Caught By Two Doms (Club El Diablo (Angel's Doms Book 2))

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Caught By Two Doms (Club El Diablo (Angel's Doms Book 2)) Page 3

by Holly S. Roberts

  Her need built—every nerve ending screaming with pulses of pleasure wanting to escape. When he slipped one finger inside of her sensitized flesh, mewling sounds left her throat and her legs started quivering as the heat built.

  He suddenly pulled away, though he held her thighs open. She opened her eyes and cried out in frustration. His fingers slid across her skin until he held her upper arms and pulled her forward.

  His evil smile flashed with humor, but his voice was firm. “There are consequences for your bratty behavior and this is one of them. We will go to the playroom when I say so. You will eat your food, practice piano, and start over when you make mistakes. Stephens will be listening if I am not. I have no desire to leave fresh daily bruises on your ass, but, baby…” his sea green eyes pierced hers and his voice lowered, “I’ll enjoy putting them there. Go change into a skimpier outfit and leave the long, flowing material for when we go out. Do you understand?”

  She gave a slow nod, a thrill running through every inch of her body. His lips tightened and she knew it was because she didn’t give a verbal response. “Yes, Sir.”

  His eyes softened and his grin went from evil to sensuous. “Good girl. Go change.”

  Chapter Five


  Zach was awake when Monroe dressed, kissed Angel while she continued sleeping, and then left the room that morning. Neither of them had spoken. A letter from Monroe was waiting on Zach’s dresser in his private bedroom and he read it when he changed into his running clothes.


  I should have explained more to you, but time moved too quickly. My unfinished business will hopefully keep danger from the special world we have built. I had no choice, and will let nothing happen to the people I love.

  Angel will need discipline that you are generally lax in providing. She has been wrapped tightly within a safe little cocoon for a year and I trust that you will do what is best for her.

  The kiss wasn’t a mistake. I want more. I’ve always wanted more and that will never change. To hold you and Angel, I will always respect your wishes.

  Please review our emergency safety plans with Angel, Marguerite, and Stephens. I will do my best but it is possible danger could come your way. You are the only person I trust with the lives of the people I love.


  Stephens and Marguerite had taken care of Monroe for years and Zach had no doubt he loved them. As for Angel, Monroe’s love electrified a room whenever she was near. Zach ran his fingers through his hair, pulled on his running clothes and tried not to think about Monroe’s feelings for him.

  Zach knew he himself had issues with their relationship, but he’d slowly gained confidence with the three of them sharing Monroe’s large bed. Zach even enjoyed the uninhibited sexual games they played. He loved Monroe in his own way, but couldn’t let himself go enough to give in to his feelings like Monroe wanted. And, until yesterday, Monroe’s iron control had never slipped.

  Zach could still feel Monroe’s lips against his forehead, and thinking about it again caused anger to sizzle just below the surface.


  The first week passed slowly. Zach took Angel hiking at Big Bend National Park and he made love to her high on a ridge overlooking the beautiful, almost untouched area. She picked at her food, dropped some of her bratty attitude, but continued to be apprehensive with Monroe gone. Zach didn’t ignore the sadness that crept into her eyes, and used dominance to bring her back into the now.

  They fell into bed the night after the hike without playing in the dungeon or making love. They were both too exhausted to do more than shower and brush their teeth. Her jerking movements and whimpers woke him hours later. She hadn’t had a nightmare in months. Rolling over, he placed his hands on her face, talking gently the entire time. “I’ve got you, Angel, you’re all right.”

  She kicked and bucked her body, trying to dislodge him. “No, no, you’re killing her, please no.” The words tore from her throat.

  Her screams eventually filled the room and he settled his body more firmly on hers. He’d never used Monroe’s technique to bring her out of night terrors, but he had to try. Pinching off her nose, he covered her mouth with his. She continued to struggle, and when he pulled away she gasped for air. He covered her mouth again and exhaled, pushing his breath deep into her lungs. “I’ve got you, baby, come back to me.” He did it again and felt her body go limp. “I’ve got you.”

  Her ravaged eyes cleared and huge racking sobs filled the room.

  “Shh, you’re okay. I’m here and I’m not leaving.” He spoke a jumble of soothing words while holding her tightly and letting her cry.

  “I’m sorry,” she said between gulps for air.

  “You shouldn’t be. We’re both strung fairly tight.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  He tried to deny it, but the lie wouldn’t pass his lips. Zach missed Monroe’s friendship and seeing him daily. “Yes.”

  Her hands curled around his shoulders and he relaxed against her warmth. Even in the dark, he had trouble admitting his feelings, and part of him wasn’t sure exactly what those feelings were. They fell asleep a short time later. The next morning began with their run… another day that brought them closer to Monroe’s return.

  “We’re going to the club on Saturday,” Zach said after Marguerite cleared their dinner dishes and placed small bowls of chocolate soufflé in front of them.

  “And if I don’t wish to?” It was the first bratty thing she’d said since her nightmare.

  “I’ll only go harder on you.” He took a bite while watching her closely.

  “I’m expecting cramps this weekend.”

  He knew her body better than his own and by his quick calculation she wasn’t making it up. “I’ll work around them.”

  “You are kidding… right?” Her large eyes shot daggers.

  “No, I’m not kidding. Your cramps don’t incapacitate you and I’d planned to allow you to wear some of your gauzy clothes, but I’m quickly changing my mind.” His lips set in a tight line after he completed the sentence. He lifted a spoon full of thick, rich chocolate to his mouth, letting her know the discussion was over.

  “I love you.”

  That stopped his spoon mid-lift. “Did that work with Monroe?”


  Zach laughed and then continued eating his dessert. He watched her squirm while eating only half her bowl and knew she craved a release outlet. “I think my baby has needs.” He winked.

  Her long eyelashes swept down and then lifted. “I hate you.”

  He laughed the entire way to the dungeon, deciding to grant them both a bit of relief before they went to bed.

  Chapter Six


  She didn’t care for the club. It wasn’t just Club El Diablo, it was any BDSM club. It went against her upbringing, which was actually funny. Angel’s family would have her blood on their hands if they knew she lived. It would be an honor killing to avenge her rape and torture at the hands of the men who, through no fault of her own, defiled her. The wives of her dead husband orchestrated her sale into human slave trafficking after his passing. Her biological family would feel sadness over her death, but do their duty. Their attitude would change if they knew she willingly gave her body to two men. It wouldn’t matter that she loved them both. Her death under those conditions wouldn’t be quick.

  Looking around the club, she knew she shouldn’t carry the burdens of a religion she forsook, but seeing the scantily clad or naked men and women made her cringe.

  Sir granted two favors. She wore a long, gauzy dress minus underclothes and wore Master’s collar with leash grasped within Sir’s strong hand. He gave her license to use high protocol, though she knew it made him uncomfortable. They’d showered and dressed in Master’s hotel apartment suite and then took a private elevator to Club El Diablo.

  The sounds of music thrummed in a low, sexy beat, but did nothing to dispel her apprehension. Why was Sir insisting on
something that she deemed as punishment? Angel shouldn’t question his dictates and maybe it was him that needed to get out of the isolated surroundings of Master’s home.

  Eyes downcast in submission, she followed Sir to the brightly lit carousel. It slowed and finally came to a stop. “I’m sitting you on a bench instead of astride a pony due to your… condition.” He gave a slight grin and winked. “The club’s attendants will keep an eye on you. No Dom but me can approach you while you’re on here.”

  She didn’t stop to think, just grabbed his hand, shaking her head frantically. “Please, Sir, no.”

  He pulled her in close and kissed the skin just below her ear. “Behave. You can do this. I won’t be far.”

  Her hands fell away and, for his sake, she controlled herself. Bringing her here and then leaving her alone made no sense, but somehow she’d brought this on herself. He lifted her up onto the carousel and unclipped the leash from her collar. “Hold this while I’m gone.” He stood back and nodded at the attendant controlling the motion of the machine.

  She sat down as the carousel began to spin. When she came back around, Sir was gone. She scooted as far to the inside of the bench as she could.

  “Are you okay?”

  The concerned feminine voice startled Angel. Looking behind the colorfully painted pony, she saw a scantily dressed, very pregnant sub holding onto one of the few non-moving ponies. The woman’s beautiful smile, decorated with lip piercings, flashed pearly white teeth.

  The melodic voice was at odds with the sub’s hard-core appearance. Before Angel could respond, the woman continued, “I’m being punished, and I’m supposed to be reflecting upon my behavior. What about you?”

  Angel couldn’t help giving a small smile. “I’m fairly certain I’m also being punished.”

  “That no good jerk.”

  “What?” Angel wasn’t sure she heard the woman correctly.

  “If you’re being punished it’s his job to let you know what it’s for. My brother will not put up with that shit. He can find you a Dom who knows what he’s doing and get rid of the jerk for you.”

  Shock ran through Angel’s mind. “Your brother?”

  “Damian, the owner of the club. He hates when I come here, because it makes him uncomfortable.” She smiled with a touch of vexation. “I’m being punished because Brandon, my husband, pissed me off last night and I became a little exuberant in my rebellion. Now,” she looked around the club, “back to discussing the jerk.”

  Angel’s smile grew—this girl’s protectiveness broke the ice. Laughter tinged her voice, “He’s actually not a jerk. He will explain why I’m here later. This is one of the few times he hasn’t coddled me.”

  “We need to talk, girlfriend.” The woman sat down on the bench, eyed the leash in Angel’s hand and the collar around her throat. She asked, in a completely straightforward manner, “Are you his slave?”

  Angel didn’t feel threatened by the question or feel that the woman was passing judgment. She answered honestly, “I’m not a slave to Sir, but I am to Master. Both men care for and protect me.”

  “Yowza! Is Master as yummy as Sir?”

  A giggle escaped Angel’s throat. “Yes.”

  “I’m Willow. It’s nice to meet you.” She placed her hand out and Angel shook it and told Willow her name. Then Willow’s hand went to her rounded belly. “This rascal won’t stop kicking tonight. I don’t think he likes the music, or maybe he plans to be a kick boxer when he’s older.”

  Angel’s eyes drifted to the large tummy holding the little fighter and her heart swelled with longing.

  “Do you want to feel?”

  Angel’s hand tentatively lifted and Willow quickly took it in hers and placed it on the side of her stomach. Two musical beats later, the baby gave a fierce kick and Angel jumped. Willow’s laughter was infectious and Angel joined in, hoping the baby would kick once more. Angel didn’t notice the slowing of the carousel until an unknown deep voice blasted louder than their laughter.

  “You can’t even take a punishment without getting into trouble.”

  Angel jerked her hand away and looked into smiling eyes, softening even further as they traveled to Willow’s stomach.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked, though didn’t seem concerned.

  “Yes, I’ve found a new friend and we’re exchanging birthing stories.” Willow’s voice held just a touch of pique.

  “Is that supposed to scare me off? You’ve never given birth, so your version will leave something to be desired.”

  “Funny that you use that word. ‘Desire.’ I like that word.”

  He shook his head and his grin widened as he looked to Angel. “Don’t let her get you into trouble. I’m keeping count of all her transgressions until after the baby’s born. She won’t be able to sit down for a month.”

  “It’s not her getting my sub into trouble, it’s you. Why are you speaking with my sub when she’s off limits on the carousel?”

  Willow’s husband turned then enveloped Zach in a strong hug before pushing back. “Zach, you devil, it’s great to see you.”

  Zach laughed and pulled the other man close again, thumping him on the back. “Is this your wife? Damian’s sister?”

  A strangled noise came from Willow and then she said icily, “Damian’s sister has a name and it’s Willow.”

  Zach ignored her and just lifted an eyebrow at the other man. Angel seldom saw Zach or Monroe with other people. Their lives revolved around each other, but now she noticed a lightness in Zach’s eyes and realized they might be at the club for another reason than what she thought.

  The other man laughed. “Forgive my wife. She’s getting away with murder right now and driving her Dom crazy.”

  “Would your slave like to join me and Angel for a drink?” The humor in Zach’s gaze let them all know he was teasing.

  “My slave needs a couch so she can rest her head in my lap. It’s the only sex I’ve received this past month.”

  Willow smacked her husband on the arm, “That’s so not true.” She then made introductions. “This is my husband, Brandon.” She turned from Angel and spoke to Brandon, “I actually would prefer a couch. My back is killing me. But, I need the ladies room first.”

  Brandon lifted Willow off the carousel like she weighed nothing. Willow looked at Angel. “I love when he goes all manly.”

  “Two thousand six hundred and four,” Brandon said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry if you enjoy counting my future punishments but you totally made that number up. I don’t have time to argue though, because I need to pee. Come on, Angel. Go with me, please.”

  Angel looked to Zach, who put his hand out. She had no idea what he wanted.

  “The leash.”

  Her cheeks turned red as she handed it over.

  “Go on, maybe you can keep her out of trouble.” Zach made a shooing motion with his hand. “We’ll meet you ladies at the bar.”

  Chapter Seven


  He and Monroe had never given Angel the gift of friendship outside their unorthodox family of driver, housekeeper, and the two of them. He’d watched Angel’s hand reverently touch Willow’s stomach and then heard her laughter over the low thudding music. It made his heart ache for the loneliness she must sometimes feel. He’d brought her here tonight because she needed to get out and so did he. Her abhorrence of the club was unfortunate, but it was one of the few places he felt complete acceptance. He wanted to see if some of her fears would dissipate with familiarity and sceneing while clothed.

  He left her on the carousel so he could speak privately with Damian about possibly finding a female sub to befriend Angel. Brandon’s wife played right into his hands. Damian clued him in to Willow sitting by Angel. They’d moved a little closer, but remained in the shadows watching.

  “My sister is a brat, but she has a heart of gold.”

  “Angel has her bratty moments, too, so I think this could work.”

  Now, Brandon and W
illow sat with him and Angel. Willow rested her head on her husband’s lap while Brandon rubbed her belly. Angel sat on the floor leaning into Zach’s legs. His fingers ran through her silky hair while he spoke with Brandon.

  “Where’s the rope charmer this evening?” Brandon asked.

  “He’s out of state working,” Zach smoothly answered back.

  “That’s too bad. I’d love to see a demonstration. We were out of town the last time he performed, but it’s all anyone spoke about for months.”

  Willow’s head jerked up and she looked at Angel. “You’re Monroe’s Shibari model?” she said with complete hero worship.

  “Yes.” Angel’s voice dropped in obvious embarrassment.

  Zach pulled her closer against his leg.

  “I must see you work someday. Shibari gets my juices flowing.”

  “You’re making her uncomfortable, babe.” Brandon’s voice held a touch of censure.

  Angel smiled shyly at Willow.

  “I will invite you to our home after the baby’s born if Sir and Master don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind,” Zach said. “But I brought rope and, if Angel will agree, we can give a small demonstration here tonight.” He felt her body stiffen slightly. “I can work with you clothed,” he said and instantly felt her relax.

  “Oh, a jealous Dom. How romantic. Please, Angel. I would love to watch.” Willow actually clapped her hands.

  “He isn’t jealous… he knows I feel uncomfortable being unclothed in front of others.”

  Willow gave Zachary an excited smile and then turned to Angel, hardly able to contain her excitement. “Please give us a demonstration.”

  “I would be honored,” Angel said and looked up at Zach.

  “The honor is mine, baby.” He winked at her. “Let’s find an empty station and we’ll show off a few basics.” He looked at Willow. “Of course, I bow to Monroe, the god of rope, but he trained me and I can tie a knot or two.”


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