9 Incarnate: Caitlin Diggs Series 4

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9 Incarnate: Caitlin Diggs Series 4 Page 5

by Gary Starta

  We landed with the roar of the sea below us, with hope and despair engulfing our minds in silent screams, mimicking the ocean’s continual cry. Then the roar and the screams were interrupted. It was as if waves parted. A voice in my head spoke.

  She is as you left her.

  That was all I got. Why couldn’t the voice have told me this sooner?

  We ran to her, she was face down and appeared unmarked and unhurt. Although her breathing was somewhat impeded by sand. Goddess only knows what the tide would have made of her if we arrived any later. Chuck placed her on her back. As I prepared to administer CPR, she coughed. She began breathing voluntarily. Her gaze locked with mine. Her eyes were void of anything but panic.

  She grabbed the lapel of my jacket. “Caitlin, did you find it? What does it want?”

  “That’s the sixty-four thousand dollar question, partner. But seeing you’re unharmed, hopefully it’s not the apocalypse.”

  “That means little. It left me alone because I was unconscious.”

  “Maybe it just wants to communicate,” Chuck chimed in. The wind whipped his tie around his neck. “I’m depending on you two to decipher its language, whatever paranormal language it emits.”

  We almost laughed. Chuck was clueless. Well, we all were when it came to alien goddesses appearing on shore in bubbles. I wondered why it was encased. It was a mode of travel. But was that it? Was it protection, a shield? Or, perhaps it was something else we needed to fear. And where was it headed? That was also a great question. In times of the most desperate preternatural investigation, there just aren’t any dumb questions.

  We made a radio report to Seals. I believed whoever this intruder was had made itself privy to our communication systems. I had no other reason other than intuition and the intruder in my head. Could its communication system be responsible for the unidentified voice? Not to mention the death of our president and the disappearance of billions of demons? Chuck was right. We had to communicate with it. A few minutes later, it looked like the entire world was in agreement.

  Chapter 6


  Briana refused to be dropped off at a hospital for a checkup…several times. So my shell-shocked partner, lover/boss and I braced ourselves as our chopper pilot set course to follow the invader. It wouldn’t be hard, almost everyone with a radio knew its whereabouts. Weather people were even using Doppler radar to follow its footless footprints. It seemed Briana and Chuck were reacting much the same way as me—running on silent worry. We were concerned less with what it was and where it came from as to what it wanted. Its course suggested a destination, the nation’s capital.

  As we maneuvered to the city via machine, it became clearer and clearer in my mind that this being was superior. It had its own energy-efficient, earth-friendly vehicle and probably impacted the environment a lot less than our carbon-emitting whirlybird. I just had to wonder why it wasn’t using its wings.

  That answer came in the form of radio broadcasts. The United States wasn’t the only place being visited, and the girl in the bubble wasn’t the only floating goddess to come ashore. Reports from witnesses abroad indicated beautiful azure-colored geometrical shapes hovered above oceans like the Black Sea and Gulf of Mexico immediately following the crash of comets. After waves subsided, the bubble appeared. Speculation that the invaders came to Earth via comet gave rise to even more bizarre theories. But everyone agreed the bubbles sustained the invaders in the interim between their crash landing and their ascent to land. I believed it was capable of more.

  A report from Japan confirmed this as the chopper navigated a sharp right turn. In that instant I could see our nation’s capital, small as specks of sand, fragile as an egg shell. I wondered what harm the beings might bring. Where were their weapons? I had to hope Chuck was right. They were here to communicate and I speculated DC was a prime meeting point. Okay, I saw a few alien movies and each had a common thread—take me to your leader. I believe the Japanese saw a few of these movies as well, based on their behavior. Consequently, they hadn’t laid out a welcome mat but tried to intercept their goddess in a bubble with aircraft and tanks. Both means failed. The machines experienced mechanical failures after coming within yards of the bubble.

  Chuck offered his input. “Every single alien invasion story I ever heard involved electromagnetic disruptions. Humans lose a sense of time as well. It could be due to whatever technology is being used to float the bubble.”

  I countered. “But what if it’s a natural occurrence? Something organic that may have been created from the comet? Or, manipulated in some fashion? And by the way, I think we have another thing in common, affection for B movies.”

  In more normal circumstances Chuck might have smiled. “I believe the bubble is some kind of shield, if not a weapon itself. What kind of water could not only act as a vehicle, but affect EM transmissions? Agent Diggs, there can be one conclusion. This is technology, not nature.”

  I caught Briana’s gaze. We held it for a long moment. Chuck observed and then slapped a hand on his knee. “Oh. I get it. You’re suggesting they’ve manipulated water via magic.”

  I nodded. Briana defended me. “Assistant Director, magic is natural.”

  The broadcast prevented further debate. Whatever the bubble was, transportation, protection or weapon, it was becoming more and more multifaceted. The Secretary of Defense announced radio transmissions emanating from the bubbles had initiated our first verbal contact.

  “A water-based transmission, huh?” Chuck quipped. But he wasn’t confrontational. His body posture spoke more of helplessness. His hands were folded between his legs and his head drooped.

  I had to admit I felt helpless as well. Perhaps more because Chuck had his lifetime to become used to the paranormal and a once thriving demon population; I’d become baptized by fire, a supernatural one, just months ago. And when the governments allowed the visitor’s messages to be broadcast on public radio I sensed a wider scope of panic. We were defenseless against these beings. If we weren’t, the bureaucrats would have kept the transmissions confined to private bandwidths or found a way to disable public broadcasts altogether. I steeled myself for what the aliens would demand from us as the transmission began. We would be addressed by a being calling itself Nephthys and she would broadcast in English. Her cohorts across the globe would speak the dialect of their locale. It was clear they wanted all to understand their message.

  A silence ensued before she spoke. I kept playing the name over and over again in my head. Where had I heard the name Nephthys before?

  “Citizens of the great United States we are pleased to accept your peaceful welcome. Our arrival is expected to bring concern; there can be no other human reaction other than fear when the unknown is presented. It is a natural feeling but it is one you must conquer. Our ancestors experienced similar visitations millennia ago. They came to terms with their visitors and learned to live in harmony, each benefiting from a shared knowledge of nature and technology. We are here to assist your world at this time. Please do not be alarmed when the ships arrive in your skies. They are part of our convoy. You will find they are capable of destruction. But these weapons are not for use here. We trust that no weapons will be used against us in turn. A meeting will take place very shortly in front of the edifice you call your White House. Its grand architecture pleases our eyes. The fact that is also astronomically positioned is also not lost on us. We will explain a lot more in time. But I would like to engage a delegation of your leaders at this destination. My other companions will address your global neighbors in a similar fashion, all done candidly and without need of protection. We will emerge from our shells upon our landings. We trust your technology will allow for a global audience. We look forward to our discussions.”

  “She was a goddess—in ancient Egypt. That’s who Nephthys was,” I said.

  “How can that be? The Egyptian gods haven’t been worshipped in thousands of years,” Chuck said. He loosened his tie.

wanted to add more, especially the fact that certain prophecies predicted I was the second coming of Isis—another Egyptian goddess. So in reality, these beings weren’t visitors at all, but divine alumni—a second coming.

  Because I couldn’t share my insights on this or Isis, I said, “I find it hard for you to believe she isn’t telling the truth. This world has been visited by demons of all shapes and sizes. It’s as if it’s the galaxy’s Motel 6.”

  “Even if we find she is telling the truth about her identity…” Chuck paused to point a finger. “…we shouldn’t be so willing to believe they’re here to assist us. What’s here to benefit them? I mean, if they are higher beings why rub shoulders with the villagers?”

  “We certainly should question their motives,” I said.

  “I hate to say this. But maybe more magic spells are in order,” Briana said. “I might be able to ID them if not read into their true intentions.”

  “Wait a minute, agents. I know you deal with the weird all the time, but do you seriously think omnipotent beings are going to allow such intrusions?”

  “It doesn’t have to be an intrusion, AD Grant,” Briana countered.

  “We could simply ask them,” I added. “Just like we need to ask them about where the demons went.”

  Chuck rubbed a hand over his chin, perplexed. “Normally, I’d call you crazy. But in this instance…”

  He didn’t have to finish his sentence. This world had shared neighborhoods with demons. But now a new kind of species had descended upon this world, a much different one from millennia ago. My empathic nature told me they might not be so willing to conform to segregation.

  “I don’t think the humans realized how good they had it with the demons,” I said. “If you’re right, AD Grant, and these beings are not who they say they are or have evil intentions, what’s to stop them from making us comply with their wishes? They have ships on the way, with a convoy—”

  A voice in my head intervened. They are the Ennead. The voice stopped. I wanted to ask who this Ennead were, but not with Chuck in my presence. Besides, after a few seconds passed, I was certain the communiqué had ended.

  “No matter, Agent McFadden, Assistant Director Grant, I say the Bureau trusts these beings. Make them feel welcome so they will cooperate with our inquiries. We need to learn.”

  Grant smiled half-heartedly. “So the investigation’s back on, agents?”

  “Yes, we’re still going to find President Fleming’s murderer. Aren’t we, Agent McFadden?”

  She nodded. I believed she understood me. We needed to make it appear we were continuing our investigation if we were going to get any leverage concerning future meetings with this Ennead. Besides, it might answer questions about what was happening to me. Why some believed me to be Isis. Why I had paranormal abilities. I could only hope for a private conference. I still didn’t want to tip my hand to this universe that I was not its Agent Diggs.

  The thought nagged me during the rest of the flight to the White House. I’d managed to deceive this world, but for a good purpose. What would stop these beings from fooling the population? They were gifted beyond my imagination. The bubble proved it. So, for sanity’s sake, I had to conclude that even if these beings weren’t who they said they were they were also here for good cause. I crossed my fingers—out of anyone’s sight of course.

  * * * *

  In a matter of hours, screens had been erected around the White House front lawn to keep the media at bay. At least in theory, because I didn’t believe a few pieces of wire would daunt reporters who were on the verge of breaking this world’s biggest news story. I had to hope the press would respect the safety of the population and respect the barrier. Some ships had been identified in the last hour. At least the invaders were true to their word which kind of implied they wouldn’t hesitate to use force if force was used against them.

  I had front row and center seating for the event as Deputy Director Seals confirmed I was still part of an active murder investigation. He believed our visitors might be able to assist us. As a Bureau agent, I also felt responsible for finding the billions of demons that had gone missing. But again, Seals and I don’t see eye to eye. Speaking of which, I found it curious as to how Nephthys phrased her speech. She indicated “we” when referring to the White House, yet of this Ennead, only she was visiting here.

  Did they all see what the others saw? Was this similar to my mind share with Briana? If so, it confirmed my earlier suspicions. Nature was somehow being manipulated by magic. And there must be a reason for it because if there wasn’t, why didn’t this Ennead simply travel to us via starship?

  The waiting ate at me as it did everyone else. The most stoned-faced politicians, war generals and those looking in on us from the barricade wore their feelings on their sleeves. No one sat on their folding chairs. I didn’t need to be empathic to feel their emotions. It probably explained why the public was so cooperative regarding martial law. They just couldn’t handle one more bizarre happenstance.

  Chuck nudged me in the ribs. “You know I admire you, Caitlin. You seem to be evolving.”

  The remark was befuddling to say the least. “Huh?”

  “The old Agent Diggs always subscribed to the theory the many are always more important than the one. But you demanded we check on Briana first. The invader might have taken that opportunity to harm others.”

  “I can’t say we would have been any match for her. It seems the bubble is impenetrable.”

  “You didn’t know that at the time, Caitlin. Besides, I like the changes. They look good on you. You seem to be more relaxed with your wardrobe too. Not so formal.”

  Hm. That was a left-handed compliment. Not that I have anything against lefties. His Agent Diggs had been a fashion plate. I had access to her couture wardrobe but couldn’t find the heart to use it. I had to respect something of the woman’s.

  My silence encouraged Chuck to continue. He sensed he was stepping into the danger zone.

  “I mean, I just like seeing you in jeans. You look as great in a pair of blues as you do in a suit.”

  I had to smile. He’d recovered nicely. He was also observant. I just had to make sure Briana was okay. I lost my lover and partner in my old universe. His name was Geoffrey McAllister. He died in a sting operation, one conducted without me. I never even had the chance to say goodbye to him.

  I then came into contact with a mysterious crystal worn by a serial killer. In order to stop him, I risked its allure. I snapped it off a chain worn around the neck of the killer. When I did, it began to interact with me. It promised me a chance to save my lover. It was all deceit. It was evil. But it began to empower me with telepathy, kinesis and made me psychic before I broke contact. Those abilities were trumped when I pieced together my friend Charlize Wilson after the soul stealer Mollini imploded her with his demonic mojo. I could sense both evil and good in the crystal. If this was somehow connected to Isis, I wondered where the line would be drawn. Power was evolving within me. There was capability of both evil and good here. Would these visitors be just as ambiguous? How would they use their gifts in this world?

  * * * *

  The bubble had landed. It burst open with no ill effect. The crowd still managed to react with their humanity. They gasped.

  Nephthys was beautiful. Not the type of monster you would expect to devour you or your soul.

  Her wings gently fluttered but she didn’t take flight. She introduced herself, this time as the Goddess of Divine Assistance. Some attendees applauded. I sensed some more of out of fear than jubilation. Just what kind of divine assistance did she mean anyway? Was this assistance for the here and now—or later—as in opening the door to the Pearly Gates for you?


  It was as if she sensed my doubts, if not my very thoughts. Was she the voice that had been in my head?

  She excused herself. “Dear citizens I must attend to a personal need before I continue.”

  As her gaze locked with mine, sh
e floated off her podium with the aid of wings.

  More gasps. But no one raised a weapon or voice in defiance. I could feel the eyes scanning the sky for ships. The threat was indeed a deterrent.

  But what did she want with me?

  She made her way to me and then spoke as if her words were only for my ears.

  “Nice to see you again, my long lost sister.”

  A white light emanated from her eyes. More gasps. Military uniforms moved to intercept. But an invisible force field knocked them back. At least that’s what I thought it was. Her protective bubble had dissipated, or did it? Anyway, the media rocked against the screened barricade nonplussed to capture what would become a front page photo.

  I began floating in unison with Nephthys which was amazing because the last time I checked I didn’t have wings. But our liftoff wasn’t for the purpose of flight. The White House cast a shadow on the lawn below us, indicating we were only a matter of feet off the ground. This was about unification.

  I never felt better. It was as if all doubts, worries and concerns had been stripped from my mind. It was no more complex than the joy your taste buds experience when biting into a piece of pizza. Or no more complicated than the white, gooey consistency of a marshmallow. The marshmallow was what it was, it existed in the moment. It was neither good nor evil.

  I understand, I thought. Nephthys consoled the crowd, “Agent Diggs has never felt better…”

  Those were the last words I heard before my eyelids fluttered. Tumbling into a free fall with the image of a marshmallow growing infinitesimally smaller in my mind’s eye, I fell into a descent from what appeared to be a golden ladder I’d been climbing—with my mind. I gave in to weariness. It was apparently my turn to lose consciousness. Everything went black.

  Chapter 7

  The Ennead

  I seeped back into the consciousness of my perceived reality moments later with my fallen body the subject of concern and amazement. I only wondered what they had been saying during my flight and subsequent freefall. I had no other awareness of anything but my connection with Nephthys during those moments. It was an unparalleled experience of living in the moment.


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