His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 89

by Michelle Love

  Tinsley sipped her drink. ‘Harry, I don’t believe in limitations or labels. I don’t believe in holding back. If I want someone, and they want me, why pretend to follow social norms that say a woman should be coquettish or pretend to a reservation she doesn’t feel. That just gets in the way of a good fuck.’

  Harry raised his glass to her. ‘I’ll drink to that.’

  She grinned. ‘I bet you do. Harry…where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?’

  He considered. ‘Probably under the bleachers of my college football field.’

  ‘Is that it? Was it during a game?’

  Harry grinned sheepishly. ‘Nope, sorry. How about you?’

  Tinsley took a long moment before she answered. ‘There’s a club I go to sometimes.’

  Harry caught her tone and grinned. ‘Oh, ‘a club’.’

  She laughed. ‘Yes, and it’s exactly what you think it is, but it’s a safe space to…try new things.’


  ‘Bondage.’ She studied his eyes for his reaction but he returned her gaze steadily. ‘It depends what you’re into, of course.’

  ‘And you’ve tried out everything the club has to offer?’

  Suddenly her smile widened into a face-splitting grin. ‘Nope, not once but I thought I’d try and freak you out.’

  They both laughed then, Harry shaking his head. ‘Woman, I tell you, when we get out of here, I’ll make you pay for that.’

  ‘Sounds promising.’ Her eyes dropped deliberately to his crotch then back to to his eyes. Harry growled.

  ‘Damn, when you look at me like that...’

  Tinsley got up suddenly and held out her hand to him. ‘Come with me.’

  Ten minutes later they were on the top of her building, looking out over the lights of New York City. Harry caught his breath. So beautiful…the city glittered below them and now, as he turned to face her, those lights were reflected in Tinsley’s blue eyes.

  ‘God, but you’re beautiful,’ he murmured and gathered her to him. As they kissed, his hands roamed over her body; her own fingers went to the button of his jeans.

  As she freed his engorged and throbbing cock from his jeans, he slid his hands under her dress and pushed her up, lifting her in one easy movement. He pressed her back against a concrete wall and thrust into her damp and ready cunt. He gave a shivery moan as he heard her gasp. ‘I’m going to fuck you long and hard, pretty girl,’ he growled into her ear and heard her shaky, almost breathless laugh. He thrust deep and long, right to the core of her, again and again and again, his cock wanting more and more of this feeling, his senses exploding. Tinsley wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping eye contact with him, forging a connection. Her lips were rough against his, her fingers twisting in his hair, her nails dragging along his scalp with a feral intensity.

  ‘God…Harry…more…’ His hips increased their pace, his cock thickening inside her, stretching the tight muscles of her vagina as he pounded into her. They both came too quickly, Harry groaning as his thick, white semen pumped deep into her belly; Tinsley gasping and moaning as he used his hand to tease her clit, her entire body vibrating with pleasure.

  They stayed connected as they caught their breath. ‘Wow, oh, wow,’ Tinsley managed to gasp as she grinned at him. ‘That was incredible.’

  Harry chuckled, kissing her deeply, his cock already stiffening again inside her. ‘I could do this all night…and guess what? That’s exactly what we’re going to do.’

  Tinsley threw her head back and laughed. ‘I’m in.’

  Harry grinned wickedly. ‘Actually,’ and he began to move in and out of her again, ‘I’m the one who’s in.’

  ‘God, you’re delicious,’ she whispered, kissing him then as her excitement grew again, she closed her eyes. ‘Yes…just like that, yes….yes…’

  They ended up back at her place, fucking on the floor, the bed, in the shower. At four am., finally sated and exhausted, they made their way to the diner at the corner of her street and had pancakes and syrup. Harry, his free hand covering hers, smiled at her. ‘You working tomorrow?’

  She shook her head. ‘Day off. Why?’

  ‘No reason. Just wanted to see if you felt like fucking for a full twenty-four hours?’

  She giggled at his cheeky expression. ‘Who wouldn’t with you?’

  Harry thanked her. ‘You’re incredible. I gotta say…never had it so good.’

  ‘Right back atcha – but don’t tell Charlie that,’ she rolled her eyes and chuckled.

  Harry scooped a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. ‘Why did you and he break up?’

  Tinsley’s smile faded a little. ‘Charlie is a great guy, heart of gold, very protective. Too protective for my liking. I’m a free-wheeler, Harry, it’s in my blood. I don’t do commitment, I don’t do being asked where I am all day.’ She sighed. ‘I understand why Charlie was extra-protective given what happened to Lila, but it brought us into conflict. In the end I had to sit him down and explain my…ethos, I suppose you would call it. I live, I love but I am my own person.’

  Harry was nodding with understanding. ‘I think that’s fair. So you decided…?’

  ‘We’d be friends and I’m so grateful that we are still friends. I know your brother and Charlie didn’t always get on, but I swear….I wish I could find a way to set him up with someone who deserves him.’

  ‘Momma Bear.’

  Tinsley grinned. ‘Definitely not a mama. Kids aren’t in my plan.’ She looked at him as if expecting him to protest but he nodded.

  ‘That’s fair enough. Not entirely sure I want them myself. Not got to that point in life yet. What?’ He asked when she chuckled...

  ‘No, nothing, except it’s just woman are expected, almost as soon as we hit puberty, to address the question: do you want children? And the reason is always given – because the clock is ticking. Men never have to worry about the ticking clock or the expectations that a woman will always – even secretly – want a child. When we say we don’t, there’s always a counter-argument – Oh, you’ll want one eventually. Well, not me. I don’t hate kids; I just don’t want one of my own.’ She looked at his face and grinned. ‘Sorry, bug bear of mine.’

  ‘Completely valid. I get it too…I’m not one for commitment or the saccharin stuff. Tinsley, you’re beautiful and sexy and I love spending time with you. I love fucking you. No strings.’

  ‘Word, brother,’ she tapped her coffee mug against his. ‘Now, if you’ve finished eating, I think you’d better take me back to bed.’

  He watched them as they left the diner. He’d started following the blonde woman, knowing she was Lila’s best friend, wondering whether she knew where Lila was. He’d been prepared to get the information out of her with violence, if necessary. And now he discovered she was banging Richard Carnegie’s brother. ‘All getting a little incestuous,’ he murmured. Still, she would be alone at some point then he would get to her.

  He was absolutely sure his knife would make her tell him everything, and then when she did, he would silence her forever.

  San Juan Island, Washington State

  Lila sat happily at the register of the bookstore. She had been expecting to score a job at the farmer’s market or the grocery store but when she’d come into the bookstore three months ago, trying to find something new to read, she’d seen the ‘Assistant wanted’ notice and eagerly applied.

  Now she was settled here. The bookshop was owned by Ronnie and Flynn, partners in business and love, who were built like loggers and yet possessed the sweetest natures of anyone she’d ever met. They’d just adopted twin daughters and Lila watched the two men dote on the girls. They’d hired her to run the bookshop, impressed by her literary knowledge, and she found they stepped back from the business more and more. She didn’t care; she loved it here, talking with customers about books, making recommendations. She even loved cleaning and tidying the place. It was a haven. The whole island was, and she’d found herself relaxing here, her mind finally
peaceful after the months of turmoil. The island had a terrific medical center with warm and efficient staff and she liked her obstetrician, Dr. Low, very much. The young Chinese woman had told her what she could expect during her pregnancy, and had advised her on any extra precautions she should take because of the damage to her belly due to the stabbing.

  ‘You’ll probably find your scars itch a lot so plenty of cream. Internally, well, we’ll have to see. You’re still tender, your muscles still weakened. But I’ll keep a close eye on you. I take it the pregnancy wasn’t planned?’

  Lila had shaken her head but now, as she thought back, she found herself wondering. She had not even for a second, considered an abortion. She was absolutely pro-choice, but when it came to this baby…would she have felt the same if it had been anyone else’s child but Noah Applebaum’s? Even Richard’s?

  She asked herself over and over why she couldn’t get Noah out of her head. She reasoned with herself but there it was – unfinished business. She wrestled whether to tell him about the baby and found herself confiding in Ronnie and Flynn, asking them what she should do.

  ‘We can’t tell you that, honey, but the man deserves a shot at whether or not to be involved.’

  Lila chewed her lip. ‘It was a one-time thing though.’

  Flynn rolled his eyes. ‘But you’re crazy about him, anyone can see that. Just go be with him.’

  Lila sighed. ‘It’s not that easy. Firstly; I have no idea if he feels the same way or if I was just a one-time thing. Second – my fiancé was just murdered. It’s bad enough I’m having another man’s baby….god, what a fucking mess.’

  She thought about that conversation now, grateful to Ronnie and Flynn for their honesty but it was still unresolved in her mind. Now she was nearly five months along, her belly softly curved outwards, small but still noticeable. She was surprised the baby was so small; with Noah’s height she figured it would be a monster but no, her little bean was just that. Little. She stroked a hand down her belly. Now; whatever happened, she was already attached to the little critter. No turning back now, she smiled to herself.

  The bookshop was quiet today. The weather had turned rainy and cool, and the sky was black with storm clouds. Lila was checking a new delivery, scanning the books into the shop’s computer system and pricing them. So absorbed was she, she barely heard the shop door open, the small bell chiming.


  She froze and her breathe caught in her throat. No, not like this. She grabbed hold of the counter in front of her, shifting slightly so the box of books was a wall in front of her. Protection. Deflection. She took a breath in and looked up.

  Noah Applebaum stood in front of her, impossibly handsome in his sweater and jeans, a smile that reached his green eyes. His dark hair was a little longer than she remembered, and he was taller too, wasn’t he? Yep, that’s the stuff to focus on now, you idiot. She stared back at him.

  ‘Noah…what are you doing here?’

  His smile didn’t fade. ‘Why do you think? I tried to get in contact with you in New York after Richard died but Cora told me you’d done a vanishing act. Then, the other day, a patient of mine was telling me how she’d seen this very beautiful young woman in the bookshop where she lived, and that she seemed familiar. She’d remembered about the bridal store stabbing in New York, remembered your face from the photos.’

  Lila’s eyes narrowed. ‘What else did she tell you?’

  Noah looked confused. ‘Huh? Nothing, just that.’

  ‘You’re lying.’

  That shook him. He obviously had expected a warmer welcome than the one she was giving him. ‘What? No, I…’

  ‘If the woman exists, she would have told you something else about me. Something big. Noah…how did you find me?’

  He opened his mouth to protest, then had the grace to look ashamed. ‘I’m sorry; I didn’t want to freak you. I thought if I played it like it was a coincidence, a passing remark, it would sound better than I hired a detective to find you. Several in fact.’

  Lila closed her eyes. ‘Oh, god…’

  ‘Lila, I’m sorry, I was just so concerned. Whoever stabbed you is still out there, I wanted to know you were safe. And I wanted to see you. Of course, I wanted to see you.’

  Lila felt like crying. One side of her wanted to run into his arms but the other, the rational side, was irritated and frightened and god…so many emotions. She clutched the box of books in front of her. ‘I think you should go,’ she whispered. ‘I can’t do this.’

  She hated the hurt in his eyes. ‘Noah…things have changed. I’m not engaged but I’m not free either. As much as I…’ she trailed off and just looked at him. He was everything she wanted, desperately wanted. The time they had spent together when she was in hospital had been incredible. The connection they had forged, nothing like she had experienced before. She adored everything about this man; his intellect, his goofy sense of humor, the pattern of moles on his right cheek which looked like the Big Dipper. She had felt most safe when her skin was next to his and yet now, standing less than a few feet away from him, she had never been more terrified.

  You have to do this; you have to tell him why. It’s only fair.

  ‘Noah, I…’ her voice cracked and he stepped forward to comfort her. She shook her head and he stopped. ‘Noah,’ she began again, string this time, ‘there’s something I need to tell you. A big thing.’

  He gave her a crooked smile. ‘The big thing my imaginary patient would have noticed?’

  She didn’t return his smile. ‘Know that I…didn’t want to burden you.’

  He was confused now. ‘Whatever it is, Lila, please, just tell me.’

  Lila hesitated for a long moment, and then with a big intake of breath, she stepped around the counter and finally faced him, her hand on the small bump in her abdomen.

  Noah stared back at her in disbelief.


  Riley Kinsayle didn’t have his usual smile on his face as Tinsley greeted him that evening. ‘’Sup, dude?’

  She pushed a beer towards him but he waved it away. ‘Charlie’s in the hospital.’

  Tinsley was shocked. ‘What? How?’

  ‘He took a beat down by some junkies on a bust that went FUBAR. Doc’s say he’ll be okay but, god, Tins…’

  Riley looked so shaken that she rounded the bar and hugged him. ‘God, that’s horrible. Which hospital is he in? I’ll go see him.’

  Riley told her. ‘But leave it until tomorrow; they’re only letting police in at the moment.’

  Tinsley sighed and rubbed her eyes. ‘God, I thought all this violence was over and done with. Was it a bust gone bad?’ She indicated the hot coffee pot and Riley nodded gratefully.

  As she passed him the drink, he took a long sip, obviously not caring if the hot liquid burnt his mouth. ‘Nope, Charlie was following a lead on Lila’s attacker. He must have gotten too close.’

  Tinsley’s eyes widened. ‘Wow. Oh wow.’

  Riley studied her, his dark eyes searching her face as he drank some more coffee. He put the cup down. ‘Tinsley…he was asking for Lila.’

  ‘What?’ Tinsley felt like she might cry. Riley sighed.

  ‘Tins, if you know anything about where she is…tell me. Please. She’ll want to know about Charlie and he needs her now, like never before. Please.’

  Tinsley sighed. ‘Riley, I honestly don’t know where Lila is. I did get one email from her, telling me she was sorry for disappearing but it was for the best. When I tried to reply, the message bounced back.’

  Riley chewed over this information. ‘Do you still have her email?’

  Tinsley nodded. ‘Good,’ Riley said, ‘then maybe we could trace where it came from. Huh. Ironically, the Carnegie software would probably do it for us and – ‘

  ‘Riley, no. She doesn’t deserve to have her privacy violated like that, it’s not right.’

  ‘Her best friend has just been attacked, Tinsley.’ Riley’s voice had an uncharacteristic
tone – angry, full of blame and she whirled around, irritated herself.

  ‘I know that but it’s not Lila’s fault, is it?’

  Riley dug in his pockets for some cash for the coffee, shaking his head, obviously pissed. ‘Tins, I want you to know that you could be charged with impeding an investigation.’

  ‘The hell I am – Lila didn’t beat up Charlie, did she?’

  Riley slammed the money on the bar and walked out.

  San Juan Island, Washington State

  Noah stared at Lila’s belly for the longest time then slowly he met her gaze, his eyes cold. ‘Is it mine?’

  Lila’s hands were sweating and her heart thudded heavily against her ribs. ‘Of course it is,’ she whispered. ‘There’s been no-one else since that time.’

  ‘That one time,’ he said. Almost in disbelief.

  ‘Are you angry?’

  He shook his head. ‘Not that you’re pregnant, Lila, no, I’m not angry about that.’ He stepped towards her, his eyes full of hurt. ‘But I am angry that you kept it from me. That’s my child too.’

  ‘We had one day together, Noah. I didn’t want to dump this in your lap, especially not after everything, and it’s not like we were in a relationship to begin with. And I had to consider the Carnegie’s in this too. How do you think they would have felt? Me pregnant with another man’s baby when their son, my fiancé, has just been killed?’

  Noah stared at her, shaking his head. ‘The only person who matters here is our child, Lila. You’re keeping it?’

  ‘Of course.’ Her voice broke then and tears dropped down her cheeks. He raised his arms to hold her but she backed off. ‘No, please, don’t touch me. Noah, I am sorry but as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing to be talked about.’

  Noah lost it then. ‘You cannot do this, Lila, that’s my child! Don’t you think I want to be involved with his or her life? Help to raise them. I want…’

  ‘What? What do you want, Noah?’


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