Beta's Destiny (Rocky Mountain Shifters Book 2)

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Beta's Destiny (Rocky Mountain Shifters Book 2) Page 7

by Jasmine Wylder

  “It means whether you want to live here or down with the Boulder Pack, it doesn’t matter to me,” he said. “I go where you go.”

  He looked then, and saw the tears forming in her eyes that she tried to wipe away.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” Hank asked, his voice small and his eyebrows sky high. He made a vague motion with his finger between Sage and Emery.

  “Mates?” Sage asked. “Yes. She’s my mate. She hightailed it out of Colorado to rescue your ass before we could claim each other, but trust me, as soon as we’re alone, we’re rectifying that situation.”

  He still had a thin thread of control over his anger, but with every minute that passed, his anger turned to relief that he’d arrived in time with the help of his own pack and Samuel’s to annihilate every single gun-wielding bastard there—effectively eliminating the threat to both Hank and Emery in one fell swoop. It wasn’t exactly the solution he’d been looking for because it’d meant that Emery had put her own safety on the line for the second time in less than two days, but it had been rather efficient in erasing all threats to Hank and Emery in record time.

  “So, I guess it’s up to you, Emery,” Samuel, ever the diplomat, said. “Where would you like to live? Assuming you’re accepting Sage’s claim on you. You do accept it, don’t you?”

  Reflexively, his arm tightened around his mate and his wolf bared its teeth—just in case his claim on her was challenged. Luckily for everyone in the room, it wasn’t.

  “I accept him and his claim,” Emery said slowly, turning to face him finally. He couldn’t help but react to the words and his gut clenched. “And if it’s okay with you, Samuel, I want to move to the Boulder Pack with my mate.”

  Sage didn’t think it was possible for such a small creature like Emery Wilkins to steal the breath from his lungs, but she’d managed with her words. He struggled with emotions rising in his chest and he promised himself that he’d be ready to forgive her for her little stunt a lot quicker than he planned to.

  “Are you sure?” Hank Wilkins didn’t hide the hurt in his eyes. “I know I haven’t been much of a father lately, but what am I going to do without you?”

  She started to speak, but Samuel spoke over her.

  “You’re going to start by getting your shit together,” he said. “And as long as Emery’s around to cover for your ass and bail you out, you’re never going to grow up. It’s time you let her go and find her own happiness, and you find yours.”

  Hank looked like his world was crashing down around him. Before Sage could react, Emery was out from under his arm and launched herself to hug her father tightly around the neck.

  “Get right, Daddy,” she said. “And then come visit whenever you want.”

  Sage couldn’t help but brace himself at that. He wasn’t sure he could handle too many visits from his new father-in-law.

  Chapter Twelve


  The ride back to Colorado had flown by, mostly because she had a lot of explaining to do—not only to Sage, but to her new Alpha and his sentinels. All of whom, Sage had said, were sick with worry over her.

  They’d chewed into her ass a good while and reminded Emery just what it meant to be in a pack that functioned just like a family.

  “We don’t hold secrets from each other,” Brody had said from the passenger’s seat. “And we sure as hell don’t steal trucks from the Beta!”

  That’d been a particular sore spot for Sage. Turns out the truck wasn’t exactly road-worthy and he’d had to compound the worry of what she was driving towards with the fact that her ending up in a burning heap on the side of the road was also a possibility.

  As a pack, they had an impromptu dinner of takeout pizza in the lodge when they’d arrived. It was a nice gesture, but both she and Sage had been on edge. Both because of what happened and because of what he promised her in the Tahoe lodge.

  Tonight was the night.

  Eventually, Brody and Sienna had mercy on them and said goodnight to everyone, sending the sentinels on their way and stopping Emery as she and Sage neared the door.

  “I’m so happy to finally have a sister,” she beamed at Emery as she threw her arms around her for a fierce hug.

  “Me too,” Emery said, and meant it.

  The walk to Sage’s cabin was abnormally quiet. Emery couldn’t come up with anything to say over her nerves and Sage was lost in thought.

  As his cabin came into view, he stopped her abruptly, his look dark.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I love you, Emery Wilkins,” he said, eyes still straight ahead.

  She blinked.

  “You said that like it’s a bad thing,” she half-laughed.

  “No,” he said, his eyes finally meeting hers. “But it’s a very, very big thing to me. I never thought I was capable of feeling something this strong. But I do. I love you with everything I am and everything I have. I just wanted to say that before I claim you. I want you to know that walking into this whole thing. I chose you from the beginning.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it, like a fish gasping, unable to find air.

  “I love you,” she said, instead. “Like crazy.”

  He gave her a smile that warmed her from the toes up and put his hand out, offering it. She placed hers in his and allowed Sage to lead her up the stairs to the front door. Before she crossed the threshold, however, he swooped her up and carried her in.

  “Forever, baby,” he said.

  “Forever,” she agreed.


  He had her naked and writhing on his flannel sheets seconds after getting her into their bedroom.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” He whispered as he ran his tongue along her slit. He’d wasted no time in working his way down to her core, insistent that she be slick and ready for when he took her. He was worried he would hurt her, it being her first time and all. Emery, on the other hand, had absolutely no doubts that Sage would have her mindless with want by the time they got to that point.

  “Please, Sage,” she moaned. She’d already come on that talented tongue once and was sensitive. She was ready for the next step, but Sage seemed perfectly content to keep her walking the razor’s edge of the next orgasm.

  “Say that again,” he demanded as he swirled her clit with his tongue, causing her hips to jerk at the raw sensation.

  She smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted, but making the predator in him work just a little harder.

  In response, he reached up and tweaked one of her taut nipples between his fingers.

  “Say it, Emery,” he growled.

  “Please,” she purred. “Fuck me now, Sage.”

  The words had sounded a little funny in her mouth, but she knew just how much her mate loved dirty talk. His reaction was swift and before she knew it, he was crawling up the sheets over her body, his clothing long since discarded.

  He settled over her on his elbows to keep from crushing her with his weight and he brought his mouth down on hers, pushing his tongue in and sweeping past her defenses. Emery melted against him and the taste of her on his tongue. So naughty.

  “You’re mine, Emery,” Sage growled against her lips. “Forever and always.”

  She felt the tip of his arousal pushing against her folds and she sucked in a breath.

  “And you’re mine, Sage,” she whispered. With that, he pushed into her with a groan and held perfectly still while she adjusted to his size.

  Emery closed her eyes at the sensation of being completely filled by this gorgeous male who’d come for her twice. He loved her—crazy past, baggage, and killer right hooks and all. And she loved every bossy inch of him in return.

  The slight discomfort subsided soon enough and she was helpless to not start moving her hips against the growing pressure building in her body.

  “Baby,” she whimpered. “Please. I need more.”

  “Whatever my mate wants,” Sage said as he picked up the tempo. She wrapped her le
gs around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back, giving him full access to her, which he took advantage of fully.

  He pistoned in and out of her, while his mouth connected with hers and seared her with a kiss.

  “Ready to be claimed, baby?” he asked, his voice raw with emotion and exertion.

  “Ready,” Emery said, unable to keep her breath. She moved her head to the side and gave Sage access to the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

  “Fucking right you are,” he said half a second before he licked her right on the spot she gave him. “Mine, Emery. Mine.”

  With that, Sage sank his teeth into the soft flesh and sucked, marking her skin as his forever. The orgasm that followed a moment later nearly shattered Emery’s hold on reality. She screamed out his name and dragged her claws down his back just as she reached forward and bit him on the same spot, returning the mark on her neck with one on his own.

  She felt Sage stiffen, curse, and then shudder. His own release was seconds later as he roared her name, filling her with his hot essence, truly marking her as his mate.

  They collapsed to the sheets, soaked and panting. As Sage carefully rolled off her, he checked on Emery.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked, wiping a strand of hair stuck to her forehead with perspiration. “Did I hurt you?”

  She could only grin.

  Hell no he hadn’t hurt her. He’d made her come alive.

  “Think you’ll be ready for round two in the morning?” he asked as he pressed a gentle kiss to her collarbone.

  She chuffed a laugh at him.

  “In the morning,” she snickered. “Baby, I’m ready for round two now. I need to know what the hype behind this face-down-ass-up position is all about.”

  Emery was sorry she didn’t have a camera to capture Sage’s face when she said the words.

  “Naughty, naughty little wolf,” he growled as he pulled her toward his chest and rolled her over. “You have no idea what you’ve started, Emery.”

  She laughed as her face hit the pillow.

  “You think you’re up to showing me, love?”

  She hissed as he sank back into her, slowly, feeding her inch by inch at an agonizing pace. One hand pressed gently into her back, keeping her face in the pillow, while the other one gripped her hip, keeping her ass angled perfectly for his cock.

  “Oh, I’m up, baby,” he said as he slid in and out. “I’m most definitely up for it.”



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  Bonus Content (Limited Time Only)

  Paranormal Romance Collection

  Mated to the Wolf


  Beauty, brains, and a killer instinct; What more could I ask for in a woman?

  Doris Davis was just supposed to interview me for a story. I was fairly used to it since I became a star baseball player. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but it sure is fun; especially when it’s totally true.

  But from the moment I saw her I realized that there was something different about Doris. It was more than her killer wit, her beautiful face, or her amazing BBW curves. She was a wolf, just like me.

  No wonder I’m drawn to her so deeply… I need her, I must be with her. I’ve never felt this way. I’m in love with her.

  And she desperately needs my help, because there is an evil force after her who wants us both dead.

  Time to howl…

  Chapter One

  Rob Thompson was ready.

  He took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline pouring through his body, as he got ready for whatever Greg Nelson had for him. Rob did his best to shut out the roar of the screaming fans in the packed stadium. They were all there to see the Diamondbacks win this game and move forward to the playoffs. They would not be let down if he had anything to say about it, that was for sure.

  He felt like he’d been preparing for this moment all his life. Since he was a child playing little league he’d dreamt of the time when he would be on the major-league field with a crowd full of adoring fans behind him, waiting for him to make the clutch play that would send his team to the highest reaches of stardom, and he along with them.

  Now he’d finally made it. He was a major league baseball player for the Arizona Diamondbacks; he was a star. He briefly replayed it all in his mind, the endless hours growing up practicing, leading his high school to their first state championship two years in a row, and then leading his college team to league champions. After his second year of playing college ball, he had been handpicked to walk on to a major league baseball field.

  The fans were hesitant at first, but with his bat, his swift speed, and his uncanny athleticism he’d taken the team by storm and showed the world he was a force to be reckoned with. And it was even better than he thought it would be. He loved being a star. The fame, the adulation, the money, the perks, the parties, and the women. Oh, most of all, the women. Ever since he’d lost his virginity at a young age he had been all consumed by his desire for women. It was almost as strong as his love for baseball.

  But he couldn’t say he had ever come close to being in love. Rob was not a one woman kind of man. He didn’t lie to women, but most of them automatically assumed that he cared more for them than he really did. Sex did not equate to commitment in his mind; it was just a physical good time. A lot of women did not understand that, and they were hurt by it. That was never his intention though. He was just a man who loved to experiment and chase new experiences.

  And, of course, he had a secret. The secret was something he could never let anyone get close to; it would have put them in mortal danger if he did. And if it was ever exposed to the world who he really was—what he really was—then his entire life would be over. Everything he’d worked and strived so hard for would be gone.

  No, he could not let anyone get that close to him.

  But he couldn’t think about that now. He had to focus, had to concentrate. This was crunch time. It was like something out of a twelve year old boy’s fantasy, but it was real this time; it was here and it was happening now. It all seemed like slow motion as Rob watched it unfold.

  The Diamondbacks had a one run lead. It was the top of the ninth, one out, runners at second and third bases. A base hit could score two runs and lose the lead. Or even a long fly ball would tie the game. Rob gritted his teeth. No matter what, he would not let that happen.

  Andy Garvey released the pitch. It was a hard, fast ball but too much down the center; that was the wrong pitch to give Greg to hit. He swung the bat hard and connected, getting all of the ball. It was a hard line drive. It was fast, and deep. It was going over the fence. Rob’s mind made several decisions in a nanosecond. He knew that he was not going to be able to do this… as a human. Without any conscious thought, he felt the wolf emerging just slightly. He could not change, not here. It was always a slippery slope, a fine line when he tapped into the wolf’s essence to give himself the slight edge that he needed in crucial situations; and sometimes he was not able to hold it back. He had to maintain control this time.

  He felt his body getting hotter, the anger and rage of the beast welling within him, a slight growl escaped his lips bellowing up from his throat and chest. His body felt lighter than air suddenly, the strength of a God surging through him as his legs moved at the speed of an Olympic sprinter moving at top speed.

  He managed to cover the distance to the wall running as fast as he could. The ball was there, sailing over the top of the fence. Rob jumped as high as he could and stretched his long six foot three inch body out as
far as it would stretch, his glove held out above him.

  It was going to be close…

  The ball landed in his glove about two feet above the top of the wall. It should have been a home run. The game should have been over. The Diamondbacks should have lost, but Rob had done it. He’d saved the score. But it wasn’t over yet.

  The runner had tagged at third base just in case, but he was going for it now running as hard as he could, sprinting toward home plate. It was four hundred feet from the wall where Rob was now landing hard on his feet, to home plate. There was no way that any normal man could make that throw in time, but Rob was not going to back down now; he had to go for it.

  Rob stepped, aimed, and threw as hard as he could, once again tapping into the essence of the wolf. A loud roar escaped his throat; no one could hear over the roar of the crowd though. The ball sailed through the air picking up speed traveling at well over a hundred miles per hour in a straight line flying over the heads of the cut off men who were waving their arms at him trying to assist in the Hail Mary futile long shot.

  The ball hit the catcher’s glove; he spun and swept the ground with it right in front of the runner’s legs, tagging him out before he touched the plate.

  “Out!” The umpire screamed. “That’s the ballgame!”

  He’d done it. He had just won the game for his team. Everything was moving in a daze as if everyone was in stop motion animation. His fellow players were all jumping on each other, hugging and slapping high fives. Fans were starting to rush the field as security did their best to hold them back.

  Rob was softly jogging back towards the infield. He did it mostly to avoid the rabid fans that were coming onto the field and to give himself a few seconds to get away from his fellow teammates who wanted to congratulate him. He wanted the praise; he lived for it sometimes, but he could feel the wolf roaring inside of him. It wanted to be let loose. For a few moments, he felt that he might have used too much power to now be able to shut it down and revert back to his normal self.


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