Sharing a Mate

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Sharing a Mate Page 11

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Do each other?” Bron raised his eyebrows suggestively at her and Kayla laughed.

  “Bron! You know what I mean. Here—I’ll get Sorin’s chest and you do his back—okay?”

  The big Beast Kindred shrugged. “Sure.”

  Sorin looked uncertain about the whole thing but Kayla was already dipping her fingers into the cool, sparkly white cream and smearing it over the Blood Kindred’s broad chest. Bron did the same and started working on his best friend’s back, smearing the marking cream in long strokes down Sorin’s spine.

  Kayla took her time, rubbing Sorin’s smooth, muscular chest, broad shoulders, and sculpted abs as she had often fantasized about doing. Aside from giving him hugs and the occasional neck rubs, she had never been able to indulge this particular fantasy back when the three of them were just friends.

  For his part, Sorin seemed to slowly relax under their hands. His eyes fluttered closed as Kayla worked on his front and Bron did his back and the tensions leaked visibly from his broad shoulders.

  “That feels…nice,” he murmured after a moment. “Your hands on me—both your hands.”

  “Of course it does,” Bron said, matter-of-factly. “The touch of the ones you care for is healing, or so my people believe.”

  “I believe it too,” Kayla remarked. “But I’m done with your chest now, Sorin. Should I, uh…” She cleared her throat and nodded down at his thick shaft. “Should I go lower?”

  “I could do it myself,” the Blood Kindred said, his voice low and his eyes heavy-lidded as he looked at her.

  “No, you can’t,” Bron rumbled. “Didn’t you hear the fucked-up counter man? He said the cream is ineffective unless it’s applied by the hand of another.”

  Sorin shrugged. “I prefer to have Kayla do it anyway.”

  “My pleasure,” Kayla purred, smiling up at him. She scooped more of the cream into her hand and rubbed it between her fingertips before gripping the long shaft that jutted from between his thighs and beginning to spread the cream up and down his considerable length.

  “Gods!” Sorin threw back his head and groaned softly as she massaged him.

  “Feels good?” Kayla asked him and he nodded.

  “To have your sweet hands on me? You know it does.”

  “Good. Then while I’m working on your front, Bron can do your backside.”

  “What?” Sorin’s eyes flew open. “I don’t think—”

  “Relax, Brother,” Bron rumbled, sounding amused. “Letting another male touch your ass isn’t going to kill you. Here, small one—give me some more cream.”

  Kayla paused what she was doing for a moment to hold out the jar to the Beast Kindred, who scooped a generous amount into his palm.

  “I don’t know about this—the two of you touching me so…intimately at the same time,” Sorin protested as Bron began matter-of-factly rubbing the cream over his friend’s ass with his big, powerful hands. Kayla couldn’t help noticing that Sorin’s erection had wilted somewhat, as though he wasn’t certain about how to feel.

  Once again she felt guilty about pushing his boundaries but part of her whispered that this was right—that she needed to bring the three of them together and this was the way to do it.

  “It’s okay,” she said soothingly as she stroked his shaft and reached below to cup his heavy balls. “Do our hands feel bad on you?”

  “Well…no,” Sorin admitted, frowning. “In fact they feel…good.”

  “Of course it feels good. The people who care for you are touching you,” Bron rumbled. “Relax, Sorin—let yourself enjoy being touched.”

  “I don’t understand how you’re so easy with this,” Sorin said, turning his head to look over his shoulder at his best friend. “You don’t…” He cleared his throat. “Don’t mind Kayla touching me while you touch me as well?”

  “I suppose I should…” Bron paused, as though thinking it though. “But we’re all in this together and I care for you—you’re the friend of my heart, Brother. Touching you while Kayla touches you too…it doesn’t seem wrong to me. The three of us are close.” He frowned. “Perhaps closer than we should be.”

  “I thought this didn’t bother you?” Kayla remarked. “Touching Sorin while I touch him too, I mean.”

  “It doesn’t,” Bron said. “But seeing him touch you or you touch him should bother me. I’m a Beast Kindred and we don’t—”

  “Don’t share. We know,” Sorin said, frowning. “So you’re fine with rubbing my ass but you don’t want to see me rubbing Kayla’s?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m fucking saying,” Bron said, a growl of frustration in his deep voice. “I should be angry and upset when I see you touch her but…”

  “But what?” Kayla asked softly.

  “But…I’m not.” Bron looked both confused and discomforted by the idea. Sorin seemed to sense what his friend was feeling too.

  “Now you know how I feel when I let you touch my ass while Kayla strokes my shaft,” he remarked, turning his head and raising an eyebrow. “I know it ought to feel wrong but it feels good instead. Which is damn confusing.”

  “Seven Hells,” Bron growled. “What’s so wrong about some touching between friends?”

  “My point exactly,” Sorin said dryly. “But I suppose it depends on which friends are doing the touching.” He sighed. “Look, I think I’m completely covered by now. It should be Bron’s turn.”

  “All right—let’s switch,” Kayla said. She had been being quiet on purpose while they talked, letting them sort through some of the feelings they’d had bubbling below the surface out in what she hoped was a constructive way. Now she was interested to see if Sorin would be as willing for them to touch Bron together as the Beast Kindred had been for the two of them to touch Sorin.

  They switched places and Kayla got to work on the big Beast Kindred’s chest, enjoying herself as she rubbed the silky cream over his muscular body. She liked the small patch of black curls between the flat, copper disks of his nipples and the way his tan skin felt like satin under her fingers.

  Sorin started on his friend’s neck, which was safe territory for him as he was always giving Bron or herself neck rubs.

  “Mmm, feels good,” Bron growled in unabashed pleasure.

  “What I’m doing or what Kayla is doing?” Sorin inquired.

  “Both. I love to have our lady’s hands on me. But you always give the best neck rubs, Brother,” Bron rumbled happily. Clearly he was completely at ease with being touched by both of them.

  Kayla wondered if she would have to prompt the Blood Kindred to work on his friend’s back as well but after a moment Sorin took another handful of cream and began rubbing lower, stroking up and down the strong lines of the Beast Kindred’s spine and shoulder blades.

  After making certain Bron’s entire chest and arms were covered, Kayla reached for his shaft. It was already standing at attention for her and as she grasped its thickness, she couldn’t help remembering how delicious his seed was.

  “Gods, baby,” Bron groaned as she touched him, stroking the cream up and down his hard length. “Feels fucking amazing to have your soft little hands on me there.”

  “What about my hands here?” Sorin asked, taking another scoop of the cream and rubbing it over his friend’s backside. “This doesn’t detract from your pleasure? Having me touch your ass while Kayla strokes your shaft? Having the two of us touching you together?”

  “Why should it?” Bron demanded. “I told you—the touch of people who care for you is healing…soothing. Fucking pleasurable. I don’t give a damn where you touch me as long as you fucking touch me, Sorin. Both of you.”

  “Our people must have more differing views on this than I thought,” the Blood Kindred remarked, still rubbing, though with less uncertainty, Kayla saw. “My father would die of shame if he saw me touch another male so while the female we both cared for touched him too. He would think the three of us disgusting and perverted.”

  “And mine would rip my hea
d off for being weak and submissive if he saw me sharing a female with another male,” Bron countered. “But we’re doing both for now—at least until we can develop an antidote for Kayla and the rest of the Mother Ship.”

  “In other words, shut up and rub,” Sorin said dryly.

  Kayla laughed. “I think that about covers it. Literally and figuratively.” She released her hold on Bron’s thick shaft and stepped back.

  “But you didn’t do my hrakas,” the Beast Kindred complained. “I know you did Sorin’s—I watched you over his shoulder.”

  “Your what?” Kayla frowned at him.

  Sorin gave a soft laugh.

  “You didn’t put the cream on his testicles—hrakas is Beast Kindred slang for testicles.”

  “Oh, right.” Kayla began to step forward again but just then U’la came hurrying back with a huge, elaborate feathered contraption.

  The Carnalian female nodded mutely at the thing in her hands and beckoned for Kayla.

  “Oh wait, boys—I think she wants me,” she said to them.

  “But what about me?” Bron’s deep voice was plaintive. “Are you really going to leave me hanging, Kayla?”

  Kayla had a sudden idea.

  “Of course not,” she said briskly. “Sorin can do it.”

  “What?” Both male heads jerked up and they frowned at her.

  “What did you say?” Sorin asked.

  “I said maybe you can help your best friend be certain nobody on that damn perverted dance floor rips his nuts off,” Kayla said tartly. “Can you do that for him?”

  “I have never touched another male there,” Sorin protested.

  “And I have never had another male touch me there,” Bron said. He frowned and added, “Though if I must, I would rather have you do it than any other, Sorin.”

  “This really doesn’t bother you?” Sorin demanded, frowning.

  “It’s…a step further than I would normally go, even with you,” Bron admitted. “But I don’t find the idea unwelcome. Just…unexpected.”

  “You boys get to it,” Kayla said as she marched over to U’la who was still gesturing expressively with her white eyes.

  Was the girl mute? It seemed so because she had yet to utter a sound that Kayla had heard. She stepped up to the counter where U’la was waiting but then made a little motion to her with one hand.

  “Wait a minute,” she whispered to the other girl. “I want to see this.”

  U’la seemed to understand because she nodded and laid the thing—which had gold and white and silver feathers sprouting from it—quietly on the counter.

  Kayla turned her head and watched her guys surreptitiously from the corner of her eye. Would they really go through with this? For some reason she couldn’t explain, it seemed important that they did—important to bring them closer together in this way. Although why that was, she couldn’t say.

  “Well…” Sorin took a deep breath and dipped his fingers into the cream. “Here goes.”

  “Do it.” Bron was standing perfectly still, his legs parted. He wasn’t as completely relaxed as he had been, though, Kayla noticed. There was tension in the set of his broad shoulders as though he wasn’t completely sure about this. His cock hadn’t gone down any though—it was still standing at attention, just as it had been while she’d been rubbing him with the cream.

  Sorin reached below his friend’s thick shaft and carefully—almost tenderly—cupped the Beast Kindred’s heavy sack.

  “Gods!” The exclamation exploded from Bron’s lips. “Not so lightly, Sorin—that fucking tickles,” he growled. “Touch me like you’d touch yourself.”

  “All right, then.” Sorin took a firmer grip—though he was still being careful, Kayla noticed—and massaged the cream into the sensitive area. “How’s that?” he asked as he worked.

  Bron shrugged, some of the tension leaving his shoulders.

  “Feels good,” he admitted. “Not as good as when Kayla touches me, but still pleasurable.” He gave Sorin a look, his golden eyes sleepy with pleasure. “Does it bother you to do it?”

  “Not as much as I thought it would,” Sorin admitted. “There—I think I got you all, er, covered,” he added, withdrawing his hand.

  Bron nodded. “Thanks, Brother.”

  “You’re welcome.” Sorin nodded. “But you know, we still haven’t rubbed the cream on Kayla—she needs more protection than either of us.”

  “True…” Bron eyed her speculatively, his golden eyes hot. “I’ll be more than happy to rub her soft little body all over.”

  “I’m rather looking forward to it myself,” Sorin murmured.

  Kayla turned her head to them, as though she’d just caught what they said.

  “In a minute, guys,” she told them, though the idea of having both sets of big, male hands rubbing her body made her feel hot all over. “First U’la here has to explain how to wear this uh, contraption.”

  “What is it? Is that the feather-tail?” Sorin asked, as he and Bron approached the counter to examine the strange thing. “It’s certainly beautiful but how does it work?”

  “I don’t know.” Kayla turned back to the Carnalian girl. “Can you explain it to me?” she asked, frowning.

  U’la tapped her throat and shook her head.

  “You can’t speak?” Kayla asked and U’la nodded. So the girl was mute. Kayla couldn’t help wondering if that was a consequence of the fact that her parents were so closely related. But U’la seemed nice enough and there was intelligence in her white eyes.

  “Okay, just show me then,” she said. “How does it work?”

  U’la picked up the thing and turned it over and around so that Kayla could see the underside of it. There was a curving piece of metal which seemed to be what the feathers were sprouting from in the first place. Attached to it were two black rubber wands, placed one above the other with one being considerably slimmer than the other. Both were about six or seven inches long and the thicker one was about as big around as a good-sized dildo, Kayla thought. Then she frowned. Wait…surely not…

  But sure enough, U’la was gesturing at the feather-tail and then pointing between her own legs and then pointing at Kayla.

  “Oh my God,” Kayla whispered, finally getting it. “I think it’s supposed to go—”

  “Inside you,” Sorin finished for her.

  “Looks like it’s built for double penetration, too,” Bron rumbled thoughtfully. “I guess the thicker shaft goes into your pussy and the thinner one goes in your ass.”

  “But…but I don’t want to wear this!” Kayla exclaimed, her cheeks going hot with embarrassment. “It’s one thing to go out in public half naked but this is crazy!” She looked at U’la indignantly. “I shouldn’t have to put this in, just to cross the dance, er, copulation floor!”

  But the Carnalian girl had a stubborn look on her face. She pointed at the tail and then pointed at Kayla again with a stiff finger.

  “But my guys can protect me from anybody who tries to grab me!” Kayla protested.

  “Damn right, we can,” Bron growled. “Anyone who tries to touch our female will end up with his head twisted around backwards.”

  “Which is exactly what we are trying to avoid by having your female wear the feather-tail,” Tork said, suddenly appearing from behind the red velvet curtain. “We’ll have no brawling here at The Fallen Angel—we have a strict no-violence policy.”

  “What if we rub the cream all over Kayla’s entire body?” Sorin asked reasonably. “Won’t that let everyone out there know that she’s not interested?”

  “Normally, yes but your female is…exotic.” Tork eyed her with interest which made Kayla want to cover her breasts. “Males on the copulation floor have been known to get carried away when they see a rare beauty, even one wearing the marking cream. Beautiful girls, even those with the cream smeared all over their bodies, may still be unable to get through the crowd without at least a load or two of seed filling their pussies.”

  “Do peopl
e know this when they come here?” Kayla demanded, incensed. “That’s sexual assault!”

  Tork shrugged. “Of course they know—this is Carnal Four, after all. It’s a risk most are willing to take. Some girls even wear the cream on purpose to attract attention from the kind of male who would ignore it in the first place.”

  “That’s awful,” Kayla exclaimed. “Where I come from, no means no!”

  “Well, not on Carnal Four,” Tork said blandly. “Here, no means quite possibly yes. Or maybe a better concept would be, no means why not?”

  “So the cream is not a complete deterrent,” Sorin said flatly.

  “Unfortunately, no, although it still must be worn to mark you as an abstainer.” Tork raised one finger. “But with a feather-tail in place, there can be no mistaking your female’s obvious wish to abstain from the mating frenzy. And even if someone should try to, ahem, take liberties with her, the tail will be firmly in place, blocking their path to success, so to say.”

  “I still don’t like it,” Bron growled. “But I’m beginning to think that it’s fucking necessary.”

  “If you wish to get to Y’ax, yes it is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, U’la and I have something to attend to.” Tork gave his sister-wife a lascivious look and took her by the hand. “Please finish putting on the cream and the tail before you venture out onto the copulation floor,” he called over his shoulder and then the two of them disappeared behind the red velvet curtain again, letting in the thumping beat of the music for a brief moment as they left.

  “Well…” Kayla looked at the feather-tail uneasily. “This is…weird. We’ve taken a lot of trips, guys, but never one like this.”

  “Meaning we’ve never been somewhere they demanded we strip and rub each other with cream and put foreign objects in our orifices?” Sorin said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Very funny.” Kayla sighed unhappily. God, this was going to be embarrassing and uncomfortable, if not downright painful.

  “It’s Kayla’s orifices that are going to get filled,” Bron pointed out. “And if we’re going to fill them, we ought to get going.”

  “Bron!” Kayla and Sorin said at the same time.


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