Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1) Page 10

by Blue Saffire

  I lick him clean, before covering him again and going in for more. Caleb’s moans and groans are so sexy, as they fill the room. His hips buck off the bed, as he thrusts up into my mouth. He tastes so good.

  I let my saliva drip down his length to wet him up, then I bring my hands from behind my back. I use both hands to work him as I bob up and down. Caleb covers his face with one arm, as his other hand shoots to lock in the back of my hair.

  “Fuck, I’m so close,” he grunts through his teeth. “Stop, Baby. I’m gonna come in your mouth if you don’t stop.”

  I don’t stop. “Mmm,” I hum back.

  “Fuck,” Caleb shudders with his release, as he comes down my throat, hot and thick.

  I lick him clean and sit back on my heels. I watch in satisfaction as my big man’s chest heaves up and down. Caleb pulls a hand down his face, as he catches his breath.

  I turn to sit on my butt and move the frosting bowl to the nightstand, but Caleb pounces. I yelp as my back hits the bed, with a bounce. Caleb pushes my tank up over my breasts and looks down at me hungrily.

  “Baby, you’re so beautiful.” Caleb pauses just hovering over me, with his gaze locked on my breasts. He stares for so long, I start to become self-conscious.

  “Is everything okay,” I ask, sitting up on my elbows.

  “You’re so perfect. More beautiful than I imagined, I feel like this is a dream and I’m going to wake up,” Caleb says huskily, with a tortured expression on his face.

  “I’m all yours. I’m not going anywhere. I want to be your dream come true,” I say. “Happy birthday, Baby. You wanted a taste, come and get it.”

  Like a string has been cut, his restraint breaks. Caleb cups my right breast and dips his head to pull my hardened peak into his mouth. I cry out and buck off the bed.

  “Caleb,” I gasp and cup the back of his head. “Yes.”

  As if him sucking my nipple for dear life isn’t enough, Caleb snakes his hand into my little shorts. He sucks my breast harder when his long fingers find my wet center. He grunts, as his fingers slide up and down the outside of my slick lips.

  I spread my legs wider and throw my head back. I start to rock my hips against his fingers, aching for my own release. Caleb moves to my other breast and start to feast on it.

  My juices flood his fingers, just before he shoves them pass my drenched lips. My mouth falls open wordlessly. Caleb lets my breast pop free from his mouth, before swallowing my silent scream.

  His fingers are still thrusting, as my chest heaves and I start to build again. I look into his eyes and he searches my face. I don’t know what he finds, but whatever it is causes him to pull his fingers from my wet sex.

  Caleb grabs for the waistband of my shorts, this time I let him pull them down. I hadn’t planned on having sex, but I also didn’t think Caleb would blow my mind with just his touch. Caleb grins up at me as he dips his fingers in his mouth and sucks on them.

  He groans around his fingers, then he sticks the same fingers into the bowl of frosting, coating his fingers with icing. He drags the icing down my inner thigh, collecting more icing to do the same with the other leg.

  I pant as I watch him stare down between, my open legs. He reaches for his cock to squeeze it. He’s hard and ready again. Caleb moves his big body down the bed and settles on his stomach. He then brings his lips to my inner thigh.

  Slowly, almost at a torturous rate, he starts to lick the frosting from my skin. He cleans both thigh at his leisure. Then his tongue dips into my pussy and I lose it all.

  Caleb nips, sucks, and devours my pussy lips, in between diving in with his tongue. He eats pussy like a fucking porn star. I start calling his name out, totally forgetting about the thin walls or anyone else in the apartment.

  I want to know who is this man. This is not my sweet Caleb, eating my core like a pussy cannibal. I look down to see his blonde head bobbing. His eyes flicker up just then and he smirks, latching onto my clit.

  “Fuck, ah,” I cry out. “Oh, oh, shit, Cal.”

  I come so hard my eyes cross. Just then Cameron starts to bang on the wall. I cover my mouth and giggle.

  “Fuck off,” Caleb calls out. I can hear Cameron chuckling in the other room. “Asshole,” Caleb mutters under his breath, as he removes the bowl from the bed and pulls me into his arms and his warmth.

  “Happy birthday,” I whisper before I pass out.

  chapter Twelve

  Blown Candles


  I know Nicole is nervous about meeting my parents. Trust me, I’m not looking forward to it either. My parents still treat me like the little boy that used to have meltdowns daily.

  I don’t know how they’re going to react to me dating Nicole. I’ve been avoiding my parents, since Aunt Judy slipped up and told my Mama about my girlfriend. It’s not like it’s a difficult feat.

  My parents are always off on some vacation or socializing with their rich friends. It’s one of the reasons Cameron and I spent so much time with Aunt Judy and Uncle Rusty when we were younger. Mama and Daddy never had time for us, or should I say me.

  Cameron got left behind because he had a big mouth. Even at five, he had no problem telling my parents that they had to treat us equally or leave us both home. My brother refused to leave me in the dark like a dirty secret and he wouldn’t allow me to be ignored.

  I hate that my Mama wants to be involved now. I would much rather she act concerned from a distance. I have no desire to be at this party, but I have no choice. She’ll make a bigger deal if I don’t show up.

  I think Nicole would’ve been hurt if I didn’t invite her. All she’s talked about for weeks was spending my birthday with me. I wasn’t going to lie to her and not tell her my plans.

  Honestly, I think my Mama is doing this on purpose. Throwing a party with too many people, at the same time as when I bring Nicole home for the first time. It was just supposed to be a small dinner before I confirmed Nicole would be coming.

  My Mama does shit to make everyone uncomfortable. Cameron has been telling her since we were little that I’m autistic, not stupid. Yet, Mama does stuff all the time that would make you think otherwise. Aunt Judy swears, Mama is a trigger for me all by herself.

  I won’t fall for that trap tonight. I won’t let this feeling I have be stolen. I feel like a man, a man with something to live for, someone to love. Having Nicole’s body at my fingertips did that for me.

  She trusted me with something so precious and I destroyed it, in a good way. I haven’t been able to stop smiling, since I woke up this morning, with Nicole tucked in my arms and her ass tucked into my groin.

  All I want is to go home for a repeat. It’s all I’ve been thinking about. Actually, a repeat and continuation. Although, I’m not sure if Nicole is ready for that. She wants to wait for our relationship to grow.

  I get that, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting her. Now that I’ve had a taste. I want her so much more. I was hoping for more last night, but I think Cameron more than killed the mood and any chance I may have had.

  I’d rather eat pussy all night than be here, truthfully. I wish the car ride could have taken another hour or two. I’m not ready to get out of this car. Well, maybe that’s not the truth.

  Cameron and Kay have something going on. They have for a few weeks now. I want away from the tension rolling off of them. A blind man could see their about to blow soon.

  I look at Nicole and squeeze her hand that’s been resting in mine on my thigh. I don’t ever want to know what it’s like to be mad at her or to have her mad at me. I like the way we are. I can handle the way we are. Cameron and Kay’s shit would fuck me up.

  “Let’s get this circus over with,” Cameron grumbles.

  I sigh, thinking the same thing. I give Nicole’s fingers one more gentle squeeze, before opening my door and getting out. I hold out my hand to help Nicole out as well.

  She looks up at me with a smile, but it’s not one of her usual smiles. Something is differen
t about it, and I’m not sure I like it. I pull her close and peck her on the lips.

  I just need to be in contact with her, so I wrap her hand in mine and keep her close. I can feel her looking up at me. When she tugs on my fingers, I look down.

  “We’re a team, right? We can do anything together,” Nicole whispers, again, she takes another part of my heart for her own.

  I can feel my life changing. It scares the shit out of me. I’m used to my routines, but since meeting Nicole, I’ve had to adjust more and more. Most of the adjustments I’ve surprisingly welcomed and handled.

  Things like accepting her touch, rearranging my schedule to see her in between classes and after practice. Or changing my bedtime ritual, because she’s been sleeping over. Things that a normal person takes for granted in a relationship has taken me time to process and get used to.

  However, I’m no fool. I know there is going to be a time when it’s not going to be easy. So, hearing her commit to this. Knowing she’s not going to run on me. I know I’m in love with her. No one has to explain that to me.

  “Yeah, we’re a team,” I say and wrap my arm around her waist. “I promise, Nicole. I’ll do everything I can to make this work.”

  “I know Caleb,” Nicole smiles, then she frowns. “Is this going to be that bad?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had a girlfriend,” I sigh.

  Nicole nods. “Okay, we got this, Babe. Me and you.”

  I smile down at her, but that smile fades as we reach the front door and it swings open. My Mama is standing there with a smile on her face. Well, until her eyes swing over to Nicole.



  This is not going to be fun at all. I can see it in the tension in Cameron’s body. He’s been tense all morning, since I walked in on him and Kay arguing, in the living room, while Caleb was in the shower.

  Those two seriously argue all the time. I like Kay, but I’m not so sure they’re right for each other. Hey, none of that is my business, though.

  However, there is one thing I notice the moment the pretty, tall, thin, blonde older woman, answers the door. Cameron goes from tense to damn near rigid. My eyes go back to the woman. The sugary sweet smile, she had on her lips when she opened the door is lost, the moment her eyes land on me. My stomach drops.

  Instinctively, I move into Caleb’s side. He squeezes my waist and pulls me in close, almost as if it were a reflex. I knew I had a bad feeling about this.

  I knew something was wrong when we pulled up and Caleb started to blink rapidly. I didn’t want to point out to him that he was doing it. Besides, once he’s stepped out of the car and wrapped my hand in his, he seemed to calm a bit.

  I know I just promised him we’re a team, but I’m ready to turn tail and run already. I take a fortifying breath as I look up at Caleb. His face is expressionless, but as he flexes his fingers almost rhythmically on my waist I know he’s not so calm inside.

  I can do this. I have to do this for him. I want to be in this relationship. I choose it. I don’t intend to run now. Caleb means too much to me.

  I pull my shoulders back and place a smile on my face. I’m determined that this is going to be a great night for Caleb. I will handle whatever is thrown our way.

  “Oh,” the woman standing before us says. She runs her eyes over me, her gaze settling on how tightly Caleb is holding me for a moment too long.

  As if she didn’t just look me up and down, she turns to Cameron and holds her arms out. “My babies are full grown man now. Come give me a hug, Honey,” she purrs at him.

  “Hey Mama,” Cameron mutters as he walks into her embrace and allowing her to fuss over him. She kisses his cheek and brushes his hair back from his forehead.

  I take the time to take her in. Their mom is pretty in her own right. However, I think she has played a bit with what she was naturally given. Although, it’s not too overly done as I have seen many times.

  Her eyes are blue, not blue-grey, but she has the same sandy blonde hair as the guys. I can see some of Caleb and Cameron in her face. She certainly is tall, which I notice runs in the family.

  Aunt Judy is her sister, from what I’m told. Aunt Judy and Dakota are tall and graceful. I always feel so small around all of them. I feel even smaller, when Caleb’s mother swings her gaze back in our direction.

  She looks at Caleb longingly for a moment. Her eyes then go to my hand on his chest, before once again landing on his arm wound tightly around me. I shift under her gaze removing my hand from Caleb’s chest. I hadn’t consciously noticed that my hand was there.

  Something crosses over her face, but the shutters slam shut on her expression. However, they didn’t shut fast enough. Her eyes read of longing and hurt. Before I can process the emotions I’ve read, she turns that sweet smile back on and addresses me.

  “You must be Natasha. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “It’s Nicole,” Caleb and Cameron grunt in unison.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she waves them off. “Well, aren’t you the cutest little thing. I’m Caleb’s Mama.”

  “Hello, it’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Perry,” I say as brightly as I can.

  “Oh, none of that. You can call me, Jemma,” she says, with a little too much cheer. She turns her attention to Kay and gives her a real smile. “Hello, Kay, you’re looking as lovely as ever.”

  “Hi, Jemma,” Kay smiles. “Thank you. You look great as well. That blue looks so nice on you.”

  “Why thank you, Sweetheart. Y’all come on in here. Everyone’s waiting to see y’all. They can’t stop talking about my superstar boys.”

  I see Cameron rolling his eyes out the corner of my eyes. Caleb blows out a breath and starts forward into the house. I groan inwardly, this is going to be a long night.

  We walk into a large living area, that’s filled with people. They’re all laughing at whatever the tall blonde man just finished saying. His back is to us as we enter.

  “Happy birthday,” Aunt Judy and Dakota sing, drawing all attention in the room to us.

  I gasp as the man that could never deny being Caleb and Cameron’s dad, turns to face us. He’s movie star gorgeous, just like his sons. He has to be six-three. His hair is golden blonde and his eyes are the same blue-grey as Caleb and Cameron.

  Wow, for an old man he has kept himself well. His lips lift into a smile, when he settles his eyes on Caleb’s hold on me. In that very moment, he looks just like his sons. I can totally see what the guys will look like when they get older.

  Their dad looks like he works out as much as they do. His muscles are bulging in his pink polo shirt and straining against the soft fabric of his grey slacks. However, what makes me relax for the first time since we pulled up is the warmth in his eyes and his smile.

  “Nicole,” he booms. “Well, I heard you were a pretty little thing. I think they were being modest. My boy has good taste. Come over here and give me a hug, Darlin’.”

  His voice fills the room and I can tell he is larger than life. I can’t help my answering smile. I look up at Caleb, he smiles back at me and nods.

  “I’ll give her back, Cal,” Mr. Perry chuckles. “He’s holding onto you like you might run, Sugar. What have you done to my boy.”

  With that Mr. Perry crosses the room and pulls me into a bear hug as Caleb releases me. I’m a little thrown off at first, Mr. Perry’s greeting is so much warmer than his wife’s. I wasn’t expecting that. I finally return the hug after I snap out of it.

  “Thank you, Darlin’,” he gives a choked whisper. “He’s a good boy. I hope you take care of that big heart of his.”

  The last part of his words holds a small hint warning. Although, when he pulls away, I can still see the warmth. I watch his eyes turn to Caleb, with the same longing in them that Mrs. Perry had.

  My heart squeezes as I place the look. Caleb can’t take their touch. Yet, here I stand and Caleb’s arm is right back around me. I’ve placed my hand on his broad chest once again, without r
ealizing it.

  Being at Caleb’s side. Touching him in small gestures has all become so normal for me. I don’t think twice about it. I have forgotten about his aversion to anyone else placing their hands on him.

  My heart aches for his parents. To raise a child that doesn’t want or catch stand a simple hug from you. In his usual role, Cameron steps forward into a bear hug with his dad. He holds on a little longer and I know it’s because he is giving his dad a hug for both him and Caleb.

  “You boys make me proud. Beautiful young girls on your arms. You’re having the season of your lives, this year. I’m sorry I haven’t been to a game yet,” Mr. Perry frowns. “I told your Mama this morning that I’m staying put for the rest of the season. She plans one more trip, she’ll be making it alone.”

  Mr. Perry laughs his words off and pats Cameron on the shoulder. Only, I can see in his eyes and hear in his words, he means what he has said. It’s then that Mrs. Perry moves forward.

  “Dinner will be served in fifteen. Boys, you should greet your guests,” she says, as she gives her husband a disapproving look.

  “They’ll have plenty of time to greet everyone,” Mr. Perry rumbles. “Let the men breathe. They just walked in. Cal, take your girlfriend on the tour. Take your time, Son.”

  I like Mr. Perry. I can feel Caleb vibrating with energy at my side. His father seems to know Caleb needs a moment to readjust, before he’s thrown into this little crowd.

  Honestly, I feel like I need to take a moment myself. I think I have whiplash from the polar opposites the Perry’s seem to be. Cameron and Kay follow me and Caleb as we turn and head out of the room.

  It takes us about twenty minutes to walk through the massive house. When we arrive in the dining room, everyone’s just sitting at the table. Caleb and Cameron take a moment to circle the table and greet their guests.

  Cameron is a master at this. He uses me and his own body as a buffer between Caleb and the others. Introducing me as Caleb’s girlfriend and orchestrating just how the interaction plays out without anyone being the wiser. If I weren’t observing so closely, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.


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