Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3)

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Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3) Page 5

by Herrick, A. D.

  We spent a few hours with Katinka, Tosha, and the baby. Holding her tiny form in my arms was probably the best moment of my life. I take that back, it was the best moment of my life.

  Her big blue eyes were wide with curiosity, taking in everything around her. Her small pink lips opened and closed around her toothless gums as if she were tasting the air around her. When her tiny wrinkled hand wrapped around my pinky I knew it was over. My heart pounded in my chest, full of love and adoration for the tiny squirming bundle wrapped up in my arms. I would do any and everything her mother asked just to be around this tiny human being. I was officially Katinka’s bitch.

  Tosha and Katinka had still not given us her name. To me, she was Dragotsennyy Precious. I had finally relinquished my hold on her when Diana, Ivan’s mom, lifted her out of my arms. Her little body protested as an ear piercing scream erupted from her tiny body. I released her with a sigh. I knew I would have to share her, it didn’t mean I would have to like it. Apparently, she didn’t like leaving her uncle Damon either.

  “She misses me and wants me back, Babushka Grandma.” I pled.

  “Tishe rebenka, prishlo vremya dlya neye, chtoby poyest’ Hush now child, it’s time for her to eat.” Her words were soft and sweet as she spoke looking at the beautiful baby girl in her arms but her words were meant for me.

  “We’re going to head back to the house, you coming?” I gave the baby one last look and nodded my head. “Sure,”

  I walked over and gave Katinka a big hug, “I love you,” I whispered in her ear. “I love you, too. Be good.” I smiled against her head “Always,”

  I hugged my way out of the room, saying my goodbyes and promising to check in. Sometimes I swear Russian families are as bad as Italians. Big families equal lots of hugs.

  Chapter Four

  Katinka and Tosha would be in the hospital for another day so I decided to use the last day of silence to lie in bed. I knew once the baby was home silence would be a thing of the past. Secretly I had been reading books on pregnancy since I found out Katinka was expecting. I read everything from What to expect when you are expecting to First time parents I don’t know what drew me to them. I blame morbid curiosity. Luckily I was able to hide it by purchasing the books online and using my Kindle app to read them. They came in handy when Katinka went into labor. I am afraid to think what would have happened had I not read them. I would have probably frozen up like the other guys and she would have had the baby right there in the kitchen.

  I lay in bed and powered on my laptop. I had been a frequent visitor in the first-time parent chat rooms and I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about the baby’s arrival. I knew there were a lot of women that were excited to know that the baby had been born.

  I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no. I was not using the site to pick up women, though that would have been the perfect place. I was surprised at how many women out there were single and having their first baby alone. Instead, my heart went out to these women. I listened to their stories, men leaving once they found out they were having a baby, artificial insemination, unknown fathers, and even a few of them had been raped and opted to keep the baby, all mixed in with happy couples that frequented the site.

  I had a fondness for these women who were going to be single parents. I had so much appreciation for them and the strength they possessed. I had never met a single woman like them, their fierce determination and drive. The willingness to risk it all and go it alone. I wished nothing but the best for each and every one of them.

  What I loved more than anything is that I was able to be myself with them. No pretense over the situation. No women throwing themselves at me because of who I was or how much money I had in my bank account. I was anonymous.

  My laptop powered up and I signed into the website. Instantly my computer came to life with alerts and messages. I smiled as my heart flared to life. SingleSally47 had her twins. Attached was a picture of two adorably bald infants, their faces scrunched up resembling tiny bald old men. I sent her a message back congratulating her and complimenting her adorable twin boys. I asked for her address. I planned to send her a basket filled with baby essentials as well as a few items in which to pamper herself.

  Scrolling through my messages I found that several other women I spoke to frequently had also had their babies since I had last been on. As with SingleSally47, I sent them congratulations and made notes to send them baskets as well.

  I updated my status to inform every one of the baby’s arrival.

  Baby Dragotsennyy is in the house, 7lbs 10 ounces and 23 inches long. Has already stolen my heart.

  My chat box lit up instantly after hitting the enter button.

  First-time-mommy: Congrats Uncle

  Unkle-Awesome: Thanks, she is gorgeous and has already stolen my heart. How are you doing?

  First-time-mommy: So far so good. Dr apt later today, wish me luck

  Unkle-Awesome: Definitely sending you luck. Any special reason for apt?

  First-time-mommy: Have had a bit of discomfort but so far so good. Just a check up

  Unkle-Awesome: Do you have anyone to go with you?

  First-time-mommy: No, just me…

  Unkle-Awesome: Where do you live?

  First-time-mommy: Um…

  Unkle-Awesome: I promise I’m not being weird. Just curious

  First-time-mommy: KY

  Unkle-Awesome: No way, me too

  First-time-mommy: seriously?

  Unkle-Awesome: Yeah

  First-time-mommy: I thought you were in Russia

  Unkle-Awesome: I was. We flew in the other day. Actually the day we got in town is when my sister went into labor. It was terrifying.

  First-time-mommy: I bet you did awesome.

  Unkle-Awesome: Well, I didn’t want to toot my own horn but Toot-Toot

  First-time-mommy: Ha-ha you’re funny so where in KY do you live?

  Unkle-Awesome: I live in Knoxville, what about you?

  First-time-mommy: Get out of here. Me too!! Are you stalking me?

  Unkle-Awesome: It’s a small world!! No, I promise I’m not stalking you. Do you want me to?

  First-time-mommy: Um... I have no clue how to answer that

  Unkle-Awesome: Well, I will promise you I have absolutely no nefarious intentions with you. As a matter of fact, my sister has forced me to go Celibate.

  First-time-mommy: You’re kidding right?

  Unkle-Awesome: HA HA I wish. I called her Devil spawn and she made me take a vow of celibacy

  First-time-mommy: Yeah, she totally went easy on you. You’re lucky you still have your member.

  Unkle-Awesome: Yeah, well, she may as well have taken it. When she walks I can hear my balls rattle in her purse right along with her husbands.

  Unkle-Awesome: Sorry, that was uncalled for. I didn’t mean to be so vulgar

  I instantly regretted my words. I knew I had crossed a line. I ran my hands through my hair. What was I thinking? I had gotten too comfortable with these women, especially First-time-mommy. She and I have been speaking for the past five months. She seemed like a really cool and chill girl. I felt like such an asshole.

  Unkle-Awesome: Look I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Let me take you to dinner to make it up to you. If you are up to it or you need anything give me a call. My name is Damon BTW here is my number 555-789-4321

  I waited. Nothing. It showed she was still logged in but she wasn’t answering me. Feeling defeated I signed out and closed the lid to my laptop.

  I lumbered off the bed and made my way into the shower hoping the hot spray would make me feel better. I knew it would only relax my body. Mentally I was still kicking my own ass.

  The shower had its effect on my body as expected. I stepped out feeling much more relaxed. My mind still on First-time-mommy. I didn’t even know her name. I toweled off and cleared the mirror taking a good look at my own reflection. My gray eyes stared back at me mockingly.

  I had a silent battle with myself on whet
her I should sign back in or not and see if I had any messages. Particularly messages from First-time-mommy.

  I bent over the sink to brush my teeth. As soon as I inserted the toothbrush in my mouth and began to brush, my phone rang. Fearing it was Katinka or Tosha I darted out of the room and snatched my phone up off the nightstand. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered the phone talking around the toothbrush in my mouth.

  “Damon?” A soft sweet voice asked uncertainly over the line.


  “It’s Tatiana,”



  I yanked the toothbrush out of my mouth.

  “Oh, Hey. Everything okay?” My voice rising an octave with panic.

  “I… I’m okay… I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to call,” I could hear her sniffling over the phone.

  “What is it? What do you need? Are you in danger? Are you hurt? Is it the baby?” My imagination went wild with all of the possible scenarios that could be happening to her on the other end of the phone.

  “It’s my car. It won’t start.” I could hear her openly crying on the other end of the line. My heart went out to her as my breathing calmed down. A broken car I could work with. This woman - who I had never met before, had the ability to pull on my heart strings of compassion.

  “Where are you? I’ll come get you.” I tried to keep my voice calm and in control.

  She rattled off her address. I threw on clothes while she spoke, not caring what I had put on, I just needed my body covered quickly. I slipped on my vans and headed out the door. Snatching my keys out of the bowl in the foyer I ran out the door to my truck.

  It took me 20 minutes to get to the address she had given me. The neighborhood was just a few miles from the college. What was once a great middle-class neighborhood was now run down and dilapidated. Houses sat with boarded up windows, junked cars on blocks, peeling paint, and unkempt yards.

  The confusion began to cloud my mind. Did she send me here as some sick joke? Did she really need my help? Did I by chance get the address wrong in my rush to get out the door?

  I slowed down as the address I had been given got closer. A small yellow house with peeling paint sat to the right. The postage stamp sized yard was neat and tidy a sad wreath sat on the royal purple front door that stood out against the bright yellow of the house. One of the purple shutters on the front window drooped down as though it were trying to escape from the side of the house. I couldn’t blame it. I would have done anything to escape the color combination if I could, myself. A small crooked picket fence wrapped around the tiny yard. The gate propped open with a cinder block.

  An old black Kia sat in front of the house. It had clearly seen better days. One of the tires was low, the paint was peeling where the sun had beaten it down, and the hood was raised, a 2x4 was propped under the hood, keeping it from crashing down.

  I stopped in front of the house putting the truck in park. I picked up my phone to dial Tatiana’s number. As I was hitting send the front door opened and a leggy brunette stepped out. Her hair was long and straight reaching the center of her back. She was wearing a red tank top that clung to her body like a second skin, a faded blue jean skirt that barely covered her ass, and pair black flip-flops.

  She turned flashing me a bright white smile and waved. The phone at my ear forgotten. Her skin was golden as though it had been kissed by the sun, her eyes were dark. The smoky eye make-up she wore gave them a smoldering look.

  She had on a light gloss that made her lips pop and sent my mind into the pits of hell. Nothing but wicked thoughts flashed through my mind at the sight of the knockout in front of me. She was an absolute goddess.

  I had to wipe the drool from my mouth. I jumped out of the truck and rushed to open the passenger side door for her.

  “Oh, my gosh, you are so sweet and you’re tall.” She cooed, ducking her head down with the embarrassment of her own words.

  My cock twitched at her honey-sweet southern accent. I shot her a smile, silently praying my thoughts were not written all over my face. I was here to help her not bang her.

  I helped her into the truck and jogged around the truck to the driver’s side.

  “So, where to?” I asked, turning to face her. She was, even more, stunning up close. Her short jean skirt rising up her thighs, nearly exposing her panties. She nervously tugged at her tank top, tugging it down to cover her baby bump that had begun to protrude from her stomach.

  “Dr. Ervin’s office. Do you know where that is?” She asked shyly. Clearly uncomfortable with her current situation. From what I knew about her she was fiercely independent and hated to show any sign of weakness. Though looking at the neighborhood she lived in I could see why.

  I was not one to judge people for what they did or did not have. I would not make assumptions because of where she lived. But I couldn’t imagine it was easy for her. If I remembered correctly she was one of the girls whose baby’s daddy ran off the moment her heard she was pregnant.

  I couldn’t believe some douche bag would up and leave her while she was carrying his baby, but here she was. I would beat his ass if I ever got my hands on him.

  “I don’t believe I have been there. Could you tell me where it is?”

  She thought for a moment before answering. “It’s on Park Blvd. It’s the women’s clinic.” She said just above a whisper. Her head dropped down with shame.

  I made the appropriate turns and guided the truck expertly through the downtown traffic, being sure to keep my eyes on the road. I didn’t want to cause her further discomfort. We rode to the clinic in uncomfortable silence.

  Pulling up to the plain brick building I reached out and grabbed her hand and gave it a light reassuring squeeze. “We’re here,”

  Her eyes darted up at the building and then over to the glass door entrance. “Do you – do you think you could go with me?” Her timid voice wavered. I feared she would break into tears at any moment. Fortunately, I was used to this. Katinka had been the same way. Hell, she was still that way. Her hormones were still going crazy, causing her to laugh one moment and then collapse into a pile of tears and snot the next.

  I nodded my head and gave her hand another light squeeze, “Sure,”

  I put the truck in park and turned off the ignition. I hopped out of the driver’s side and rushed over to help her out. It wasn’t that I thought she was incompetent, the truck was high off the ground and I didn’t want her to injure herself or the baby getting in or out of the truck. Not to mention, it was the gentlemanly thing to do, believe it or not, my momma did raise me right.

  I found us both a seat in the crowded waiting room and waited as she stood in line to sign in. The cogs in my head began to turn. I wondered if she would be upset of I paid for her to receive private care. I am sure that the doctor she was seeing was competent but I would feel much more comfortable if she were seeing a private doctor.

  Why did I even care what kind of medical care she received? I mentally argued with myself while she waited in line.

  I chastised myself for thinking of this woman as if she were mine. I hadn’t even gone a week and I was already fawning over a woman I didn’t know and trying to take care of her and claim her as my own. I desperately needed to get laid and shake off the estrogen cloud that contaminated my mind.

  I studied her small frame as she stood in line. She had an amazing body and was drop dead gorgeous. We hadn’t spoken but a few words in person. If she was anything like the person that I spoke to online then I knew she had a good head on her shoulders. I wondered what had landed her in the place she was in. What did she do for a living? What would she do once the baby was born? How would she be able to afford to take care of the baby?

  Lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice she had taken the seat next to me. Her light touch on my arm caused me to jump in surprise.

  “I’m sorry,” She whispered.

  I shook my head and smiled warmly at her. “I’m th
e one that is sorry. I was lost in thought. How are you feeling?”

  She ducked her head and spoke lightly. “I’m feeling okay, I guess. Just really nervous,”

  I picked up her hand and wrapped my hands around hers in a comforting gesture. “I’ll be right here by your side.” She tilted her head in my direction and gave me a small smile, her eyes assessing my sincerity. Satisfied with what she saw she ducked her head back down, her shoulders drawing up around her.

  My eyes narrowed in confusion. What happened to that brave woman that I spoke to on the computer? The woman before me was timid and docile. It was as though she were a shell of her online self.

  We sat there in silence waiting for her name to be called. Every now and again she would squeeze my hand for strength. Gently I would squeeze hers back in reassurance. After a 45 minute wait her name was finally called.

  “Tatiana Ivanov,”

  She stood up from her seat. “That’s me. Will you come back with me?” I scrambled to my feet to assist her. “Of course,”

  The clinic room was nothing like I had experienced before. Where every doctor’s office I had been to with Katinka had been clean, crisp and bright, this room was dark, dank and had a layer of grit that seemed to be as old as the building was. Even in all of the countries we had traveled to, I had never seen such a sketchy operation, and trust me, I have been all over the world five times over.

  I was surprised when they didn’t even give Tatiana a gown to change into. The doctor waltzed in with a nurse that was near the same age as him. They both looked to be in their late 60s, gray hair, unsmiling faces, with a no-nonsense attitude. There were no formalities as Tatiana was instructed to lie down on the table and lift her shirt so the doctor could examine her stomach.

  I turned my back to her lower half. I held her hand in mine and faced her. Looking her in the eyes I smiled down at her warmly. Heat flashed across her cheeks and she lowered her eyes. I smiled to myself at her reaction, she liked what she saw. My ego had gotten the stroking it so desired.

  Her eyes shot open with shock as the doctor squeezed the cold gel for the ultrasound machine on her stomach. Tatiana remained silent, though, her eyes the only sign she felt anything at all.


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