Billionaires with Heart Boxset: Christian Romance Series

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Billionaires with Heart Boxset: Christian Romance Series Page 12

by Juliette Duncan

  She gazed lovingly into his eyes. “I love you, Nick, and I can’t wait to be your wife, but what will your family say?”

  He brushed her cheek softly with his hand. “I don’t care what they say, Phoebe. My siblings and I are different people with different priorities. My priorities are serving God and loving you. They wouldn’t understand that.”

  “But I’d still like to meet them.”

  “I have no problem with that. But I’m warning you again…you might not like them.”

  “I won’t know until I meet them. And everybody deserves a chance.”

  He chuckled. “And that’s what I love about you.”

  They remained outside and chatted about their future together until the night sky began to lighten, heralding a new day. “We should try to get at least an hour of sleep,” he said.

  “You’re probably right, or else I’ll be falling asleep in the classroom.”

  “Come on then, let’s head inside, but first, let’s commit our future to God.”

  She smiled. “Good idea.”

  They bowed their heads and Nick prayed, asking God’s blessing over their future life together.

  Later that morning, they announced their news to the team, who were all overjoyed but not surprised in the slightest.

  The remaining time at the mission passed quickly, and before long, they were heading back to Australia. Thomas and Judy hugged everyone, thanking them for their help and inviting them back at any time.

  “It’s been our pleasure, Thomas,” Nick said, shaking his friend’s hand. “Coming here has changed my life, and I’ll never forget it.”

  He smiled at both Nick and Phoebe. “God bless you both. Take care.”

  Nick stepped away and placed his hand on the small of Phoebe’s back as they walked to the plane. Glancing at her, his heart warmed afresh. He was going to marry the girl of his dreams.

  Two days later, Nicholas called his brother and sister into his office and told them about all the changes in his life. About how God had been working in him and that his original trip to Thailand had been a service project, not a vacation as they’d thought. He went on to explain everything that had happened since then, including his engagement to Phoebe.

  Alden wore a look of disgust and disappointment. “You’ve gone crazy, big brother.”

  Charity was a little more understanding. “I’ve found religion, too. But I don’t believe in one God. God is everything and everything is God. It’s so freeing. No rules. Just love.” She fanned her face with her hand and let out a small chuckle. “I hope you got some of that in Thailand, big brother. I’ve heard the Thai girls are very good in that department.”

  Anger seethed inside him. “You have no idea of what goes on over there, Charity.” He could have said a lot more, but he would have been wasting his time. “I truly don’t care what you both think. This is my life and I’m going to live it the way I feel is right. Phoebe and I are planning a small church wedding. You’re both welcome to attend, but I’ll understand if you don’t.”

  “Everyone will think you’ve been swept up into a cult,” Alden said with a sneer.

  “They can think what they like. I know my mind, and I know what’s right and good for me. And I somehow think our grandfather would approve, even if you don’t.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that. I think he’d disinherit you.” Alden lifted his brows. “Are you really sure about this? She’s just a school teacher. She won’t fit.”

  “Fit what?” As Nicholas stared at Alden, pity for his brother’s shallowness flowed through him. It saddened him so much that he was at odds with his only family, but he’d made a choice, and that choice was to live his life for God and to marry Phoebe.

  Alden shrugged. “Everything.”

  “Whatever.” Nicholas dismissed them with a wave of the hand. He couldn’t listen to them anymore. Although it was disheartening that his new relationships with God and Phoebe didn’t meet with the approval of his siblings, he felt at peace. And he had work to do.

  Chapter 21

  Phoebe’s wedding day couldn’t come soon enough. Although she and Nick had planned a simple wedding, and she tried not to fuss about her gown, the flowers and the cake, she couldn’t help wanting everything to be perfect. Occasionally, twinges of anxiety assailed her as the planning and preparation revived memories of another wedding that didn’t happen. Holly was wonderful and encouraged her to focus not on the past, because she couldn’t change that, but on the here and now. Nick loved her, it was obvious, and he would make a wonderful husband. And just because Reed had died three weeks before their wedding, it didn’t mean that the same fate would repeat itself. Phoebe knew that, but she couldn’t help but think about Reed on the day that fell exactly three weeks before her wedding.

  Nick understood and went out of his way to make that day extra special for her. They both took the day off work and spent it on the harbour in the company’s luxury yacht. He told her he didn’t normally indulge in such extravagances, but just this once, he felt it was justified.

  The day was amazing, just what she needed, and made her long even more to be his wife. She’d come to love and respect Nick so much. He’d taken her to meet his siblings one day not long after returning from Thailand, and she quickly saw why he’d been reluctant for her to meet them. She’d always tried to see the good in people, because after all, they were made in God’s image, but Alden and Charity were so stuck-up and obnoxious that she found herself asking for forgiveness from the moment she met them. How Nick had come to be so different, she wasn’t sure, but she was certainly glad he was.

  At last, the day of the wedding came. From the moment she woke, Phoebe felt a deep peace about everything that was to take place, and once again, she committed her and Nick’s marriage into the Lord’s hands.

  Holly arrived as Phoebe stepped out of the shower and greeted her with a beaming smile. “I can’t believe you’re going to marry a billionaire today, Phoebe. It’s so exciting!”

  Slipping a light dressing gown on, Phoebe laughed. “I’m finding it hard to believe, too. But it’s not going to change me.”

  “I know it’s not. You’ll still be eating leftovers and vegemite sandwiches for lunch!”

  Phoebe chuckled again as she towel-dried her hair.

  “Come on. Sit down and let me do that for you.”

  Phoebe shifted to a chair and sat quietly while Holly dried her hair and then brushed it. Her thoughts drifted back to the moment she first laid eyes on Nick, and how she’d been so reluctant to even talk to him. “Thanks for being my friend, Holl. If you hadn’t invited me to go on the trip, I might still be struggling to get over losing Reed.”

  “I never thought it would end with you marrying a billionaire, but hey! I’ll take some of the credit!”

  Phoebe caught Holly’s gaze in the mirror and smiled at her friend. The guy she’d pinned her hopes on had moved on and now Holly was single and wondering what, or who, God had in store for her. “God is good, Holl. He’s got something wonderful planned for you, I’m sure.”

  Holly laughed. “Probably not a billionaire, but I don’t mind, as long as he loves the Lord.”

  “That’s the most important thing. It really is. I don’t care if Nick has money or not.”

  Holly grinned. “But you have to admit, it’s an added bonus…”

  Phoebe spun around in the chair and laughed. “I guess it is.”

  The buzzer sounded, indicating that someone was at the door. Phoebe glanced at the intercom panel. “It’s the hairdresser. Come on, let’s get this show on the road!”

  Two hours later, after Phoebe’s hair had been styled and her makeup done, her mother and Holly helped her into her softly flowing, white organza, A-line sweetheart gown. As she slipped it on, she felt like a princess. It was gorgeous.

  “You look beautiful.” Her mother brushed tears from her eyes. “Your father would have been so proud.”

  Despite the mention of her father, who�
�d died in a work accident when she was very young, Phoebe couldn’t help but smile. She was so excited she was about to marry Nick. Although she hardly remembered her father, she wished he could have been there, but she sensed he was looking down on her and laughing about how his little girl had snagged such a wonderful husband.

  She stood and faced the mirror while Holly and her mum adjusted the dress. It fit perfectly, her hair was exactly how she wanted it, mainly up but with soft tendrils framing her face, and her makeup was flawless. She was ready, and she couldn’t have loved her groom any more than she did right then.

  Entering the church on her mother’s arm, Phoebe caught sight of Nick standing at the end of the aisle, and the joy she felt was beyond measure. He looked so incredibly handsome in his light grey tuxedo. When their gazes met, the cheeky grin on his face put her completely at ease. Life would never be boring with Nick.

  It was hard to tear her gaze from him as she walked slowly down the aisle, but she managed to turn her head and smile at her friends from school and church, and also at Judy, who’d flown over from Thailand for the wedding. Thomas stood proudly beside Nick as his best man.

  When she reached Nick, her mother stepped away, and he took her hand and squeezed it. It was the most wonderful moment. The beginning of her new life. She smiled at him and once again was wrapped in the love flowing from his gorgeous eyes.

  The ceremony began with a prayer and a short message about marriage, love, and respect. Phoebe tried her best to listen attentively. She knew it was important, but it was all so surreal. Finally, their pastor invited them to make their vows.

  Taking her hand, Nick looked deep into her eyes. Her whole being seemed to be filled with waiting; the prolonged anticipation was almost unbearable, but this was the most important part of the ceremony, the part where they committed to love each other for the rest of their lives.

  He took a slow breath and began. “Phoebe, I promise to love you always. I promise to do my very best to love you as Christ loves the church, to make self-sacrificing decisions for your benefit and for the good of our future family. For all our days, I’ll be your beloved, and you will be mine.”

  Phoebe was struck not only by the sincerity in his voice, but the adoration in his eyes. He truly loved her, and she knew beyond doubt that this was the man she was to spend her life with.

  Then it was her turn. After swallowing hard and taking a moment to compose herself, she looked into his eyes and began. “Nicholas, I promise to respect you always. I’ll do everything in my power to meet your needs, physical, emotional and spiritual. I promise to honour you as the church honours Christ, and to trust that you have my best interests at heart at all times. I promise to love and cherish you, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, and to raise our family in the midst of that, to the glory of God alone.”

  She took a slow breath and held Nick’s gaze before they exchanged rings and the pastor declared them husband and wife. Her heart danced with excitement as Nick kissed her with so much passion she felt heady.

  The cheering and clapping from the congregation grew louder, and finally he released her. They shared a smile before facing their friends and being introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and Phoebe Barrington. She liked the sound of that.

  A small wedding breakfast followed in the fellowship hall. They’d discussed having a more lavish affair, but they both agreed that this was what they wanted.

  Later, as he led her around the floor in their first dance together as a married couple, he whispered in her ear, “You look scrumptious, Mrs. Barrington.”

  “And so do you. I love that tux.” She winked.

  She could see desire in his eyes and knew he was looking forward to being alone with her that evening. She was so glad she’d made the decision to wait her whole life for this moment. To be one with her husband and honour God at the same time was worth waiting for.

  At the end of the dance, the cake was brought out and after cutting it, they fed one another a piece, a sweet reminder of their commitment to provide for one another and a symbol of their love and adoration. Not that it was needed. Phoebe was already more than convinced of Nick’s devotion and love.

  Although eager to be by themselves, they spent a little more time at the reception with their friends before leaving. There was something truly wonderful about being surrounded by those who loved them and wanted to celebrate their union. Phoebe gave thanks to God time and time again throughout the day for all the blessings He was pouring over them.

  But soon, they both knew it was time. They bid goodbye to their guests and made their way outside. Following behind, everyone cheered and clapped.

  Nick opened the door of the limousine for her and then climbed in beside her, pulling her close and kissing her again to the amusement of those watching. As the limousine slowly pulled away, they paused long enough to wave to everyone before returning to where they left off.

  Brushing some loose hair off her cheek, Nick gazed into her eyes and smiled. “Alone, at last.”

  Chapter 22

  They spent their first night in the penthouse of the Viridian Hotel at Darling Harbour. Nick was pleased that Phoebe had allowed him to spoil her. He loved that she didn’t care about ‘things’, that she would have been happy to spend their first night in a caravan or a tent, but he wanted to spoil her on their special day.

  The penthouse had everything they could possibly need, and after arriving, they enjoyed all that the first night of a marriage should entail.

  The following morning, Nick woke early and gazed at his beautiful wife. The thought of waking up beside Phoebe every morning was a dream come true. He was so blessed.

  She stirred, and opening her eyes, smiled up at him. “Good morning.”

  He returned her smile, and so overwhelmed with love, lowered his mouth and kissed her slowly.

  Later, he told her they needed to get ready to leave.

  She looked at him with a pleading expression. “You’re not going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Nope. You just have to trust me.” He grinned.

  “Do we have time for breakfast?”

  “Sure. I’ll have it brought up while we get ready.”

  It didn’t take long for the gourmet breakfast to be delivered, and as they enjoyed it on the balcony overlooking the glistening harbour, they talked about the future, all of the dreams they had, the fact that they wanted to spend at least one month out of every year in Thailand, and how they might manage that when they had a family.

  Nick was so excited to see how Phoebe responded to everything. She seemed overjoyed and thrilled at the prospects ahead of them. He couldn’t wait to give her everything that he’d always dreamed of giving a wife.

  With breakfast finished, they left the hotel and Nick drove them to the airfield where his family’s private jet was kept. Given all that he’d gone through with his siblings, he’d struggled with the decision to use the jet, but finally had felt at peace about it. He was only getting married once, after all. Alden and Charity had given him a hard time over the decision, but he’d expected that. They didn’t support his marriage, but Nick prayed that in time they would come around, and that like him, they too would discover the love of Jesus and realise their priorities had been wrong.

  Reaching the airfield, Nick spoke with the pilot who told him he still had a few things to prep before they left. “I won’t be long, but you might want to grab a coffee,” Roger said.

  Nick led Phoebe into the waiting area and poured freshly brewed coffee into two mugs.

  Grabbing the morning paper, his eyes shot open as he scanned the front-page headline.

  Billionaire Marries Teacher. Barrington Family Absent.

  He groaned. How had their wedding made the front page? There was even a photo of him and Phoebe leaving the church. Someone must have been across the street taking photos.

  He blew out an annoyed breath but tried to brush the intrusion off. He didn’t
want this ruining their honeymoon. More than anything, he wanted to get to their honeymoon destination so they could enjoy their time together and indulge in all the relaxation and sun they could ever want before returning to real life.

  He guessed that Phoebe had seen the headline as well, but she wasn’t upset. He appreciated the way she always tried to keep an even temper, and he knew that she’d cope with whatever challenges came her way by being married to him. It made him admire and love her even more.

  Before long, Roger stepped into the waiting area and told them everything was ready and it was time to go.

  Nick held Phoebe’s hand as they walked across the tarmac and boarded the jet.

  As the plane ascended, she asked if he was finally going to tell her where they were going.

  He grinned. “Not yet.”

  “Why not? We’re already on our way!” she urged, excitedly.

  He gave in. After all, it wouldn’t be too long before they arrived, so she might as well know. “Alright then.” He gazed into her eyes, waiting for her reaction. “For the next three weeks, we’ll be on our very own, private, secluded island in the South Pacific.”

  The announcement had the effect he’d hoped for. Phoebe’s delight was evident from the way her eyes sparkled and her mouth dropped open. “Our own private island?”

  “Totally private. A chef will come each day and prepare our meals, but other than him, we don’t need to see anyone unless we want to. We can take a boat to another island about twenty minutes away, but if we don’t want to leave, everything we need will be on our island.”


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