard slammed against the wall.

  “Fuck yeah. Fuck. Fuck,” Randy groaned. “God damn, you feel fantastic.”

  As they moved together, the rhythm increasing with each thrust, he lost track of time and space. He didn’t know where one of them started and ended. In that moment, he knew exactly what it meant for the three of them to be together like this. There was no one left out, no one who didn’t belong.

  Jaime came first. Sean lifted his head from her breasts and watched as she convulsed beneath both men. He felt the vibrations hit his cock first, causing him to tighten his ass.

  “Ahhh, yeah. Make her come again. That’s fanfuckingtastick.”

  He did as Randy ordered. “Come on, love. Come again,” Sean said. She was shaking her head back and forth as if denying him; but she arched up, her pussy clamping down tight on him again. He had the same reaction as he did last time, pulling a groan from Randy.

  “Fuck,” was all Randy said as he increased the speed of his thrusts.

  Jaime was coming down from her second orgasm as he threw her into her third. A surprised scream tore from her throat as Sean gave himself over to pleasure. It rushed through him, surprising him with the force of it.

  “Yeah, like that,” Randy said again. He thrust into Sean twice more before he held tight and his own orgasm took over.

  They both collapsed at the same time, earning them a groan from Jaime.

  “You two are heavy,” she said. Randy chuckled and pulled out of Sean, then Sean moved. After they tossed the condoms, they returned to bed. Sean pulled Jaime into his arms, as Randy snuggled in behind Sean.

  It wasn’t a bad way to start the day.

  * * *

  Royce felt the late morning sun on his face. He tried to open his eyes, but it took a bit of effort. He’d been stitched up from the shot before they left Europe, but he knew he was barely holding on. He was running a fever, but he didn’t know if it had to do with the gunshot wound or from the various open sores on his body. He shifted in his seat and tried to move his arms. They were still tied to the arms of the chair. He was wearing the same clothes he had been in when they abducted him, and he smelled like three-week-old rubbish.

  Fuck, he was too old for this. But he had to hold on. He had to figure out some way to help Sean.

  “Oh, so I see that you are awake,” a heavily accented voice said from one of the darkened corners.

  “Barely. Barely alive.”

  “You’re lucky.”

  Royce used all the strength he had to lift his head and look at his captor. The small stature, the bald head, and the stench of a Cuban cigar told him it was Letov.

  “Is that a fact?” he asked.

  Letov nodded. “Da.”

  “What is the end game? What do you need me for?”

  Letov said nothing for a long moment, and Royce worried that he wouldn’t tell him.

  “I don’t think that it matters, but you are here for my end game. You know it.”

  Of course he did, and Royce knew that it was partly his fault Sean had been pulled into this insane game.

  “I won’t help you.”

  Again, a long pause. Letov walked closer, coming into the light. His face showed the ravages of living a hard life. He was a criminal, but one that had done and seen some of the worst of humanity. His hair was thinning on top, greasy, and he had gained at least five stone from the last time Royce had seen him.

  “I think you might. Because I have something to offer you.”

  He scoffed at that, actually snorted in Letov’s face. Still, he continued to give Royce that evil smile. “Oh, but I do,” Letov said pleasantly.

  “What in the bloody hell would you ever have for me?”

  He leaned in closer and Royce smelled the whiskey then. It wasn’t good whiskey, but it seemed to seep from his pores. His skin had that yellowish tint from cirrhosis. This was a man who lived on the alcoholic beverage. If he didn’t get killed by one of his enemies, he was going to drink himself to death soon.

  “But I do, Royce. That is, if you think the life of your daughter is anything you would want to protect.”


  Del arrived that afternoon, his grim expression told Randy he wasn’t too happy about the situation. It seemed that no one was happy about the situation, but Del’s mood had soured since last night.

  “How’s my sister? She didn’t have an issue with Cat, did she?” Sean asked as he showed Del into the office. Del tensed.

  “No. She stayed at my place.”

  Sean stopped in the middle of the hallway. Del ran into him.

  “Fuck, Kaheaku.”

  Sean turned
to face Del. Randy had to hold back the laugh. Sean was in complete big brother mode. He settled his hands on his hips and gave Del a mean glare. The task force commander didn’t blink.

  “You want to run that by me again?” Sean asked, the question seeping out from between his teeth.

  Again, Randy was enthralled with seeing the way Sean reacted to news about Emma. It was sweet, and when he got Alpha on another apparent Alpha, well, it was fucking sexy.

  Del shook his head. “Your sister didn’t want to stay with Cat. She didn’t even want to get out of the pickup.”

  That brought Sean’s temper down a bit. “Did she have a meltdown?”

  Del shook his head. “No.”

  “What happened at your place?”

  Del blinked. “She slept. In fact, she fell asleep in the pickup, and I had to carry her into my condo. I estimate she slept about fifteen hours.”

  Sean sighed as he turned and started back on his path to the home office.

  “Emma suffers from insomnia. When she crashes, she can sleep like the dead.”

  “Tell me about it. I thought she would barely weigh anything, but carrying dead weight like that is never easy.”

  “So, what do you have for us today?”

  “Your sister has a GPS device she claims is undetectable.”

  Sean smiled and Randy saw it there, saw the love and admiration for Emma. Randy was still getting used to the idea that there was this other side to Sean. But, if they were going to be part of Sean’s life, then both he and Jaime needed to accept Emma as part of Sean. There was no way Sean was going to let her go, and Randy was happy for it.

  “If she says it is, then it is,” Sean said.

  Del handed him a manila envelope. “There’s a burner phone and the tracker in there. She said it should fit on your tooth. Something about how you knew what that was all about. Then she insulted me.”

  Randy chuckled. “On purpose?”

  Del scowled.“ Yeah. There are only so many times a guy can get called a Neanderthal before he gets pissed. Like I have never seen a tiny device before.”

  “Where is she now?” Randy asked.

  “At my headquarters downtown, where I am heading. I’ve already talked to Micah Ross about the situation.” Sean gave Del an irritated look, but the lawman was apparently accustomed to ignoring volatile people. It was one thing that always made for a good leader. “Get pissed and get over it. He has a world-class security system, and he brought in Conner Dillon to work tonight. You wanted backup, I got it. Plus, none of it looks connected to you. No flags because I did all the setting up. No one else in the club knows; and if there’s an issue, Micah’s telling them they had a problem with employee theft.”

  Sean nodded, apparently accepting it. “Emma’s going to stay there?”

  “Yes. I told her she was going to sit her ass there until everything was over and Letov was in custody…or whatever.”

  Well, that told Randy one thing. Del didn’t have an issue if Letov was assassinated. Lord knew the only reason Letov had survived all these years was because he had stayed in hiding.

  “The headquarters is only ten minutes away from Rough ‘n Ready.”

  “How do you know that?” Randy asked. “Are you a member?”

  “First, this is my island. I know where big rollers go when they are in town and want a taste of the lifestyle. Secondly, no. Even if I wanted to, with my job, it makes it almost impossible. Add in the fact that I had to pick up Kaheaku’s drunk ass the other night so he didn’t kill himself or someone else on his way home, so I know where it’s at.” He looked at Sean. “Micah will keep us attuned to what is going on at Rough ‘n Ready. Dillon is making sure we have access to the live video.”

  “Are we sure this is a good idea? It’s a weekend night and should be very busy,” Randy said.

  “Yeah. Emma has hacked into some of his computers, and there is someone posted there looking for me. We can control this area, so it will be best.”

  “Well, my job is done now. I get to go find your sister.”

  “Wait, what? I thought she was at headquarters.”

  “She is. I am just not sure where in the building she’ll be. I left her with Elle in autopsy. Emma seemed very interested in dead people. She’s still mad because I wouldn’t let her play on our computers.”

  Sean’s lips twitched. “Emma is interested in every damn thing. She has a mind like a sponge. And, she never forgets anything she sees.”

  Del hesitated before he stepped through the front door. “Her experience with the Tsunami?”

  Sean nodded as his smile faded. “She remembers every damn moment. It’s why she doesn’t sleep well. That and all the energy drinks.”

  Del nodded. “Stay safe. All three of you.”

  Then he slipped out the door.

  “He’s kind of…”

  “Abrupt and different, yeah. But that’s what they needed for Task Force Hawaii. Plus, when they named him last year, he had no connections on the island.”

  They wandered out to the pool. Jaime was sitting there watching the beach, but Randy knew her mind was not on the subject in front of her. She still wasn’t happy with the situation.

  “That seems kind of…well odd.”

  Sean shook his head. “No, they needed an outsider to take over. At times he has to investigate HPD. Makes it harder if you are related to half of them. Which, you know on this island is about anywhere you go. Everyone is related to everyone else in some way.”

  Randy nodded as they both watched Jaime.

  “She’s worried,” Sean said.

  “That’s her job. She worries, you plan, I keep you two from killing each other.”

  Sean turned and looked at him. “Sounds like we all fit together.”

  Randy leaned closer and brushed his mouth over Sean’s. “We definitely do. And if we had a doubt before, I think we proved that over the last couple of days.”

  Sean gave him a fleeting smile before it faded. “I guess I need to go talk to her.”

  Randy shook his head. “Just go sit with her. That’s all she needs.”

  Sean started walking then stopped. “Are you coming?”

  “In minute,” Randy said. “You go.”

  Sean nodded and walked over to her. He sat down on the lounger next to hers and said nothing, but he took her hand in his. Randy sighed, happiness filtering through him. The dreams he and Jaime had been talking about for the last few months might just come true. Once tonight was done, they would be able to move on and be happy. And that is all any of them wanted.

  * * *

  The moment they walked into Rough ‘n Ready, Sean started having doubts. It was Saturday and it was packed. And the truth was, he had moved away from the lifestyle, finding some pleasure in the act, but he’d distanced himself from playing. Right now, all he cared about was Randy and Jaime, and he knew it would take them awhile to figure out just how they moved on from where they were. Although, they had pretty much worked those things out through the last couple of days.

  Micah Ross, one of the owners of the club, wandered over to them. Native American, well over six feet, and what most people would call the ultimate Dom, people moved out of his way as he maneuvered over to them. By the time Micah reached them, Sean could feel heat crawling up his neck. He was starting to remember bits and pieces from his last visit a few nights ago. If Micah wasn’t a friend, Sean would probably have been banned from the club.

  “Nice to see you’re here…and sober.”

  His humor had a warning edge to it. He glanced over to the bar and saw Ross’ wife Dee was working. “No problems tonight. Promise.”

  He looked past him to Randy and Jaime. “So, you found him?”

  “Yes.” Jaime’s answer was rude and curt. Damn, the woman was usually one of the best field operatives. The fact that she couldn’t seem to keep her tongue in control in public was a bad sign.

  One eyebrow rose. “And apparently, you’re still working things out.�

  Sean shook his head. “Kind of crowded tonight.”

  “Don’t worry. Del called, explained that you needed a private table. You get the owner’s table tonight.”

  They followed him. He gave Dee a wave as they walked past the drink area. Since alcohol had been banned about a year ago, Sean must have been lit when he showed up the other night. He was damned lucky he hadn’t killed someone on his way over to the club.

  He noted a few familiar faces as they followed Micah through the throng. The club had always appealed to him on so many levels, especially the furnishings. It was an expensive club, and it showed as they walked through. When they arrived at the circular booth, Micah leaned down and pulled the table out.

  They settled in the booth, Jaime sitting in the middle. He had been back there a few times. The high-backed booths had a great view of the premiere play room. It was the one Micah and Ethan would have occupied on a regular basis, but now that they were married, he knew it didn’t happen that often anymore. He scanned the gathering looking for anyone who stood out. Most everyone fit in, but that was the problem. If the person Letov sent for him understood the lifestyle and knew how to dress, they would blend easily.

  A sub he knew stopped by the table.

  “Evening, Liz,” he said with a smile.

  The sassy transplant from the East Coast grinned. “Evening. I heard you put on quite a show the other night.”

  “Yeah.” He noticed Randy and Jaime studying the respiratory therapist. While they were both members, they did not come to the club that often. In fact, they rarely spent time in Hawaii. “Liz McChesney, meet my friends Randy Young and Jaime Alexander.”

  She smiled and her blue eyes twinkled. “Nice to meet both of you.” She turned her attention to Sean. “I take it you aren’t here to play tonight?”

  He shook his head. “No, sorry.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, I’m over there with some friends.” She pointed to a table with several women, who apparently were watching the byplay.

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips over her cheek. “You know I will.”


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