Lovers Premiere (Kimani Romance)

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Lovers Premiere (Kimani Romance) Page 10

by Adrianne Byrd

  The pictures inside her head were so vivid she swore that she could feel his fingers peeling her panties from off her hips. She squirmed in her chair.

  “So beautiful,” his voice echoed inside her head as he parted her legs. When his head dropped in between them, Sofia’s eyes sprang open.

  Ram looked over at her, concern written on his face. “Are you all right?”

  Panting, Sofia placed a hand over her heart and stared at him.

  That only made his frown deepen. “Sofia?”

  “Y-yes. Yes. I’m fine,” she lied. Was that a dream or a memory?

  He gave her a look that said he didn’t believe her, but he let it go.

  They touched down at the airport and they were both surprised to see a few photographers waiting there, snapping away.

  Sofia was thrown off guard. While her agency may represent some of the most talented people in Los Angeles, the spotlight rarely hit her personally nowadays. It was a little reminiscent of the days after her parents’ death. She couldn’t imagine why anyone would be interested in the life and times of a Hollywood agent in the tabloids, but there they were.

  Ram quickly escorted her to his white Porsche and peeled out of there as if he was trying to qualify for a drag race. While he played speed racer, Sofia glanced around the spotless, leather interior.


  She shrugged. “Nothing. I was just thinking that this is the sort of car a confirmed bachelor would drive.”

  “Well, just say the word and I’ll trade this puppy in for a minivan in a heartbeat.”

  He grinned devilishly at her and she had the sneaky suspicion that he meant it. Kids? Things were definitely moving too fast for her to wrap her brain around. They were going to start dating after getting married and now they were going to discuss kids before they had sex? Or did they have sex already?

  Another image of Ram’s head dipping low to suck one of her nipples into his mouth filled her head along with him running his teeth lightly against the sensitive tip. She twitched and her panties grew moist. She covered a hand over her mouth when she could hear her own sighs echoed in her ears.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Ram asked.

  “Yes,” she said as she started fanning herself. “Don’t you have an air conditioner in this thing?”

  “It’s cool and the windows are down,” he said.

  “Well… I’m hot.” She reached over to the console herself and put the air on full blast.

  Ram just gave her a stern look and then shook his head. What man really understood women anyway? He was trying to wing this whole marriage thing himself. So far, Sofia hadn’t said anything about getting an annulment, but she wasn’t exactly acting like a gushing newlywed, either. Hopefully on their first official date tomorrow, he could put all his cards on the table and convince her to really give this marriage a try. He knew in his heart that he could make her happy. He had known it for years. But if she still needed time, he was more than willing to give her as much of it as she needed.

  He arrived at her penthouse at the Beverly Hilton. She tried to just hop out of the car and grab her own bags, but Ram wasn’t having any of that. He parked and insisted on bringing his wife’s luggage up to her penthouse.

  “That’s not necessary,” she insisted.

  “Oh it is necessary. And besides, I want to do it.” When she folded her arms, he added, “You need to get used to letting a man take care of you.”

  He placed a finger against her mouth before she could say anything to argue with him. “I’m not talking about financially. I’m talking about emotionally.” Their eyes locked. “Everyone needs someone to love and to hold. Someone to share their darkest secrets with. To laugh and play with.” He reached up and cupped the side of her face. “You know—how we used to do.”

  Sofia stared into Ramell’s eyes and was instantly transported back to a time when she trusted him with all her secrets, a time when she knew without a doubt that one day they would be together forever. That moment in time now felt like it was yesterday. And in many ways, he was the same Ram, waiting on her to hand him her heart.

  “You love me,” she said. It wasn’t a question.

  He smiled. “I have always loved you.” He leaned down and slowly drew her lips into a kiss. It started off soft and slow but it quickly heated up to the point that their mouths delved into each others like they were completely ravenous for one another.

  The next thing Sofia knew she was sliding her arms up around his neck so that she could pull him closer. Yes, he tasted like chocolate, and yes, he was the most addictive thing she’d ever known, but most importantly, he tasted like love. Sweet, heady, and completely intoxicating. Now that she recognized the taste it consumed her and knocked down walls that she never even knew she had erected. When she managed to pull their lips apart, her chest heaved like she had just traveled the entire world in less than sixty seconds.

  Ram’s devilish smile slid into place. “Now may I help take your bags up to your penthouse, Mrs. Jordan?”

  Hell. She forgot that they were still standing in the parking deck. What happened to her hatred of public displays of affection? “Yeah. That would be nice.”

  “Good.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I kind of like convincing you to see things my way.” Ram grabbed her bags from the trunk and when they turned to head toward the building, Sofia’s sister stood there smiling.

  “Rachel.” Sofia blinked. “What are you doing here?”

  “What else? I came to see you.” Rachel walked over to her older sister and drew her into a hug. “The last time we talked I think it’s safe to say that you were a little…out of it.”

  Sofia laughed. “That’s putting it nicely.” She kissed her sister’s cheek before she pulled out of her arms.

  “But after seeing that kiss, I know now that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.” Rachel turned toward Ramell. “And I guess that makes you my new brother-in-law,” Rachel said, sweeping her arms open wide.

  Ram lowered Sofia’s luggage and quickly embraced Rachel in a hug. “Hey, I always wanted a little sister.” And just like that the two clicked. They had always known each other, but the recent marriage made them instant best friends. Ramell retrieved the bags and together all three of them walked up to Sofia’s penthouse.

  When they entered the luxurious apartment, Ram asked where the bedroom was and Sofia hesitated. She had another jolt of everything moving so fast, but then shook it off to show him the way. Rachel stayed in the living room to give them a few minutes of privacy.

  In the bedroom, Ram set her bags on the bed and took a look around her peach and gold bedroom. “Nice.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s not as nice as mine, of course, but it’s nice.”

  “We’re having a contest now?”

  “I’m just saying.” He shrugged his shoulders. He walked over to her and swung his arms around her waist. “Make sure when I come and pick you up tomorrow that you pack enough clothes to stay at my house for a while.”

  She drew in a deep breath.

  “I have more than one bedroom you know. There’s no pressure.”

  Sofia flashed the simple band around her fingers. “No. There’s just a wedding band.”

  “Hey,” he said with a sudden note of seriousness. “You know me. I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”

  She did know that; had known it for a long time. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “No. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For finally asking me to marry you.”

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Sofia strolled through the office doors of Limelight Entertainment Management wearing a big smile. Almost everyone she passed in the building seemed to go out of their way to stop and offer their congratulations and well wishes. Sure, there was one or two of them that pointed or snickered about the Elvis impersonator or the small clip of Ramell giving her a strip dance—which, had, incidentall
y, generated hundreds of thousands of views online.

  But none of that bothered her. She was too excited about her date tonight. Not even Stewart, who had screwed up her coffee order and dropped a very important director’s call four times in a row, could upset her. It turned out she wasn’t on her A-game, either. While Larry Franklin was still trying to lowball her on Ethan’s next contract, her mind was still trying to figure out what she was going to wear that evening. When she left for work that morning, she had narrowed her selection down to seven dresses.

  “Sofia, are you still there?”

  “Huh, what?” She blinked out of her stupor.

  Larry cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. Was I boring you?”

  “No.” She started to apologize but stopped. “But I’m still disappointed in the offer.” Sofia had no idea what he’d offered, but it was her job to press for more anyway so her answer couldn’t have been wrong.

  “All right, all right. I give. We’ll accept your last counter offer. Does that make you happy?”

  She perked up. “Extremely.”

  “I’ll have legal draw up the contracts,” Larry huffed, and she could tell that he was lighting one of his favorite illegal Cuban cigars. “I have to tell you, Sofia, I had hoped that marriage would have softened you a little.”

  “There you go thinking again, Larry. I told you that was a dangerous proposition.” They shared a brief laugh and then ended their call. A second later, Uncle Jacob knocked on Sofia’s glass door. She glanced up and smiled. “It’s about time you rolled in,” she said, glancing at her watch.

  “Actually, it’s my day off. I only came in to see you,” he said, strolling over to her desk. “Two days after your nuptials and you’re already back to work? I was hoping that marriage would’ve curbed some of your workaholic ways.”

  “Seems everyone has been hoping that marriage would change me,” she said, a little irritated at that discovery.

  Uncle Jacob’s kind face crinkled at the corners. “Not change you. I just want you to slow down and smell the roses.” He moved around her desk and opened his arms. “In my eyes, you and your sister are perfect.”

  Sofia stood and embraced her uncle. Because he was her father’s twin, it had always been easy to view him as both her uncle and her father. With him around, she could never forget her father’s face. And when she wanted to see her mother all she had to do was look in the mirror.

  “I come bearing news of your wedding reception,” he said after they had exchanged a long hug.

  “The wedding reception.” Sofia sank back into her chair. “You know Aunt Lily really doesn’t have to go through any trouble. In fact, I’m sure that she has to be up to her eyeballs helping Rachel plan her wedding.”

  “Nonsense. We want to celebrate both of your unions.” His smile doubled in size as his gaze started to shimmer with tears. “I know that your parents have to be smiling down on you two right now. I’ve only met Ethan a couple of times but I know that he and your sister are going to be happy for a long, long time. And as for you.” He reached down and tweaked her nose. “I’ve known for a very long time how Ramell has felt about you. I don’t think anyone who has ever been in the same room with you two didn’t know that one day…” He waved his finger and then winked.

  Sofia smiled but dropped her gaze.

  “But how do you feel about him,” Jacob asked. “Do you love him?”

  She took her time thinking the question over. She thought about the years that she had foolishly blamed Ram for the things his father did. It had been unfair, but at the time it was the only way she knew how to cope.

  “Sofia?” Jacob pressed, concern starting to seep into his voice.

  “I think I’ve always loved him…in some way,” she finally said. “Given how I’ve treated him, I’m not sure that I deserve him.”

  Jacob chuckled. “We all deserve love, Sofia. Don’t you ever forget that.”

  She nodded and let his words wash over her.

  “As for your reception, it’s next Friday and then the week after that we all head out to Napa Valley for Rachel’s wedding and for Thanksgiving.”

  “Next Friday?”

  “It was going to be sooner than that but Emmett is out in New York and won’t be back until that Wednesday so we settled on Friday.”

  Sofia’s hands tightened on the pen in her hand. “She’s inviting Emmett?”

  Jacob paused and then said softly, “Well he is Ramell’s father. It only seems right to invite him to the wedding reception.”

  Sofia clenched her teeth together in order to prevent herself from saying something nasty. But the effort was hard and it instantly brought on a headache.

  Jacob watched her reaction and then seemed to struggle with something. “Sofia, maybe it’s time we had a little talk about Emmett Jordan,” he started, propping a hip up on her desk.

  “No,” she said sternly. “The last thing I want to do is talk about that man.”


  “I mean it,” she snapped, feeling her face heat up. In the brief three days she had to think about this marriage, she hadn’t given much thought on how she was going to have to handle him being her new father-in-law. The only solution that popped in her head right now was to keep the same game plan that she’d always had: stay the hell away from him.

  “Well thank you, Uncle Jacob. I’ll definitely tell Ramell our schedule.”

  Uncle Jacob’s brows hiked up. “He’s not here? You left him home alone?”

  “Actually, he mentioned something about needing the day off to plan for our first date.”

  Jacob laughed. “Well, in that case I guess it’s all right. You have any idea what he has in mind?”

  “None.” She thought about it. “Maybe I should be worried?”

  “Or,” Jacob said, standing again, “maybe you should be excited.”

  Sofia didn’t work a full day, something that should have been marked in the history books. Instead, she begged for her favorite hairdresser to fit her in. After that it was a rushed manicure and pedicure and then an eyebrow threading before racing back to her penthouse to decide on what to wear.

  “What happened to my other Prada shoe?” she wondered aloud while she searched her bags. After another twenty-minute search, she gave up and went for her black Jimmy Choos and a black Chanel dress.

  Their date was for eight o’clock and that was exactly when her door bell rang. She gave herself a last casual glance in the mirror and went to answer the door. She started off with a casual stroll, but when the bell rang a second time, she ended up doing a light jog to the front door.

  When she opened it, Ram stood on the other side in a black suit with one hand in his pocket and the other one mysteriously behind his back. “Good evening, Mrs. Jordan.”

  That wonderful feeling of warmth rushed through her body again. Once again, Ram looked good from head to toe and she had to force herself to stop staring. “Evening.”

  “Mind if I come in?”

  She stepped back with a smile. “Absolutely. Come in.”

  When he strolled through the door, his signature cologne filled her senses and weakened her knees. His white smile and kissable lips had her heart tripping in her chest. When on earth had he learned to turn her on so quickly? “I brought something for you,” he said.

  “Oh?” She closed the door behind him.

  Ramell gently pulled out a bundle of daisies. “I didn’t think I’d be able to find them in November,” he admitted.

  Tears stung the back of her eyes while her smile tripled in size. “My favorite.”

  “I know.” He stepped closer and tipped her chin. “I remember.” His head slowly descended until their lips locked together. His broad chest felt wonderful pressed against her. Her heartbeat became erratic. If this was all that he had planned, then he wouldn’t get any complaints from her.

  This is crazy. But despite that, she was willing to see where this wild and unexpected ride was going to lead her. Everyon
e deserves love.

  Ram pulled back and then kissed the tip of her nose. “Are you ready to go?”

  Not sure that she could speak, she nodded. But when she tried to walk, she still wobbled a bit. What on earth is this man doing to me?

  “Where are your bags?”

  “Uh. I haven’t actually had a chance to pack yet,” she informed him, looking for a vase that would fit her short stemmed bouquet. “It took all of my free time just to get ready.”

  His gaze roamed over her again. “Don’t worry about it. It was worth every second.” He offered her his arm and then escorted her out of the penthouse.

  “Am I allowed to know where we’re going now?” she asked when he opened the passenger-side door of his car for her.

  “No.” He tossed her a wink and then shut the door. A few minutes later they were on the road and cruising down the highway.

  When it became clear where Ram was taking her, a fresh wave of tears filled her eyes. “I don’t believe it.”

  Ram reached over, took her hand and kissed it. “Are you upset?”

  Sofia shook her head as she stared at her old childhood home. The white three-story mansion nestled on a grassy knoll looked exactly as she had remembered. In a lot of ways it was as if time had just stood still. For years she kept promising herself to come by the old estate, but always allowed herself to get caught up with work or some other social function. A part of her also believed that the memories would be too painful, but now that she was standing there she couldn’t stop smiling. Only belatedly did she realize that the lights were still on.

  “Does someone live here?”

  “Not exactly.” Ram climbed out of the car and rushed to the other side to help her out.

  Taking his hand, Sofia looked up into Ram’s soulful eyes and felt like she was stepping out of his car and into a dream. Again, she wondered at the magic he seemed to be able to cast over her at will. How she had been able to fight it as long as she had would probably be a mystery to her for the rest of her life. But right now, at this moment, she just allowed it to consume her.


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