Country Boy

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Country Boy Page 10

by Karrington, Blake

  Snake reached for the two wrinkled up bills, Lil’ Man snatched them back. “What the fuck you doing?” Snake said, his hand now trembling needing the fresh bottle.

  “Take me tomorrow. I need to make hustle too mun.”

  “Aiight you can roll. Now give me those two bucks before the store closes.”

  “Yeah mun, stop that blood-clot cryin’.”

  After all the other winos had passed out from wine and everything else they could destroy their brains with the one called Lil’ Man eased away from the fire. Cutting silently between houses he found his way to the next street over. He scoped out the scene before walking out in plain view. Sitting farther down the street off the main road a car flashes its headlights on and off. Seeing his signal Lil Man stepped out and began to walk toward the car. When he reached it he jumped in the passenger side before it slowly crept off. The driver spoke first. “Are you aiight brotha’?”

  “Everything is aiight mun. Have you spoken to Q?”

  “Ah yes mun, I have. He’s waiting for us now.”

  “Take me to him,” Lil’ Man said.

  They met Q at Dina’s apartment. When Inga entered the room first, Q caught that same funny feeling he had in his stomach when he first met her. Her presence alone was unmistakable. When Lil Man entered behind her Q almost didn’t recognize him.

  Q spoke first, “Baby Ras, what the fuck did you do homie? What happened to yo’ dreads?”

  “Couldn’t do the job wit’ the dreads mun. Too many people recognize the dreads.”

  “But you’ve been growing those twenty-five years Ras!”

  “Yeah mun, but anything for you mun.”

  Inga spoke, without the accent. “My brother’s loyalty is shown to very few. When someone gains his respect, like you have, back in our country you would be treated like a king. You talking about a man who shares his wealth with all the poor back home who can’t feed themselves. Cutting his hair was just another way of saying ‘Respect’. Back home our ‘locks’ are sacred. Honor Rasta’s friendship Q, because he honors yours.”

  Baby Rasta gave everybody the low-down on Tex’s moves. Within days he had peeped him and Da Da’s daily routines.

  Da Da’s new connect was still blessing him with good prices. The product was so good he couldn’t keep it. He paged his connect when he was down to his last two joints.

  “Yo’ Da, pick up ya’ cell nigga. That’s probably Yuma calling back,” Tex hollered at Da Da.

  “Who’s callin’?” Da Da spoke into the phone.

  “Did someone page Yuma?”

  “Yeah Yuma, it’s Da Da. What’s good?”

  “What’s good wit’ you?”

  “Nothing much, just tryin’ to pick up those two sets of rims and tires.”

  After setting everything up Yuma called her people. She had stressed to Da Da, to make sure he was alone or there would be no transaction. He quickly agreed without thinking. Tex had put up one hell of a fight when Da Da said he was going alone. He had been putting the press game on Da Da about meeting his new connect. Da Da on the other hand knew what Tex’s intentions were. Day by day Tex was becoming more and more of an enemy instead of a friend. Da Da was to drive out on Hwy. 74 south heading towards Morven, North Carolina. Somewhere along the road he was to meet some of Yuma’s people. Da Da’s hunger for money and power over shadowed his fears of danger. Greed had clouded his mind, body, and soul. Now it was taking him on his last ride.

  After spotting Yuma’s car which was driven by one of her workers, Da Da followed it until they turned onto a long dirt road. Da Da had been in this area several times getting his trick on, but he had never been all the way down the dirt road. At the end it spread out into a large open space with only natures fence wrapped around it... woods. Following the car around the back of the-split level home they pulled in front of what looked to be a guest house. Da Da mumbled to himself while sitting in his car. “This bitch gettin’ that paper. I wonder who else she is supplying. With the prices she throwin’ off she definitely on some takeover shit!”

  The door opened on Yuma’s car and to Da Da’s surprise a female stepped out. She waved for him to follow her inside. Exiting the car Da Da grabbed his “nina” and stuck it down his waistband. Once inside the young lady offered him a seat and a drink. He accepted. Slowly he sipped his rum and coke waiting on Yuma. After about five minutes Yuma appeared in the room. “What’s up Da Da? Are you comfortable?”

  “I’m aiight Yuma,” he said, not able to notice his own slurred speech. After about ten more minutes Da Da began to feel the ill effects of the drink. He couldn’t figure out what had taken complete control of his body. Everything in the room still looked the same. Yuma was sitting directly across from him. Her lips still moving but giving no sound. Suddenly they stopped moving. Her almond shaped eyes looked to the left of him. Seeing a shadow Da Da attempted to reach for his ‘nina’, to no avail. He couldn’t move. Never had his girlfriend let him down. Finally he gave in to the struggle of trying to free himself. The shadow became larger. He sat watching Yuma. Her eyes now focused on him spoke nothing. Suddenly the shadow came to life. Only then did Da Da’s fears overwhelm him. Q stood in front of him, now hiding Yuma.

  Both his hands held chrome 45’s. Flashes of his best friends Umar and Tim appeared in Q’s mind as he slowly raised both arms until the infa-red lights on each gun joined together on Da Da’s forehead. Screaming now only to be heard by himself he looked in Q’s eyes one last time. They showed no anger, no hate, and no mercy. Boom... Boom.., Boom... Both horses kicked at the same time. Only then out of anger, Q pumped six more into Da Da’s chest, putting his lights out forever.

  Chapter 17


  It had been two days since Tex had spoken to Da Da. The last time they talked it was a heated discussion about him meeting Da Da’s people. He knew nothing of the connect. Only that it was supposed to be a woman, but that didn’t necessarily have to be true. Da Da could have been just fucking with him. He paged Ham to see if Da Da had been through. “Ham, what up nigga? You seen my peoples?”

  “Nah Tex, I haven’t seen Da Da since he dropped that work off. I paged him all morning with our code. That nigga still didn’t hit me yet.”

  Tex sat there holding his cell phone thinking to himself. ‘Da Da never fucked around when it came to that paper. He always checked the strip at least two, three times a day ...’

  “Are you still there Tex?” Ham said still on the phone.

  “Yeah homie, I’m still here. Look, I’m a swing through and scoop up that cheese. You aiight? Do I need to bring any clothes for the trip?”

  “Yeah homie. We might stay overnight,” Ham said speaking back to Tex in codes.

  “So bring one change of clothes, aiight?”

  “Aiight, I’m out.”

  Hanging up Tex leaned his head back on the headrest of his LS 400 Lexus. “Where the fuck that nigga at?” He mumbled to himself. He knew where most of their product was kept, but since

  Da Da had this new connect he knew Da Da was stashing plenty of kilo’s somewhere else. He had been paying twenty-two a piece with the old connect, so Tex knew whoever this bitch was she was caked up. ‘I’ll just have to wait until this nigga decides to show up.

  Chapter 18

  Welcome Home

  Back in Rockingham on The Block the whole crew sat in the parking lot just like old times. Everyone was there except Tim and Q was on the way. He had been to see Tim at the hospital. Terri had been going back and forth to be by his side.

  Pulling into the parking lot Q felt good seeing his homies together. Stepping out of the car they all greeted him.

  June spoke, “What tha’ deal nigga, you forgot about yo’ peoples or sum ‘em?”

  Never that homie, we family,” Q said giving everybody some dap. The Crew was surprised when Q told them the news of Tim coming home in a couple of weeks.

  “Damn,’ said Big Kev, “He’ll make it in time for our outside jam and bike
rally at the club.”

  “Yeah Kev, he misses the whole crew.”

  “We should make the whole joint a coming home party for T,” said Corey.

  “Yeah you’re right,” said Fat Dave. “That nigga love that Anthony Hamilton Cat.”

  Corey and Poo had been advertising the outside jam over all the radio stations. Just on the strength of The Crew there would be at least twenty-five hundred bikes there. Anthony Hamilton had been topping the charts with his number one hit song Coming where I’m from. Corey and Poo had been trying to get a show done through their contacts up top. His producer had called their people letting them know he would be touring through the Carolina’s, so they booked him. That’s if we can get that nigga away from Terri long enough,” said Q. “She got our homie’s nose wide tha’ fuck open.” “Yeah,” said Big Kev. “Terri is the type of chick all of us need in our corner. . . a soldier.

  Q hadn’t seen Tee in almost two weeks. They had spoken by phone a couple times. Leaving The Block he headed to the salon. Finally after getting a parking space Q entered the salon. It was crowded. “Damn,” he said to himself. "If all these people are here for a hair-do, then I was in the wrong business". Walking through the lobby he spoke to everybody and kept going. When he walked in where the work was going on he found all three chairs full. Tee, Terri, and El were all putting in work. “What’s up everybody?” He said over the loud dryers.

  “Hey stranger,” yelled Elbony who was the closest to him. Tee already had her arms spread wide waiting on her hug.

  “Hummmm, I missed you boy,” she said squeezing him tightly. “I missed you too ma,” he said squeezing her just as tight. “Save some for me?” Someone yelled running up grabbing them both. It was Terri. “What up lil’ sis?” Q said while they both made a sandwich out of him.

  “Nothing big bro’. Still trying to get caught up with my clients.” “That’s good sis, handle yo’ business.” Turning to Tee he spoke,

  “What’s up wit’ you baby girl? I came by to scoop you up but I see you’re busy huh?’’ “I’m not that busy,” she lied while eyeing Terri and Elbony. “Go ‘head Tee, I’ll finish Tracy up. It’s only a perm,” said

  Elbony. “Thanks El,” Tee said grabbing her purse. “I’ll be back shortly.” “Take your time gurl. We got your back,” Terri yelled.

  “Aiight y ‘all, I’m out. “

  Q said goodbye to everybody and they left the salon. “So where to ma?” He said to Tee.

  “My place,” she said sarcastically.

  “Ah come on ma? I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” she said reaching behind him gently massaging his neck. “How about Pizza Hut?”

  “That’s cool wit’ me, he said now feeling intoxicated from her touch. They talked about a lot of different things while they enjoyed lunch.

  She spoke, “You know Terri’s madly in love don’t you?”

  “Yeah. But she’s not the only one in love. Tim was the last person I ever thought would slow down.”

  “Maybe his accident changed his outlook on life. Some people have to go through certain things before reality sets in. Sometimes those trials are life threatening, causing them to stop taking things for granted. I don’t know exactly how Tim feels because I haven’t been around him much since the shooting, but I see Terri every day, Q. She loves that boy so much it ain’t funny. If something was to happen to him, or if he was taken away from her for some reason, she wouldn’t live. It seems to me like Tim was that missing link in her life. Nothing matters to her right now except Lil’ Ty and Tim’s safety.”

  “Well he’ll be coming home soon ma,” Q told her.

  “For real?” said Tee.

  “Yeah ma, the doctors are planning on releasing him in a couple weeks. He’ll still have to continue his therapy three times a week.”

  “What are you two gonna do for your birthdays?” asked Tee.

  “His birthday is before mine ma."

  She interrupted him. “They're only two days apart Q!”

  “Well The Crew was thinking about having his party on the day of the bike rally.”

  “That would be nice Q I’m sure everyone misses him. Someone is getting old,” she said fiddling with the last piece of pizza.

  “Nah ma, I’m still twenty four right now!” He laughs. After spending nearly three hours together Q dropped Tee back of at the salon. Looking over in the passenger seat at her Q could see her meek expression telling him she wasn’t ready for him to leave. He broke her silence. “Baby you think that maybe I could come over a little later?”

  She smiled giving him her answer. “My bed is always home to you Q.”

  “I didn’t say bed ma...”

  “But I did,” she said cutting him off. After kissing him on the cheek she climbed out of the car.

  “See you tonight.”

  “Aiight shawty.”

  Picking up his cell phone Q dialed a number.

  Ring ... Ring. .. “Hello.”

  “Hello, may I speak to Keonne?”

  “Daddy, daddy, hey daddy, you coming to get me?”

  “Wait, slow down lil’ lady. I haven’t heard my favorite words yet.”

  “I love you daddy.”

  “I love you too lil’ mama. After talking to Keonne and her mother, Q headed for his kennel. As he was driving his mind began to drift back to Da Da. Just thinking about that hoe ass nigga made heat waves rise in front of his face. Killing him was easy. Da Da had showed no remorse so why should he. By the time Baby Rasta had arrived Da Da was already dead.

  Yuma, his sister, had offered to dispose of the body, but Q had something different in mind. Thinking of Yuma he kept coming to the same conclusion... Killer. Whatever or whoever had crossed her in the past had created a monster. Her most deadly weapon was her beauty. She watched in silence as Q raised his pistols shooting Da Da. But before death could set in she slowly walked past Q’s still outstretched arms and straddled Da Da’s twitching body. Pulling his blood soaked head up to hers she tongue kissed him. Q had only heard of the kiss of death before. Now he had witnessed it.

  Pulling into his kennel he saw a lot of commotion coming from the side of the yard where Skull was kept. All the other dogs were going crazy. Q jumped out of his car running towards his storage building. One of his dogs had broken loose and run into Skull. Finally after opening the lock, Q grabbed two break-sticks and a leash then ran in the direction of the fight. When he reached Skull’s chain space he found his best forty-one pound male named Tyson going toe to toe with Skull. Tyson was smaller than Skull but he was all bulldog. Q had rolled them against each other as young dogs. They had been arch rivals ever since. No matter how far he separated them on the kennel yard, whichever one got loose they found the other one. “Damn,” he said to himself. “Tyson how tha fuck did you get off yo’ chain.” Breaking up two pitbulls was hard enough with two people, but by yourself was damn near impossible unless you were experienced with doing it. Skull was still on his chain, which was good for Q but bad for him. It was too easy for a dog to get tangled in his chain causing him to break a leg. Q looked at both dogs as they fought for the best hold. After further examining them he could tell they had only been fighting for a few minutes. There was no use in trying to break them now. Especially by himself. Both dogs were still fresh. Q grabbed a bucket of water and sat down to watch two of his best bulldogs trying their best to please him by killing one another.

  After an hour and fifteen minutes Q picked his leash up and walked over to the two dogs. Both of them were sweating heavy. He hooked the leash to Tyson’s collar then pulled one of the break-sticks from his pocket. They both sensed the break-up of the fight and began biting each other hard again. Q then pulled Tyson and Skull both to the end of Skulls chain. He held them there while sticking the break-stick in Tyson’s mouth. Skull didn’t want to let go but he only had an ear hold. Releasing his hold Q snatched Tyson back out of reach. They both screamed wanting to go back. A tired Q smiled to himself knowing th
at’s what every serious bulldog owner loves to hear coming from his two warriors. No amount of pussy or money can replace that feeling.

  Once the two dogs were treated for their wounds Q fed the rest of them and headed home. At home he messed around in the garage until he saw Van pulling in the driveway. Bear jumped around happy to see Van as well. She still had her nursing outfit on.

  “Hey Baby”, she said getting out of the car.

  Q grabbed her and picked her up. “Hummm, that feels good,” they both say. Closing the door with his feet he carried her inside the house. Bear growled showing jealousy.

  “Shut up Bear, we’ve had plenty of time together,” said Van. Q took Van straight to the shower.

  “Baby I missed you,” she said now breathing heavy as he undressed her. He took his time bathing her body. She was sensitive to his every touch. After drying her off, he rubbed on his favorite body lotion, watermelon/raspberry. Van was exhausted. He massaged her until she was snoring lightly. He then showered himself and climbed back in bed beside her for some much needed R & R. A knock at the door woke them from their deep sleep. Q reached for one of his Colts off the night stand. Leaving the bedroom he noticed Bear was nowhere to be found. The flood lights outside were on. Reaching the door Q didn’t use the peep-hole. Instead he stepped to the side and calmly said

  “Who dat’?”

  Pointing the infa-red at the center of the door.

  “It’s me Q,” a familiar voice yelled on the other side of the door.

  “And hurry up before this damn dog lick me to death.”

  It was Kiki. Opening the door Q laughed as Bear had Kiki penned in one corner licking her face.

  “Get this damn dog Q.”

  “Aiight baby sis.”

  After moving Bear Q got his first look at Kiki’s stomach. “Damn Kiki, what the hell is that,” he asked pointing?

  “It’s your God-son Q and I’ll be glad when he gets here. He about to kick me to death. Where’s Van?”


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