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Bash Page 7

by Sapphire Knight

  Reaching over, I swipe Chaos’s Fireball and take a hefty swig. The cinnamon-flavored liquor burns down my throat and into my chest. It’s potent enough to warm me from the inside out and make my cheeks flush. The shit is fucking nasty. I don’t know how the prez can drink it without a second thought. I’d rather sip vodka all night long and have a hefty fucking hangover the next day than drink Fireball. However, with Cookie below me and not Savannah, I need something to dull my senses a bit. I’ve only had one beer, not wanting to drink before I pick up my angel from work. At this rate, I’ll have to borrow a truck. There’s no way I’ll carry my woman around on my bike when I’ve had more than one drink.

  Every brothers’ eyes are glued in our direction. No doubt in my mind it’s because I’ve pushed club whores off me in favor of Savannah. My prez is right, though. I’m strung tight and could use a release. It’s for the good of my club. I can’t be all twisted up in my thoughts when there’s business to take care of. I’m the VP. I don’t have much room for fucking off on important shit. It’s not like I’m committed to Savannah; we’re not in a relationship. Yet, I’ve been holding off from free pussy. Maybe that was my mistake, and I shouldn’t have held myself back.

  Cookie flicks my jeans button free, and I take another swig of the liquor. Next, she lowers my zipper, and right then, the club door swings open. The door catches a gust of wind, flying all the way open to allow a burst of outside air in. The warmth hits me along with the bright light. It’s been windy all day today. Always is this time of year.

  I flick my gaze over, not too concerned. It’s not like I can see much anyhow, being momentarily blinded by the blast of sunlight. Any asshole coming into the club who doesn’t belong will be taken out by our enforcer. North’s good about watching out for the clubhouse, as well as each of us.

  Cookie’s hands reach for my boxer briefs, and her fingertips graze my abdomen. My muscles tighten in response as my body readies itself for her to touch me lower. I glance back up, right as a petite woman comes barreling toward me. I meet the heated gaze of none other than the object of my desire, my latest fixation. Her irises blaze as she takes me in, slamming a to-go bag next to me on the bar.

  “Angel,” I breathe her nickname as my unspoken request has finally been answered. I’ve wanted to see her and kiss her all day. My hands jolt to Cookie’s fingers to stop her from going any further. My stare remains pinned on my woman as I say, “I wasn’t expecting you. I was going to come pick you up.”

  Her head bobs, and she releases a disappointed sigh. She flicks her gaze between me, Cookie, and the others around us. “I got off early. Thought I’d get an Uber to surprise you and bring you some dinner.”

  I glance at the white plastic bag beside me, then back to Savannah, realizing that it’s for me. I swallow, feeling like an even bigger dick for wanting my cock sucked when this bitch was trying to do something nice and thoughtful for me. To show me that I was on her mind as well. I’m a goddamn dog who doesn’t deserve her. “That’s real sweet of you.”

  I look below to the woman still on her knees, waiting for whatever I tell her to do. I chin-lift, gesturing for her to get out of my way. “Not tonight,” I tell her with a moody, unsatisfied growl. No matter how much my cock aches, I won’t be getting sucked off when Savannah’s around. The bitch has me far too intrigued for that shit. I won’t disrespect her in front of my brothers, either. This is bad enough for her, I’m sure.

  Savannah’s quick as lightning as she moves to stand behind Cookie, resting her grip on the other woman’s shoulders. “Oh, no,” she argues, tauntingly. “You stay right there.”

  Cookie’s shocked stare meets mine. She wants to obey me, as she should. It’s the way the club works, but the fiery Southern belle behind her is demanding different. I’m a little lost as to what Savannah’s up to, so I ignore the whore. “V-VP?” Cookie stutters out.

  “The fuck is this, baby?” I question Savannah with a scowl. I can’t handle a scene in front of the members. I’m already catching a ton of shit as it is, and I need their respect with my position. It’s imperative. If they don’t have respect for me, then they won’t give a fuck when I tell them to take care of important business. It could be the difference between life and death.

  “I don’t want to interrupt.” My woman glares right back and leans down to stage whisper loudly into Cookie’s ear. “You were about to give him head; don’t let me stop you. Take his pants off,” she hisses. “Let’s see what you’re working with if it’s even worth the trouble.”

  I nod at Cookie, telling her to listen. These bitches are off their rocker if they think I’ll back down from this shit. If anything, it’s sexy as fuck witnessing Savannah boss the club whore around, not to mention her little challenge about my size. “Do what she says.”

  I hear Chaos’s grunt of amusement beside me, but I ignore him. I tune out everyone else but the two women before me, but I’m barely paying any attention to Cookie. The only reason she’s anywhere near my thoughts is cause she’s that close to my cock, and I don’t want my dick hitting anyone’s teeth.

  The club whore sinks her fingers under the elastic of my underwear and tugs the front of them down enough for my cock and nuts to hang completely out and on display. I’ve fucked plenty of women around my brothers, so my cock isn’t anything they haven’t seen before. Savannah’s gaze is challenging. She doesn’t realize that sharing doesn’t bother me…as long as it’s not her I’m sharing. I lean forward until my lips are close enough to hers to graze and rasp, “It won’t suck itself, Angel.”

  She inhales a quick, shaky breath. She may’ve done it quietly, but I’m close enough to catch it. I discovered when I was eating her pussy that she loves my dirty talk and for me to tell her what the hell to do. She’s stubborn and headstrong, but she knows how to listen to me when she wants to come, or when she wants to feel me touch her somewhere. Her hold on the whore tightens, and she orders, “Grab his cock and start sucking.”

  I can’t believe she’s continuing to push this. I’m floored and turned on all at once. I didn’t take her as a voyeur with the way she was worried someone would see us the other day when we were outside and I had my face buried between her thighs. “It’ll do,” I rasp, “But, I’d prefer you on your knees before me right now,” I admit, flicking my gaze momentarily to Cookie. She’s licking my cock like a fucking lollipop and bobbing on the head. She’s a good little whore, but she’s definitely not the bitch I want. “How’s this work? You gonna take turns to finally get me off?”

  Savannah’s eyes pinch to slits, the challenge motivating her to be a bit more reckless. I like witnessing her like this…my little firecracker of a Southern belle is determined to prove herself at me by throwing down the gauntlet. Her hands go to Cookie’s hair, and she wraps her fingers in the bitch’s locks, holding tightly. Then, to my surprise, she shoves the gash’s head forward. “Deep throat your VP,” Savannah snips out the order loud enough for everyone to hear. “Apparently, you aren’t getting him off.”

  Cookie chokes on my cock at first then relaxes her throat. She takes me in much deeper, the sensation feeling so damn good that chills prick over my flesh and my toes curl in my boots. The sight before me is like no other. Savannah controls the pace and the depth, and fuck my life, the bitch is hotter than fuck when she thinks she’s in charge. Her chest heaves, panting as she watches the entire thing.

  “Better,” I growl, leaning in to kiss her.

  Her head pulls back as she keeps my stare, denying me her mouth.

  “The fuck?”

  “You won’t touch me while another chick has your dick in her mouth. I’ll let you come, and I’ll even watch, but you won’t touch me.”

  Her little tantrum throws me over the edge, and my come jets into Cookie’s mouth with so much force it’d knock me down if I weren’t propped up against the bar. “Goddamn!” I roar as Cookie swallows me down, slurping away every last drop.

  Cookie licks the head, cleaning me up befor
e she’s finished. She wipes her face, climbing to her feet, looking pleased with herself. “H-how was it, Bash?

  I growl in her direction, then bark, “You don’t even exist to me. I came for that bitch.” I tilt my head, gesturing to my angel and watch as Cookie’s eyes fill with tears. I’m a dick, but I don’t really give a fuck right now—or ever. I’d warned the club whores many times before to leave me the hell alone unless I tell them differently.

  This eager bitch may’ve cost me the one thing I’ve wanted in a long ass time, Savannah Mae Lexington. If that’s the case, Cookie will be lucky to make it until morning without me slitting her throat and tossing her out back to rot.

  Sly grabs for Cookie, yanking her away from me. The brother can see I’m fuming inside, and when that happens, Bash comes out to play. I won’t hit a woman, but you may get hurt being too damn close to me when I finally blow up and start punching shit.

  Savannah steps into Cookie’s spot before me, her hands going to my jeans. She yanks them up roughly, jostling my body with her own angry, jerky movements. “Put your dick in your pants,” she snarls, and my chest reverberates in warning.

  “Darlin’,” Chaos thunders, his tone cautioning that she needs to watch herself.

  I put my cock away, pushing closer until my nose is lined up with hers. “Want seconds?” I offer heatedly, and her hands land on my chest, shoving me away. My back slams against the bar.

  “Fuck. You.” Turning toward Jinx, she asks, “Will you please take me home?”

  He bobs his head, heading for the door without a word.

  “Don’t you go anywhere!” I bellow as she turns heel. The bitch rolls her eyes with a huff and heads for the door, ignoring me. Her hand reaches for the handle, and I roar, “Don’t you get on another man’s fucking bike! I’ll collect in blood!”

  Her gaze scorches as she momentarily meets mine. “Fuck you, Bash,” she rebukes and is outside in the next blink.

  I shout, spinning around to slam my fists down onto the bar. “Motherfucker!” I punch the hard top again. The pain spiraling through my arms instantly sobers me up. I blink, taking in my surroundings as the feeling of disappointment eclipses my heart. I think I just fucked up and pushed away the one thing I want most.

  My stony stare lands on the prez. I’m lost.

  He cocks an eyebrow. “You gonna fucking cry about it, or you gonna go fix it?”

  I bite the inside of my cheek, grabbing for his Fireball again. I chug the nasty shit and swipe the bag of food off the bar. I storm off, calling behind me, “Be back. Gonna have dinner with my bitch.”

  I hear a couple brothers laugh behind me, but ignore them.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ hit Jinx!” Prez shouts in my wake.

  I toss him the bird and make no promises. Jinx is a big motherfucker and my brother, but he should know better than to allow my bitch to get on the back of his bike. Savannah is mine. Sure, I’d told the brothers to back off her, but it just registered that she’s really mine. I won’t fuck this up and allow some other asshole to swoop in and play Captain Save a Ho.

  I ride as if my ass is on fire, breaking my rule of not getting on my bike while drinking. Hell, I’m practically on fire with how irritated I am. I turn into the complex, my motorcycle roaring to a stop in front of Savannah’s door. My brother’s bike is already gone, and that’s a good thing. Had he been here, I may’ve lost my temper, and I don’t want to take our shit out on a brother. Not only that, but Jinx and I are usually close. I don’t know what the fuck he was thinking, giving her a ride home, but we can discuss that shit once I’ve calmed down.

  Storming over to the blue door, I pound my fist against it and yell, “Open the fuck up! I know you’re in there.” Several people will be peeping out their windows right about now. The nosey assholes always look out front when my bike pulls in, and now I’m out here screaming at my woman as well. I’m sure the neighbors are highly entertained. I don’t give a shit about it either, as long as they don’t attempt to call the law and report me.

  “Go away, Bash!” she stubbornly yells back. She’s close, I’d bet money her saucy ass is sitting right up against the door waiting for me.

  “You know my full name, and it’s not gonna happen. Open the fuck up, babe.”

  “Go back to your club and the other woman. I won’t be bowing down to you any time soon!”

  “Don’t want any other women; you know that shit as well as I do. I want your pussy. This jealous tantrum wouldn’t have happened if you’d let me inside you already.”

  “Oh, screw off. Don’t you blame this on me, asshole.”

  “Let me in. We can talk about this inside the apartment. The nosey fucking neighbors are listening to us,” I state lower, staring down the fuck stick next door. He catches my glower, and his blinds flick back in place, hiding his face. I can still see his shadow, though. Stupid nosey asshat.

  “I don’t care. Just leave.”

  “Damn it, woman. Don’t make me break down this ugly door, ‘cause I’ll do it.”

  “And the cops will come. You’ll go to jail,” she replies tenaciously. I swear she mumbles something else, but it’s too low for me to hear. She’s all fiery right now, and I want to be all over her when she’s like this.

  “The hell I will, babe. Call ‘em. See what they do,” I remark cockily. “I’m not leaving until you let me in, and we talk through this issue.” Or fuck it out of the way…but I leave that suggestion to myself for now.

  She huffs, “Fine, but we’re only talking for a minute, then you’re leaving.”

  “Sure,” I reply, without an ounce of truth. I’m not leaving until I smooth things over, and we’re back on track again. We were making progress, but that got all sorts of twisted up today. I have to fix this without sticking my foot in my mouth, and there’s a good possibility that’ll be harder than I anticipated. One thing’s for certain, I’ve never craved a woman as badly as I do Savannah. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine.


  You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself. - The Wizard of Oz

  I slowly open the door and stick my head out to find my asshole biker watching the door, waiting for me to let him inside. “You’re infuriating,” I breathe. “Leave me alone.”

  His stubborn sapphire stare meets mine, then he’s pushing inside my apartment. He doesn’t give me a chance to utter another word of protest as he slams the door closed again and shoves me up against it, his mouth smashing to mine. My palms flatten against his chest, moving to shove him like I did back at the club, but this time he’s expecting it. His body is solid as I push, and he doesn’t budge an inch. It’s frustrating, and that irritation spills over into our lip lock. He kisses me fiercely, and I respond in kind, my mouth showing him how angry I am with the sharp bites I make to his lips. It does nothing to dissuade him. He only rumbles with pleasure.

  Sebastian’s hands move to my thighs, lifting me up higher for his sinful assault on my senses. My legs wrap around his hips as if they’ve done this a thousand times. His hard length is right there, teasing my clit as he applies pressure against my sex. I thought he felt big before and after witnessing him getting his dick sucked, I know he’s above average in that department. My hips thrust forward, needing the friction, begging for more. My hands and mouth fight him. I don’t want to make this easy for him, not after I helped that slut bring him pleasure. I’ve wanted him for weeks now and have refrained, doing the right thing. I’m sick of it.

  I manage to break away, hissing, “Fuck you.”

  He leans in, biting my shoulder, sending enough chills over my body to make my nipples pebble. I’ve got on my clothes, including a bra, yet you’d think I was naked with the way my body responds to him. He hums and rasps, “I want to, so goddamn bad. You’re driving me fucking crazy inside. You can hate me all you want for getting my cock sucked, but I had to, so I wouldn’t force you into something you aren’t ready for. I’m being patient for you.
Don’t you punish me for trying to be a better man for ya.”

  I let loose a humorless laugh, sarcasm lacing my voice. “Oh, so in other words, you were doing me the favor. How thoughtful of you for getting head all in the name of me. Prick.”

  His stormy irises meet mine. His nostrils flare as his own anger and desire churn inside him. “You think you could’ve handled me tonight? You get off work, kiss me and get me all worked up. Maybe I can’t hold back like I did before and just eat your sweet pink pussy. Maybe this time, I rip all your fucking clothes off and decide to fuck that perfect little asshole of yours. You telling me you could handle it, the hard pounding I’d give you? You would take it like a good bitch and not fight me off? Cause the way you twist me up inside, you wouldn’t be able to fight me. I’d be inside you before you could so much as scream no.”

  I slam my palms against him again. I’m left panting at his threatening promise. As he’d told me what would happen, I’d gone along and pictured it in my head, following his descriptions. Now I’m ridiculously turned on, my panties soaked with pent up desire. He paints a pretty sinful picture, one I’ve never experienced before. I was too busy living the good girl life before things went south, and I was forced to hide out. Now, I don’t want any part of that old me…but rather, the way Sebastian views me. That’s the person I should be, the one he explained in his fantasy. I need to be the sexy woman he can’t keep his hands off of.

  I meet his stony stare, fire blazing in my own, and I bite hard enough down on my cheek, it makes me want to yelp. Exhaling, I gather my emotions and thoughts to say, “What if you ripped my clothes off, and I didn’t tell you no?” I continue, asking, “What if I begged you to put your dick inside me and fuck me relentlessly? How would you respond to that? Could you actually do it?”


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