Country Boy

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Country Boy Page 17

by Karrington, Blake

  Van and Q searched the office in silence, neither had found anything. Q’s frustration was beginning to take control of him. Now on the verge of screaming out in anger, only to be stopped by Van touching his shoulder. He turned to face her as she pointed behind the over turned desk. Quickly he pulled back the desk to remove the blinking base of the phone that Van had been pointing at. Q pushed the play button nervously. A voice spoke through the machine. It was Tee’s…“El, could you or Terrie stop by the supply store in the morning for our weekly order?”

  Tee continued to chat on the machine a moment longer before saying goodnight to El and Terri, but not before letting them know that she would be arriving to work late the next day. The tape then went silent except some shuffling as if Tee had stood and walked away from the machine. Q and Van both strained their ears hoping to catch the slightest sound that seemed out of place.

  More shuffling… Then a voice. “Someone was in the shop with Tee,” Q mumbled to himself. “But who?” he wondered while still listening intently. After a few seconds the voices became louder. Q knew they were heading towards the office. Then there was a loud thud like sound followed by a painful scream. Q’s heart seemed to stop beating as he listened to the sound he knew too well. It was the sound of a gun-butt hitting raw flesh. Tee had fought back with everything she had.

  “Come on Tee, baby, tell me who did this…” Q thought out loud.

  Then it happened. Tee screamed, “Why Tech, why…”

  He looked at Van, but before he could respond another voice spoke. “Where are the tapes bitch? Where are those fuckin’ tapes…?”

  Tapes, Q thought to himself. Tech didn’t know about the tapes. How could he…The sound of the of the last voice cleared the whole picture for him. “Stop Jacobs!! That’s enough. You’re gonna kill her. Get off her. Let’s get outta here…”

  Then he heard Tee’s voice again “Q you said you would be here for me”

  There were no tears this time. Instead the rivers flowed.

  Q and Van both cried until the tears refused to come. Q blamed himself for what happened. Poor Tee he thought to himself. He should have been there. With all the shit that was going on he hadn’t made sure she was protected.

  He knew Tech had crossed the line a long time ago. But what he had done that night is what gets families missing. As he thought of Jacobs he seemed to lose control of himself. Q grabbed Van’s hand pulling her to her feet. Within minutes they were sitting outside the courthouse which held the sheriff’s office. Q checked both clips before sliding the guns back in their holsters. Exiting the door he had one thing on his mind… Death.

  Stepping around the front of the car he was met by Van. She spoke, “This is it huh? After all the schooling you gave me. This is how we go out love? We walk right dab in the middle of a death trap?” She continued, “Q, you need to think before you go up those steps. My word is my bond love. And I stand on it,” she said now pulling out her own pistol. “If you die, I die.” Click-Click. “But is this the way to do it baby, I know they have to pay for what they did, but Tee needs you, the baby will need you.”

  Q looked at her like she was crazy, “What baby?”

  “You didn’t know Tee was pregnant?” El and Terri told me at the hospital, everyone figured you already new.”

  Q felt like all the air had been taken out of his body.

  Van stood for what seemed like an eternity looking at him until Q walked back to the car. He got in on the passenger side. And laid his head back. She had seen that look in his eyes many times before. It was the look when he became the judge, jury, and the executioner.

  Chapter 36

  Duke Hospital

  They had already completed two surgeries on Tee. Her face was completely bandaged. The internal bleeding had stopped, but she was still in bad shape. The doctor’s conducting the operations was pleased with her and the baby’s progress.

  The whole crew was there except for Q. Everyone sat in silence undoubtedly still shocked about what had happened to their friend.

  It was 11:00a.m. when Q and Van finally arrived at the hospital. When they entered Tee’s room they saw most of The Crew scattered around in the chairs sleeping. Van stood back as Q stepped to Tee’s side. Once there he turned and motioned for her to come with him. They both stared at her bandaged face before Q took one of her hands in his own.

  “I’m sorry ma,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He continued, “I hope one day you can forgive me Tee. I guess you already know that everybody is here huh? Well ma, I’ll be here if…”

  “We’ll be here,” Van said cutting him off before taking Tee’s other hand.

  Q stepped away as Van continued. “You know Tee, I, ah, I’m sorry this happened. I know that we’ve had our differences in the past, but I have never hated you.” Squeezing her hand she continued to speak, “I have to admit that I’ve been pretty mad at you in the past, but I want you to know that nothing would make me happier than to see you and the baby well right now.”

  As Van stood at the bedside of Tee she knew that it could have easily been her lying there. After hearing the tape on Tee’s answering machine, she knew the attackers were looking for the tapes. She vowed to herself while still holding Tee’s hand to make everyone involved pay.

  Q had shook June, Tim, and the rest of The Crew awake. Now all the guys sat in the lobby. Each one with vengeful hearts.

  Everyone sat and listened as Tim vented his frustration, “Whoever did this was heartless homie. Tee was innocent man. She didn’t deserve any of this shit Q.”

  Q looked over the whole crew. All of them looked at Tee as their Big Sis’, so naturally they were upset. But looking at their faces now, upset was an understatement. They had death in their eyes. Knowing he could never keep the peace by telling them who was responsible, Q chose to keep most of The Crew in the dark.

  After everyone had spoken he pulled June and Tim to the side.

  “Look homies, I want to pull your coat on something.”

  “What’s poppin’,” June said.

  “Follow me,” said Q.

  They exited the hospital and stood outside of Q’s car. He reached inside the glove compartment and removed an adapter plug. He connected it to his cigarette lighter. Neither Tim nor June spoke as Q pushed play on Tee’s Phone. Both shed tears as they heard Tee screaming for her life.

  Q dropped the machine back into his seat and turned and faced his homies, “Hope that after all this is over we can all sit down and discuss each and every member of The Crew’s future. This hustle game has taken some special people from our lives. We lost Umar. Then almost lost you,” he said putting his hand on Tim’s shoulder. “Now look at this. There is no way I’m gonna let these people who did this to Tee live. But what I’m saying to the both of you is this… You both have beautiful people in your lives, and The

  Game is dead. Get out while you still can homies. The reason why I’m saying this to you is because the rest of The Crew looks up to both of you. If you love them… I mean really love them, then save them from ‘The Belly of the Beast’ prison, or worst. Death and destruction.”


  Jacobs’ face was a mess. To cover up the attack he purposely lost control of his car a little less than a mile from his home. He was taken to the local hospital for a full report. Not only did he have an alibi, he had an excuse for his face which was a total wreck.

  Sitting in his office Jacobs held a small mirror in front of his face. The black and blue swelling brought a slight chill over his body. He was no longer angry, but afraid. Afraid for his family. It didn’t matter that his parents were both ninety years old or his wife and kids had nothing to do with this whole thing. No, it didn’t matter. He had beaten and raped a very well respected woman beyond recognition. A woman who was an acquaintance of one of the most notorious drug lords in Rockingham, NC.

  “Damn,” Jacobs mumbled to himself barely above a whisper. His thoughts turned to Tech. He hadn’t heard
from him since the attack. Tech had left the salon at a dead run never looking back. Jacobs knew Tech would eventually have to be put to sleep. He was their informant, but he could just as easily become someone else’s.

  Beep… Beep… Beep… Q’s phone was sounding for the third time. He had erased the number for the second time because it was an unfamiliar one. Today he would be heading to the hospital. Tee would be having her bandages removed. She had seemed calm but Q knew she was worried. Beep… The phone sounded off again. Looking at the code behind the text made Q run of the shoulder of the road. “Shit,” he said to himself as he regained control of the Corvettes wheels. “What is Asia calling me like this for? I told her I would call her back when I had time.”

  Q walked in Tee’s room to find it occupied by several doctors and nurses. Most of who were gathered around her bed. One doctor whispered a few comforting words in her ear as another began removing the bandages. Tee was a nervous wreck. Her whole body trembled as the last bandages were removed. She didn’t know what to expect or take from the doctor’s reaction so naturally she thought the worst and was beginning to cry, until one of the nurses held a small mirror in front of her.

  Her face bore no visible scars. She was speechless. The doctor in charge of the operation stood and admired his own work. All the commotion forced Q to her bedside. When she turned to face him he couldn’t believe his eyes. No scars, nothing!

  Standing next to her he did what he’d been waiting to do for weeks. He kissed her soft lips savoring her taste. “You’re beautiful ma,” he said. “And I’m sor…”

  “Shsss,” Tee said putting a finger to his lips. “I wasn’t going anywhere and leaving you and our son here,” she said with a serious look in her eyes. She realized she had just told Q about the baby. “Q did you hear what I said?”

  “Yes ma I heard you and I’m not going to let you leave me and our son alone.”

  It was late that afternoon when Q left the hospital. He was relieved to know that Tee’s surgery had gone well and that the baby was fine. Even though the scars were not there physically, Q knew they would be there mentally.

  During their conversations Tee could tell his mind was somewhere else. She knew that it was zero tolerance when it came to people who Q loved, but this was worse. Her life had been put on the line. But she couldn’t bear the thought of any children and women being hurt. Especially now that she was expecting a child herself. She knew she had to call Q and ask him to honor her request. He agreed with the first one. Tee knew she was stretching it with her last request. “No women either?” she asked.

  Q got quite before he spoke. “But what about you Tee? You’re a woman. What about our child. They didn’t care about that…”

  “Yes I know,” she said cutting him off. “But you’re not like them Q, please, please Q”

  He didn’t want to hang up on a sour note. So he agreed to honor both request. As soon as he hung up with Tee the phone began to ring again Beep… Beep...Beep. “Damn there is Asia ass again” Q thought to himself. “Let me see what this girl want, she been hitting a nigga all day. He put his phone on speaker and dialed Asia’s number. “Whatz up Asia?”

  “Damn baby what took you so long to call me back, I need to ask you something important.”

  “What is it lady?”

  “Well baby I really need your help. I just found out that my Pell grant check didn’t go through and I won’t be able to graduate if I can’t pay for this last semester.”

  “How much you need?”


  “When you need it?”

  “By next Monday.”

  “Ok don’t worry I got you”

  “Thank you baby! Thank you! You know I’m going to do something extra special for you. Oh, one more thing, do you think you could drive me to Charlotte to pay for it.”

  “Yea no problem, that way I can collect on that extra special thing coming my way.”

  Chapter 37

  The Hair Show

  Elbony and Terri had already reopened the salon. Today the lobby was crowded. The main topic… gossip. They were excited about the announcement Elbony made almost an hour ago. They were told that the hair show would be the following week. Q convinced the girls to have the show. He knew that Tee would have wanted it that way.

  The shop was immaculate. The cleaning company always kept the salon spotless, but no amount of cleaning could take away the pain Q felt whenever he entered Tee’s office. As he sat in her office chair his thoughts turned to Jacobs. Suddenly an idea crossed his mind. Quickly he picked up the phone and dialed Attorney Wright’s number. His secretary answered then put him through.

  “Yes, how can I help you?” said Wright.

  “Mr. Wright, this is Q would it be alright if I stopped by the office?”

  “I’ll be waiting for your arrival,” said Wright.

  He really didn’t have any real plans for Jacobs at this point, but with the news he’d given the attorney, Q hoped he would make his own plans. Plans to hold court in the streets.

  The hair show was beautiful. Salons from all over were there showcasing different hair styles. Everybody was in attendance. Terri and Elbony had put together a great show that would undoubtedly be talked about for the rest of the year.

  Spotting June in the crowd Elbony grabbed his arm. “Hey Lil’ brother. Is Q here yet?” she asked.

  “Nah sis,” he answered, “but they should be here soon.

  “Okay. Let me know as soon as they arrive,” she said.

  “Aiight sis.”

  Q pulled in first with Van following close behind. He got out of the car and walked to Van’s. Before he reached the passenger’s side Tee was already in tears.

  Q spoke, “Looks like they did a good job uh.”

  Tee nodded in agreement.

  “Come on, let’s surprise everybody.”

  When Tee stepped out of the car she looked stunning. Her pregnancy was beginning to show. The whispers throughout the crowd suddenly became cheers.

  “What’s all the commotion?” El asked Terri while trying to see over the crowd.

  “I don’t’ know,” said Terri.

  As the crowd parted they got their first look at Tee, who looked like magic walking towards them they both ran to their friend with open arms. As Q. looked around the crowd he didn’t see a dry eye in the building.

  “You guys did a good job,” said Tee. “I couldn’t have done it any better myself. I’m proud of you both.”

  The hair show was a success with people already talking about next year. Q sat at the table alone watching the crowd. He was indeed a lucky man. Out of a terrible situation he had been blessed. His whole family was there and together. He never thought the day would come when Van and Tee would be side by side. But the news of the new baby had brought all things together. Hell Van had already been out shopping, for the baby’s bedroom set. And had informed Tee she would be by her side all the way through.

  Chapter 38

  Truth Is Harder Than a Lie

  That Monday, Q met up with Asia to take her up to Charlotte to pay her tuition. On the way up Asia was acting a little funny but Q brushed it off, maybe she wasn’t an early bird. Hell he wasn’t used to being up this early in the morning either.

  “Q when we get to charlotte, can we stop and get something to eat before we pay the bill?” Asia asked.

  “Yea that’s cool, what are you in the mood for?”

  “Let’s go to the I Hop on Harris. I want some of those strawberry waffles.”

  “The I Hop is cool, but why not go to the one on Independence, since we already on this side?”

  “They don’t have turkey sausage and you know you don’t like me eating pork around you.”

  “True, true I told you to stop eating that shit period though, that hog will have your skin all fucked up.”

  “Ok, ok don’t start that Muslim stuff.”

  “That ain’t no Muslim stuff, that’s just some good shit, a nigga trying t
o put you up on.”

  “Alright, so can we go to the one on Harris then?”

  “Fo sho,” Q replied.

  When they pulled into the I Hop parking lot it was packed, even at 8:00 in the morning. Q drove around for what seemed like an hour, before he finally found an empty spot. He followed a true OG move and backed his new pearl white jag into the open space.

  As Q was about to exit the car Asia blurted out, “Oh, I need to get the money from you.”

  “Damn you can’t wait until we come back to the car?”

  “No baby I want to put it in my pocket book, that way I will already have it when we get to the school.”

  “Alright, Damn,” Q said looking at Asia as if she was crazy. He reached into his glove box and gave Asia the money. She immediately began to count it.

  “Yo shawty what you trying to do, get us robbed or something?”

  “No, I’m sorry babe; I just wanted to make sure it was all there.”

  “A nigga know how to count.” Q said jokingly.

  Asia put the money in her purse. And they proceeded inside and sat down. Asia was busy choking down her food, while Q was busy checking out the Dominican hostess that had seated them. She had long black hair and a phat ass. Her face was so beautiful that he was trying to find a flaw. Unable too, Q was trying to figure out how he was going to crack on her without Asia knowing. Asia seemed to be so preoccupied by the way she kept looking at her watch. That it wouldn’t be that difficult.

  “Damn you acting like you late for an important meeting or something.”

  “Naw I just realized I left my phone in the car, I will be right back.”

  “Girl quit tripping we almost done, whoever trying to call you can wait 10 more minutes.” Then Q realized this could be his chance to holla at that Dominican princess and egged her on.


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