Dragon's Soul

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Dragon's Soul Page 7

by Bri Sailor

  The Wildling queen fought against the fuzziness that threatened to overtake her mind. She fought against the beastly corruption of her better sense and humanity. Her now elongated neck allowed for her to take inventory of her newly transformed body. She couldn’t believe it. She was a dragon! A triumphant roar rang out as she leaped into the sky. Her wings momentarily acted almost independent of each other as she learned how to use them. After crashing into a couple of trees and branches Kova found her equilibrium and was off. The sights that greeted her were beyond anything she could have ever imagined. A slight pang of jealousy hit her as she thought about the birds in the sky and how they feel no appreciation for seeing what only those like them can. The fuzziness began to come back and she could sense her time was limited. She beat her wings with gale-force winds and flew towards her target not noticing her people below watch in horror at the never-before seen beast that she now was flying over them. In no time she could see the capitol city of Carmona. Her home. Her people. Her throne. She narrowed her green lizard-like eyes and climbed high into the clouds above. Below her the city’s inhabitants looked to the clouds, curious as to the odd sounds emanating from them. It didn’t sounds like thunder, but more like thick material flapping in the wind. Kova hovered above peering through the gaps in her cloudy cover. There! She could see the palace.

  “Philgen!” she roared in a deep voice.

  It caught her off-guard for a moment. She didn’t even recognize her own voice. The people below flew into a panic. Kova let out an ear-splitting roar. Everyone dove for cover and the guards and soldiers scrambled to find the source of the voice and roaring. The dragon-queen wasted no time. She dove out of the clouds and began spewing white-hot flames at the Black Army soldiers and traitorous guards. People fled in terror as frightened screams rang out in the city. Again and again Kova dived at them not caring about the destruction of the palace as her rampage continued. She flew up high again.

  “Come out you coward!” she bellowed. “Philgen, you rat! The throne is no longer yours!”

  She blasted more flames. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement near the temple. It was Philgen! He wasn’t in the palace! She roared in anger and dove for the temple. Her flames just missed the men by a few feet as they slammed the temple doors closed. Kova circled and fell from the sky to the ground and shook the earth beneath her. A quick glance to make sure no civilians were near and she let loose a volley of flames. The massive wooden doors groaned and creaked as the flames burned. What decorative metal there was turned molten and dripped onto the ground. Kova lowered her head and charged, paying no attention to the arrows raining down on her. She burst through the doors in time to see the last soldier scrambling into the secret stairwell in the floor. She jumped over and using her massive arm and leg, held open the stone floor and unleashed her hellish fury into the catacombs below. She didn’t stop until the screams were gone. Before closing the way she stood listening for any signs of life. Satisfied with the silence and smoke she let the ground close with a deafening boom. She was breathing hard and her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. Her vision swirled as she stumbled towards the door. Her wings shrunk and her body slowly returned to its human form. Blackness swirled in her vision. Before she could catch herself, Kova fell to the ground unconscious, surrounded by the burning doors and piles of melted metal.

  Chapter 10

  Atreyis’ body trembled with grief as she carried the heavy, lifeless body of Ky into the timber palace. Tears streamed steadily down her dirty face. She carried the warrior into the throne room and gently lay her down on a lush, colorful rug. Silken banners above moved softly in the breeze. Soft sobs escaped the princess as she curled up next to Ky and held her hand.

  “I know you’re not gone forever.” Atreyis cried softly. “But that doesn’t take away the pain of you not being here.”

  She brushed the blonde hair out of the warrior’s face.

  “I don’t think you ever truly knew how grateful I was that you came into my life. All the death. All the pain. The anger and frustration. They just made the brief moments of happiness worth it. You helped bring meaning into my life. You helped me find my purpose. You gave me confidence in myself and I can never thank you enough.”

  The princess wiped her tears and sat up on her elbow gazing at the warrior’s beautiful face. The hollow feeling in her abdomen grew and she feel the doubt and anxiety rising.

  “I just wish I could see your beautiful eyes once more. I don’t want my last memory of them to be tainted by death.”

  She traced the silvery tattooing on the warrior’s forehead.

  “I will find you.”

  She leaned over and kissed Ky’s forehead before laying down once more at the fallen warrior’s side. Ehren stood silently in the doorway not wanting to disturb his sister. Even if they could find the warrior on the other side how would they even bring her back? The prince felt like a ball of steal was sitting in his gut. He knew that they would never be able to bring Ky back. The prophecies had only been half right. Ky and Atreyis were the Goddess’ weapon but no longer. Lusha might have truly won after all. Even as powerful as she was, Cora had her limits and Ehren could see it in her eyes when she was unable to bring the warrior back. It was only a matter of time now before Lusha returned and it would all be over. The defeated prince hung his head. Should they even fight anymore? His sulking was violently interrupted as a roar rang out of the jungle. He stumbled over his feet as his legs shook violently. The witch was back! He scrambled out of the palace. Everyone was running outside as well and looking for the course.

  “Grab your weapons!” he yelled. “She’s back!”

  Another roar rang out. Atreyis came running out of the palace.

  “What is that?” she yelled at her brother.

  “I don’t know!” he shouted anxiously.

  Gasps and screams came from the people as they pointed to the sky. A large green dragon bigger than a horse flew silently above them, its shiny scales glinted in the sun. The prince’s eye went wide as he desperately searched the crowds for Kova. She was nowhere to be seen. His heart sunk.

  “Kova!” he shouted frantically.

  No response from the beast. He ran over to his sister.

  “I think that was Kova! I don’t know how she did it, but it’s her!”

  “Who cares! It’s headed to Carmona!” exclaimed Atreyis.

  “Philgen!” gasped the prince. “She’s going after him!”

  “But the people!” shouted the princess. “The city!”

  “We have to find Drax and get our men over there now!”

  “There’s no time!”

  Atreyis jogged a few feet away from him and hunched over. Two bulges quickly formed on her back as she concentrated. They soon grew into magnificent black wings.

  “I’ll stop her!” she yelled with determination.

  “Atreyis, no!” shouted Ehren.

  But it was too late. The princess leapt into the sky and flew after the dragon. Ehren sprinted for the hole in the ground. He dropped to a knee and slid to the opening and fell through, grabbing the rope at the last second before hitting the ground.

  “Cora!” he yelled in a frenzy into the expansive library. He dropped to the floor just as the priestess came running out of the shadows.

  “Ehren! What’s wrong?” she asked breathlessly.

  “It’s Kova and Atreyis! You have to stop her!” he gasped. “Kova somehow transformed into a dragon and flew off towards Carmona! I know she’s going after Philgen! Atreyis just flew off after her!”

  All of the color drained from Cora’s face. “Get your men and go after them! We have no idea if Kova will be able to control herself. Your sister barely could and look what happened to Ky!”

  Ehren wasted no time as her climbed the rope as fast as he could. Cora closed her eyes and concentrated.

  Chapter 11

  Joslette stared out across the smoldering battlefield. Silent te
ars streamed down her face as she gazed at the countless bodies strewn about. Memories of the palace flashed through her mind.


  Joslette tossed and turned in her bed. For weeks now the constant sounds of fighting plagued her every waking moment and were now creeping into the night. The Black Army had surrounded the city and were laying siege. The princess sighed heavily and sat up. She looked to her balcony. Stars twinkled in the cool wintry night sky. Hugging a blanket around her body she opened the glass doors and stepped outside, the cold air blowing her black curly hair in her face. She closed her eyes and listened. The silent nights of her youth seemed a distant memory to the sounds of clashing metal and marching armies.

  She opened her eyes and gazed over the protective wall that surrounded the city. Tears flowed freely. An inky black mass could just be seen by the hundreds of campfires that dotted the horizon. Joslette took in a shaky breath and sighed. She was grateful that her father was able to stave off the horde for as long as he had. The attack had been so sudden. Almost without warning. Her people were unable to seek sanctuary in Incta, their fortress for such an invasion.

  “Ailana, I know you’re there…” whispered Joslette through her tears. “Please hear my prayer. Save us. Save my people.”

  The princess looked up at the stars. “There is so much darkness in this world now that many are forgetting what light even is. Please, I beg of you, give me a sign that if not now, that one day, one day this will all end.”

  Joslette closed her eyes as a soft knock on her door interrupted prayer.

  “Yes?” she stated.

  A girl with jet black hair and emerald green eyes wearing a purple dress of the servants quietly stepped in. Her sympathetic eyes looked pleadingly at the princess.

  “It is time, Your Highness.” She said softly. “Your father demands that you come now or he shall send the guard for you.”

  The princess turned and met the girl’s gaze. “Do you think me a coward for leaving, Iyara?”

  Iyara shook her head. “No, m’lady. Far from it. Aside from myself and a few others, you are the only one that remains in the palace. Many left when your father gave them the chance, and the king himself left days ago.”

  Joslette hugged herself. “That doesn’t make me feel any less of a failure. We let our people down. I let my people down. Our fighting was insufficient and our diplomacy fell on deaf ears.”

  She began to cry softly. Iyara rushed over and hugged her.

  “Do not cry, Diana. You are my princess but you are also my friend. I cannot bear to see you like this. You have not failed. The evil of peoples’ hearts has grown too strong. But we must not let our light diminish.”

  Iyara stepped back and wiped the tears from Diana’s face and held her gaze.

  “Though times are bleak and the Goddess seemingly does not hear our prayers does not mean we can give up so simply. We are still alive which means we still have purpose, we are still able to fight, just maybe not in the way that we expected.”

  The princess held Iyara’s hands. “Evil doesn’t listen to the cries of the innocent. It only understands the same violence it deals. How can we simply stand by and let it happen?”

  Iyara sighed. “The future is not written in stone. Every thought, every action, can change it. We must use our circumstances to grow and learn, so we do not make the same mistakes again. But in order to do so, no matter how impossible it must seem, we must carry forgiveness and love in our hearts, not hatred. Hatred is the easy path that causes nothing but more suffering for all. Hope and love, no matter how small a light, is what will save all in the end.”

  Diana wiped her eyes and smiled half-heartedly. “How did you become so wise, friend?”

  Iyara smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “A lifetime of watching others and serving them. You’d be surprised of the things I have heard, seen, and learned over the years simply by being the unseen and unnoticed help.”

  Diana hugged her friend fiercely. “Well I noticed you. I prayed to the Goddess for a friend and there you were. I don’t know how I could ever repay your kindness and friendship.”

  Iyara buried her head in Diana’s shoulder. “By leaving now and making sure that you stay safe. One day you will reclaim your father’s throne. I can feel it in my bones. Your story, your people, there will be a happy ending to this all.”

  Diana stepped back and gazed into Iyara’s green eyes. “How is it that every time I pray to the Goddess for some miracle or sign, you immediately seem to show up?”


  Joslette stood tall as she watched soldiers from every kingdom and from every walk of life make their way around the battlefield collecting the bodies of their fallen brothers and sister. Doan stepped up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Time will forget all of us individually, one day, my Queen.” He said solemnly. “But it will never forget what we accomplished here, together. The way that former enemies and rivals stood shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield and fought for one another.”

  The queen sighed. “Aye. But how many more must lose their lives before the evil and darkness are finally driven out of this world for good?”

  “That is the question that even the gods themselves cannot answer.” Replied Doan simply. “I don’t think it possible to forever rid the realm of men of evil. There is too much opportunity for it to have a foothold within our hearts. But I have hope that one day people will be more enlightened to see when it is trying to come creeping back. It’s a war that has no end.”

  He looked at the queen. “We will rid this world of Lusha and her ilk, maybe even of Béloneras himself, but another evil will rise out of the void. And the Light will always rise to meet it.”

  Joslette hugged Doan. Suddenly a loud roar echoed from the trees. The queen looked to the skies for the return of the witch. Doan drew his sword.

  “By the gods, she’s back!” he growled.

  The queen stood on shaky legs a moment and leaned a hand against the old blacksmith.

  “No.” she groaned as she held her head. “I don’t sense any evil like before. This is different.”

  The queen and blacksmith watched in a mix of awe and terror as a green dragon suddenly appeared in the sky. Joslette squinted against the sunlight.


  Chapter 12

  Atreyis watched in disbelief as Kova laid waste to the palace and spread her fiery fury to the temple. She plummeted out of the sky and landed hard on the ground. Nothing but black smoke poured out of the temple. The princess started to transform herself believing it to be the only way to stop Kova the dragon. The Wildling queen suddenly appeared in the smoky doorway. She staggered a few steps before passing out. Atreyis immediately stopped her transformation and scrambled over to her.

  “Cora!” exclaimed Atreyis. “Thank the Goddess! She was the dragon!”

  The priestess seemingly ignored her for a moment. Kova suddenly gasped for air and jumped up ready for a fight with her claws.

  “No, Kova, it’s us!” yelled Atreyis in relief.

  The queen stumbled a moment and returned to normal. She rubbed her eyes.

  “How did—”

  She looked around at the temple and everything came flooding back. She smiled wickedly.

  “The bastard’s dead!” she shouted. “My people are finally free!”

  Kova ran out towards the masses gathered. She held her arms up triumphantly.

  “You are free!’ she shouted with a glowing smile. “You’re rightful queen has set you free! I, Kova, daughter of King Philnaeus, Princess of Xaemox, have set you free! The tyrant Philgen is dead! And the Black Army is no more! This very day with the help of the Aznurro and Quinmore and the powers of the Goddess that these two souls possess,” she pointed to Atreyis and Cora, “the Black Army is defeated!”

  The crowd just stared blankly and muttered amongst themselves, not know what to believe. Cora could sense their fear. She walked up to the crowd and allowed for her true p
ower to be displayed. Her aura was a bright iridescent light once again and her white hair blew in the breeze. Slowly she lifted off of the ground high into the air for all to see. She spoke in a calm voice that echoed in the city.

  “Léár lóm, n’th s’hímhrél. Ánn ím úémm. S’hé Thóhhém hám m’hóvvl nérsyu ámh máwéh thóyu l’rón s’hé Hárh’lémm. My children, you have nothing to fear. The forces of Darkness have been driven out by the Light.”


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