His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 33

by Michelle Love

I want to climb onto his lap so damn bad, it’s not one bit funny. Then he gives me a smile and stands up again and holds his hand out to me. “Another dance, my lady?”

  I take his hand and can’t wait to be back in his arms again. The song is a little faster than the last and the spinning action he does has our groins connecting. Mine is on fire for him as I can feel his cock against me.

  I lay my head on his shoulder and take in his aroma. He’s using a different cologne than he had on the last time I saw him.

  That Christmas night.

  Then my heart kind of cramps with the memory of how he looked when Rod was down on one knee in front of me.

  His jaw had been held tight and when I said yes he left the room. Maybe Rod was right when he said Reed was jealous and wanted me.

  When the song ends, he holds me tighter than before and we go to the table. I’m a little dizzy with the spinning and the close contact.

  He has another oyster in my mouth before I know it and he downs one himself. Then he’s holding my glass out to me. I take the drink, then ask the question I’ve wanted to for a long time, “Reed, how long have you liked me?”

  His eyes dance as he looks at me and takes my hand, lifting it to his lips where he kisses it. “Since you were about fourteen.”

  I shake my head and say, “No. No, Reed, that’s not true. You never even looked at me in high school. No, not once.”

  “I did. Only I never let you catch me. I knew you were off limits until you turned eighteen. We all knew that.” He holds the glass up and I let him give me another drink.

  “You left for college. Were you ever going to make some kind of advance on me?” He holds another oyster up and I take it.

  “My plan was to come home for your graduation. I was going to ease into your life very stealthily and make you fall in love with me and get you to go to UCLA with me.” He picks up his own glass of wine and takes a long drink.

  “Wow, that was a grand plan!”

  “And it was all going to work out too. Until I called home in early May to tell my parents I would be home for the summer. I didn’t let them in on this part as I was going to begin Operation Make Jenna Foster Mine. And that was when I found out Rod was renting a house and you two were going to be moving into it as soon as he could get you to agree.”

  I have to look away, as I feel kind of terrible. “So you had never told him or anyone else about your plan?”

  “Nope. I kept it all to myself. I was afraid if I told a thing to anyone it would spike an interest in you and I’d have a harder time getting your attention. And the truth is I thought even though Rod was going to come after you with all eight cylinders that you wouldn’t give him the time of day.” He leans up and takes my chin in his hand. “I was wrong, though.”

  “Seems so.” He lets my chin go and leans back in his chair.

  “Well, who would think the sweet little Sunday school teacher would ever want a thing to do with the devil who was and is my brother? I thought it was a safe bet you’d ignore him and I’d still have a shot that summer.”

  “But that isn’t what happened and now it’s too late for us. I mean, it would never work. You know, there’s just too much history now.” I pick up the glass and finish the wine.

  He doesn’t say a word, just holds out his hand, and I take it as he moves us out on the dance floor. His hold on me is tight, and the song is fast, and it’s amazing how easily my feet follow his.

  Our bodies are molded to one another. When the song ends he is still holding me. Then he turns his face and his lips are on mine.

  It’s the best kiss I’ve ever had!

  I only thought I had felt my body melt before. I had no idea. My arms go around his neck as his tongue moves past my lips and moves with mine like they’ve always known each other.

  My pulse is so rapid and hard, I can hear my heart beating. My mind is gone. All I feel is him. All I can think of is him and now and this moment.

  This amazing kiss!

  Then he ends it with several soft pecks and looks at me. “What were you saying, Jenna?”

  I gaze up at him and it seems like a halo is glowing around the top of his head, as I’m limp in his arms. “Huh?”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  And now I don’t know what we’re going to do …

  Chapter 14


  Our first kiss!

  And Jenna Foster’s gorgeous green eyes are hazy with, dare I say, desire?

  Taking her back to the table. I sit her down, and she kind of floats on the way down.

  Being the man of action that I have become has me fighting myself not to tell Jenna how things are going to be now.

  I’ve waited a long time for her and had to watch a lot of bad shit I never thought I’d have to. And now she knows how I feel, and that kiss just cemented it all for me. I know it did for her too.

  But I know my brother did a fucking number on her, and I’ll have to go as slow as I can without going so slow that I lose my chance with her.

  We have the summer, and that’s about all!

  So the plan I had for the summer after her high school graduation can come into play now. Only this time I’m very rich and can show her a very good time.

  “Reed?” she asks as she looks at my mouth.

  “Yes?” I run my hand over her flushed cheek.

  “That was amazing.”

  “It was,” I say as I move my hand over her shoulder and down her arm.

  Goosebumps sprout over her soft tanned skin. Then I move my chair right next to hers and she leans against my chest as I put my arm around her.

  The scent of her hair leaves me all tingly inside as I take in a deep breath of the flowery smell.

  This is how I always imagined it would be like with her. Like a dream. Like an easy, real life dream.

  Her fingertips glide back and forth along my leg as she breathes steadily. I wonder what she’s thinking or if she’s thinking at all. Maybe she’s really letting herself feel for the first time in a long time.

  “Is this real, Reed?”

  I kiss the top of her head. “It is, Jenna. This is as real as it gets.”

  She turns her head up and looks at me. “What are we supposed to do?”

  “What any other people do when they know they have something real,” I say and touch her lips gently with mine.

  Our bodies migrate towards each other. Her chest goes up against mine and her soft breasts press against my hard chest.

  I hold my lips on hers and relish how hers feel even though they’re barely touching mine.

  The sheer amount of times I’ve wanted to do this make me insane with how long this has taken. How long we could’ve had this.

  “I’m going to order us a couple of juicy steaks and some more wine.” I raise my hand to let the waitress know I’m ready to order.

  She comes over to us and lets out a sigh. “So, is this an anniversary date?”

  Jenna pulls her head off my chest and blushes. “Actually, this is our very first date.”

  The waitress looks surprised. “Really? You two look like you’ve been together a long time. Like you’re in love already.”

  I run my hand over Jenna’s shoulder and cup the back of her neck. “Hmm. What do you think about that, Jenna?”

  “I think that’s amazing,” she says, then smiles at me.

  “Can we have two of your best steaks, medium rare, and some more wine?” I ask as I run my hand up into her silky blonde strands.

  “Yes, sir. Coming right up.” She spins around and leaves.

  Jenna gets a little frown on her face. “Reed, we’ll have to hide this. You know that.”

  “For a while, we can. I don’t want Mom upset, and I don’t want you upset that it upsets her. But I’ll start on my parents and you start on yours. And then when it all comes out it won’t be so shocking.” I pull her back into my arms and she lays her head back on my chest. I think I could just sit here like this forever. />
  The fleeting image of Jenna freaking out goes through my head, so I make sure to let her know I will not be letting her go. I pull her around to look at me. “Jenna, I’ve waited a very long time for you. I’m not a man who lets opportunities get by me. I want this. I want you. I’m laying my cards on the table. I know this may seem sudden, but it’s anything but that. Now, what do you want?”

  Her eyes go a little glassy. “Reed, I thought about you back then. And, truth be told, I’ve thought about you these last two years. There’s always been an attraction to you, one I pushed back when I had to. And I do want you. I do, like nothing I’ve ever wanted before. But your parents will not be happy about this. And if your brother ever does show up, it won’t be good.”

  “I’m not worried about him. Mom is the only person who may have a problem with it. But Mom loves me and she loves you, Jenna. And if Rod shows up I will deal with him. I can handle him. You don’t have to worry.” I take her chin in my hand and can see fear in her eyes.

  “Reed, my plan was to get a job far away where I’d never run into him ever again. If you and I are together, I’ll run into him for damn sure. And it’s a thing I’ve had many nightmares about. I can’t see him again.” A shiver runs through her body.

  “Jenna, what did he do to you?”

  “No, I can’t talk about it. And especially not here. Just know I can’t see him again. I’ve come too far to go back.”

  I pull her close to me and hug her tight. “I’ll never let anything happen to you again. You’re safe with me. I swear it to you.”

  I can feel the tension leave her body as I hold her and her arms wrap around me. Then she pulls herself up and looks at me. “I trust you, Reed. Let’s do this.”

  A smile moves over my face and I kiss her again. It’s our second real kiss and her lips part and allow me inside her warm mouth, a place I’ve explored only in my dreams.

  The sound of the waitress setting our drinks and plates on the table makes me end the kiss. Otherwise, I think it could have gone on forever or morphed into a make-out session on the tabletop.

  Jenna blushes and looks down as the waitress smiles at us. “Sorry,” Jenna says quietly.

  “Don’t be. If my husband looked at me like this man looks at you, I’d be hard pressed to keep my lips to myself too.” She leaves the bottle of wine on the table too and leaves us alone.

  “See how easy it is to see when someone likes you, Jenna?” I ask as I take her steak and cut a piece for her.

  “Well, you have to admit that when I did notice I was not in the position to take you up on it.” She opens her mouth, and I put the bite into it.

  “People break up. How hard would it have been to tell him he was an ass, and you were through with him?” I give her a drink and she takes my plate and cuts me a bite then places it into my mouth.

  “Very. You see, we had this written deal. And it wasn’t one that could be broken.” She gives me some wine and then she leans in close and kisses me.

  My entire body lights up with the fact that she kissed me this time. My hands run over her arms as her tongue twirls around mine.

  It ends too soon though, and she sits back. Her breathing is a little on the hard side and I really like that I can do that to her.

  “A written deal? But he left, so that means you could’ve too. And that deal was only worth the paper it was written on, anyway. You know you can even walk away from a marriage, Jenna.” I cut her another bite of the delicious steak and feed it to her.

  Her hand creeps up my leg as she chews it and it stops once she swallows, merely centimeters from my cock. It twitches in an effort to feel her hand on it.

  Every part of me wants her!

  Brain, heart, and cock!

  “What we had was intense. And, when I look back, it was just wrong on so many levels. I’d like to know how you plan on handling him when he inevitably comes around some family function.” She gives me a drink and cuts another piece of steak for me.

  Before she gets it in my mouth, I say, “He’s not so hard to beat, Jenna. And if he was to get physical with anyone in my presence, I could take him down. I have before.” I take the bite as she narrows her eyes.

  “The thing which ended his bullying you, right? What did you do to him?”

  “Broke his arm.” I look into her eyes to see how she takes that.

  They widen, then narrow again. “How old were you?”

  “I was ten, and he was fifteen. He was holding me down and punching me because he said I was playing in his room, which I hadn’t been. He just looked for shit to be mad about and punish people and things for.”

  “I see,” she says and nods like she knows what I’m talking about. “So how did you switch it up on him?”

  “I got mad and turned into the Hulk,” I say with a laugh.

  “Really, Reed!” She smacks my arm. “How did a ten-year-old little boy turn the tables on a fifteen-year-old bad ass?”

  “That little boy had a bit of bad ass in him too. And that kid had had enough of his older brother beating him up. So I went ape-shit on him. And somehow I got on top of him and turned him face down in our driveway. I held his right arm behind his back and when he told me, when he got back up I would be dead, then I just went for it and yanked his arm back until I heard it pop.”

  “Oh my God!” she says and puts her hand over her mouth. “That’s insane!”

  “His loud cries had me getting off him and I went to tell Mom he was hurt and that I wasn’t sorry in the least. As they took him to the emergency room I sat in the back seat with Mom to keep us apart. Rod said I was going to hurt him again. He could see it in my eyes, he said.” I take a drink of my wine.

  “Were you?” she asks.

  “You know, I think if he looked like he was going to do anything more then I would’ve. That’s the one and only fight I’ve ever been in. It ended his bullying, and that’s what mattered to me.”

  She nods and looks as if she’s thinking about things. “That’s crazy. You know, I saw pictures of you guys back in those younger years and he was taller and had some muscles already. And you were a normal little ten-year-old kid.”

  “And now I do have more muscles than he does, so if he was to threaten you or me with anything physical I’d stop him before he could do any harm.” I pull her back into my arms. “You’re safe with me. I’ll always protect you. You will never be hurt by me, Jenna. You will never be hurt again. I swear that to you. I will never hurt you in any way or allow anyone else to.”

  Her eyes dart back and forth, as if she’s searching for something. The truth, I suppose. Then her hands move over my cheeks and she says, “I feel like I can believe you.”

  I run my hands up to hers. “You can, Jenna.”

  She inches forward until our mouths meet again and I feel as if what I’ve dreamt of for so long is finally going to come true. The way her touch makes me feel is something out of story books.

  It’s as if we were made for one another.

  And now that I have her, I will have to protect her if my brother ever does decide to show his face again. He was wickedly possessive of her, and I have no doubt that he will hate the fact she’s mine now.

  Our mouths part and I find her looking into my eyes. “Reed, how is it that you and your brother both found me to your liking?”

  With a shake of my head I say, “You know, my brother has always had sort of a sixth sense about what I want. When we were little I remember wanting a certain train set for Christmas and hoped Santa would bring it to me. I didn’t get it that year, not that I told anyone I wanted it. I thought Santa would just know.”

  She smiles and runs her hand over my leg. “How adorable.”

  I nod. “Anyway, as Reed’s birthday grew near I overheard him telling Mom and Dad about this train set he really wanted. Guess what? He got the damn train set I secretly wanted.”

  “Okay, that’s one time. Have anything more reality-based than that?” She smiles at me and I go al
l soft inside.

  “You know how Reed loves trucks?”

  “I do,” she says and picks up her wine.

  “I was looking through this magazine he had right before he turned sixteen. It was full of cars and trucks and he had three different trucks circled in it. As I was looking through it, I found this old Camaro and loved it. It was all black and really cool. I didn’t say a thing about it. I was only eleven at the time and far from getting a car.”

  She stops me. “I saw that picture of him with his first car. A black Camaro. And you know what else I saw in that photo? You in the background with a frown on your cute little face.”

  “You know why I was frowning?” I ask, then take a sip of wine.

  “You were mad he got the car?”

  I shake my head. “I was ecstatic he got the car. I was so happy for him, and I asked him if I could please buy it from him when I turned sixteen. He told me no. He told me he’d drive it off a cliff before he ever even let me drive it. Hence the frown.”

  “I guess he was still mad about the broken arm,” she says with a little frown.

  “No, he was always like that. He had a pair of Superman pajamas and he outgrew them. He kept those things hanging in his closet for three years and when I could fit into them I asked him if he’d let me have them.” Her hand moves very close to my personal pleasure zone and I pause to look down at it.

  It drifts back down toward my knee. “And?” she asks.

  “Um, you kind of distracted me there. Anyway, he told me no and that night they fell into the fireplace. On an accident, he said. How he happened to be walking around carrying something that didn’t even fit him anymore is still a huge mystery,” I say, then take a long drink of the wine. “Anyway, in my opinion, Reed changed from the usual trashy-ass women who were his usual female fodder when he felt a shift in the universe when I set my sights on you. And I guess he had to find you. Probably didn’t even know who he was looking for until he saw you.”

  Jenna looks away and her eyes go glassy. “Wish you would’ve found me first.”

  I run my hand over her shoulders and give them a squeeze. “Me too.”

  But I have her now, and I will never let her go!


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