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Minder Page 3

by Viola Grace

As if his mind had conjured her, she appeared, standing next to Von at the entryway to the great hall. They waited for his signal, but his alert aspect caused a ripple of silence to spread through the room. Aleyn Zargas, Terran Minder and his chosen mate.

  The instant that he nodded slightly, she drifted to him, leaving Von behind and grinning like a fool. He heard the gasps of surprise as she passed the nobles, her beauty and grace stunning them into silence. It was that silence that enabled him to hear the growl, but he was too late to act.

  * * * *

  Von had prepped her, but she needed to wait for Baileez’s nod to walk forward and take her position beside his throne. Her senses were on high alert. She had been warned that most did not want a non-Hickom Queen. Killing the female before she got to the throne was considered acceptable.

  Anger, hate, fear and a strange sort of excitement hit her when she was halfway to Bai. Someone wanted to kill her and they were about to act. It was all she could do to continue to pace closer to her chosen. When she felt the tingle of action, she stopped and held out a hand to freeze the mind of the attacker. The wolf man had transformed and was almost to her when he skidded to a halt. She picked through his mind and sorted his motivations.

  It wasn’t a woman, but a noble who felt that his daughter should be queen. His name was Hylo and he was furious at an alien being raised above them in a position of power. She touched his head gently and did her job. She took the fury and soothed the hurt. She could not erase the emotion, but he would be able to deal with it. He shook his head as she released his mind and whined, then rubbed her hand with the side of his face.

  A cheer went up from the throne room and she continued on her way, one slow balanced step at a time. Finally, she was standing in front of Baileez. He was looking bemused at her display, but stood to formally accept her anyway.

  The kiss that he gave her was anything but formal, he swept her into an embrace suitable for the cover of a romance novel and enjoined her in an eating kiss that had her hands fisting in his hair to keep her balance. When he set her back on her feet, she was amazed to find her tiara and jewellery still in place. The kiss should have lit her gown on fire. Stumbling, she took her position on his left side and faced the room.

  Two words came from Baileez, “Your Queen.” The slow applause started in a back corner, growing in power and frequency until the entire room was clapping. She could feel that the sentiment was not heartfelt, but they were wary of her now. No member of the Court of Hickom would attack her this day. They would use more stealth in the future.

  After the third hour of standing next to the throne, listening to the petitions of the nobles, Aleyn was a little bored. Baileez beckoned her near and whispered, “Von will take you back to our quarters for a meal. This afternoon you choose your guard.” At her smile and relieved nod, he took her hand in his and rubbed his face against it before depositing a kiss in her palm.

  Stunned by what he had just done, she slowly moved to the rear of the audience chamber and Von met her at the door. “That was unexpected.”

  He fluffed his fur out and winked at her. “I would say so. The nobles are already pitching fits because they have been trying to throw their daughters into his bed for the last ten years. There is even a rumour he has ordered a throne for you.”

  “Sheer speculation, of course.”

  “Of course. No Hickom leader has ruled as an equal with his wife in two hundred years.” She maintained her stately pace, it was the only way for her to keep her headgear on. Von walked behind her and to the right as was appropriate by Hickom standards. The nobles were still in shock or she would have had to be in the custody of her guard. They could only attack her once per day, it was the law.

  “There was one before that?”

  “Oh, certainly. Baileez’s great grandfather married a woman of exceptional talents. She became one of the greatest peacemakers that Hickom has ever known.” They continued down the hall and it was with some relief that Aleyn spied the room to their chambers. Of course, the guards did give it away.

  They snapped to attention, but looked ill at ease when she arrived, a short probe of her mind told her why. “Von. You are going to want to stay outside for this. I don’t think an audience in necessary.”

  Von scented the air and scowled at the guards. “Why did you allow her to pass?”

  The one on the left stammered, “She pointed out that the king had ordered that she always be allowed in, no matter the hour. He never rescinded it.”

  Von scrubbed one furry hand across his face. “Are you sure that you are up to this, Madam?”

  “Bring it on.” Aleyn took a deep breath and went in to her chambers to confront her husband’s mistress. “Good morning, Vaiu. How are you keeping?”

  Startled was not the way to describe the naked blond on all fours in the middle of their bed. Aleyn made a note to have Von change the sheets again, who knows what the woman had been up to. “Who are you?”

  “According to the ceremony this morning, your new queen. You may call me Aleyn, or Madam if you prefer.” She walked over to the water decanter and took a glass.

  “Married? You are joking.” She had turned over and was pawing at the covers, no doubt reaching for her dress.

  “I am not. Water?” She offered the befuddled woman a glass and smiled as she pulled her gown on and sat across from her new monarch.

  “Why are you being so nice to me? A Hickom woman would have dragged me out by my hair and thrown me naked into the hall.” She was trembling. It was no wonder. The instant that Aleyn had felt the other woman in her chamber, she had pulled her power around her like a shield.

  “It would mess up my gown. Seriously, have some water.” She waved her ruby covered hand and Vaiu took the seat, her mind a complete blank. Aleyn knew, she looked deep into the woman’s mind. It was not too bright, not too dark, just a woman who wanted to use Baileez to help her family get ahead. “You had yourself sterilized to become his leman, didn’t you?”

  It was a final stroke for a Hickom woman, if she could not bear children, she could never marry well. “I did.”

  “Can it be reversed? Nanos perhaps to repair the damage?”

  Vaiu looked shocked, she gulped the water and there was a distinct whiteness around her eyes. “I suppose. If the technology is here. We are restricted you know.”

  “I know. But I also know that the means by which you were sterilized were outside the tech restrictions.” Everything in her research had told her that this place was not what it claimed to be. It was what made it so unstable for her new addition. Now that she was stuck here, she was going to have to work on that. At least Baileez had given her the power to do something, even if it was only to influence him.

  “I suppose that is true, it is not something that has been offered to one like me before.”

  “One like you?”

  “A whore.”

  Wow. She had some issues. “You were not a whore. You were a mistress. There is a difference.” She was not sure what those were, but she was positive that there were differences. “Do queens here have ladies in waiting?”

  “Sometimes. Women from the noble families will be companions.” She was more than confused now, but she was calm. It was obvious from her face that she was shocked by the turn that the afternoon had taken.

  “Once I have my guard in place and you get your repair trip to medical, will you be my first lady in waiting? That is, if you want to get married and raise a family. Hell, people will want to be close to you just so that they have a better chance of killing me. Either way, you will be popular.” Aleyn was just finishing up her water when there was a tapping on the door.

  She quickly moved to make sure that Vaiu was respectably dressed, winked at her, then moved to the door. “Yes, Von?”

  “Madam, your lunch is here.”

  “Thank you, Von. I would like to arrange for Vaiu to have her sterilization reversed. I know you have the tech if you managed to get my block out of Bai’s
head.” She crossed her arms and tried to look stern, but the delighted look on Von and Vaiu’s faces was too much.

  “It shall be done immediately. She will have her appointment by tomorrow.” Von nodded to a servant behind him with a tray, “And now you need to eat, Madam. The future of our planet resides in you.”

  She sighed heavily and let the servant in. “That is how I got into this mess.”

  Chapter Six

  She had dismissed Vaiu once Von had arranged the appointment. Until she was a breedable female, it was not appropriate for her to be next to the queen. Protocol was a bitch.

  Aleyn ate her lunch in silence, pondering the changes in history that would keep them from acknowledging women. It had to have something to do with the alpha factor. Wolves were weird.

  She asked Von for some histories regarding rulers and he obliged with some books and a few dozen data packs. Speed-reading had always been one of her skills and she made it through half of one data pack before the door opened without a knock. “Hi, Bai. How was court?”

  “A lot more exciting after you left.”

  “Around here, too.” She stood and prowled to him. “You and Vaiu had a standing date?”

  His skin flushed, his eyes widened and he bit his lip.

  “I will take that as a yes. I have ordered a reversal of the sterilization procedures she underwent and am placing her as my first lady in waiting.”

  “But she is a whore.” He was unprepared for the crack of her hand against his face and she flinched as he furred up.

  She took a deep breath to regain control. “She is one of your subjects and has all the rights and responsibilities therein. She came to her position out of duty and I want her to leave it with pride. You know what the nobles will do if she is simply discarded.”

  He sat heavily on the bed, the imprint of her hand bright against his tan. He scrubbed his hand through his hair. “I am sorry. I did not think of her, of what would become of her.”

  “Let me guess, Von usually takes care of that sort of thing.”

  “Usually.” Baileez stood and went over to the table where she had been working on her Hickom history. “What is all this?”

  “History lessons. Since you have rushed me into this position, I felt it only right that I learn about the people you are placing me in front of.” He looked tired. “Have you eaten? I think I left enough for you.”

  “I will have something later, after we choose your guard.” He held out his hand to her. “Come.”

  “No. Sit and eat some fruit at least. I don’t want you keeling over on me.” She shoved at his shoulders and got him into a chair, then served him some of her leftovers. He looked surprised, but started to eat. It was the cold meat that got the colour back into his cheeks. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For eating. For not fighting me on having Vaiu restored. For the interesting clothing. Does it ever come with underwear?” She stood and ended the sentence with a twirl.

  A gleam came to his eyes, “For you? I am afraid not. The queen must give the king access at all times.”

  She blinked innocently. “Access to what?”

  In an instant, he was on her, the tight wrapping of her sash made moving against him almost impossible. He had her skirts flipped up and he was palming her heat in a matter of seconds. “Access to this. Access to your heat at an instant’s notice.”

  “I don’t recall getting any notice.” It was hard for her to speak as his fingers stroked her until the wet heat flowed and then thrust inside. She arched her hips against his hand and twisted to get him deeper.

  “I will send you the memo later.” He was unbuckling his trousers, pulling his erection free and then, oh merciful heaven, he was inside her. This was no leisurely loving, he drove for his release with slick hard thrusts that rocked her back on the bed. His fingers teased at her clit and she shuddered around him. Aleyn gasped for breath as he shoved into her and groaned, his hips jerking in his own release.

  He didn’t slump on to her, but rather stood again and fixed his clothing. She was getting irritated at being a little mid-afternoon relief when he pulled her to her feet and locked her in a kiss that made her feel wanted and cherished, his hand on her backside.

  “We have to get to the guard candidates. They have been waiting out in the sun for us to make our appearance.” He murmured that last against her neck and was surprised as she slammed her fist into his arm.

  “Moron. Why did you let me force feed you lunch if they were waiting?”

  “I haven’t been fussed over by a woman in a long time.” He cuddled her. “It was nice.”

  “Well, this is nice, too, but I think we should select my guard. Before we get distracted again.”

  “Wise choice.” He looked her over from head to toe and fixed a few things that had come askew when he tumbled her to the bed. The ruby tiara was once again firmly in place.

  She was presentable by his standards, front and back. He had her twirl for a moment and watched her gown settle around her. She was ready to go.

  “How many guards do we have to pick?”

  “Two shifts, so six royal guards.”

  “They volunteered for this?”

  “Yes. It is an honour to guard the queen.” He seemed sure of it as he opened the door and his guard took up alert positions.

  “We will see.” She swept out the door and waited to be taken to her new babysitters.

  Chapter Seven

  Two rows of guards, each eight guards long, stood in the sun of the afternoon. Sweat beaded on the heads of several and one or two swayed in the heat. They snapped to attention the instant that Bai and herself came onto the practice field.

  “Shall I introduce you, Madam?” The Captain of the Guard hovered nearby.

  “Not necessary. I simply need to ask them a few questions, is that acceptable?”

  “Certainly, Madam.”

  With Baileez and the Captain trailing in her wake, she was a little nervous, but she got in touch with her talent anyway. “I have a few questions to ask of you and I will need you to honestly answer me.”

  She took a deep breath and raised her voice. “How many of you really want to be here today?” All raised their hands, but two in the second row had been coerced by family obligations.

  “How many of you think it is beneath you to guard the queen?” That was one of the first and two new dissidents.

  “And finally, how many of you are capable of dealing with a woman who is breeding? The next few months are going to be a little rough for everyone.” Seven of the minds recoiled at that sentence. She tapped seven of her rejects and told them that they could leave.

  It now left her with nine candidates.

  “Now for the absolutely last question. Who amongst you is revolted by your king taking an alien as wife?” She looked as deep as she dared and then smiled, all nine were within tolerable levels of enthusiasm and curiosity. No contempt was visible.

  “Okay. I have asked my questions. Any of these men would be welcome as my guard. The rest is up to the Captain, or you, Bai, if you have any objections.” She was secure in her ability to determine that none of these men meant her harm. They would guard her for the honour of being the Queen’s Guard, the job opportunity of a lifetime as the King’s Guard was already full and had backups for any and all personnel.

  Baileez asked a few pertinent questions and her guard were being sent for fittings so that they would be wearing her livery. “Blue and red. Black trim.” Were his only comments when the men selected bowed deeply. The Captain nodded and sent off her new guard.

  Baileez pulled her tightly to his side. She laughed and asked him, “When do they have their first shift?”

  “Tomorrow. Mara will have their uniforms ready by then. The Captain will brief them on etiquette and my guards will take over your safety at night, if I am not up to the task.” His lecherous grin left her in no doubt that he was going to take guarding her body very seriously indeed.
r />   “Are all of my guard shape shifters?”

  “Of course. It is a requirement for the position.”

  Interesting. Perhaps claws and fangs were more useful than they looked. “What is on the schedule for the rest of the day?”

  “A small dinner with a few dignitaries and then meeting with the court events coordinator, we have a formal wedding to plan.”

  “We do? I thought today’s announcement was all that you needed.” She was genuinely puzzled.

  “It is all I needed, but your people have differing traditions. You have rites and events that you need to keep.”

  She smiled, a small tear coming to her eye. He was so much more than she had anticipated. She was so wrapped up in her feelings that she almost missed the surge of hate as she passed the open doors to the audience chamber. “Whoa. That was nasty. The people around here are mostly pleasant, but there are some who really despise me.”

  He sounded pleasant, but there was a threat to his tone, “Is there anyone who has spoken to you in a less than polite manner?”

  “No. But when they project hate it, it is hard to miss.”

  He sighed heavily, his guards tightened around them and were visibly alert. “Only one week and they will be unable to attack you.”

  “Six more days of it?”

  “Yes, and the closer you stay to me, the safer you will be.” The hard muscle of his arm flexed around her waist and she wove her fingers with his on her hip to calm him.

  “I will know when they are coming, even before they do. But they only get to attack me when I am entering the throne room?”

  “Indeed. It has to be done in front of witnesses.” He sighed heavily again. “It is one of our oldest traditions. If a woman with no appreciable bloodlines marries the heir or occupant of the throne, she has to prove her ability to defend both her life and the life of any heir she may bear. It is archaic, but still law.”

  “We have some funny ones back home as well. The owner of every hotel in Hastings, Nebraska, is required by to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude, nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of those provided nightshirts.” She nodded at his look of disbelief. “The Citadel has a few, too, you can’t use your mental skills to train animals to engage in any behaviour that they would not engage in in nature.”


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