Burn (Electric Series #3)

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Burn (Electric Series #3) Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” She crossed her arms over her chest, her brown hair falling to her boobs.

  I knew exactly what I wanted to do. “Get naked.”

  She chuckled in an awkward way. “Yeah…me too.”

  “Then why don’t we?” I slowly walked around the bed until I made it to her side.

  She was normally so explosive and loud when it came to anything else, but when it came to our physical relationship, she closed up like a clam. I made her nervous, but in a good way. Her breathing hitched with excitement, and her cheeks became rosy. She fidgeted in place, needing to do something so she wouldn’t grab me too hard.

  My hands moved around her waist, and I gripped the fabric of her dress in my hands. It was silky smooth, just like her flawless skin. I didn’t kiss her. Instead, I teased her. When I leaned in, her lips parted immediately. A quiet breath escaped her throat, a gentle inhale in preparation for what was to come. Her arms rested on my biceps, feeling the muscle through my long-sleeve shirt.

  I rubbed my nose against hers and watched the stars brighten in her eyes. They glimmered in a sea of beauty, hypnotizing and fascinating. I’d never paid attention to such detail on any woman in my life.

  But I noticed every little thing with her.

  “You mean…” She stared at my lips, her mouth growing impatient.

  “I love watching you want me.”

  “You should feel me want you.” She brushed her lips past mine seductively, just the way I did to her. Then she pressed her mouth against mine in a deep embrace.

  I felt my spine shiver at the contact and felt the air leave my lungs as I was sucked dry. She took everything from me, but I didn’t feel empty because she gave me everything she had in return.

  My hand moved to the top of her neck, and I cradled her head, getting lost in the deepening connection we had for each other. My heart had never been broken because she fixed it. I never knew true joy until she walked into my life. Everything else was insignificant in comparison.

  This was real.

  Taylor moved her hands to the bottom of my shirt then pulled it over my head, trying to get it off as quickly as possible. Then she kissed the center of my chest, placing soft kisses everywhere. Her hands dragged down the muscles of my body. “This is my favorite spot…”

  My hand dug into her hair. “Yeah?”

  “Because it’s where your heart is.” She placed a kiss directly over the surface then looked me in the eye.

  I was falling harder—I could feel it.

  After guiding her down onto the bed, I climbed on top of her and pulled her legs around my waist. The moment was full of lust and desperation, but it was shattered when something else came into my mind.

  I realized I wasn’t sure what I wanted.

  Sex was therapy to me. I used it to cope when the woman I loved didn’t want me. A woman who treated me like shit and snuck around behind my back. Sex made me feel wanted. When I pleased my partners, they came back for more.

  And that made me feel wanted.

  But everything was different with Taylor.

  This meant something to me—to both of us. I didn’t want to get straight to the sex because everything with her was enjoyable. Just kissing her set me off. It wasn’t about the physical lust between us.

  It was so much more.

  And I felt safe with this woman, like things would be different with her. I never had to ask where she was when we weren’t together. I never had to go through her phone to see whom she’d been talking to.

  Because she would never hurt me.


  She lay on her side and stared at me.

  I read my book with my glasses resting on the bridge of my nose. When I felt her stare, I turned her way.

  She kept watching me, her thoughts hidden behind those pretty eyes.

  “What’s my baby thinking?”

  She propped herself up on her elbow, the sheets covering her fantastic tits. “You look really hot in glasses.”

  “Yeah?” I grinned from ear-to-ear.

  “Why don’t you wear them more often?”

  “I prefer contacts. They don’t get in my way during the day.”


  I watched the cute expression on her face.

  “But I can wear them more often. Didn’t realize you were into the nerdy look.”

  “It’s not a nerdy look. It’s a smart look.”

  “Oh, I see. You’re into smart and hot guys.”

  “I’m not into any specific guy. But I’m definitely into you.” She ran her hand across my hard stomach, pushing the book away as she touched me.

  “I’m definitely into you too.”

  She moved closer to me and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

  I’d never had a kiss like that, and it felt oddly satisfying. “I wish I’d gone for you the moment I laid eyes on you.” My hand went to her thigh under the sheets. “I wish I hadn’t fucked around for so long.”

  “I don’t.” She hooked her arm through mine and rested her head on my shoulder.


  “I wouldn’t have wanted to be with you unless you were sure what you wanted. You took time to figure it out. And now you know exactly what you want.” She looked up at me, a small smile on her lips.

  “I do know what I want.” This woman.

  “And that makes it so much better.” She kissed my shoulder again before she settled back into bed.

  I closed the book and placed my glasses on the nightstand. This bed was much smaller than the one I was used to, and not nearly as comfortable, but as long as she was beside me, none of that mattered.

  I turned off the lamp and snuggled into her side. I spooned her from behind and rested my face against the back of her neck. I got a full waft of her scent, beautiful and breathtaking. It was better than any air freshener.


  She’d never called me that before. “Hmm?”

  “You better tell all your girls not to come by the apartment anymore. Because I’m a very jealous woman, and I can only put up with so much. Send out a newsletter if you must. Or give me their addresses, and I’ll take care of it.”

  I heard what she said, but none of it added up correctly. “I thought you weren’t jealous?”

  “I said I wasn’t mad. But after Julia and her big tits, I’m starting to get mad.”

  There was no reason for her to feel threatened by Julia. Every time I’d had sex with her, I’d only thought about Taylor anyway. “I’ll say something to them.”

  “Thank you.”

  I sat up and leaned over to look at her face. “I think it’s cute that you’re jealous.”

  “Cute?” She turned on her back and looked up at me. “I think jealousy is an ugly color.”

  “Not on you. I’m yours and you want everyone to know that. I think it’s pretty sexy.”

  “Well, I’m about to clobber some bitch in the face. I hope you think that’s sexy too.”

  “Actually, I might.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Can I come in?” Mr. Davidson knocked on my open door.

  “Sure. I’m just grading some lab reports.” Mr. Davidson was the other science teacher. His focus was earth science and biology, whereas mine was chemistry and physics.

  He was a few years older than me, in his early thirties. From what I could tell, he was a fairly new teacher. “If it’s not too much trouble, could I borrow some beakers? After the janitor came in last night, I haven’t been able to find them all.”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled before he walked to the counter on the other side of the room. He picked each one up from the drying station and placed them in an empty crate. “How’s your day going?”

  “Good. Just trying to finish things up so I can go home.” And make out with my hot boyfriend who sometimes wears glasses.

  “I want to get out of here too, but I have to prepare
for lab tomorrow.” He continued placing them in the box one by one. “I have a few students who are planning on taking your course next year.”

  If I’m around next year. I was still irritated with the principal after the way he spoke to me, siding with the parents when that was just one side of the story. I did love my students and the school, but I wasn’t sure if I could drop my resentment. “I look forward to having them.”

  “So…seen any good movies lately?”

  I was always down for friendly chitchat, but I had work to do. He seemed to be taking his time gathering the supplies he needed, and he was awfully talkative. “Not really. I don’t go to the movies often. Too busy.”

  “Same here.” Mr. Davidson was a good-looking guy, the kind who went running every morning and competed in local marathons. Since I didn’t date coworkers, I’d never had any interest in him. And now that Volt and I were together, I didn’t have any interest for anyone else on the planet.

  “So are you seeing—”

  “Hey.” Natalie walked inside wearing her five-inch heels. “I can’t believe you’re still here.”

  I held up my red pen. “Almost done with these lab reports.”

  “Just give them all B’s. That’s what I do.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, you don’t.”

  Natalie came to my desk then noticed Mr. Davidson. “Hey, Mr. Davidson. What’s going on?”

  “You guys can call me Scott.” He walked to my desk with the crate of beakers in his hand. “And nothing much. Just getting ready for lab tomorrow.”

  “Ugh,” Natalie said. “I’m so glad I teach English.”

  Scott turned his eyes on me. “I’ll see you later. Thanks for the beakers.”

  “Sure thing.” I gave him a smile.

  He left the classroom then walked down the hall to his own room.

  Natalie waited until the door clicked before she started talking a million miles a minute. “He’s into you.”

  “Is not.”

  “No, seriously. He’s into you.”

  “He actually said that?” I asked incredulously.

  “Well, he asked if you were seeing anybody.”

  That was a red flag.

  “And you said yes, so he’s not into me.”

  “Actually, I said no. Because he asked before you and Volt got your shit together. I’m just giving you a warning.”

  “Ugh.” I hoped she was wrong about all of that.

  “So, still thinking about leaving?”

  “Yes.” I changed my mind on a daily basis. Sometimes I was desperate to leave, and other times, I wasn’t. It depended on the day. It depended on the mood.

  “I think you should stay. We need to be coworkers. Plus, this is a great school with great pay. After your third year of teaching, your salary will go way high.”

  “Yeah…I don’t know.”

  “Is it because of Volt?”

  What did he have to do with anything? “He doesn’t care what I do. He wants me to at least finish out the year, though.”

  “I mean with his dad.”

  Again, I wasn’t following her. “I haven’t met his dad. What are you talking about?”

  “Yes, you have.” She sat on the edge of the desk with her arms across her chest. “You see him almost every day.”

  What the hell was she talking about? “Nat, I assure you, I haven’t met Volt’s father. If I did, I would remember.”

  Her eyes narrowed on my face. “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”


  “Wow, what?” I asked in irritation.

  “He’s the principal.”

  That was ludicrous. “Stop messing with me, Nat. Not today.”

  “I’m being completely serious,” she argued. “Principal Rosenthal is Volt’s father. They have the same last name. You’ve never noticed?”

  “But—” Shit, they did have the same last name. “But Volt would have told me.”

  “I know. That’s exactly why I’m shocked you don’t know.”

  This still wasn’t adding up. “You’re certain?”

  “One hundred percent. Ask him yourself.”

  It was still hard to believe because Volt would have said something to me. Why would he hide it?

  “Maybe he didn’t want his parents to know you were the new teacher they were considering letting go. Maybe he was trying to protect you.”

  Now I couldn’t deny the truth. Their last names were the same, and Volt was able to come and go around campus whenever he pleased. He used to be a teacher himself. Everything was adding up—quickly. “Shit, you’re right.”

  “I told you I’m right.”

  I shoved the stack of papers aside and grabbed my purse. “We’re going to have a little talk about this.”

  “I actually feel bad for Volt.”

  I turned to her before I walked out. “Yeah, that makes two of us.”


  I headed to his apartment because I knew he would be home by now. He usually hit the gym after work then showered at his place before he called me. Instead of knocking, I walked right inside. “Volt!”

  “Baby, is that you?” His voice came from the bathroom down the hallway. His voice seemed strange, like he had a mouthful of toothpaste.

  “Yes. And get your ass out here.”

  Volt walked down the hallway a moment later, a towel wrapped around his damp body and his hair still messy. His dark glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, making him look like the hottest geek who ever graced the planet. “What’s up?”

  Now I forgot why I came here. “Ugh…” My eyes trailed over his rock-hard body, remembering how his skin tasted under my tongue. When I grinded against his cock and dug my fingertips into his abs, feeling the muscles coil and move every time he thrust. One thing led to another, and I pictured his face between my legs.


  His words brought me back to the argument. The anger returned immediately but disappeared just as quickly when I saw the way his glasses sat on his face. He was still sexy as hell—and extremely distracting. “Put on some clothes and come back.”

  “What?” he blurted. “Just tell me what’s up.”

  I gripped my skull in frustration. “Just go put on some clothes.” I kept losing my train of thought. With those sexy glasses and even sexier physique, he was impossible to resist. “Now.” I snapped my fingers and pointed down the hallway.

  “Alright…” He went into his bedroom then returned a moment later, his glasses still on.

  “No. Take those off.”

  “I can’t see.”

  “Well, put in your contacts.”

  “That’s going to take me another five minutes.” He came toward me until his arms were wrapped around my waist. “Now what are you freaking out about?”

  I threw his arms down, feeling my anger spill over because I was boiling. “Why didn’t you tell me your father was my principal?”

  His face immediately blanched, turning pale. Guilt was heavy in his eyes as well as his frown. He didn’t need to say anything to admit his lie.

  “Volt?” I crossed my arms over my chest, looking up at him with my cold gaze. Knowing I worked with Volt’s father on a regular basis and had no idea who he was made me feel like an idiot. He purposely kept that knowledge from me. He must have had a reason—and I would figure out what that reason was.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, his fingertips trailing through the strands. “I can explain.”

  “You better explain.” I stomped my foot. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you purposely keep that from me?”

  “It kinda just happened that way.”

  “Uh, no,” I snapped. “The only way it happened that way was because you withheld information. Why would you withhold information? Does he know who I am?”


  “And I don’t know who he is… Interesting.”

  “Look, when you and I first became friends, you told me you were
struggling in the classroom.”

  “Yeah…” What did that have to do with anything?

  “And I was having dinner with my parents when he…” He cringed like he didn’t want to finish the sentence.

  “When he what?” I pressed.

  “When he said you were a problem. Apparently, the parents were coming to him with complaints. I knew you were really trying, so I convinced him to let it go. I reminded him that every new teacher struggles in their first year. He backed off, but I knew it would be awkward if you met in person.”

  “What about the wedding?” I challenged. “I almost met him then.”

  “At the time, I was trying to make you fall for me. I knew you would meet him in the process, but I assumed I’d have to do that sometime down the road if we were going to be together. But then he happened to get sick.”

  “But what about after that? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I just…it sounds like the two of you aren’t on good terms. I didn’t want to reveal who you really were to each other until after you settled your differences. And it sounds like now you have.”

  “Because he finally stopped micromanaging the shit out of me.”

  He dropped his hand to his side, a resigned look on his face. “I’m sorry. I know I should have told you, but I couldn’t find a good time.”

  “Your father hates me, Volt.” His mother seemed to like me, but once she knew I was the crappy teacher her husband almost fired, she would never like me again. “I’ve taken care of my curriculum and classroom management, but that doesn’t change what happened between us. We’ve had some heated arguments. If you told him I was the girl you were seeing, he’d have been so disappointed.”

  “Now you know why I didn’t tell him.”

  I growled. “But why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because…” He looked away, showing fear in the line of battle. “I was afraid you wouldn’t get involved with me. If you knew this from the beginning, you might have used it as an excuse to consider me off-limits. And I never would have gotten what I wanted—you.”

  It was a sweet thing to say, but there was nothing sweet enough to stop me from being angry. “You still should have told me. I feel like a damn idiot now.”


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