Redemption [Slick Rock 18] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Redemption [Slick Rock 18] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Slick Rock 18


  Since Enya Baker was treated at the new hospital in Slick Rock, she can’t get the three handsome doctors’ faces out of her mind. It doesn’t help that everywhere she turns, one of them is watching her.

  Camden Brown, Phoenix Carter, and Axel Raymond know Enya is the woman they’ve been waiting for, but she doesn’t want any part of them. However, they aren’t about to give up. When Enya is hurt after someone tries to break into her house, all three men rush to her. They offer to let her use the spare room in their home, and they realize just how scared she is when she accepts.

  The three men are horrified when she tells them what she endured when she was just a kid, but after hearing her story, they’re more determined to have her in their lives permanently.

  Just when Enya accepts to be in a relationship with them, the danger escalates.

  Will the doctors be able to protect the love of their lives, or will the assailant win?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 63,334 words


  Slick Rock 18

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Becca Van

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-577-5

  First Publication: August 2017

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  My name is Becca Van. I live in Australia with my wonderful hubby of many years, as well as my two children.

  I read my first romance, which I found in the school library, at the age of thirteen and haven’t stopped reading them since. It is so wonderful to know that love is still alive and strong when there seems to be so much conflict in the world.

  I dreamed of writing my own book one day, but unfortunately, didn’t follow my dream for many years. But once I started, I knew writing was what I wanted to continue doing.

  I love to escape from the world and curl up with a good romance, to see how the characters unfold and conflict is dealt with. I have read many books and love all facets of the romance genre, from historical to erotic romance. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

  For all titles by Becca Van, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen




  Slick Rock 18


  Copyright © 2017


  “Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Please, get out of my head?”

  No matter how hard she tried to eject the three doctors from her mind, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about them. She’d met them when they’d diagnosed and looked after her as she’d recovered from a head injury. An evil man had punched Enya in the face and jaw and knocked her out when he’d kidnapped Delta.

  It didn’t seem to make a difference that she’d only stayed in the new hospital overnight. Every time she closed her eyes those three handsome doctors ended up front and center. And it wasn’t just during the long, lonely hours of night time either. Any time she had a spare minute they seemed to pop into her head.

  She was thankful that she worked odd hours since she had to get up way before the crack of dawn to bake muffins, pies, and cakes for the diner, because she had a feeling if she worked regular hours, she would end up running into Camden Brown, Phoenix Carter and Axel Raymond more than she already was.

  One or two of the doctors always seemed to be in the diner whenever she was there. If they hadn’t worked staggered hours, Enya suspected that she wouldn’t be able to get away from them no matter how much she tried to avoid them.

  She’d spotted Axel sitting at the counter drinking coffee and eating a muffin as she worked, but she wasn’t interested in him or his colleagues in the least.

  Enya sighed with exasperation when her inner voice called her a liar, but she quickly pushed her conscience back. She didn’t need that voice telling her she was deluding herself because she already knew. However, that didn’t mean she was going to act or let those sexy hunks know how much they affected her.

  She grabbed the container of muffins from the kitchen and after donning hygiene gloves, she walked out toward the counter. Enya kept her gaze down on the muffins and as she walked she told herself, “Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t you dare fucking look.”

  The hair on her nape prickled and everywhere Axel’s gaze landed her skin heated, but she ignored him as much as she could. The only consolation at the moment was that he was sitting on the far end of the counter and she needed to refill the empty glass display case near the hallway end.

  A shiver worked its way up her spine and she turned a little more so that her back was toward the opposite end of the counter. She let out a relieved sigh when she could no longer see Axel from her periphery and began to fill the muffin display. By the time she was done, her body was one big massive ache, and trying to push away the desirous heat coursing through her girly bits was almost impossible.

  “Wow, they look delicious, Enya,” Kiara said and inhaled deeply. “They smell amazing, too.”

  “There’re more out in the kitchen if you want to have one on your break.”

  “I might just do that.” Kiara smiled. “I love blueberry muffins.” She eyed the other muffins and continued on, “As well as apple and chocolate chip. Who am I kidding? You’re an amazing cook. Everything you bake tastes like heaven.”

  “I have to agree with you there, Kiara.” Axel’s deep voice sent a shiver wracking up her spine, and while she tried to stop herself from doing it, Enya glanced his way, before quickly lowering her eyes again. “Anything Enya makes is delicious.”

  “Thanks,” Enya whispered and shyly smiled his way, before replacing the lid on the now empty container.

  “She makes all the pies, cake
s and pastries, too,” Kiara said.

  “Is that right?” Axel said in his deep Texas drawl that had her insides flipping and her clit throbbing. “I might have to taste everything then.”

  Kiara laughed. “I know what you mean. I’ve been sampling Enya’s baking on my breaks. If it wasn’t for the worry of an expanding waistline, I would’ve tasted the whole lot already.”

  “She’s not just a pretty face, that’s for sure,” Axel responded. “Well, I’d better get moving, otherwise I’m going to be late. Have a good day, Enya, Kiara.”

  She saw him smile their way from beneath her lowered eyelashes but didn’t want to directly meet his green-eyed gaze. Every time she looked into Axel’s, Phoenix’s or Camden’s eyes, she felt as if she was being mesmerized and drowning at the same time.

  “You, too,” she replied politely and held her breath as he walked toward the door. Although Axel was a doctor, he never seemed to be in a rush, yet his pace was always quicker than it looked.

  Enya couldn’t stop her gaze from wandering up and down his big, muscular physique and knew he had to work out or did some sort of physical activity to keep his body so toned and buff. His shoulders were wide and he was so tall, he topped her diminutive height of five foot two by at least a foot or more, but none of that mattered. Not the way her heart raced or her girly bits lit up whenever he or his two colleagues were around.

  There was no way Enya was getting involved with one member of the opposite sex, let alone three.

  She’d learned to be wary when she was young and she wasn’t about to change her decision of remaining alone and relying on herself just because she was in lust. Enya was good at ignoring her body’s needs and demands and she was going to continue on like always.

  Alone and safe.

  Chapter One

  “Damn it!”

  Axel combed his fingers through his hair and sighed. He, Phoenix, and Camden were all attracted to Enya, and though they hadn’t let on to that fact while they’d been treating her—since that was against their Hippocratic oath and their own morals—now that she was no longer under their care, they were trying to court her.

  It had been three months since she’d been brought into the new Slick Rock Hospital unconscious after being hit in the head by a fucking asshole who didn’t seem to give a shit about who he hurt while trying to kidnap another woman. Axel had been livid. Camden and Phoenix had been just as pissed, and they were all glad when that bastard had been shot dead before he’d been able to kill Delta.

  He wished he was still sitting at the diner counter so he could glance her way again and mentally will her to look at him, but she was a stubborn little thing, and always kept her gaze lowered. Axel had known she realized he was watching her from the tense way she held her shoulders and how she kept her head down, and while she frustrated the shit out of him, the good thing was she was aware of him.

  Camden and Phoenix had said the same thing after every time they visited the diner, but neither of his best friends had any success in garnering her attention either, other than the occasional glance.

  Axel was beginning to think he was going to have to do something drastic to get her to look their way, but he had no idea what. He was aware of the wariness in her beautiful blue eyes and the shadows darkening her skin underneath, and he wished like hell he knew the reason for her standoffishness. At least then he and his friends would be able to circumvent whatever it was that made Enya keep her distance.

  He’d been so lost in thought as he walked he hadn’t even noticed he was already entering the foyer to the small country town hospital until Phoenix called out to him. Axel had been able to breathe better the day he and his friends had moved to Slick Rock, Colorado. They’d been here for just a year, and he was way more relaxed than he’d ever been. He didn’t regret moving away from the fast pace of city life or the stress of dealing with the carnage and violence in a large city hospital emergency room. Life just seemed simpler in this town. And the people were all so friendly and welcoming.

  “Axel, did you have any luck?”

  He shook his head and rubbed a hand down his face. After any of them visited they all asked that same question, with the exception of the name. Axel was beginning to think that maybe they were barking up the wrong tree.

  “We’ve been trying for three months.” He sighed. “Do you think we should just give up?”

  “What do you think?” Phoenix asked.

  While Axel knew it was a rhetorical question he answered anyway. “Not happening.”

  “Exactly. Doesn’t matter how long it takes, we will end up with her in our home, arms, and bed.”

  “And if we don’t?” Axel wasn’t usually so pessimistic and though he didn’t have a huge ego, his was taking a beating right now. It wasn’t because he thought he was God’s gift to women, but having no luck tended to make one question oneself.

  Phoenix shook his head. “Stop being so negative. The only way we’re going to get what we want is to be patient and persistent.”

  “Yeah, I’m aware.” Axel glanced at his watch. “Are you heading home or are you going by way of the diner first?”

  Phoenix smiled and quirked an eyebrow. “You have to ask?”

  “No.” He smiled back. “When Camden comes off of night shift, it’ll be his turn at trying to woo her. I’m not sure he’s going to have any more success than we have.”

  “Camden’s likely to win her over before we do,” Phoenix said. “He’s more patient than we are and that’s saying something.”

  “It is,” Axel agreed. All three of them were mostly always calm and enduring, but Camden had a way about him that tended to draw the opposite sex like bees to honey. He hoped and prayed that he and his friends wouldn’t have to wait much longer. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah, later.” Phoenix waved before he headed out to have his lunch break.

  Axel didn’t think his friend would have any better luck than he had.

  * * * *

  Katie locked gazes with Enya as soon as she entered the kitchen. There was a knowing smirk on the young woman’s face and at first, Enya was curious, but when she glanced at the clock on the stove, her curiosity waned. She didn’t need to be told that one of the other doctors had arrived for lunch. They almost always followed one after the other as if they’d planned it. Enya was just thankful that all three of them didn’t have the opportunity to eat at the diner after the other two. Or worse, all eat there at the same time.

  They were lethal singularly, together they would be impossible to ignore.

  “Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome just placed an order,” Katie said just before she hurried toward the sink. She placed the large tub of dirty dishes on the counter and then turned back toward the entrance.

  “You mean Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Scary,” Enya muttered as she finished plating an order and setting it under the warming lights in the serving window.

  “You think he’s scary?” Katie frowned.

  Shit! Katie wasn’t supposed to have heard that, but instead of answering she shrugged nonchalantly and turned back to the stove. There was no way in hell she was elaborating on that statement.

  * * * *

  Phoenix frowned. The lunch rush hour was over and there were only a couple of people still sitting in the diner near the back. He’d taken a seat at the counter close to the serving window in the hope of seeing Enya and while he hadn’t seen her yet, he heard what the young waitress had said. He held his breath while he waited for a reply but there was only silence.

  He exhaled slowly and would have clapped at Katie’s next words if it wouldn’t have drawn attention to him.

  “I don’t know what you’ve been through, Enya, but don’t let your past cloud your judgment of the present and future. The men in this town aren’t like any other man you’ve likely met or spent time with. You of all people should have realized that by now.”

  “They’re controlling,” Enya said quietly.

  “No,” Katie respon
ded. “It might look that way, but they’re not controlling or abusive. However, they are protective and possessive of their women. To me, that is an amazing thing. When Kiara and I were at college, we saw how girlfriends or significant others were taken for granted and even ignored. That is one of the reasons we decided to come home. We want a long-lasting relationship that is going to go the distance until we’re old and gray and beyond. I don’t have to worry about looking over my shoulder to make sure I’m not being followed by some creep.

  “The men in this town are vigilant and will never hesitate to step up to the plate if they see an injustice being done or someone being hurt. They’d never dump a woman just because things got a little hard, and they would never, ever lift a hand to hurt a woman or child.”

  “You can’t know that for certain. You can’t possibly know all the men in this town.”

  Phoenix didn’t realize he was leaning toward the window until he almost toppled from his stool while straining his ears so he could hear everything Enya said. She was talking so quietly she was nearly whispering.

  “No, you’re right, but the other men would step in if they saw someone getting hurt. In fact, they’d interfere if they saw a man yelling at a woman or child.”

  “That’s ludicrous. Everyone yells now and again.”

  Katie huffed out a breath. “You know what I mean, Enya. They’d observe and if things looked as if they were getting out of hand, the men in this town would put themselves in the line of fire. They’d give their lives without a qualm to keep you, me or anyone else in need of help safe if necessary.”


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