Marie; a story of Russian love

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Marie; a story of Russian love Page 12

by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin


  The kibitka stopped before the Commandant's house. The inhabitants hadrecognized the usurper's bells and equipage, and had come out in crowdsto meet him. Alexis, dressed like a Cossack, and bearded like one,helped the brigand to descend from his kibitka. The sight of me troubledhim, but soon recovering himself, he said: "You are one of us?" I turnedmy head away without replying. My heart was wrung when we enteredthe room that I know so well, where still upon the wall hung, like anepitaph, the diploma of the deceased Commandant. Pougatcheff seatedhimself upon the same sofa where many a time Ivan Mironoff had dozed tothe hum of his wife's voice. Alexis' own hand presented the brandy tohis chief. Pougatcheff drank a glass and said, pointing to me: "Offer aglass to his lordship." Alexis approached me, and again I turned my backupon him. Pougatcheff asked him a few questions about the condition ofthe fortress, and then, in an unpremeditated manner, said: "Tell me, whois this young girl that you have under guard?"

  Alexis became pale as death. "Czar," said he, a tremor in his voice,"she is in her own room; she is not locked up."

  "Take me to her room," said the usurper, rising.

  Hesitation was impossible. Alexis led the way to Marie's room. Ifollowed. On the stairs Alexis stopped: "Czar, demand of me what youwill, but do not permit a stranger to enter my wife's room."

  "You are married?" I shouted, ready to tear him to pieces.

  "Silence!" interrupted the brigand, "this is my business. And you," saidhe, turning to Alexis, "do not be too officious. Whether she be yourwife or not, I shall take whom I please into her room. Your lordship,follow me."

  At the door of the room Alexis stopped again: "Czar, she has had a feverthese three days; she is delirious."

  "Open," said Pougatcheff.

  Alexis fumbled in his pockets, and at last said that he had forgottenthe key. Pougatcheff kicked the door; the lock yielded, the door openedand we entered.

  I glanced into the room, and nearly fainted. On the floor, in the coarsedress of a peasant, Marie was seated, pale, thin, her hair in disorder;before her on the floor stood a pitcher of water covered by a pieceof bread. Upon seeing me, she started, and uttered a piercing shriek.Pougatcheff glanced at Alexis, smiled bitterly, and said: "Your hospitalis in nice order?"

  "Tell me, my little dove, why does your husband punish you in this way?"

  "My husband! he is not my husband. I am resolved to die rather thanmarry him; and I shall die, if not soon released."

  Pougatcheff gave a furious look at Alexis, and said: "Do you dare todeceive me, knave?"

  Alexis fell on his knees. Contempt stifled all my feelings of hatredand vengeance. I saw with disgust, a gentleman kneeling at the feet of aCossack deserter.

  "I pardon you, this time," said the brigand, "but remember, your nextfault will recall this one." He turned to Marie, and said, gently: "Comeout, my pretty girl, you are free. I am the Czar!"

  Marie looked at him, hid her face in her hands and fell on the floorunconscious. She had no doubt divined that he had caused her parents'death. I rushed to aid her, when my old acquaintance, Polacca, boldlyentered, and hastened to revive her mistress. Pougatcheff, Alexis and Iwent down to the reception room.

  "Now, your lordship, we have released the pretty girl, what say you?Shall we not send for Father Garasim, and have him perform the marriageceremony for his niece? If you like, I will be your father by proxy,Alexis your groomsman; then we'll shut the gates and make merry!"

  As I anticipated, Alexis, hearing this speech, lost his self-control.

  "Czar," said he, in a fury, "I am guilty; I have lied to you, butGrineff also deceives you. This young girl is not Father Garasim'sniece. She is Ivan Mironoff's daughter."

  Pougatcheff glared at me. "What does that mean?" said he to me.

  "Alexis says truly," I replied, firmly.

  "You did not tell me that," said the usurper, whose face darkened.

  "Judge of it yourself. Could I declare before your people that Marie wasCaptain Mironoff's daughter? They would have torn her to pieces. No onecould have saved her."

  "You are right," said Pougatcheff, "my drunkards would not have sparedthe child. Accoulina did well to deceive them."

  "Listen," I said, seeing his good humor, "I do not know your real name,and I do not want to know it. But before God, I am ready to pay you withmy life, for what you have done for me. Only, ask me nothing contrary tohonor, and my conscience as a Christian. You are my benefactor. Let mego with this orphan, and we, whatever happens to you, wherever you maybe, we shall pray God to save your soul."

  "Be it as you desire," said he, "punish to the end, or pardoncompletely, that's my way. Take your promised bride wherever you choose,and may God give you love and happiness." He turned to Alexis, andordered him to write me a passport for all the forts subject to hispower. Alexis was petrified with astonishment. Pougatcheff went off toinspect the fortress; Alexis followed him; I remained.

  I ran up to Marie's room. The door was closed. I knocked.

  "Who is there?" asked Polacca.

  I gave my name. I heard Marie say: "In an instant, Peter, I shall joinyou at Accoulina's."

  Father Garasim and Accoulina came out to welcome me. I was honored witheverything at the command of the hostess, whose voluble tongue neverceased. It was not long before Marie entered, quite pale; she had laidaside the peasant's dress, and was, as usual, clad in simplicity, butwith neatness and taste. I seized her hand, unable to utter a word. Wewere both silent from full hearts. Our hosts left us, and I could nowspeak of plans for her safety. It was impossible that she should stay ina fortress subject to Pougatcheff, and commanded by the infamous Alexis.Neither could she find refuge at Orenbourg, suffering all the horrors ofsiege. I proposed that she should go to my father's country-seat. Thissurprised her. But I assured her that my father would hold it a dutyand an honor to receive the daughter of a veteran who had died for hiscountry. In conclusion, I said: "My dear Marie; I consider thee as mywife; these strange events have bound us for ever to each other."

  Marie listened with dignity; she felt as I did, but repeated thatwithout my parents' consent she would never be my wife. I could notreply to this objection. I folded her to my heart, and my project becameour mutual resolve.

  An hour after, the Corporal brought me my passport, having the scratchwhich served as Pougatcheff's sign-manual, and told me that the Czarawaited me. I found him ready for his journey. To this man--why nottell the truth?--cruel and terrible to all but me, I was drawn by strongsympathy. I wanted to snatch him from the horde of robbers, whose chiefhe was; but the presence of Alexis and the crowd around him preventedany expression of these feelings. Our parting was that of friends. Asthe horses were moving, he leaned out of the kibitka and said to me:"Adieu, again, your lordship; perhaps we may meet once more."

  We did meet again, but under what circumstances!

  I returned to Father Garasim's, where our preparations were sooncompleted. Our baggage was put into the Commandant's old equipage. Thehorses were harnessed. Marie went, before setting off, to visit oncemore the tomb in the church-yard, and soon returned, having wept insilence over all that remained to her of her parents. Father Garasim andAccoulina stood on the steps. Marie, Polacca, and I sat in the interiorof the kibitka. Saveliitch perched himself up in front.

  "Adieu, Marie, sweet little dove! Adieu, Peter, our handsome falcon!"exclaimed the kind Accoulina.

  Passing the Commandant's house, I saw Alexis, whose face expresseddetermined hate.


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