A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set

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A Crush on Her Best Friend's Brother: Complete Box Set Page 5

by Sharon Cummin

  Her mom shook her head and looked at her with a questioning look.

  “What?” Rachel asked.

  “What's his name?” her mom asked.

  “He's just a friend,” Rachel snapped.

  “Okay,” her mom said. “I've been seeing someone.”

  Rachel's eyes widened at her mother's confession.

  “Really?” Rachel asked.

  Her mom shook her head, and a smile spread across her face.

  They sat talking for hours about her mom's new man. Rachel was so happy for her. She was finally moving on with her life. With Rachel away at school, she needed to have a social life. It made Rachel feel so much better about her mom. They were laughing and joking. It felt so good to be home.

  When Friday arrived, Rachel didn't want to go out with Karen and the guys. She wanted to stay home. Really, she wanted to see Brad. They had seen each other at the airport and dinner just days before, but she wanted to spend more time with him. Maybe he didn't want to spend time with her, she thought. He mentioned that he wanted to see her a couple of times. Was he just saying that to make her feel better?

  She knew she couldn't back out on her friend. Karen was important to her, and she knew Karen really wanted her to go. Rachel took a shower and grabbed a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. She wasn't going out of her way to look good. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. She put on some lip gloss and light makeup.

  When she walked across the street, she noticed Brad's car was still home. Maybe he had a friend pick him up, she thought. She lifted her hand to knock, and the door swung open. Brad looked down at her with a smile and groaned.

  “It's nice to see you, Rachel,” he said.

  “I thought you were going out tonight,” she said.

  “I figured I would wait until you and Karen left with your dates,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “How nice of you,” she said.

  “The three of them are in the living room with my parents,” he said.

  Karen walked out with a smile on her face.

  “Rachel,” she said. “Get in here.”

  Karen grabbed Rachel's hand and pulled her into the living room. Brad followed behind them. He looked the two guys in the eyes and snarled at them.

  “Cut it out, Brad,” Karen said. “We're not sixteen. We're grown women.”

  “That doesn't mean I won't kick the shit out of them if they touch either of you,” he replied with his arms crossed over his chest and his muscles tightened.

  “Stop it,” Karen said. “Let's go.”

  Karen grabbed Sam with one hand and Rachel with the other. Chris followed behind them with his hand on Rachel's lower back. Brad let out a growl from deep in his chest just as Chris walked by. Rachel felt Chris' arm tighten and drop to his side. She turned back with a smile and shook her head.

  They were in the car and on their way to the movie. Rachel's phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out to read the text she knew was coming.

  Brad: That fucker better keep his hands off of your back.

  Rachel let out a laugh, and Karen looked back at her from the front seat.

  “Sorry,” Rachel said.

  Rachel: I'll let him know not to touch my back.

  Brad: Are you being a smart-ass?

  Rachel: No, sir. Just conveying your message.

  Brad: Give him this message. If any part of him touches any part of you, I will kick the shit out of him. Is that specific enough?

  Rachel: You're so cute. I'm surprised you didn't make a muscle and beat on your chest. I'm not going to let him touch me.

  Brad: You're pissing me off, woman. Just fucking wait until you're alone with me. You two better be home at a reasonable time.

  Rachel: Are you coming home at a reasonable time? We're not in high school. I managed to remain a virgin until Thanksgiving. I'm sure I can manage not fucking Chris tonight. Have fun with your friends. Keep your hands and dick to yourself. I think if either of us should be worried, it should be me. If any part of any woman touches you, I will kick the shit out of her. Your sister is giving me dirty looks. I need to put my phone away. I am shutting it off.

  Brad: Don't you dare shut it off. What if you need something?

  Rachel: When you left for college, I went out all the time. I live by myself at college. I'm a big girl. All of a sudden, you're worried about me possibly needing something.

  Brad: Leave the phone on.

  Rachel: Quit texting me or I'm shutting it off. Karen is getting upset.

  Brad: Who cares?

  Rachel: I do. You made plans for tonight first. I wasn't going to sit around and wait for you to get home. I'm done waiting for anyone. I'm putting my phone away.

  Rachel silenced her phone and put it in her pocket.

  The movie was good, and dinner was nice. Chris was actually a nice guy. He had a good sense of humor and had her laughing. Rachel paid for her own meal, even though Chris insisted on paying. Rachel could honestly have seen herself dating him. She thought about Brad and wondered if he was really into her or just using her until he found someone better.

  When they pulled up in front of Karen's house, Chris got out and held the door for Rachel. She took his hand as she got out of the car. He gave her a hug and asked her if he could see her again. She told him she thought he was a great guy but couldn't see herself dating someone who went to school hours away. He told her he had a great time and wished her the best. She really had a nice time with him, but she knew her heart wasn't in it.

  Brad's car was in the driveway. There was no way she was going inside. She told Karen she would see her the next day and hustled across the street and up her driveway.

  As soon as she got inside, she took her phone from her pocket. It took all she had to leave it in there the entire time she was gone. There were a few text messages from Brad. She knew he was probably pissed.

  Brad: How was the movie?

  Brad: I miss you.

  Brad: Are you at dinner?

  Just as she was about to put the phone down, it buzzed again.

  Brad: That fucker was hugging you. I can't believe you didn't come in. Do you think that going home is going to stop me? I know your mom's not home. Open the back door.

  Rachel: No. Go home. Karen would be so mad if she knew you were coming over here.

  Brad: Open the fucking door or more than just Karen will know where I am.

  Rachel stomped to the back door, swung it open, and lifted her finger as she opened her mouth. Brad walked through the door with his jaw tense and his eyes narrowed. She walked backward and he continued toward her. He pushed the door shut behind him, walked up to her, put his hand on the back of her neck, and claimed her mouth with his. There was so much passion and emotion pouring out in that kiss. His tongue licked across her bottom lip and pushed her lips apart. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues tangled together. Her arms went around his neck, as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Your mom,” he murmured through their kiss.

  “Gone for a couple hours,” she answered.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the house to her bedroom. He smiled wide as he stepped through the doorway.

  “Rachel's bedroom,” he said with a wink.

  She gave him the evil eye and he laughed. He reached out and pulled her closer as he placed a hand on each of her cheeks and looked into her eyes.

  “I've been waiting for a month to kiss that cocky mouth of yours,” he said, as he kissed the tip of her nose. “You have no idea how much I've missed you.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and he shook his head.

  “Remember what I said about leaving without seeing me that day?” he asked.

  She shook her head and smirked.

  “That is going to have to wait. Tonight, I'm going to fuck you hard and deep,” he said.

  Rachel closed her eyes as he ran his thumb across her lip. Her tongue darted out and licked him as she moaned. He reached down for the
hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She lifted her arms as he slid the shirt up them. He growled as he pulled back to look at her in her pink, lacy bra. Brad grabbed her jeans and pulled her forward. He undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Then he shoved her jeans down and she stepped out of them. He looked down and then back up her body.

  “Tiny pink panties and a sexy as hell bra. What the fuck were you planning on that Chris guy doing with you? That's bullshit. No more. Do you hear me? I can't believe you looked like that when you were out. You drive me crazy,” he snapped.

  “I wasn't planning on him seeing them. I was hoping I would be able to spend some time with you,” she said, as she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of him. “Football's been so good to you. You are so sexy.”

  Brad pulled her in and kissed her hard, as his hand slid down her belly to her panties. He slipped his hand under the soft fabric and covered her mound. She could feel the heat from his huge hand on her skin. He rubbed her clit and moved his fingers through her wetness.

  “Fuck,” he moaned. “You're so damn wet.”

  He pulled his hand from her panties and ran his finger across her lips. Then he shoved his finger into her mouth.

  “Suck it,” he demanded. “You taste so damn good.”

  Rachel licked her lips and sucked his finger into her mouth. He grabbed her breast through her bra and leaned down. His mouth moved the material down as he licked and sucked her nipple. He pulled it between his teeth as her head fell back.

  “Brad,” she cried out.

  He got down on his knees in front of her with his jeans unbuttoned at the top. His hands slid down her sides. He lowered her panties and pulled them from her. His face was right there. She could feel his warm breath against her pussy. He leaned in and licked her wetness as he took her clit between his teeth and grazed it. She let out a loud moan.

  “Bra off,” he snapped.

  She took it off and threw it to the side and stood completely naked in front of him.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said. “Do you know what I'm going to do with you?”

  She looked down at him on his knees in front of her and shook her head.

  “Play with your nipples, baby,” he groaned.

  She was nervous. It wasn't like they were on the phone. He was right there in front of her. She took her nipples between her fingers and rolled them as she pulled slightly. He let out a loud growl as his tongue darted out and licked her between the legs.

  “I'm going to make you scream my name as you come with my mouth on you. Then, I want to feel your mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  He rubbed her clit with his thumb, licked her pussy, and thrust two fingers into her. She cried out his name as she moaned.

  “I want to hear my name louder than that, baby. When I'm done with your mouth, I'm going to fuck you so damn deep and hard until you can't take it anymore. You're going to call my name more times than you thought possible. You're going to come over and over. When I'm done with you tonight, you're going to know you belong with me. I'm going to fuck you so hard, you're going to feel me between your legs in the morning.”

  With one hand on her breast and the other in his hair, she cried out.

  “Fuck, Brad, Fuck.”

  He rubbed her clit hard and sucked every bit of her. His fingers thrust into her hard and deep. He hit places she didn't even know existed. She was so close to coming. He must have known. Brad took her clit in his mouth and sucked as he plunged his fingers in deep and hooked them. Her head fell back as she came around his fingers and yelled his name loud over and over.

  As she came down from her orgasm high, she slid down into his lap. He held her against his chest and tucked the hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ears. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. They stayed there for a few minutes. She enjoyed every moment in his arms.

  Rachel leaned back and patted the end of her bed.

  “Have a seat, sir.”

  He winked at her and stood up. With the bulge in his jean right in front of her face, he unzipped them and pulled them down with his boxers. His cock flew out and she gasped. The first time they were together, everything went so fast. She had forgotten how large he was.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed, and she scooted closer on her knees. Rachel took his hard cock in her hand and began to stroke him. She was nervous but didn't want him to see it. He looked down at her, as she licked around the tip of him. There was a drop of liquid begging her to taste it, and she did. She slid her tongue down his shaft to the base of him. Then she flattened her tongue and licked him like a delicious ice cream about to melt. His eyes closed as a moan escaped his lips. She knew he was enjoying it and was surprised by how much it turned her on. Even though she had come minutes before, she wanted more of him.

  He looked down at her as she looked up into his eyes.

  “Seeing you on your knees, with my cock in your mouth, is so damn not,” he said.

  She opened her mouth and covered his tip. Slowly, she slid down him inch by inch. The warm feel of his soft, velvety skin on her lips had her wanting even more. He was rock hard. Rachel took him into her mouth until he touched the back of her throat. Her eyes widened as she gagged and pulled back slightly. He wrapped his hand in her hair and guided her up and down his shaft as he fucked her mouth.

  “Fuck, Rachel,” he said. “You're so beautiful. You have no idea what you do to me. I can't believe we're really here together.”

  Rachel took him deep into her mouth and sucked hard as she pulled him back from her mouth. He grunted when she sucked him hard again.

  “Shit,” he groaned. “I'm not done with you.”

  He reached down and pulled her up on her feet. She stood before him completely naked. Rachel thought she would be nervous with him looking at her, but she wasn't. He stood in front of her. Her hands rubbed his chest and down to his belly.

  “I can't believe how much you've changed in two years. Your body is so hard and sexy,” she said without thinking.

  He laughed and lifted her chin with his hand.

  “I'm glad you approve,” he said. “You've changed a lot too.”

  He leaned in and kissed her, as he pulled her bottom lip between his teeth. She couldn't believe the heat between them. It took all she had not to beg him to fuck her. She wanted him inside of her. He put his arms around her, and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. His cock rubbed against her pussy and she moaned. He grabbed something from the bed and ripped the package, as he walked forward until they reached the closed bedroom door. She was surprised as he held her up and rolled on a condom.

  With her back against the door, he lifted her with his hands on her ass and placed her entrance against the tip of his cock. Slowly, he slid her over him. She moaned as he filled her until they were skin to skin. Her eyes closed as she let her head fall back against the door. He kissed her neck as he thrust into her deep. She moved her hips in rhythm with his as moans escaped her repeatedly.

  “I missed you so much,” he growled. “You're all I think about. I want to be buried balls deep inside of you every chance I get.”

  He lifted her up and dropped her back down onto his cock. She cried out his name.

  “Brad. Fuck. Brad,” she yelled.

  “You're so damn tight. I love the way your pussy feels wrapped around my dick.”

  He lifted her until he was just outside of her entrance and dropped her over him again and again. She cried out for him as her hands held his shoulders then slid to her breasts as she played with her nipples. Lost in the moment, she didn't even realize what she was doing.

  “Damn, baby,” he groaned. “You keep that up and I'll fucking explode.”

  He leaned forward and licked her fingers and nipple as he continued to plunge into her over and over.

  “Rub your clit,” he demanded. “I want to feel your fingers against your skin while I fuck you. When you come, I want to hear you.”
br />   Her hand slid down between them, and she rubbed her clit. She let her fingers go a little lower and felt him slide in and out of her. He shivered as her fingers touched his cock. Her fingers went back to her clit. She rubbed it hard. It was amazing. Everything was amazing.

  Her back slid up and down the door, and he began to pump harder and faster into her. He was reaching the deepest spots inside of her, and she felt like she was losing control of everything. Brad held her waist tight in his grip as he fucked her hard and deep. She moaned and cried out.

  “Fuck, Brad,” she yelled. “I'm going to, fuck.”

  She rubbed herself even harder and he must have known she needed to come. His fingers dug into her skin as he thrust into her hard.

  “Oh, Brad,” she yelled loud. “Yes, oh, don't stop. Fuck. Brad.”

  She kept calling out to him as she came harder than she ever had in her life. It was like everything went black. She couldn't believe how intense it was. He thrust hard into her as her pussy tightened around him and he exploded over and over. She rode out her orgasm. Her body collapsed against his, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their sweat mingled together in the perfect mix. He walked her over to the bed and set her down. Her head fell back onto her pillow.

  “Damn,” he said. “You look so sexy when you come. Seeing you on the bed, naked, has me ready to take you again. What the hell are you doing to me?”

  He walked out of her room and came back with a washcloth. Brad walked to her and wiped gently between her legs. He got into the bed next to her, and she moved over so her head was on his arm and her arm was over his chest.

  “I want more time with you. Will you spend New Year's Eve with me?” he asked.

  “How are we going to do that? I don't want our families to know we're friends. Your sister is my best friend. I don't want to upset her for no reason.”

  “Just say you'll spend the night with me. I'll figure it out. She's going to be with her man anyway,” he said.

  “What if she asks me to hang out with her, Sam, and Chris?” she asked. “What do I say?”

  “Hell no,” he said. “Not happening.”


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