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Double Header Page 7

by Brio, Alessia; Belegon, Will

  Andi stood up and walked to her bedroom, the red silk of the tie clutched in her hand like a leash he had to follow.

  "Take this off of me, Bradley. While the sensations are interesting, it gets in the way too much." Andi turned and presented the buckles of the chest protector to him for release. He pulled them apart and the heavy weight dragged it to the floor, revealing her hard nipples. Andi curled her fingers in his hair and harshly pulled his mouth to her chest. His tongue felt wonderfully soft after the roughness of the old canvas. She let her head fall back as he took a nipple fully into his mouth and sucked at it. His lips caressed around the curve of her breast while his tongue circled. She let him go for a minute, then tugged with the hand that still remained locked in his hair to pull him to her other tit. As he repeated his ministrations, she released his hair and tugged at the tie, loosening it and the collar of the white dress shirt beneath.

  Andi hesitated, torn between the delicious sensations she had now and the progression that would feel even better. She decided, and used both hands to hook under his arms and pull him back up fully to his feet. As he stood there looking down at her, she began to loosen the tie in earnest and to undo a couple of buttons.

  "Don't make me do all the work," she chided, pulling away. "Get out of those rags, then meet me in the shower."

  Brad looked disappointed to be told to shed his spiffy clothes before they gained him some measure of admiration. He always took great pains with his appearance when they got together, and he craved the resulting attention. Not for the ego stroking, she knew, but rather for the acknowledgment of his effort. Although Andi sometimes teased him about his primping, she really did appreciate the fact that he wanted to look good for her—and even more so that he put his desire into action.

  His hands moved immediately to obey her directive, but he paused before shedding any clothes. "But…I just took a shower."

  "So did I. Now, are you going to do what you're told, or would you like to take your nice leather toys and go play in another sandbox?" Andi sat on the edge of her bed and lifted one foot until its heel caught the edge of the mattress. Placing both hands over the knee, she rested her chin on them and smiled sweetly, knowing Brad's vantage offered him an unobstructed view of her bare pussy framed by the garter belt and stockings.

  He took full advantage of the visual feast, locking his eyes on their intended target as he peeled off his jacket and kicked off his shoes. When Andi decided he was sufficiently hooked, she swiveled on her bottom, pulled both legs onto the bed, and began to remove her stockings, rolling them down her long legs with deliberate slowness. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Brad undressing as he watched her movements.

  Without again glancing in his direction, she rose and sauntered into the bathroom, confident that his gaze followed. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before stepping into the large enclosure. Using the onyx marble wall tile as a mirror, Andi quickly washed the black smudges from her cheekbones, only slightly annoyed that Brad had teased her about wearing the valuable gifts. He joined her moments later, pulling her into his arms and kissing her under the fall of the hot water.

  Andi broke the kiss and spun him around. "Put your hands on the wall," she instructed as she reached for the shower gel. The sensual scents of vanilla and cinnamon filled the steamy air. Starting with his arms, Andi ran her soapy hands over Brad's caramel skin. The familiar terrain was smooth and flawless, save for a couple small, faded scars.

  She took her time scrubbing his shoulders, back, and chest, then dropped to his legs, bypassing his mid section. Brad made a small sound of disappointment, and she swatted his backside. The sound of flesh meeting flesh stirred her, even if the slap carried no sting. Andi finished washing every other inch of him before kicking his feet further apart in order to attend to the neglected areas.

  Standing to one side, she straddled Brad's leg. Her crotch pressed against his thigh, and the hollow between her breasts rested against his ribcage. Andi sunk her teeth into the flesh of his upper arm and reached down to spread her lips in order to grind her clit directly onto the slippery, hard muscle. For a few moments, she forgot herself, but when Brad's cock grew to nudge the arm she'd wrapped around his waist, it jarred her from her trajectory.

  Her body grieved the withdrawal as she leaned away to squeeze more of the fragrant soap into her palm. Rubbing her hands together to distribute the lather, Andi grasped his hard shaft in one hand while the other painted his ass with suds. He tensed as her fingers wove inward, but he didn't resist the invasion.

  Andi stroked his beautiful, thick cock, imagining how incredible it was soon going to feel sliding in and out of her pussy. The smooth, firm motion seemed to distract Brad somewhat from the play of her fingers against his ass. She kept up the pace, simultaneously teasing the ring of dark muscle, until she felt him begin to thrust into her hand.

  "That's enough for now." Grabbing the hand-held showerhead, Andi thoroughly rinsed the suds from his body—and from hers where they'd been in contact.

  The air felt cool as she stepped from the confines of the shower. Andi tossed Brad a towel, snagged another for herself, and left the bathroom as she dried off. She fetched the cuffs and chain from the living room floor and returned to the bedroom just as Brad entered it from the other side. He watched her approach, a mixture of apprehension and anticipation playing across his features.

  Lifting his left hand, Andi wrapped the leather cuff around it and secured the buckle. She paused long enough to slip a couple of his fingers into her mouth and swirl her tongue around them before moving on to the other wrist. When she dropped to her knees to secure his ankles, the pause was for a quick taste of his cock. Once she'd drawn him back to full rigidity, Andi completed the buckling and stood.

  Rather than use the raw chain around her brass bed, she opened the bottom drawer of her bureau and extracted four short lengths of rubbersheathed quarter inch diameter links, each piece with a carabiner clamp attached to one end. Brad's eyes grew large as she looped one around each of the bed's high corner posts and clamped the ends together. They dangled there, looking viciously out of place against the backdrop of cream satin and burnished brass as they waited for those carabiners to slip through the D-rings on Brad's only attire.

  Andi crooked her index finger and beckoned from the edge of the bed. When Brad didn't budge, she climbed off and led him by the hand. He followed as if in a light trance—awake but dazed, reluctant but mesmerized and committed to following through. Positioning him on his knees near the center of the bed, facing the headboard, she climbed in front of him and attached each wrist to the corresponding chain. The metallic snick of the clamps made him flinch, and Andi looked into his eyes. She saw arousal warring with rebellion fueled by machismo. His cock, however, had no such reservations.

  "Wrap your fingers around the chain and hang on," she instructed as she pushed his knees toward the foot of the bed until his arms were fully extended. Brad followed her physical prompts. Lifting one foot at a time, she clipped the ankle cuffs to the bottom corners. With his wrists anchored higher than his head and his ankles tethered to the waist-high posts of the sturdy antique bed, Brad looked like a skydiver in midair, only contacting the mattress with his knees.

  Andi walked around the end of the bed and again dove into her bureau. This time, she removed a small bottle of silicone warming lube and two velvet drawstring bags—one blue and one black, the latter significantly larger. Brad watched her every move as much as his captivity would allow.

  She paused to light a couple candles and place them on the nightstands, providing soft illumination to combat the fading daylight. Brad's skin looked mouthwatering by candlelight, and she licked her lips in anticipation of the feast before her.

  Again stepping out of his field of vision, Andi opened the blue bag and withdrew its contents: a beautiful custom-made Murano glass dildo, no bigger around than her thumb, slightly curved with multi-colored spirals running its length. It looke
d like a piece of art worthy of mantle display, bearing no resemblance to its larger and more conventional acrylic cousin in the other bag.

  Placing two of the three items along with a pillow at the foot of the bed, between Brad's spread knees, Andi then dipped under his arm and lifted her face to his. "Comfortable?" she asked between kisses. "Physically, yes. It takes some effort, but…" "But you can handle it," Andi finished for him. "I know you can. Can you handle this?" She brought the large toy between their faces, and Brad blanched until, grinning wickedly, she licked its tip and slid it into her mouth. "Wicked woman." Brad's eyes followed her movements as Andi made a show of giving head. Her hand dropped between her legs, and she slipped a couple fingers inside. So hot. So ready to fuck. She had things to do first, though. Offering her sticky fingers to Brad, she let him suck all traces of her pussy from them before dropping the dildo onto the bed where he could look down upon it.

  Andi crawled beneath him, inching between his legs until her head emerged on the other side of his thighs. She reached through and grabbed the glass and lube waiting there before flipping onto her back. Resting her head on the pillow, Andi looked up at Brad's ass. It was as smooth and hairless as the rest of his body. His balls dangled invitingly just above her collarbone.

  When she parted his cheeks with her fingers, Brad shuddered. Although Andi couldn't see his facial expression from her position, his turgid cock told her the anticipation wasn't entirely unpleasant. She teased with her fingertips for a few moments before lifting her head and laving his perineum, working upward. His natural flavor provided a smoky undertone to the lush scents of the shower gel.

  Holding him open with both hands, she began to rim Brad's ass. As expected, he recoiled, arching his back, and Andi patiently started again from his balls, licking slowly but steadily toward his ass. She was willing to repeat the process as often as necessary to get him to accept the gift she offered, but after a few moments, he relaxed into the sensation and shifted his weight back. In so doing, he voluntarily opened himself to her, thereby freeing her hands for other purposes.

  Andi murmured her appreciation and immediately grabbed his cock, eager for the feel of him. Breaking his tense silence, Brad groaned at the dual sensation. The other hand she dropped the between her legs, following his groan with one of her own as her fingers pinched her clit.

  The headboard creaked under the weight of Brad's powerful arms as he tried to shift further back, giving her better access. Andi took that as a sign that he was enjoying the play of her tongue, and she intensified her efforts on all fronts.

  "It is," he gasped, "an exquisite torture to watch you…to smell your heat…to be so close to your pussy and be unable to taste you."

  Andi could hear the thick desire in his voice, and it intensified her arousal. She couldn't speak with her face buried in his muscular ass, but she tried to lift her fingers from her sex to his mouth. It required arms a wee bit longer than those she possessed to span the distance, even when she felt Brad strain to lower his head to meet them.

  Abandoning that effort, Andi felt around until she located the bottle of lube and, flipping open the cap, squirted a small puddle onto her stomach. It tingled as it warmed the skin beneath it. She removed her hand from Brad's cock and ran it through the silky liquid, wetting her palm and fingers before returning them.

  He thrust into her hand as she stroked him, picking up her pace with the aid of the slippery substance, and his movement made it difficult for Andi to remain in contact with her mouth. She grabbed the glass wand and dropped it into the lube on her stomach, rolling it around to coat it. If Brad observed the action, he didn't react negatively. Andi assumed he'd closed his eyes.

  Worming her arm, with the small dildo in hand, through his legs until her shoulder emerged on the other side. Carefully, Andi rested the glass in the crack of his ass—lengthwise—and circled his anus, much as her tongue had been doing. "Um, Andi?" Brad stilled as he spoke. It wouldn't have surprised Andi to hear him echo Clarke's HAL and ask: 'Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?' His entire body tensed, but Andi—like Dave—didn't stop the movement of either of her hands. "Trust me, lover." She waited, knowing that he'd soon notice the effect of the warming lube. Had he not been distracted by the toy, he would've already been aware of it. Andi patiently stroked his cock until Brad's mind allowed him to perceive other sensations. When he began to thrust again, she brought the toy perpendicular to his body and simply waited for him to back into it.

  The first inch of glass was inside his ass before he had a chance to realize what had happened, just as Andi intended. With a gasp, Brad instantly pulled away. However, when he moved, Andi moved with him, maintaining the slight penetration while continuing to jack his cock.

  Andi knew the stages he was going through, the steps toward both surrender and acceptance of something his cultural conditioning told him he was not supposed to enjoy lest his manhood be questioned. She'd taken other lovers through those same stages—slowly, carefully. In every instance, the outcome exceeded her expectations.

  "You know I'll stop if you really want me to. All you have to do is tell me to stop." She waited for his voice, but she knew he'd not speak again.

  Had his erection flagged in the slightest, Andi would've changed course. However, Brad was as throbbing hard as she'd ever before felt him. She found it difficult to resist the urge to turn around and take him into her mouth—or to mount him from below, wrap her legs around his hips, and lift her hungry pussy up to meet him.

  Brad's balls pulled tight against his body, begging to be sucked, and she added them to her rhythmic caress, earning a groan and a movement that drove the toy another inch into his ass. He froze, but the stillness didn't last. When he next moved, it was onto the dildo. Andi felt the shift in his perspective, the point at which he went from tolerating the toy to welcoming it, and a shiver traveled through her.

  She used his cue to begin pumping the wand in his ass, fucking him instead of merely teasing. With her hands working in harmony, Andi pushed Brad toward orgasm. Once he gave himself to her, she figured it wouldn't take long at all. The surrender, however, was crucial to the climax. Without it, he'd regret the experience.

  Brad picked up speed, thrusting into her hand, and Andi matched it with the toy, allowing him to set the pace. Her arms burned from the dual exertion at rather awkward angles, but she was rewarded by the unmistakable sounds of her lover's enjoyment.

  He whisper-chanted a string of exclamations in sync with their movements. "Fuck. Andi. Yes. Fuck. God. Yes. Andi. Fuck."

  She thrilled to the tone of his voice. It carried an incredulous wonder, like a chef discovering an unlikely, but rare and delicious, blend of flavors—an extra special combination of sensations. All his hesitancy had disappeared, leaving behind a deep and abiding trust that awed Andi with its simple sincerity. The submission radiated from his body, flowing over her, fueling her arousal.

  Sensing his imminent release, Andi let go of the glass toy and reached for the one she'd left at the other end of the bed. Once located, she wasted no time ramming it into her pussy. Its walls grasped the smooth edges, eager to be filled. Pistoning the toy inside her—as much for his pleasure as her own—she quickly brought herself to the edge. "Come with me, lover." Brad needed no encouragement. A long, familiar growl left his throat and his body tensed. As she came, Andi felt the first pulse travel the length of his cock. When the warm splash landed on her stomach, she yanked the toy from her pussy and offered it to his mouth. Its length provided just enough added reach to give him the taste of her he'd been craving. He opened his mouth to accept it, and Andi tilted her head to watch him begin to clean her juices from the faux cock. "Oh, fuck! That's hot." The sound of her voice apparently made him realize what he was doing, and he paused. Not for long, though. The combination of his trust and her taste overrode any lingering reluctance, and he resumed licking all traces of her pussy from the dildo.

  As she watched, Andi lost herself in the slow-motion
dreamy sensations of both physical and emotional fulfillment. She felt herself slipping into that peaceful after-bliss, and only the need to feel Brad's strong arms around her drove her to move. She unbuckled his ankles first, and he immediately crawled forward to take the strain off his shoulders.

  Once more dipping between his outstretched arms, Andi kissed him and freed his wrists from the cuffs. His arms trembled, but that didn't stop him from wrapping her in them and wrestling her to the bed. Her sticky torso made a wet slapping sound as they slammed together.

  Brad brushed Andi's long, dark hair from her eyes and took her face in both his hands, looking deeply into her eyes. His expression was serious, but tender. The smile grew slowly, almost tentatively, until laughter bubbled from within.

  "What's so funny?" Andi couldn't help but grin in response to his exuberance.

  "I… just…" He struggled to stop laughing long enough to speak. "Something just popped into my head and…"

  The giggles overtook him again, and he flipped Andi onto her back. Pulling their bodies apart with a slurpy sound, Brad traced a smiley face in the mess on her taut abdomen. He looked up at her puzzled expression and recited:

  "I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I am!"


  "You're serious, aren't you? A picnic? Like a real, honest-togoodness, gingham tablecloth and wicker basket picnic—with fried chicken and lemonade and potato salad? I don't know quite what to say."


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