Burn (Electric Series #3)

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Burn (Electric Series #3) Page 1

by E. L. Todd


  (Electric Series #3)

  E. L. TODD

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Fallen Publishing


  Editing Services provided by Final-Edits.com

  Copyright © 2016 by E. L. Todd All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One


  “That’s one hell of a week.” Sara blew on her toenails so the paint would remain in place. Each nail was a deep navy blue, complementing the cold weather outside.

  “Tell me about it.” I painted my nails pink just to be spiteful.

  She closed the cap to the bottle then set it on the coffee table. “So, you get dumped, and then take some other guy to meet your parents?”

  “I didn’t take him to meet my parents,” I argued. “I wanted him to spend Thanksgiving with us. Not the same thing at all.”

  She pulled the blanket over her legs but left her toenails out so the wet paint wouldn’t get smudged. “Don’t get mad at me, okay?”

  “Oh no.” When she said that phrase, I knew I was going to be pissed. “It’s better if you don’t say it.”

  “But I have to say it. You know, because we’re best friends.”

  Maybe being buds wasn’t the greatest thing in the world. “Fine. Lay it on me.”

  “You honestly, with a straight face, can tell me you don’t have feelings for this guy?” She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes on my face. She watched every twitch of my facial muscles, practically counting the number of times I blinked. “Look me in the eye and say it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “This is stupid—”

  “You do! You can’t even deny it.”

  “I don’t have feelings for him.” I looked her square in the eye. “You happy now?”

  Her eyes fell in suspicion. “But you kissed him—and you liked it.”

  “Well, duh. The guy is a damn Greek god. If I didn’t like it, I would have to be gay.”

  “If you find him attractive and you love being with him 24/7, then there has to be more there.”

  I shook my head.

  “You really don’t see where I’m coming from?” Sara asked. “I’m not the only one who thinks it. Your friends think it, and so do your parents. Sage thought it too. Please don’t be one of those stupid girls who are totally blind to the world.”

  “I’m not blind.”

  “Then you’re stupid.”

  I glared at her.

  “Girl, open your damn eyes. This is not normal.”

  It wasn’t normal, and I couldn’t deny any of that. “Look…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I think I’ve come up with an answer.”

  “An answer to what?”

  “Volt and me.”

  She sat back against the couch and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m listening.”

  “When I first met Volt, I was into him. Like, really into him. He was in my head all day long, and it was impossible for me to look at him without gawking. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. Yes, that includes every boyfriend I’ve ever had.”

  She listened without interrupting, waiting for me to make a groundbreaking announcement.

  “I fantasized about being with him. I pictured us having a romantic dinner then having amazing sex afterward. If he asked me out, I would have been down so quick.”

  “Then what the hell happened?”

  “He’s a playboy. I told you that.”

  “But is he still a playboy?” she pressed. “You told me he had a girlfriend.”

  “He dated her for a little while, Sara. As in, fourteen days. And this woman was supernaturally gorgeous. She made Blake Lively look like a troll, alright? To top it off, she was really sweet and smart. But he still didn’t want her.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “If he didn’t want to be in a relationship with her, every guy’s fantasy, then he’ll never be in a relationship with anyone—including me.”

  Understanding finally shone in her eyes. She nodded her head in agreement. “Now I get it. You do have feelings for him, but you can never have him.”

  “Close, but not quite. I know I can never have him, so I don’t allow myself to have feelings for him. I turned that off a long time ago.”


  Now she finally got it.

  “It’s all coming together.” She slowly brought her palms together until they collided.

  “So, back to your previous question, I don’t have feelings for him.”

  “Does that mean you’re back in the dating pool?”

  “Eh…” I didn’t even want to think about it. Sage was pretty damn perfect, and I somehow blew that. He was good-looking, successful, and charming. It was a miracle I’d snatched him up to begin with. “I think I’m going to adopt a few kids and just sleep around to get my kicks.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, good one.”

  I wasn’t joking.

  “Full-time mama and part-time skank.” She rested her hand on her stomach because she was cramping up from laughing.

  “I’m being serious.”

  That just made her laugh harder.

  “What’s so damn funny?”

  She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I just can’t picture you being easy like that. You’re the most uptight person ever.”

  “Am not.”


  “I’m not,” I hissed.

  “Uh, I distinctly remember you telling me Volt wanted to hook up, but you turned him down.”

  “That’s different.”


  “I turned him down because I knew I’d fall in love with him. If we crossed that line, I would have been screwed. Totally different.”

  “I guess I see your point.” She bent her knee and pulled her toes toward her face to examine the polish. She blew on the nails a few times before she poked the surface with her finger. The polish didn’t smear and she returned her foot to the coffee table. “So, if Volt told you he wanted to be in a relationship, you would say yes?”

  “I never said that.”

  “I know,” she snapped. “I’m asking you.”

  The idea was ridiculous, so I wasn’t going to entertain it. “That would never happen.”

  “Shut the hell up and answer the question.”

  “Uh…” I tried to picture that kind of reality, but it was impossible. “I don’t know… I wouldn’t want to risk losing our friendship. He’s such an innate part of my life now. I would hate to lose him.”

  “So, your answer is no?”

  “I guess.”

  “If that’s the case…can I go for him?” She smiled with a hopeful look in her eyes.

  “I just told you he is a player.”

  “I don’t care about that. I just want that D.”

  “Uh, no.” That would be weird. Two of my best friends sleeping together… That would be a disaster.

  “Oh, come on. I haven’t gotten a good lay in over a year.”

  “And there’re plenty of fish in the sea.”

  “But you said he was a good kisser and has a big package.”

  “But that doesn’t mean he’s good in bed.”

  “I think there’s a good chance he is.”

  I wouldn’t let that happen. “The answer is still no.”

  “What a cock block.”

  “Yep.” An
d I didn’t even feel bad about it.

  “You know what’s weird?”


  “I’ve never met him. You’ve been buddy-buddy with him forever, and I haven’t even seen his face.”

  “And now you aren’t going to.”

  She chucked a pillow at me. “I’m being serious.”

  I caught it before it hit me in the face. “Alright. I’m sure you guys will cross paths eventually. But you better keep your hands to yourself.”

  “He’s really that sexy?”

  There were no words to describe it. “Oh yeah.”


  Whatcha doing, Mario?

  It was alarming how easily the nicknames stuck. Working, Bowser.

  On a Friday night?

  Yeah. I’m trying not to get fired. Remember?

  Play with me.

  Are you five?

  Yes. Now play with me.

  You can come over if you want.

  Good. Because I’m outside. He knocked on the door.

  I wasn’t getting up from my seat at the kitchen table. All my papers were scattered around, and if I backed up too far, I would hit the little cupboard behind me. “It’s open.”

  He walked inside with a bag of takeout in his hand. “Chinese?”

  “I’m down for anything that’s free.”

  He dropped the bag on the table and took the seat beside me. “What are you working on?”

  “My next exam.”

  He snatched it out of my hand and took a look. With a keen eye, he looked over everything before he grabbed a pen and jotted down a few notes. “Scrap these. And these.” He slid it back across the table toward me.


  “Too difficult.”

  “It can’t all be multiple choice.”

  “I didn’t say it had to be. But make these essay questions instead. Diagrams are too subjective.”

  “But it makes them think.”

  “Just stick to the essay questions. It implements Common Core anyway. And frankly, you keep sidestepping that.”

  Teachers were supposed to have full autonomy, but I didn’t have any of that. I was a slave to school standards, and I couldn’t run my classroom the way I wanted. It was aggravating to be bossed around and slapped on the wrist like a child. “Whatever. Fine.”

  Volt picked up on my attitude. “Just get through the year.”

  “I’m starting to hate my job.”

  He placed his hand on my back, right in between my shoulder blades. “You may hate the game, but you have to play by the rules anyway. And when you do, your life will get easier.”

  “It’s still bullshit.”

  His hand moved to my shoulder, and he rubbed it gently. “You’ll get through this and love your job again. I promise.” His fingers slightly rested on the base of my neck, feeling warm.

  It felt nice.

  He continued to look at me, waiting for me to meet his gaze.

  I eventually gave in and looked at him.

  A slight smile formed on his lips when he won the little battle. “Let’s take a break and eat. This can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Or I could not do it at all.”

  “I can do it for you.”

  “Nah.” I may be irritated with my job, but I wasn’t a slacker. “What do you want to do?”

  “I think the game is on. Want to watch that?”

  I wanted to do anything but work. “Sounds good to me.”


  “Now what?” The game was over, and there was nothing else on.

  “Want to go out?”

  “For a drink?” The Chinese food was filling and packed my body with enough calories until tomorrow.

  “A beer on tap sounds pretty good right now.”

  Alcohol sounded delicious any time of day—especially now. “The Lion and the Snake?”

  “Yeah. Let’s do it.”

  We left my apartment and walked a few blocks until we reached the bar. It was packed with people, and the music was loud overhead. People paired off in the corners to make out in the shadows. The rest of the single people hung out at the tables or in the middle of the dance floor.

  I saw a pretty blonde making eyes at Volt from across the room. She had runner’s legs, a great figure, and her hair looked like a professional just styled it. She definitely looked like his type. “A hot babe at three o’clock checking you out.”

  Volt never took his eyes off me. His fingers were wrapped around the frosty glass he was holding, and the collared shirt fit his nice figure snugly. His crystal-blue eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were because the bar had minimal lighting, but they still seemed to shine by their own light. “Thanks for the heads-up.” He turned his wrist so he could check the time.

  “You aren’t going to look at her? I’m telling you, she’s a ten.”

  “Eh.” He drank from his beer before his hand snaked to mine on the counter. “Where’d you get this bracelet?” He fingered the brown strings with the different colored beads attached to it.

  “Oh. One of my students made it for me.”

  “That was nice.”

  “Yeah.” She came up at the end of class and gave it to me. There were different letters on the beads, and together, they spelled Ms. Thomas. “It was sweet.”

  “Sounds like those students love you.”

  “I think some of them do.”

  He downed the rest of his beer before he set it on the coaster. “I’m going to the bathroom. Order me another?”

  “Sure thing.”

  He veered off to the right, taking the long route to the bathroom. He moved the opposite way of the pretty blonde I mentioned and had to walk all the way around.

  It was strange, but then again, Volt was a little strange.

  “Hi.” Out of nowhere, a man walked up to me, a beer in his hand. “I’m sorry to bother you, but are you and that guy sitting here a moment ago an item?” He looked to be my age, and he wore a nice shirt with dark jeans.

  “Oh, we aren’t together. But he’s not gay.” I hated to disappoint the guy, but it was better to hear it from me than Volt. “He’d be flattered though.”

  “Uh, I wasn’t asking about him. I was asking about you.”

  “Oh…” Damn, I was an idiot. “Sorry, I just—”

  “It’s okay,” he said with a laugh. “He’s a good-looking guy. I’m sure guys come on to him all the time.”

  “Sometimes.” I felt awkward with him standing there. I wasn’t expecting anyone to make a pass at me tonight, and I was hoping it wouldn’t happen. The dress I wore wasn’t the most flattering thing in the world, and my shoes weren’t the cutest either.

  “I’m Mike. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “You too.” I shook his hand.

  “So, if you aren’t seeing him, does that mean you’re available?”

  He was a cute guy with green eyes and nice shoulders, but the idea of dating made me sick. I wasn’t ready to try again. Every relationship I’d ever had blew up in my face. I needed a break. “I have a boyfriend. But I’m flattered.”

  “That’s what I feared. Well, it was nice meeting you.”

  “You too.”

  “Good night.” He walked away and rejoined his friends at a table in the corner.

  Volt appeared out of nowhere, and I wasn’t sure how long he’d been standing there. Instead of looking interested in what just transpired, he looked sick.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah…fine.” He came back to the bar and grabbed his glass even though it was empty. “I leave you alone for a second, and the vultures descend.”

  “Oh…he was just a nice guy.”

  “Does that mean you gave him your number?” He rubbed his fingers against the glass, wiping away the condensation. He watched every move he made, suddenly dark and formidable.


  His head snapped my way instantly. “You didn’t?”

  “I’m not dating right now. I’m sick of i
t, honestly.”

  He leaned against the bar, hanging on my every word. His eyes were narrowed on my face, reading my lips as well as listening to what I was saying.

  “I’m just not ready. After everything that happened with both of my exes, I’m staying out of it.”

  “For how long, do you think?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll just do what you do.”

  “And what do I do?”

  “Sleep around. You’re satisfied and never heartbroken. In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve had my heart broken twice. And you’ve been enjoying a never-ending supply of good sex and sleepovers.”

  “No.” His brutality sliced through the air, making the music fade to the background.


  “You’re better than that, Taylor. You have class. Don’t change.”

  “Just because a woman sleeps around doesn’t mean she lacks class. That’s so sexist.”

  He dragged one hand across his chin, closing his eyes in irritation. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “It sounded like it.”

  “I just don’t think you’d be happy doing that. Keep waiting for Mr. Right. He’s out there.”

  I laughed before I took a drink. “Yeah right.”

  “He is, Taylor. Trust me on that.”

  “I don’t know what I believe anymore, but I don’t believe that.”

  He dropped his hand and rested it on the counter space between us. His jaw clenched slightly while he held his silence. “You might be looking right at him.”

  I scanned the people standing at the bar with us. It was mostly women, and a few guys trying to land dates. None of them was what I was looking for. “But I’m probably not.”

  Chapter Two


  “Word on the block is Tayz is single.” Derek gave me a pointed look before he drank his beer. “And yet, you’re sitting across from me.”

  “It’s not the right time.”

  “It’s never the right time with you,” he snapped. “What happened to taking what you want? You used to walk up to women and point-blank ask them if they wanted to go back to your place—while they were out with another guy.”

  But with Taylor, I wasn’t asking for a night. When I asked out a random woman, her answer didn’t really matter. But if Taylor gave me the answer I didn’t want, it could ruin me. “She told me she’s not dating right now. She needs a break.”


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