Greg Strandberg was born and raised in Helena, Montana, and graduated from the University of Montana in 2008 with a BA in History. He lived and worked in China following the collapse of the American economy. After five years he moved back to Montana where he now lives with his wife and young son. He’s written more than 50 books.
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Other Books by Greg Strandberg
The Jongurian Mission
Trouble in Jonguria
The Jongurian Resolution
The Warring States
The State of Chu
The State of Qin
Tarot Card Killer
Black Walnut
Room 223
The Hirelings
Wake Up, Detroit
Ale Quest
Nine Amusing Tales
G.I. JOE: The Dreadnoks
G.I. JOE: JOE Team-13
G.I. JOE: After Infinity
G.I. JOE: To Its Knees
Florida Sinkholes
Bring Back Our Girls
Dulce Base
Tribes and Trappers: A History of Montana, Volume One
Write Now! 20 Simple Strategies for Successful Writing
English Rocks! 101 ESL Games, Activities, and Lesson Plans
Tarot: The Mystery and the Mystique
Write to the Top: A How To For Website Content Writing and Increasing Website Traffic
English Last: True Accounts of Teaching in China
Ten Minute Tarot
Priests and Prospectors: A History of Montana, Volume Two
Sell Your Book: 75 eBook Promotion Sites That Increase Amazon Sales
Design Your Book: 75 eBook Cover Design Sites That Increase Amazon Sales
Visit My Site, Bitch! Unconventional SEO Tactics for 2014
Please Say Something! 25 Proven Ways to Get Through an Hour of ESL Teaching
Tour Your Book: 50 eBook Promotion Sites That Increase Amazon Sales
Teaching Abroad: Making the Move To and From ESL Teaching
Teaching English: 25 ESL PowerPoint Ideas That Get Students Talking
Teaching English: 10 Proven Ways to Make Shy Students Talk Now
Bilingual Teaching: Making Your Students Ready for America Fast
SEO & 80s Movies: An Old School Approach to SEO and Content Marketing
Bilingual English: 25 More ESL PowerPoint Ideas That Get Students Talking
Braves and Businessmen: A History of Montana, Volume Three
Fun English: 10 Fast and Easy ESL Games
From Heaven to Earth: Ancient Chinese History, 8500 – 1046 BC
Google+ for Authors and Bloggers
Hustlers and Homesteaders: A History of Montana, Volume Four
Keeping Sane: English Teaching Strategies for ESL Teachers
How to Write: Tons of Tips, Tactics and Tirades on Writing
Stand Out: Your 2015 SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing Guidebook
Preview of Fire: A Sanders McGee Adventure
Captain Meyers came into the office and threw a file down on the desk.
“We’ve got a live one,” he said, giving them all a stern look, “a live one that might just be the key we need to crackin’ this mystery once and for all.”
“What’dya mean, Captain?” Sanders said.
“I mean, we’ve got this man that was fishing off Point Loma when this storm rolled in. I figure if we can get him to the university and the scientists there then there’s a good chance we’ll get to the bottom of what’s causing this lightning.”
Donny and Sanders looked at one another with raised brows, desperately hoping it was not they who were losing their minds.
“Captain,” Sanders said, raising his hand slightly, “don’t you think a better option might just be to ride this storm out and start with picking up the pieces tomorrow?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you Sanders?” Captain Meyers said, his eyes narrowing conspiratorially at Sanders. “You’d like to get all the glory for this bust, for solving this crime, you’d like that now, wouldn’t you Sanders?”
“Uh…captain, I–”
“Well you’re not getting all the damn glory on this one Sanders and if I had my way you’d not be getting any glory, period! That little stunt you pulled at the water park might get you some good friends in the press, but it won’t do a damn for you in this station, got that?”
“Captain, Sanders didn’t–”
“You shut the hell up you ni…you ninny, you!” Captain Meyers said, jabbing his finger in Donny’s face. “Your application with Highway Patrol should go through next week!”
“I’m afraid it won’t, sir, because I’ve withdrawn it.”
“Withdrawn it…why, I–”
The door burst open and everyone looked to see Deputy Lawrence standing there.
“Well what the hell is it now?” Captain Meyers shouted.
“Sir, I got through to one of those university folks…some professor in the…” he narrowed his eyes and looked down at the paper in his hand, “…in the…philology department, whatever that is.”
“Sounds like something to do with electricity to me,” Captain Meyers said, “and that’s exactly what we need right now.”
“Captain, philology is the study of the language used in historical sources.”
Captain Meyers licked his lips and rolled his tongue around in his mouth.
“Donny, I’m getting mighty tired of this sass you’re directing my way. We’ve got serious business here and lives are at stake. Is it too much to ask that you work with me on this, or do I have to have you written up…again?”
The two men stared daggers at one another and Sanders was dead-certain actual weapons would shoot from the men’s eyes if they continued much longer.
“I haven’t been to the university in ages!” Sanders said, rising up from his chair and grabbing hold of Donny’s arm. “Let’s take a trip down memory lane, eh?”
“Why the hell hasn’t your name been put up for promotion?” Captain Meyers said with a smile as Sanders got Donny up and out of the door.
Probably because you keep demoting my ass each week! Sanders thought as he headed out the door.
Check out Fire…available now!
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