Lost Love

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Lost Love Page 16

by Kelly Elliott

  A slow, crooked smile appeared as he cupped my face with his hands. “Paxton, are you sure? Because I want you to be one hundred percent sure about this.”

  My heart was beating like crazy. My body ached with anticipation. Steed acted as if he was going to take me here and now. What? Was he thinking he would fuck me up against the damn horse?

  The wetness between my legs grew. Shit. I’d be okay with that.


  My eyes swung up to meet his. With a nod, I replied, “I’m sure.”

  His eyes closed and a look of relief washed over his face. I was positive it had been hard for him to keep his hands to himself these last few weeks. I loved him for doing it, though.

  Steed’s mouth pressed against mine in a heated kiss. My hands quickly found their way under his T-shirt, my fingers moving across his skin, over that perfect body of his.

  He dropped both hands from my face and slipped one under my shirt. My head was spinning with desire. A part of me wanted his hand in my pants, not under my shirt. When he pushed my bra up and started playing with my already hard nipple, I pulled my mouth from his and gasped for air.

  I was on fire and the pulling and tugging of my nipple only fueled it.

  My body trembled against the rock-solid horse who had yet to budge. Steed’s mouth was on my neck, kissing and licking. Building my body up and making me ache even more.

  “Fucking hell, Pax. You drive me crazy.”

  The only thing I could do was let out a soft moan when he pushed my bra all the way up and started sucking on one nipple while pinching the other.

  Fuck, I forgot how amazing he was at getting me worked up.

  “Are you wet, Pax?” he asked while his tongue licked and flicked my nipple.

  I needed help standing up, so I grabbed onto his shoulders. “You should find out…for yourself,” I managed.

  Steed’s head popped up and our eyes met. “Fuck,” he gulped.

  With quick hands, he had my jeans undone and his hand down them. When his fingers brushed over my panties, I gasped. “Steed!”

  He pushed my jeans down and dropped to his knees. My breath was coming faster now. If this horse moves, I’m going to fall straight back on my ass. Especially with my jeans around my ankles.

  “Goddamn it, I want to taste you.”

  Watching him pull my panties down was the hottest thing I think I’d ever seen. I could see the anticipation on his face. There was no way I could spread my legs enough, but somehow he managed to lick up my entire core and flick my clit.

  “Jesus!” I cried out. He stood and cupped my face, his eyes staring into mine.

  “How long has it been, Paxton?”

  I swallowed hard. Not sure if my answer would kill the mood or not. “Ten years.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. He slowly shook his head and pushed his finger inside of me. My sharp intake of air made him slow down.

  “No. Don’t. Please don’t stop,” I begged.

  When he buried his face into my neck, I wrapped my arms around him. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

  I closed my eyes and let the feel of his finger moving take everything away.

  “More,” I said in a needy voice. I didn’t care how it sounded. If I had the guts I would have told him to fuck me right here.

  Steed slipped another finger in and hissed. “So fucking tight.”

  Oh God, it felt so good. My mind started to wonder. What was his sex life like with Kim? Did he enjoy being with her? Was it meaningless sex or did they connect? I couldn’t help myself. I needed to know.

  “How long has it been for you?” I asked with nothing but fear laced in my words. Steed stopped finger fucking me and drew his head back.

  “A little over six years.”

  My heart dropped. “What?”

  “The night we conceived Chloe was the last time I had sex with Kim. It was our…our wedding night.”

  His words both made me happy and hurt like hell. Knowing he had married another woman still hurt, no matter what the reasons were behind it all. But then, knowing he never had sex with her after that made my wounded heart feel a bit better. Their connection wasn’t real. Nothing about their relationship was real except for sweet Chloe.

  His soft lips ran over the edge of my jaw. His hot breath caused my heart to beat even faster. “It’s always been you, Pax. Always you.”

  My hand gripped the back of his neck, pulling his mouth to mine. Our kiss was hungry…almost frantic. Steed’s fingers moved again, building up my body to what I was sure was going to be the most explosive orgasm ever.

  My hips rocked against his hand. Shit. I needed more.

  I gripped his shirt, our tongues dancing erotically against each other. I broke the kiss long enough to pant out, “More.” Steed pushed another finger in. The slight burn caught me off guard. I tensed, and he stopped.

  “Don’t stop!” I cried out.

  “Jesus, Paxton. I need to fuck you.”

  His mouth was back on mine while his fingers worked me into a frenzy. Thrusting my hips faster I moaned into his mouth. My release building and building to the point where I needed to come.

  My orgasm hit me so fast and hard it took my breath away. I choked out Steed’s name. “Steed! Oh God!”

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, I can feel you coming.”

  When they say it felt so good your eyes rolled to the back of your head…yeah. I was seeing freaking stars. A haze filled my head as my body trembled with nothing but pure pleasure.

  If his fingers could do this to me, what would his mouth feel like? Or him inside me?

  Another wave hit me just thinking about—

  “Oh God! Steed, I’m coming again.”

  “Goddamn it, Paxton,” Steed said, his voice so low and deep I knew he wanted the same thing as me.

  “Need you. Steed, I need you inside of me. Please. Please…fuck me!”

  It was right then that Allure decided she’d had enough. She starting to walk off. My jeans were around my ankles, and Steed was totally in a daze from me begging him to fuck me. I’d let my lust-filled mind speak for me, and it was clear Steed had not prepared himself for that. He let go of me while he stared.

  “Steed!” I cried out as I stumbled back. It took him a few seconds to realize I was going down.

  “Paxton!” I grabbed his T-shirt, and we both went down. With a loud thump we looked at each other and started laughing.

  “Oh my God! I’m in the middle of the pasture half-naked!”

  Laughing, Steed shook his head and gazed into my eyes. His beaming face faded. Our gaze deepened, and I didn’t want to tell him the grass was itching the hell out of my ass. The moment was too beautiful.

  “I’ve missed you so damn much,” he said. “I want you to know that. There wasn’t a single day that went by where I didn’t think about you.”

  “I wish you would have come back.”

  His eyes closed, and he buried his face into my neck. “So do I.”

  Steed laid over me with his face pressed against my skin. I had no idea how long we had been laying there. “Steed. The horses?”

  “They’re fine.”

  “Well, um, my ass is itching so bad.”

  Lifting his head, that sexy crooked smile of his appeared. I could barely see his dimples through the scruff on his face. My stomach fluttered from the way he looked at me.

  “Then we better get you up.”

  I giggled. “Please.”

  He stood, then picked me up like I weighed nothing. Bending, he lifted my panties up followed by my jeans. Watching him do something as simple as that had my libido kicked into overdrive. Again.

  He buttoned my jeans. God, he was handsome as hell. I swear he got more handsome as the years passed. Chewing on my lip, I felt my cheeks heat.

  Steed looked at me, his brows pinched together in question. “Why are you blushing, pumpkin?”

  My lips pressed together, and I had no idea what to say. My naug
hty words from earlier were not something my students’ parents would expect to come from the kindergarten teacher.

  “I’m embarrassed,” I answered honestly.

  The smirk that moved across his face told me he knew exactly why I was embarrassed. Steed had always been a dirty talker. I was sure all the Parker boys were. The first time he made love to me he was sweet and gentle but didn’t have a problem telling me my pussy was squeezing his cock. He drove me over the edge and we both came together our first time. It was sexy and sweet and…magical. I had known from that moment on no man would ever make me feel the way Steed did.

  “A little bit of grass on your ass is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  I lifted my brow and tilted my head. He knew that wasn’t why.

  With a chuckle, he put his hand on my cheek while he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “Is it because you told me to fuck you?”

  I opened my mouth and bit down on his thumb. His eyes turned darker and the grin turned to a full-blown smile. I whispered softly, “Yes. That’s why.”

  “Do you still want me to fuck you?”

  Paxton’s breath stalled and I waited with anticipation for her answer. Her cheeks were still flushed from her orgasms. My dick was so fucking hard, and I had been positive I was going to come right there in my pants when she came the second time.


  My stomach dropped.

  Thank fuck. Finally.

  I would have waited forever for Paxton to be ready, but I wasn’t going to lie to myself; it had been getting harder and harder to wait.

  I grabbed her hand and whistled. Both horses glanced up and walked my way. “Damn, we’ve got two smart girls,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Steed?” Paxton asked with a soft voice.

  I focused on her eyes, hating the fear in them. “Yeah, pumpkin?”

  Her thumb came up to her mouth, and she started to chew on her nail. “Well, um… I’m… Shit.” She dropped her hand and head at the same time. Staring down at the ground, she said, “I’m scared.”

  My finger lifted her chin until her beautiful eyes met mine. “I am too, Pax. I’m scared, nervous, excited, worried. Hell I have more emotions swirling around in my head than I’ve ever had. But you know what?”

  “What?” she asked in the sweetest voice ever.

  “Our love is worth it. The feelings between us are worth it. If you told me right now you wanted to go back and play Candyland with Chloe, I’d take you back to the house and kick your ass at it.”

  Covering her mouth, she giggled.

  “I’d do anything for you, Pax. But it doesn’t mean I’m not scared too.”

  Lifting on her toes, she kissed me. “I want this more than anything. I don’t think I can wait a second longer.”

  I grinned. “Good. Now let’s go. I’ve got the perfect place.”

  It didn’t take Paxton long to figure out where we were going. I wanted to open the horses up in a fucking run just to get there. My dick was straining against my jeans still. All I kept hearing was Paxton moaning and saying my name, then telling me to fuck her. I wasn’t going to last a minute inside her.

  I brought my horse down to a walk as we came up to the trail.

  “Steed, we’re at the old house.”

  Smiling, I winked. “Shit, I haven’t been here since the last time we were together. I have no idea what condition it’s in.”

  Paxton made a face and we both laughed. We headed down the trail, and I pulled out my phone, texting Trevor.

  Me: Gramps’ old cabin. What kind of shape is it in?

  Trevor: Hell yeah! Finally getting laid. It’s in great shape.

  Me: It is?

  Trevor: Yeah. Dad had it totally remodeled a few years back. Said he didn’t want to see his dad’s childhood home fall to the wayside.

  I wanted to lift my hands up to the heavens.

  Trevor: You do know I lost my virginity in that cabin.

  Me: I think all of us lost our virginity in that cabin. It was the only place besides the barn to bring our dates where we wouldn’t get caught.

  Trevor: LOL! Those walls have seen a lot of fucking.

  Me: And they’re about to see more.

  Trevor: HA! Finally, dude. Maybe now you won’t be such a bitch.

  Me: Fuck you, Trevor.

  Trevor: The key is in a fake rock at the bottom left of the first step. Have fun!

  Me: Got it. Thanks.

  “Who are you texting?” Paxton called out.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I answered, “Trevor. He said the cabin’s been remodeled.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Something about Dad not wanting to see his father’s place of birth fall apart.”

  She smiled, and I gave Marley a small tug back on the reins.

  “Should we tie them up?” Paxton asked looking at Allure and Marley.

  There was a small creek that flowed behind the cabin that I knew they would both want to get to. “Nah, let them graze around here. They might want to get a drink. I don’t think they’ll wander too far.”

  She lifted her brow, clearly not sure about my decision to let the horses wander free.

  “Trust me, pumpkin. They won’t go far.”

  I took her hand and led her to the cabin, stopping to get the key from where Trevor said it would be. I glanced down and looked for a rock big enough that would hold the key. After picking up a couple, I found the fake rock then started up the stairs.

  “So, you’re not planning on this taking long if you think the horses won’t go that far.”

  I glanced back at her and winked. “Trust me, I can make it last longer than the first time we were here.”

  She tried to hide her grin and failed.

  The first time I brought Paxton here we were sixteen. It was our first time, and everything about that night was awkward. Neither of us knew what the fuck we were doing. Both of us were virgins. I’d gotten her off a few times with my hands and mouth; she’d done the same. But the moment I slipped inside her warm pussy, I had to bite on my cheek to keep from coming. I pumped all of five times and came so hard I almost passed out. My only saving grace was that Paxton had come right along with me.

  Embarrassing as fuck. That shit better not happen tonight.

  When we walked in, I switched on the light. We both let our gaze roam over the two-room cabin.

  “Oh, my gosh. It’s beautiful in here.” She turned to me. “Did you plan for us to come here?”

  I shook my head. “No! Not at all.”

  “Then what’s with the fresh flowers on the table?”

  Shrugging, I walked over to them. “Not sure. It doesn’t look like anyone’s been here for a while. Maybe they’re fake.”

  Paxton leaned down and smelled the flowers. “They’re real. Someone’s been here at least within the last few days.”

  Heading into the bedroom, I turned on the light. The bed was made and looked like it hadn’t been touched in weeks. There was a light covering of dust on the side table.

  “Well, doesn’t look like anyone’s been staying here. Maybe Mom brings them for some reason?”

  Paxton walked over to the fireplace and looked at all the photos. I guess when Dad remodeled he’d added a few family pictures. “There’s a picture of us!” she gasped.

  “What? Really?”

  She peeked over her shoulder at me and grinned. “From high school. Looks like it was the Christmas of our senior year.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Shit, we look so damn young.”

  Pointing to my older sister, Waylynn, Paxton said, “Waylynn is so beautiful. God I always wanted to be like her.”

  I jerked my head back. “Why?”

  “Look at her. She’s beautiful. Body to die for, and she wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had just gone after you.”

  We faced each other.

  “Well, you’re more beautiful than Waylynn, your body
is fucking amazing, and we’re done playing the what if game. You’re here and I’m here, that’s all that matters.”

  She nodded. “You’re absolutely right. So. What do we do now?”

  I tossed my head back and laughed. “Jesus, it feels like our first time all over again.”

  Her eyes searched my face while she chewed on her lip nervously. I reached up and pulled her lip out from her teeth.

  “Except this time, I know what I’m doing,” I added.

  The way her mouth dropped slightly open had my dick pressing on my jeans, begging to come out and play. I took her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together and walked us to the bedroom. The queen-size bed was a nice upgrade from the twin mattress we first had sex on. Plus, knowing all my brothers had brought their firsts here and used that bed was not something I was looking forward to again.

  When we walked into the room, I smiled and pulled her against me. The heat from her body drove me insane.

  I laced my hand through her beautiful brown hair. I pulled slightly, causing her to let out a sharp intake of air and then moan. My lips moved across her neck with soft kisses.

  “Steed,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Paxton. Then, I’m going to fuck the living shit out of you.”

  Her head dropped back. “Yes,” she hissed.

  “I’ve dreamed night after night about my cock buried balls deep inside you.”

  She swayed, and I grabbed her waist to steady her.

  “I can’t wait,” she gasped as my lips moved to hers.

  “First, I want to taste you.”

  I was dizzy with desire. All the dirty words Steed whispered against my skin had me so worked up I was sure all he would have to do is look at me down there, and I’d come.

  “Let me make you come on my tongue, Pax.”

  Jesus. What is he doing to me?

  “Yes. Okay. Right.”

  Hell, I couldn’t even form a sentence.

  He chuckled. The bastard. He knew he was driving me crazy. He also knew I was a sucker for his dirty talk.

  Steed lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, thanking God I’d worn my dark blue lace bra and panties and that I’d shaved and waxed all the important areas. I knew the time was getting close to when I would beg him to take me. I just didn’t know when the time would present itself. Better to be prepared!


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