Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3)

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Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Book 3) Page 10

by Herrick, A. D.

  I jangled the two shirts in front of Karina, her fist balled up in her mouth. Her eyes shined with excitement as the metallic gold of the Ed hardy shirt sent reflections of light across the room.

  “You like the black one, ay? You have such great taste for a one-month-old baby. You must take after your uncle D.” I tickled her little foot with my fingers causing her to squirm. I tossed the Gucci shirt over a chair and pulled the black shirt over my head.

  “Mmmm, now why did you have to go and cover up all of that yummy muscle?” A sultry voice called from the doorway. I spun around and found Natalie standing there in the doorway. I had been so focused on getting ready and talking to the baby, I had not heard the doorbell.

  I gave her a sheepish grin and allowed my eyes to take in the sight before me. Her long dark hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail on top of her head sending waves of hair cascading down her shoulders and back. She was wearing a charcoal gray off the shoulder, long-sleeved, mid-thigh, semi-fitted sweater dress. Knee high black boots completed the ensemble. She looked classic and sexy all while pulling off the perfect casual dinner attire. My cock immediately began to thicken.

  “Wow, you sure do pull off the gloves, don’t you?” Saliva began to pool in my mouth. She gave a sexy spin showing off her lean legs and tight perky ass.

  She sauntered across the room and pressed her hand against my chest. I watched as her hips swayed. Her eyes trained on my lips, my tongue darted out to wet my lower lip.

  “I’ve waited weeks to do this.” My brows gathered in confusion. Suddenly her lips were on mine. For a moment I froze, not knowing what to do. Once her tongue ran across the seam of my lips the temperature in the room rose a hundred degrees. I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and pulled her in closer to me. Using my free hand I cupped her cheek and angled her face so that I could deepen the kiss.

  My cock ached with longing as it grew. I could feel her hot core as she rocked her hips into me, pulling a groan of need from my lips. It had been over a month since I had had my hands on a woman. I began to kiss my way down her swan-like neck. Her chest heaved with want.

  An ear piercing scream erupted from the bed causing us to jerk apart. Immediately releasing Natalie I rushed over to the bed and picked up the tiny human that was causing such a racket. I gently rocked her against my chest and whispered soothing words.

  “It’s okay Dragotsennyy, Uncle D has you. Eto normal’no moya lyubov’. Ty v bezopasnosti.” Karina’s cries began to waver and soon she had fallen asleep. I placed a light kiss on the top of her head and turned to take her downstairs. I was momentarily startled by Natalie standing where I had left her. In my rush to get to Karina, I had completely forgotten about her. Natalie’s eyes had misted over and she had a strange look on her face as she took in the sight of me with the baby in my arms.

  “What did you say to her to get her to calm down so fast?” A small smile of awe played on her lips.

  “I told her I was the most amazing man in the world and then I demanded she go to sleep or I would never let her date as long as she lived.”

  Natalie pursed her lips and jutted her hip out, her head tilted and she placed a hand on her hip. I knew that stance. It was the same one Katinka took when she didn’t believe a word I was saying.

  “Okay, that’s not what I said. I told her it was okay and that she was safe.” She didn’t move.

  “I swear that’s what I said.”

  “What does Dragotsennyy mean?” She had completely butchered the word but I was happy that she tried.

  “It means precious.”

  “And Lyubo’v?”

  I chuckled.

  “It means love.” I gave her a cocky smile. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder I guided her toward the door. “Come on. Let’s go downstairs and I will introduce you to everyone. Plus I think this little one needs a diaper change.”

  “She is adorable.” Natalie cooed looking at the sleeping baby bundled in my arms.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  Something about a baby in my arms and this woman at my side felt right. It felt perfect. I wished my parents could see this and share in the love. I would have done anything for my mother’s guidance and my father’s advice.

  Chapter Eight

  “Chto do Sem’i? What’s up family” I shouted as I entered the busy kitchen. The baby sleeping soundly in my arms. Everyone had arrived and had a date in their arms or by their side. It was actually an amazing site. This was the first time we had had a family dinner in which everyone had a woman on their arms. It felt good. In fact, it felt right.

  “Now don’t you look like domesticated bliss in a disgustingly sick bubble?” Kiev called from his place at the head of the island. “Suck it, mudak.” I flipped him the bird from over Natalie’s shoulder. “I got your asshole right here.” He cried back and laughed. The blonde on his lap looked terrified by our banter.

  If she was scared from a little banter I felt sure she wouldn’t make it through the night.

  Natalie and I made our way around the kitchen as introductions were made. When I had finally got to Tosha I handed him the sleeping infant. “The princess has left you a royal package, daddy.” His eyes grew soft as he took in the form of his sleeping daughter. I felt the same way looking at the tiny human he and Katinka had made. She was absolute perfection encased in a tiny body that would grow into a girl whose main goal in life would be to give us hell.

  “How long has she been sleeping?” His eyes never left his daughter. “Eh, a few minutes. She helped me pick out my clothes and passed out shortly after.” His eyes shot up to take in my attire.

  “Are you sure she didn’t take one look at what you were wearing and pass out from disgust?” his eyes twitched with mirth,

  “If you weren’t holding that baby right now, I’d punch you in the dick.” I shot him a wink and walked away, dragging Natalie behind me. I knew she was eager to talk to Elizabeth by the way her eyes darted across the room in search of her friend.

  I located G and Elizabeth at the edge of the room and gave them a swift greeting leaving Natalie in their hands. I planted a kiss on her forehead and promised to return. I knew Katinka would be swamped getting dinner ready and rushed to assist her.

  “Privet, lyublyu.” I kissed her on the cheek and joined her in pouring drinks, handing them to Ivan to pass around.

  “Privet. How is she?” Katinka nodded her head in Natalie’s direction.

  “I think she will be okay.” I gave her an easy smile.

  “Why are you over here with me and not entertaining her?” Her brow cocked in question.

  “Well, you see. I have priorities in life. I think you should understand them. Firstly, my niece is number one above anything else in the world. Secondly, my family, which includes you. Third would be my friends. And lastly, my girl.” I gave Katinka a flat stare.

  “D, why exactly in that order?” Her face a mask of confusion.

  “Easy. Karina is my world end of story. My family and friends will be there no matter whom I am with. Whether I am up, down or anywhere in between. And, we all know our friends are our family. The woman comes after because that is the one variable that has the ability to change.” Katinka just shook her head and turned back to the salad ingredients she had spread out across the chopping block.

  “Well, just make sure you don’t completely count her out.”

  “Oh my love, never. I just wish to help my sister in this moment. Elizabeth and Natalie are great friends. It’s not like I am leaving her with strangers. Also, I don’t want her to think I am just trying to sweep her away from her friends.” Katinka bumped her hip against mine.

  “Since you are in the helping mood. Can you please get the grill ready? The salad is about read so I would like for the steaks to be on the grill soon.”

  I snapped to attention and gave her a mock salute.

  Walking out onto the patio I noticed Katinka had decorated the patio and turned it into a romantic setting. She had take
n much time and care to plan the elegant setting.

  White gauze drapes hung from the arbor poles with small fresh red and white rose bequests attached to the silver coated ties that wrapped around the poles. Holding the drapes in perfect precision giving the illusion of a heart where the two draped came together.

  White twinkling lights were weaved through the arbor casting a soft light over the great table. The soft light reflected off the infinity pool that sat directly behind the table. The pool’s lighting had been turned down low to maintain the soft sensual ambiance.

  Soft jazz played from the hidden sound system creating a relaxing soothing sound. I smiled to myself at the thought and care that Katinka had placed in orchestrating the setting. Louis Armstrong’s What a wonderful world streamed through the speakers and nearly brought tears to my eyes.

  It truly was a wonderful world when you got to spend your time with the ones you loved. My heart swelled with love for my family and especially my sister tonight. She had gone above and beyond. I needed to think of a way to thank her.

  I began to take in more of the scene that had befallen me. The table was covered in a gauzy white material that draped to the ground. The table had been set with bold red place settings that causing them to pop against the white table cloth. On top of each red plate sat a white rose attached to long sprigs of cinnamon.

  Clear glass vases filled with fresh fragrant red roses garnished with baby’s breath were strategically placed down the center of the table. Along with tea lite candles.

  The chairs were covered in the same white gauzy material with small bouquets of fresh red roses tucked into the bow across the back.

  The entire scene screamed romance and elegance. I could hardly believe that Katinka had thrown this together within a matter of hours along with planning the dinner.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I snapped a picture of Katinka’s handiwork. The woman truly could create miracles. Ivan came out of the house with his arms full of wine buckets. I rushed over to help him set them out.

  “She did well, didn’t she?” I nodded my head toward the table.

  Ivan gave a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I think she is still nesting. She has it in her head that we all need to settle down and have babies like our parents did.” A sad smile played across his lips.

  “Do you think she is wrong?” I shoved my hands in my pockets and rocked back on my heels. Ivan glanced across the long table before turning to me. His lips pulled up at one side.

  “Nah, I don’t think she is wrong. I just don’t think she realizes how hard it is. She has Tosh. She has known him her whole life. She didn’t have to go through all of the ‘getting to know you’ motions we have to go through with women.” My head bobbed in agreement.

  “You’re right. Maybe it will get easier. I see you brought someone.” I tilted my head toward the house indicating the blonde I had seen him with.

  “Yeah, some girl G’s wife introduced me to. She likes to play matchmaker.” I let out a hearty laugh. That she did. Elizabeth lived to match up her friends and now G’s friends.

  “Well, she must not be too bad considering you invited her to the house.” Ivan laughed and turned his head away, looking out at the pool.

  “Nah, she isn’t bad. She seems sweet.” I gave his shoulder a playful shove.

  “Get in there and tend to your duties. Let Tink know the grill should be ready in about fifteen minutes.” Ivan shook his head and left back into the house.

  I rushed over to start the grill. He knew I was lying. It would take a minimum of twenty minutes for the grill to heat up but I didn’t want Tink to kick my ass for doddering.

  I had gotten the grill going and had just finished setting the temperature when I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. I placed my hands over hers as they rested on my stomach.

  “You guys sure know how to throw a shindig.” Natalie’s sweet voice wrapped around me.

  “Katinka sometimes gets excited and over does it. Ivan thinks she is still in the nesting stage.” I felt her smile against my back. Her hands slowly dropping down my taut abs.

  “I think she just wants her family to be as happy as she is.” Her hands had ventured down the front of my jeans and now cupped my thickening cock.

  I moaned as she caressed my cock through my jeans.

  “You’re not allowed to talk about my sister while you stroke my cock.” I bit back a groan as she applied more pressure.

  “How about we talk about you and me sneaking off for a quick spin.”

  Her voice was hot against my back. My cock leaped at the thought of being buried deep inside her.

  I grabbed her hands in mine and turned to face her.

  “How about we revisit that idea after dinner. My family has no shame and there is no such thing as privacy in this house.” Her smile faltered but she quickly recovered. I had no idea why I was turning this woman down. I couldn’t help myself. As bad as I wanted her I didn’t want to just jump into a sexual relationship with her.

  She gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek before turning to go back into the house. I didn’t know what to make of it. Having never been in a relationship before I shrugged off her hot and cold behavior and chalked it up to inexperience on my part.

  The ten of us guys worked tirelessly grilling and carrying out the dishes Katinka had prepared.

  She glided across the kitchen mixing, seasoning and preparing dish after dish. I recognized every dish she had prepared. They were some of our favorites from our childhood. The fish was smoking on the grill as me and the guys carried out dishes of Borscht, a red beet and cabbage soup topped with dill and smetana (Russian sour cream), plates of Blini, they were a mix between a think pancake and a crepe. Bowls of creamy mushrooms, smetana were brought out as a topping.

  Salmon was my favorite to have with the Blini. Ivan’s favorite, Oliver Salad was placed closest to where he would be sitting. That man could eat his weight in it.

  Tosha had taken over the grill filled with salmon and herring. Katinka had marinated them all day. The marinade along with the smoked flavor was one that brought back bittersweet memories. I could tell she had used my mother’s recipe. I had seen it scribbled out on the counter where she had been working.

  I was never a big fan of the salted smoked herring but Kiev could devour them in minutes. Katinka had taken her time in selecting all of our favorites and it made my heart swell even more. I understood exactly what she was trying to do. She was trying to create our own family moments by blending ones from our past and building something new. I loved her all the better for it.

  “I have the Shashlik coming. Make room.” Tosha called out across the patio. Nik rushed up to him to take the platter. Of course, I knew he would. The Shashlik was for him. Personally, I couldn’t stand half-cooked fish. It gave me the heebie-jeebies.

  I could tell by the looks of our guest they had no idea what was being brought out. Kevin started at the dumplings as though they may jump up and bite him. I laughed and clapped him on the back.

  “Take it easy man. They are just dumplings. I think she stuffed them with lamb and herbs. Trust me. You will love them.” I gave him a wink and rushed back into the kitchen to carry out more food.

  Mini pies and julienne mushrooms soon added to the Russian flair along with Honey cakes. Honestly, my heart was stolen when I saw that Katinka had made several Honey cakes. They are made by taking a thin sponge cake and layering it with drizzles of fresh honey and sweetened sour cream. Katinka had made hers’ at least five layers and my mouth watered with anticipation.

  “Sestra, iz vne sdelal sebya. Vasha mat’ budet gordit’sya. Sister, you outdid yourself. Your mother would be proud.” I praised Katinka and scooped her into my arms for a tight hug.

  “Spasibo, Thank you.” Her eyes began to moisten. “Ya lyublyu tebya,” I whispered against her hair. “Da,” She laughed. “You can’t help but love me. I’m amazing.” She twirled around like a ballerina, her tongue poking out th
e side of her mouth. “Da, da.”

  “D, you go get the baby and I will round everyone up to the table so we can start dinner.” I winked and took off like a rocket to the nursery next to Katinka and Tosha’s room. Karina laid there watching her princess mobile slowly rotate.

  “My princess, are you ready to greet your royal court?” I cooed to her in Russian. Her soft gurgles I took as a resounding yes.

  Her bright blue eyes watched me with intent as I changed her and put her in a fresh diaper. “You can’t greet your people wet and smelly, little one.” I continued in Russian.

  I had made it my sole mission to ensure that she was fluent in both English and Russian. I wanted her to feel comfortable with both languages. When she gets older she will be traveling to Russia often to see family and I wanted her to be able to understand what was being said and what was going on. As most of our family back in Russia did not speak English and those that did spoke very broken English.

  I dressed Karina in a fuchsia onesie that donned metallic gold and silver guitars and slipped one of her tutus around her waist. She was my little rock star princess, no doubt about it. I bounced her in my arms singing an old Russian lullaby as I carried her down the stairs to the awaiting party.

  Everyone was seated at the table waiting for me and Karina to arrive. Katinka and Nikolia took the heads of the table with their spouses to their right. My place was left open to Katinka’s left. I took my seat with Karina cuddled into my right arm so that she was easily accessible to her mother.

  All of us took turns with Karina daily to assist Katinka and Tosha with sleep and daily activities. Katinka was still writing music having found inspiration between her marriage to Tosha and both the pregnancy of Karina and her birth.

  Taking care of Karina was as natural as breathing for all of us. Even in Nik’s nearly catatonic state while Evie was in London, he took the time to care for his niece and help Katinka and Tosha. Every night one of us was given the baby monitor and put on baby duty. No one saw it as a duty more like a chance to bond with the newest family member. Katinka’s milk never came in so bottle feeding made it easier on all of us and afforded Katinka the ability to get some sleep.


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