Devil's Promise

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Devil's Promise Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Devil watched him enter the club and sighed.

  In recent years he’d become a therapist to his boys. His cell phone rang, and he picked it up.

  “You got good news for me?”

  “I always have good news. Everything has been arranged.”

  Devil pulled out a notebook as Russ gave him the details of the plane, arrival, and what he’d need. “Thanks, man, this means a lot.”

  “Yeah, don’t get used to it.”

  “We’ll see.”

  He hung up the phone. So now all he needed was to make sure his woman was ready and they were good to go.

  Ripper and Judi had already said they’d take the kids.

  Bringing up Lash’s name on his phone, he pressed “call.”

  “What do I owe the pleasure? I thought you kissed Tiny’s ass whenever you called.” Lash was really getting into his stride being the Prez of The Skulls. It wasn’t going to his head like Devil had once thought it would.

  “Just checking in to make sure you’re good to have Simon with you.”

  Lash chuckled. “Yep, you can bring him over if you want. We’re good. Anthony doesn’t get why he has to have a buddy, but Angel’s talking to him.”

  “No sleepovers with Tabby,” Devil said.

  “Dude, I’ll be surprised if Tabby has any time for him. She’s dealing with school and spending a lot of time with Darcy right now. They’ll be good.”

  Now he was much happier. He didn’t mind Simon and Tabitha hanging out so long as there were a lot of people around. He knew what it was like to be young and in lust.

  He wasn’t being a fucking Grandpa just yet.


  “You need a new wardrobe,” Natalie said.

  Lexie glanced down at her large sweatpants and shirt. They were comfortable. She’d gotten used to throwing them on as trouble seemed to come calling every single moment.

  “I’m good.”

  “You’re going away for a few days, so you have to wear something nice. It’s, like, a code,” Natalie said, grabbing a dress from off the rack where she was standing.

  Lexie sighed and watched as Natalie held it up and looked at her.

  “Try this on.”

  “I’m not a child, okay. I don’t need to keep trying clothes on.”

  “Appease me. Come on. It’s nearly closing time. The shop is empty, and we’ve already packaged all the orders that need to go. You know you want to.” She gave the dress a little shake as if to tease her.

  Lexie sighed. “Fine. Fine.”

  Leaving the safety of the counter, she walked over to Natalie and took the dress from her. She walked toward the dressing rooms and listened as the other woman kept gathering clothes for her to try on.

  “I think it’s safe to say that Devil when he gets you alone is going to want to rip all of your clothes off. That sounds so sexy, but you know it’s going to happen.”

  Yeah, that was what she was afraid of.

  Keeping her back to the mirror, Lexie removed the clothes and then pulled the dress on. It was one of the few items that didn’t require a zipper, and she put the dress in place, running her hands down the fabric.

  It fit really snugly.

  Turning left then right, she looked in the mirror and sighed. This was a mistake.

  “You got it on?” Natalie asked, sounding really close.


  Before she even finished Natalie had the curtain open. “You look amazing. I knew you would.”

  Natalie grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the stall.

  “You know I can walk.”

  “I know, but you’re also being little miss negative right now, so I am going to take charge of this moment.”

  Natalie stood behind her, forcing her to look in the mirror. “Look at how beautiful you are.” Natalie had her hands on her hips, giving her no choice but to look at the mirror. The dress was in fact beautiful and perfect. She loved it instantly.

  Lexie ran her hands down the fabric. This was one of the reasons she loved working here. She got to see women trying on their clothes and seeing the wonder as they fit perfectly to their bodies.

  Natalie was one heck of a designer. She had that knack for knowing what a woman wanted.

  “I love it,” she said.

  “It’s time to throw away all those sweatpants, Lexie. I hope Devil can get through to you.” Natalie gave her a hug, and for the next hour she was forced to change into multiple different outfits, from tight-fitting jeans to a bikini, which there was no chance of her wearing.

  As she came out in the bikini, she hadn’t heard anyone enter, but Devil stood there, watching.

  Natalie had her hands clasped together. “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?”

  “Perfect,” Devil said.

  She couldn’t cover herself up, not in front of him. He’d know, and then they’d be alone together.

  So instead of putting her hand in front of her body, she placed it on her hip. “You like it? Because I don’t think this suits me for Vegas.”

  “We’re not going to Vegas. Everything is in place for one of the Billionaires’ islands. Just you and me, babe. An ocean, a beach, the perfect setting.”


  “Yep, so I think a bikini will be needed. I like that one, a lot. Do you want to give a little turn?” He stood with his arms folded, looking every part the deadly biker. Taking a deep breath, she gave a little twirl, walking slowly.

  Once she faced him again, she saw that spark in his eyes that let her know he was thinking about a lot of dirty things.

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Natalie, the traitor, walked away.

  “I better go and change.”

  She stood in the dressing room, but Devil didn’t give her a chance to close the door. He placed a hand on her naked hip, and her body lit up at his touch. Staring up at him, she waited.

  “I know something is up with you. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t see it.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “There’s something there, and I don’t know what happened for you to think that I wouldn’t notice, but I do. When it comes to you, I notice everything. Our time together, it’ll give us a chance to straighten these things out between us. I want you to pack all the things Natalie tells you to and don’t argue, okay.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m driving Simon down to Fort Wills. He’s already packed and ready. I’ll stay there overnight and come back tomorrow. We leave in two days.”

  “Why don’t we drop Simon off together then? Take all the kids?”

  “I need you to get everything ready for them all to go to Judi’s.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m not going to back out of this, babe. For four days, you will be mine. No interruptions, and then we’ll see what that problem is.” He tilted her head back and dropped a kiss to her lips.

  He moved so that he was near her ear. “And for four days I’m going to fuck you. I want to hear you scream and to beg for more.”

  She was already so hot, but at his words, the promise in them, she couldn’t wait for their time alone.

  Chapter Three

  “You’ll behave,” Devil said.

  “Dad, I got it, okay? I’ll be a good boy. I’ll eat all my vegetables and talk about school and stuff. I’ll be the perfect boy.” Simon rolled his eyes. “I know how to behave with friends.”

  Devil stared at his son. “I mean it.”

  “Dad, you really need to think more about Mom right now. She seems weird.”

  “I know. What do you think it is?”

  “I don’t know? She’s old.”

  “Excuse me.” Devil tensed up, glaring at his son.

  “I don’t mean it like that. I heard some of the guys talking at school, and they were talking about MILFs and stuff. Mom’s a MILF, but I don’t know what a MILF is. I don’t always get the lingo.”

  “Mom I’d like to fuck,” Devil said.

  The look on Simon’s face was
fucking priceless. “Ugh, that shit’s disgusting. Dad, I’m going to get suspended when I get home.”

  “And why would that be?”

  “Because I’ve got some asses to kick. They called my mom a MILF, and I didn’t knock their fucking faces.”

  “We’ll deal with it.”

  Lash came out of the house with Anthony beside him.

  “You know me and Anthony just put up with each other, right? He digs Daisy, and seein’ as I’m seeing Tabby, that’s why he keeps me around,” Simon said.

  “I don’t give a fuck, bud. You’re staying with Anthony, and if you want me off your case when you get suspended, you’ll stay here.”

  “But Miles—”

  “Lives with Tabitha.”

  “Dad, we’re not going to do anything.”

  “Simon, son, don’t treat me like a fucking idiot. I remember what it was like to be a kid your age.”

  “That was so long ago for you.”

  Devil smirked. “Insult me all you want. It’s true, and I know what you’re going through.”

  “I heard Mom muttering to herself that she’s old and you don’t want her anymore.” Simon shrugged. “That’s all I know. Later, Dad.”

  Devil watched his son walk up the steps. Anthony was glaring at him, and he smirked. They did get along to a point. Simon was a tough cookie. Lash came down the steps.

  “You staying over?”

  “I’m heading over to Tiny and Eva’s. Figured one Chaos Bleeds in your household was enough,” Devil said.

  Lash looked over his shoulder and laughed as Anthony’s hand was counting stuff off. “He’s giving him the ground rules. I told him to handle Simon. It’s good to keep him active.”

  “He still playing with knives?”

  Lash sighed. “Yes, and he likes cutting things. Not himself or animals, but he’s started helping Angel in the kitchen, which has given him something to do.”

  “You think all the bad shit has gone to his head?”

  “I think Anthony is just a little different is all. I was similar at his age. It’ll pass.”

  Lash had a coldness inside him. He was a mean motherfucker who could snap a man’s neck with his own two hands.

  “So, I got a call from Russ,” Lash said.

  Devil chuckled. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, he asked if I wanted any special favors, seeing as you’d already called them in.”

  “We gave them back their fucking money, Lash. I don’t need them to pay for shit.”

  “I’m pleased you did,” Lash said.


  “Because … Darcy needs help, and with the Billionaires having all that extra cash, I called in a favor as well,” Lash said. “For Blaine, Emily, and Darcy.”

  “Shit, is it that bad?”

  “It is, but I think with the right team, she’ll be okay.”

  Devil nodded. “She’s just a kid.”

  “I know, and now she’s having to grow up real fucking fast,” Lash said. “I can’t even imagine what she’s going through right now.”

  “Lash, dinner’s ready,” Angel said, coming to the door.

  “I’ll be right there.” Lash looked back at him. “You sure you don’t want some food?”

  “Nope. Tiny and Eva are already expecting me.”

  “Good look. We’ll take good care of your boy.” Lash slapped him on the back.

  Climbing into the car, Devil pulled away from Lash’s home. He knew Simon would be taken care of. There was no point in putting him with Judi and Ripper. Simon would just push his boundaries and then he’d get a call to come and help.

  Judi and Simon took their sibling problems way too seriously. Simon liked being a pain in the ass.

  Lash would keep him in line, of that Devil had no doubt.

  Pulling up outside of Tiny and Eva’s place, he stared up at the house. Simon’s words echoed around in his head, and it made him curious.

  Lexie hadn’t been the same since the picnic, and he’d been a little worried that it had to do with the luxury that the Billionaires had to offer. He offered her a good life but nothing to that scale. He was so far out of his fucking league when it came to the Billionaires’ wealth. Now though, it seemed Lexie was having an altogether different problem.

  It made him smile.

  If Lexie truly believed that she was too old for him and that he didn’t want her, she was very much mistaken.

  He had to keep himself in check half the time when he was around her. There were times he was annoyed that they had so many kids because it meant they didn’t have as much time together. Of course, he loved his kids. They were part of him and Lexie, but he was a selfish bastard. He wanted his woman all to himself, and he wasn’t used to having to share.

  “You okay?” Tiny asked, knocking on the window.

  “Just trying to have a few moments of peace but clearly I can’t have that.”

  Tiny laughed. “Eva made dinner, and we’re all waiting.”

  “Excellent.” He was going to show Lexie just how much he fucking wanted her. She wasn’t going to be able to walk by the time he was done with her.


  Lexie’s bags were all packed and ready to go. She’d even put all of Devil’s stuff in a suitcase, and he was ready as well. All of their kids’ things were ready, and she was putting them in the car. Devil had told her to drop them off with Ripper and Judi before meeting him at the clubhouse.

  With the kids all in place, she quickly checked the house one last time before climbing into the driver’s seat.

  Pulling out of the driveway, she made her way toward Ripper and Judi’s, which wasn’t far, but she had no interest in trying to carry all of them and their bags and cases.

  Ripper was mowing his lawn as she pulled up, and Judi sat with a book as their kids played around her.

  They moved toward the car, helping her take the children out. Their excited screams filled the air as she handed over the information sheet she’d prepared last night, along with their clothes and some money.

  “You do know we can take care of them. You don’t have to pay us for this.”

  Lexie nodded. “I know. I also know that … it helps.”

  “They’re going to be well taken care of,” Ripper said.

  “I know. I know.”

  She crouched down, and one by one her babies came toward her, throwing their arms around her neck, hugging her close. This was her family.

  Getting to her feet, Judi held Ameila, the youngest of them all, also, their last child as Devil had gotten fixed so that he couldn’t have any more children.

  She knew herself that she wouldn’t be able to carry many more after Ameila. Pregnancy exhausted her.

  “Please, call if something happens or if you need some advice or something.”

  “We’ll take good care of them, Lex,” Ripper said.


  Judi held her tightly. “Go and have some good times. You deserve it.”

  Lexie nodded and climbed back into the car.

  Driving toward the clubhouse took a little longer. She kept the windows down even though there was a bit of a chill in the air. Summer was leaving, and soon it would be fall and winter. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were right around the corner and with it came a lot of work. Costumes, food, preparations for everything.

  She drove up into the carpark of the clubhouse. Devil was already there, arms folded, talking with Vincent.

  Devil moved to the driver’s door, and she moved across to the passenger seat.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yep, just catching up with Vincent as he dropped by. You ready?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I don’t mind if you’ve got other plans that have come up. We can let Simon have his sleepover and we’ll be fine.”

  “Babe, I’m not going to pass up the chance to be alone with you. Not anymore.”


  She ran her hands down her legs. Her palms were a little swe

  Devil took one in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. When she made to pull away, he locked their fingers together as he pulled out of the clubhouse.

  “This seems kind of crazy, doesn’t it? Leaving them after everything.”

  “They all know what to do, and if they really need me, they’ll call. I’m not going to come running if one of them falls over and has grazed knees.”

  They had been away so many times alone before. Sometimes they had a couple of kids with them. This was new though. At least to her it was new.

  Being away with him after feeling like this.

  She loved him so much, but she couldn’t seem to go back.

  “Is Simon behaving?” she asked.

  “Best behavior. He knows what’s good for him. When he goes back to school, he’ll … erm, might cause a few problems.”

  “Why?” Lexie asked.

  “Let’s just say he’s got a rep to protect and a mom to take care of.”

  “Wait, what do I have to do with all this?”

  Devil was laughing. “You’re a MILF.”

  “What?” Lexie asked. She hadn’t caught that right.

  “With all the talk in the club, you’d think our boy would understand what it means. He didn’t realize that his friends were calling you that.”

  “Wow,” she said. “That seems so … weird. MILF.”

  “Please tell me you know what it means.”

  “I know what it means.” She chuckled. “Poor Simon.”

  “They’re not wrong though.”


  “I’m being serious here. If there was a woman like you going to the school, I’d totally befriend Simon. Also, I’d start trying to figure out a way to get you into bed. You are a woman I want to fuck and always want to.”

  Her cheeks heated. “They’re kids.”

  “Kids with dicks still. I think the problem with the world right now, they underestimate these kids. They want to treat them as delicate creatures when, believe me, they’re far from it.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. She had missed this so much. Missed him and it felt good to be talking to him again.

  “Simon won’t be bringing any friends around either.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re jealous?”

  “Nope, protecting what is mine, and I’m not getting any younger. I can’t have you drooling over all the young stallions that come through our home.”


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