The Darkest King

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The Darkest King Page 2

by Gena Showalter

  More screams erupted, each one shriller than the last. More and more barbarians crumpled. Thud, thud, thud. Like music to my ears. A decapitated head tumbled past Scum’s feet, followed by another and another. He inhaled as deeply as his mutilated lungs allowed, satisfaction fizzing in his veins.

  Finally, Scum was the last male standing. And yet, the smoke did not strike at him. No, it circled him. Taking his measure? He crouched and raised his chin. He wanted this. What did he have to live for?

  The smoke thinned, and a tall, muscular man appeared. He held a scythe and looked like Death, with tanned skin, black hair and blacker eyes. A never-ending abyss. He wore leather pants, but no shirt, displaying an array of piercings and tattoos on his bare chest. Blood splattered his face and torso, and dripped from his weapon.

  Beside him stood an equally blood-splattered teenager with golden skin, a mop of pale curls and blue eyes. His son?

  Death raised the scythe, preparing to deliver the final blow. Yes. Yes! But their gazes met and held, and Death paused, his expression a tapestry of emotion: determination, fury, dismay, regret, even guilt.

  “You have his eyes,” Death stated baldly, his voice rumbly and rough.

  “His?” The barest flicker of hope sparked in Scum’s chest. Was he to learn about his family mere seconds before he died? “You know my father?”

  “I do...and I do not.”

  “What does that mean?” he snapped, out of patience.

  “Exactly what I said. No one truly knows your father.” Death continued to raise the scythe...only to lower it, without striking.

  What? No, no, no. “Go on. Do it!”

  With a tone as harsh as Claw’s beating, Death said, “You dare to command me?”

  “Yes! So kill me already.”

  Those dark abyss eyes narrowed. “Do you know who I am, child?”

  “You are Death.” Why deny it? “You are as evil as the ones you killed.”

  “I am nothing like them. I’m worse.” He leaned forward, as if he had a secret to impart. “However, Death is one of my designations.”


  “You may call me Hades,” the male continued. “I am the underworld king of kings, and I’ve searched the worlds for you.”

  Scum tapped his bruised chest, the chains rattling. “Me? Why?” Had they met before? What did he know about Hades?

  To his shock, details sprang from the deepest recesses of his mind. One of twelve kings of the underworld. Known for his coldness and cruelty. He killed without hesitation or mercy, and dealt ruthlessly with anyone who broke his only rule—obey him at all times, in all ways. He possessed no moral compass, and had no concerns with right and wrong.

  “My reasons are my own and always subject to change,” Hades replied. “This is my adopted son, Prince Lucifer.” He patted the top of the teenager’s head, his many rings glittering in the firelight. “Do you know who you are?”

  The boy did not like the pat. The corners of his eyes twitched, the beginning of a scowl. But, in a blink, his expression blanked.

  “I do...not,” Scum admitted, glancing between father and son. Jealousy flared. Oh, to have a family. Someone who would love him unconditionally, adore and protect him.

  “Your name is William. It means determined protector,” Hades said, a note of relish in his tone. “I have decided to make you my son, just as I did with Lucifer. You will be my protector. My hand of vengeance.”

  William... A real name, and a purpose. Both resonated with him, sparking... What was that? His first taste of happiness?

  The king added, “You will learn the intricacies of magic, and how to fight to win, no matter the odds stacked against you. I will ensure you become your own rescuer.”

  Yes, yes. He wanted those things. But... “Why do you wish to make me your son? Sons are prized.” According to Claw, Scum—William—had no worth outside of his regeneration.

  Hades crouched a few inches away, the sweet fragrance of roses emanating from him. “Do you know what you are, William?”

  He gave his head another shake, his too-long, dirt-clumped hair slapping his cheeks. “I only know I’m not human.” Sometimes, when rage overtook him, ambrosia-scented smoke wafted from his back, and flashes of lightning streaked below the surface of his skin.

  Smoke... His heart raced. Could Hades be his true father?

  “You are right,” Hades said. “You are not human. You are so much better, so much stronger. And one day, all the worlds will quake before you.”


  Part Two

  The Realm of Maradelle

  Sixteen years later

  Beams of golden light spilled from a blazing firepit, chasing away night’s shadows. Tendrils of sandalwood-scented smoke curled up, up, creating a dreamlike haze as witches wearing see-through scarves danced around the flames, tempting and luring the audience. Warlocks pounded on drums, creating a sensual beat.

  The entire village considered the sons of Hades gods of the underworld. And they weren’t wrong. Though a more accurate title for William might be “god killer” and “goddess seducer.” Over the years, he’d become Hades’s go-to assassin and spy.

  The bulk of William’s targets were Wrathlings, a horde of different species working together to rid the worlds of demons, dragons-shifters, vampires and witches. The supposedly evil races.

  “Which one do you want? Her, her or her?” Lucifer nudged William’s shoulder with his own. They sat with the husbands of the dancers, forming a circle around the firepit. “Or do you want to bed them one after the other, assembly line–style?”

  The same way they liked to kill their enemies.

  William pursed his lips. Anytime they visited, they had their pick of females. Anyone they’d like. Married or single, it mattered not.

  “You take half, and I’ll take half,” Lucifer added.

  “Tsk-tsk. Shouldn’t you abstain?” Tomorrow Lucifer would be wedding their princess, Evelina Maradelle. The only child of a dragon-shifter empress and the warlock lord who ruled this realm.

  From birth, Evelina had been kept under lock and key. Not even Lucifer had seen her. Only her parents had the honor. And Hades, of course, who had arranged the union, claiming the girl was beautiful beyond imagining, kind despite a violent temper and incomparably powerful.

  Lucifer tried to pull off a scowl, but a snicker got the better of him. William snickered, too. The marriage would change nothing. Why should it? Most people treated their vows as a suggestion.

  Most? Try all. He’d never met anyone willing to remain true to their spouse.

  If a married woman doesn’t wish to honor her union, why should I?

  “The princess won’t affect my life,” Lucifer said. “Nothing will. Nothing should.”

  “Agreed. Why mess with perfection?” And life as a twentysomething-year-old immortal prince was perfect.

  William had a father he loved more than life, and a brother he appreciated. Each morning, he trained with the pair, as well as survivalists, honing his combat skills and learning to overcome the worst situations. At night, he indulged his every carnal desire, pleasure at his disposal.

  So his birth family hadn’t wanted him. So they thought the world would be better off without him. So what? He ignored the tightening in his chest. His new family enjoyed his company, and his lovers couldn’t get enough of him. They plied him with affection and acceptance. The true gifts of life.

  Who am I kidding? I’m a true gift of life. What? It wasn’t bragging if it was true. He had wealth, beauty and an array of memories no one could ever take from him. He wielded magic more powerful than any warlock here and possessed supernatural powers others envied. He could flash or portal anywhere in any world, control demons and spark fear and loathing in enemies and allies alike. When enraged, he produced wings of smoke. Soon, he would rule his own principalit
y—a kingdom within Hades’s territory—just like Lucifer. What more did he need? What could be better?

  So why am I still unhappy? Why couldn’t he let go of a past he couldn’t remember, or forget the past he despised?

  Only twice had he questioned Hades about the boy from his first memory. Both times, he’d received the same response. Trust me. You’re better off not knowing.

  Though he craved answers the same way a drowning man craved air, he couldn’t bring himself to push for more. Not after everything Hades had done for him.

  Lucifer passed him a carafe of ambrosia-laced whiskey, saying, “The blonde can’t take her eyes off you, brother.”

  “No need to ask which blonde.” William took a swig. “I’m guessing it’s the one rocking her hips as she slinks closer.” She lifted her arms overhead and arched her back to better display her breasts. Her nipples puckered.

  Mmm. Nipples were his favorite bull’s-eye.

  “You going to accept her offer?” Lucifer asked.

  “I will—” He forced his gaze to lift to her face. “Not.” Lilith of Lleh, Evelina’s half sister, and the wife of the army’s commander. A witch as well as an oracle. She was short and curvy, with skin as white as snow, eyes as green as emeralds and lips as red as rubies.

  William never cared about size or color. Beauty came in different packages, and he appreciated them all. His only requirements? Soft, warm and temporary. If the female happened to have the heart of a saint and fuck like a demon, even better. Meek and biddable were bonuses.

  While the witch met two out of three—soft and warm—she lacked the most important one. Temporary. They’d slept together weeks ago. Afterward, she’d clung.

  He shuddered. Even if she were the one woman destined to complete him, he would reject her tonight. Clingers like Lilith expected monogamy without reciprocation, and often erupted into fits of jealousy. No, thanks. He preferred variety, the spice of life.

  Only when he won a new female did he experience true satisfaction. For a moment. The barest taste. Of course, the moment always passed, making him eager—desperate—for another. Still, he wouldn’t trade those moments for anything; they were proof that he—the boy no one had wanted—was desired, even admired.

  “I’ll take her off your hands.” Lucifer studied the witch over the carafe of whiskey. “I’ll make her think she’s bedding you.”

  “No!” William roared, earning several stares. His breath quickened, and sweat beaded on the back of his neck. Lucifer was known as the Great Deceiver for a reason; he could shift into anyone, anytime, and did. Often. It was their biggest source of discontent. “No,” he repeated in a calmer tone. “That’s rape.” There were few lines he refused to cross, but sexual violation topped the list.

  “You’re wrong. That is the opposite of rape. I would be giving her exactly what she wants. But,” Lucifer tacked on with a brittle smile, holding up his palms in a gesture of innocence, “you are my cherished brother. I will honor your wishes.”

  Another reason Lucifer had earned his designation? He constantly lied.

  Did I receive the truth or another falsehood? William bit his tongue, tasting blood. He wanted to love Lucifer. Hell, he wanted to like Lucifer. But...

  He secretly struggled with both. But, they were a family, the most precious gift to mankind. He would not abandon the male.

  With a beguiling lick of her lips, Lilith crooked her finger at him. “Come to me, William. I’ll be everything you want, do anything you crave.”

  As gently as possible, he told her, “I’m sorry, but I want someone—” anyone “—else.”

  “I can change your mind.” She dropped to her knees and crawled closer, a strange, hypnotic light glimmering in her eyes. “I’ve foreseen it.”

  Hardly. Using a harder, harsher tone, he told her, “The answer remains no.”

  Expression dark with anger, she flattened her hands on his thighs, piercing his leather pants with dagger-sharp nails. “Please, William. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

  “Ahhh. Desperation,” Lucifer sang, offering his customary smirk. “The greatest aphrodisiac.”

  The witch hissed at the male.

  All right. Being direct had worked as well as being gentle. Now, he’d go with cruel. “Spend the night with your husband. He wants you. I do not.”

  She flinched. “I love you, and I know we can be happy together. Forever.”

  By the fires of Hell, what would it take to discourage this woman? “Love is a myth, and monogamy isn’t sustainable. I will never desire a long-term relationship.”

  Again, she flinched. “I’ll be good to you, William. Just give me a chance. Run away with me.”

  “You don’t even know me, princess.” Few did. She only saw the man he pretended to be. The playboy prince and merciless assassin. No one knew the man inside, not even William.

  “You’re wrong. I’ve learned so much about you.” She straddled his waist and trailed her fingers up his chest. “Weeks ago, you chose me. Afterward, I dreamed of you. Of us and our future. I realized that, as twisted as you are, you need someone like me to experience true satisfaction.”

  Wonderful. A premiere delusionist. “If a black heart and skewed sense of right and wrong does it for you, you’ll have a better time with my brother.” He hiked his thumb in Lucifer’s direction. “He even volunteered to don my face, if you’d like.”

  “Fair warning, my sweet.” Lucifer slurred his words and swayed back and forth, and yet he displayed no other signs of intoxication. “One night with me, and no other male will compare.”

  The witch ignored him, her frantic gaze remaining on William. “I’ve seen into your heart, and I know how hopelessly you want a family of your own.”

  He went still, not even daring to breathe. What if she had—or could—see into his heart...into the past he couldn’t remember? “What else do you know, witch? Tell me!”

  Triumphant, thinking she’d won him over, she grinned. “Take me to my hut, and I will.”

  “Tell me here, and I swear I will take you to my hut after.” Or not. Yes, definitely not.

  She stared into his eyes for a long while, silent. Finally, she spoke. “I know you have no recollection of your childhood. I know someone cast a spell to bury your memories. I know you and Lucifer will war, and only one of you will survive. I know you will grow to despise your father, for a time, and love your brother.”

  He listened, every “I know” like a punch of shock to the gut. Despise Hades? Never! Kill Hades son? No again. But a memory-burying spell...made a lot of sense. “You contradict yourself, witch. How can I war with Lucifer, survive, then fall in love with Lucifer, who died?” Unless...

  Did she reference the winged boy?

  William looked more like him than their maybe/maybe-not mother had. They possessed the same bronzed skin, black hair and blue eyes.

  What had happened to the boy? Where was he now?

  The muscles in his chest clenched and unclenched, squeezing so tightly he lost his breath.

  “Why am I the one who dies?” Lucifer demanded of the witch. Suddenly steady, he set the whiskey aside and palmed a dagger. “No, it doesn’t matter. You lie about a coming war, hoping to sow discord between us. Unfortunately for you, I love killing liars. After I’ve had a little fun.”

  Lips pursed, William patted his brother’s hand, a put-the-dagger-away gesture. “She’s unworthy of our time. Let her find someone else to love. That is a true punishment.”

  Lilith glanced between them, eyes narrowing. “You think love is a punishment? Very well. I will teach you its value.” She plucked her nails from his thighs and spread her arms wide, a violent wind gusted around them.

  Pale locks danced around her face as she intoned, “I curse you, William of the Dark. I curse you to a life of misery and war with those you care about. A life devoid
of genuine companionship. But. If ever you do fall in love...if ever the object of your affection falls in love with you in return...I curse her to lose her mind along with her heart. She will attack you, again and again, and she will not stop until you are dead.”

  William snorted. “You mean I’ll never settle down and bed the same woman over and over while raising our brood of squalling brats? Oh, no. Not that. Anything but that.” He rolled his eyes.

  Lilith motored on, her tone sharper. “Allow me to prove myself. I curse you, William of the Dark, to lose both of your hands before the rise of the sun.”

  Again, he rolled his eyes. “I’ll regrow the hands in a matter of days.”

  “Yes, but as those dark days pass, your thoughts will be consumed with me, and you will be unable to touch a lover.”

  A growl rumbled low in his chest, and she laughed.

  “But, I’m not a monster,” she said. “I’ll offer a blessing, as well. A chance to save yourself from your ladylove.” She waved her hand, and a book materialized in his lap. A thick, leather-bound tome with a large sapphire affixed to the cover. “Inside those pages, you’ll find a magical code. Find someone to break the code, and you’ll break the curse.”

  Unease pricked his nape. Done with her and her threats, he stood. The book thudded to the ground. He turned on a booted heel, intending to return to the underworld.

  “Leave your only shot at redemption here, if you wish,” she called, smug. “Let your enemies use it against you.”

  William paused to glance over his shoulder. With a dry tone, he said, “And I doubted your love? What a fool I am.” Still. She made a good point. He held out a hand, and the book flew into his grip.

  He blew the witch a kiss and strode away.

  Lucifer chased after him and slung an arm over William’s shoulders. “I will never war against you, brother.”

  “This, I know.” They might have their differences, but they would never disrespect Hades in such a way.


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