Down to the Sea

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Down to the Sea Page 34

by Bruce Henderson

  “tin cans…too thin”: Halsey, Admiral Halsey’s Story, p. 43.

  “never mastered”: ibid., p. 59.

  “guessed that the blame”: ibid., p. 82.

  “seafarers and adventurers”: ibid., p. 2.

  “There are exceptions”: ibid., p. xiii.

  “fighting-cock stance…beetle-brows”: Potter, Bull Halsey, p. 1.

  “Admiral”: Halsey, Admiral Halsey’s Story, p. 77.

  “My God”: Halsey dictated memoirs; Thomas, Sea of Thunder, p. 37.

  “scene after scene”: Prange, December 7, 1941, p. 372.

  “see enough…the worst…Before we’re”: Halsey, Admiral Halsey’s Story, p. 81.

  Chapter Two

  “Our Navy has…are grimly”: Bath Daily Times, Oct. 27, 1942.

  “the Stradivarius of destroyers”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 39.

  “throughout…could be felt”: Bath Daily Times, Oct. 27, 1942.

  “fast, roomy”: Friedman, U.S. Destroyers, p. 111.

  n. “the heart and soul”: Holland, The Navy, p. 115.

  “We will fight…the enlisted men”: Bath Daily Times, Oct. 27, 1942.

  “perpetual mist”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, p. 3.

  “Roman holiday”: ibid., p. 24.

  “just thrilled…Cut ’em in…all be over”: Joseph Candelaria interview.

  “revved up”: DuCharme, Recollections of 7 December 1941, p. 24.

  “sitting duck…little chance…magnificent and”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, p. 31.

  “expendable…Torpedoes!…I wouldn’t”: Candelaria interview.

  “I should have…in the states”: Ernest Stahlberg interview.

  “We were goners”: Candelaria interview.

  “smothering them…seemed impossible…outstandingly valiant”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, p. 32.

  “boy, what a sight”: Joseph Guio letter, Dec. 21, 1943.

  “what seemed almost”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, p. 31.

  “no fights…Just having”: Candelaria interview.

  Chapter Three

  “the first…surprised and”: Morison, The Struggle for Guadalcanal, p. 15.

  “various holes…traumatic amputation”: Action Report, Hull, Aug. 11, 1942.

  “in for…What makes…There’s smoke…sunk a truck…ran Japs…short chain…no match…the trees…nothing to eat…artillery duty”: Schultz interview.

  “British and warm”: Michael Franchak interview.

  “headed up north…You’re going”: Patrick Douhan interview.

  “thawed into…in a fog”: Roscoe, Destroyer Operations, pp. 249, 250.

  “as unlike those”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, p. 38.

  “frozen stiff…about twenty-one…wiped out…the whole ship”: Franchak interview.

  “fog hung over…thicker than…glowing mushroom…like a dead…remarkable exploit”: Roscoe, Destroyer Operations, pp. 252, 253.

  “by three feet…But I…I trembled”: Guio letter, Dec. 21, 1943.

  “long, tedious”: Candelaria interview.

  “possibly the world’s”: Roscoe, Destroyer Operations, p. 246a (caption).

  Chapter Four

  “green as grass”: Time, “King of the Cans,” July 17, 1944.

  “5 percent…screwed up…tough but”: Al Bunin interview.

  “some of us”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 37.

  “You have over”: ibid., p. 219.

  “refresher course”: Parkin, Blood on the Sea, p. 264.

  “hard-driving”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 51.

  “a thousand miles…work like hell”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, pp. 3, 15.

  “trademark that…the little beavers”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 93.

  “how he loved”: Converse newsletter, Mar. 1983.

  “I’m heading”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 93.

  “administered to”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 5.

  “superior cruiser”: Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 313.

  “to attack upon”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 22.

  “the first to”: Sigismund L. Koperniak diary, Nov. 3, 1943.

  “wracked by a murderous”: Parkin, Blood on the Sea, p. 264.

  “Execute turn…roughly parallel…sparks flew…handsome silver…the good saint”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, pp. 230, 231. 45–

  “right standard…Ship approaching…Full right…in night actions”: Action Report, Spence, Nov. 8, 1943.

  “feisty Spence…columns of fire”: Parkin, Blood on the Sea, p. 265.

  “We have…Cease firing!”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, pp. 97, 98.

  “Sorry, but”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 234.

  “scared plenty…overcame fear”: Koperniak diary, Nov. 3, 1943.

  “sprawled over…suddenly came”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 240.

  “swift continuous…pouring out…masterpieces”: Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 322.

  “fanatical speech…swarming”: Parkin, Blood on the Sea, p. 265.

  “the most weird”: Koperniak diary, Nov. 10, 1943.

  “very good intelligence”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 240.

  “Please, Arleigh”: Jones and Kelley, Admiral Arleigh (31-Knot) Burke, p. 133.

  “31-Knot Burke”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 102.

  “gentle reproach”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 40.

  ‘sardonic rib”: Jones and Kelley, Admiral Arleigh (31-Knot) Burke, p. 133.

  “with true instinct”: Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 354.

  “any Allied”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 103.

  “a foe…a wait…detonations boomed…orange flame”: Roscoe, Destroyer Operations, p. 264.

  “in hot pursuit…One more”: Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 356.

  “fuel line…King of”: Time, July 17, 1944.

  “Never had the”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 106.

  “not even…an almost…fortune of…we reached”: Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 358–59.

  “hoisted into”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 264.

  “Yesterday was”: Robert Strand letter, Nov. 26, 1943.

  Chapter Five

  “viciously intercepted…gallantly pressed…courageous fighting…played a major”: Distinguished Flying Cross citation.

  “dogfighting a Zero”: Robert J. Cressman, Naval Historical Center, “Tabberer,” revised Nov. 2006.

  “immediate active…assistant athletic”: Henry L. Plage letter, Jan. 7, 1941.

  “cruiser, battleship”: Plage letter, Mar. 6, 1942.

  “engulfed himself…one step”: Arthur H. Plage interview.

  “above average”: Report of Fitness, Henry Lee Plage, Jan. 31, 1944.

  “I believe”: Navy News Service, Aug. 1, 2005.

  “90 Day…couldn’t get”: Henry L. Plage letter, circa 2001.

  “run the ship”: Paul Phillips interview.

  “engines going”: Log of Tabberer, May 29, 1944.

  “very capable”: Frank Burbage interview.

  “great ship handler”: Tom Bellino interview.

  “Cruising in the”: Log of Tabberer, June 11, 1944.

  “hardly stay up”: Howard Korth interview.

  “youthful exuberance”: Henry L. Plage statement, Aug. 30, 1986.

  “very high…treated the enlisted”: Burbage interview.

  “attached to…from time…everybody loved”: Bellino interview.

  “best chow…couldn’t get fat…best cinnamon…not too tough…cutting back…not many dogs…they didn’t look”: Phillips interview. 62–

  “establishment that…made a few…took on…bloody, with…a real crew…not supposed…the first time…developed real…so very”: Plage statement, Aug. 30, 1986.

  “pretty g
ood system”: Adamson and Kosco, Halsey’s Typhoons, p. 130.

  “there always…Sir, you”: Phillips interview.

  “under war…Ensign Surdam”: Report of Fitness, Robert McClellan Surdam, Dec. 8, 1941.

  “As officer of”: Report of Fitness, Surdam, Dec. 12, 1943.

  “the fitting”: Navy Dept. Bureau of Personnel letter, May 8, 1944.

  Chapter Six

  “goners”: Candelaria interview.

  “more valuable…mother would…thinking of”: Candelaria interview.

  “murderous fire…the Marines”: Candelaria interview.

  “the President…we are going…The Monaghan is…lots and lots…Bill, I’ve changed…putting a fake”: Guio letter, Dec. 21, 1943.

  “never-ending cheerfulness”: Joseph C. McCrane letter, Mar. 15, 1945.

  “real laid-back…like a father”: Russell Friesen interview.

  “exceptionally well”: Calhoun, Typhoon: The Other Enemy, p. 16.

  “GQ Wendt…every five…everyone wanted…all wrapped up”: Joseph C. McCrane interview.

  “a very religious…Mother McCrane”: Candelaria interview.

  “knows where…Now I’m going…Is she dancing…I thought he…wouldn’t have…Louie walk”: Candelaria interview.

  “falling over…over a mile…closer than”: Statement Concerning Finding of Death, May 1, 1945.

  “they took the…looked like”: McCrane interview.

  “pounded the”: Candelaria, Tin Cans, p. 198.

  “all night…monotonous…back and forth…not doing much”: Candelaria interview.

  “when the Japs…filled their…started at…good ship…pretty busy”: Evan Fenn interview.

  Chapter Seven

  “quite a few…murderous journey”: Franchak interview.

  “dim, flashing…a float…a hole…presenting a…column of…mighty roar…men, planes…fragments of…flared up…spreading pool…frightful condition…thickly covered”: Morison, Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls, pp. 140–41.

  “an uneasy…blew up…but never”: Douhan interview.

  “entered the oil”: Action Report, Monaghan, Dec. 10, 1943.

  “ability to…ship handling…Remain in…splendid contribution…task force”: Report of Fitness, Charles Willard Consolvo, Jan. 18, 1944.

  “holding a broomstick…didactic”: Charles W. Consolvo Jr. interview.

  “officers of the”: C. Donald Watkins interview.

  “high-stress”: James D. Torres interview.

  “a car traveling…cleanly, without”: McCain and Salter, Faith of My Fathers, p. 138.

  “his whole body…beloved…so important…make it home…his duty…help the…the war…a privilege to…never treated”: Rosemary Rust interview. 81–

  “tremendous seaman…100 percent…handle the…a whole lot”: Lloyd G. Rust Jr. interview.

  “Jewish movie-star…privileged environment”: Greil Marcus interview.

  “natty ZBTs…urbane”: Cornell Magazine, May-June 2004.

  “services to the”: Report of Interview with Applicant, Ltjg. Howard Baldwin, Feb. 24, 1942.

  “a young man”: Frederick George Marcham letter, January 15, 1942.

  “member of”: Louis C. Boochever letter, January 15, 1942.

  “unimpeachable integrity”: Horace Stern letter, January 15, 1942.

  “I am getting…I wouldn’t swap”: Greil I. Gerstley letters, Aug. 27, 1942, and Sept. 28, 1942.

  “good judgment…cheerful disposition”: James A. Marks letter, Feb. 1, 1944.

  “had to get”: Kenneth Drummond letter, Jan. 7, 1944.

  “get a look…looked her…greatly resented…fell in love”: Greil Gerstley Marcus interview.

  “dull business”: History of Hull, Ships’ Histories Branch, Navy Department.

  “either to land”: Schultz interview.

  “regular guy…best ship…make the…take the…40-degree…terrific…too top-heavy…never make”: Schultz interview.

  “rather relaxed…get acquainted…developing teamwork”: Dawes, The Dragon’s Breath, p. 112.

  “fashionable broken-deck”: ibid., p. 94.

  “were not…dependable performance…services were…well over…greatly in”: Calhoun, Typhoon, pp. 3–5.

  “between our…probably 65…climbing the…perfectly calm”: Douhan interview.

  “I’m leaving the ship” and other dialogue between Schultz and E. M. Toland, Schultz interview.

  “pretty well…wore out”: Schultz interview.

  “the only enlisted…Gabby…well spoken…I understand”: Robert Coyne interview. 90–

  “never fired…without enough…didn’t want…stepped right…Oh, what…beautiful destroyer…an old…messed-up…never touched…Sheet metal” and dialog between Stealey and rated petty officer, Stealey interview.

  Chapter Eight

  “the nearest”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 263.

  “utterly one-sided”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 107.

  “we were into”: Albert Rosley interview.

  “young ship…We have proved…We have a”: Ye Olde Dis-Spence-er newsletter, Apr. 9, 1944.

  “plastering…uncomfortably close…By radical”: Action Report, Spence, Feb. 27, 1944.

  “engaged in…not dared…their full…target listed…act of respect…gallant enemy…opened ineffective”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, pp. 108–9.

  “salvo chasing…thanks to…straddling salvo…keep clear…quite possibly”: Action Report, Spence, Feb. 27, 1944.

  “remarkable record”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 108.

  “conquered its”: ibid., p. viii.

  “devastated…Somebody’s trying”: Jones and Kelley, Admiral Arleigh (31-Knot) Burke, p. 142.

  “conceal the…always keep…Tell the boys”: Potter, Admiral Arleigh Burke, p. 111.

  “pride and…athletic training…dove off”: Alphonso Krauchunas, “USS Spence: The Typhoon and the Senior Survivor,” 1992.

  “a strong swimmer”: Jim Krauchunas interview.

  “executed colors…mustered at…pursuant to”: Spence deck log, July 8, 1944.

  “impressive ceremony”: Krauchunas, “USS Spence.”

  “taut in all”: Jones, Destroyer Squadron 23, p. 40.

  “I relieve you”: Regulations for the Government of the United States Navy, Article 3, Section 1, #72.

  “very good…not afraid”: Wohlebb interview.

  “all business…I trained”: Rosley interview.

  “wasn’t a natural…keen but gentle”: Rene (Jack) Hoyle interview.

  “distinguished himself”: Ye Olde Dis-Spence-er newsletter, Oct. 1944.

  “An actor…the Dorothy Dix…listen to…almost didn’t…couldn’t swim…The Navigator”: Judith (Andrea) Mahood-Cochrane interview.

  “going into the”: Helen Andrea interview.

  “Jimmie has”: The Lucky Bag 1937.

  “all Academy…you couldn’t…named one”: Sumner reunion newsletter, vol. 15, no. 4, Dec. 1994.

  “a direct hit…making an…disintegrated in…sunk without”: Action Report, Sumner, Dec. 11, 1941.

  “seen firing”: Hoyle interview.

  “much younger…not much…ordinary fellow”: Rosley interview.

  “An efficient…It would only”: Ye Olde Dis-Spence-er newsletter, Oct. 1944.

  “a friendly visit…to talk…an enlisted”: U.S. Navy press release, Feb. 15, 1945.

  “5 percent…never wanted”: Bunin interview.

  “they needed”: Ramon Zasadil interview.

  “Bob got…all of the…going to catch”: Richard Strand interview.

  “Guess I wasn’t”: Robert Strand letter, Sept. 6, 1944.

  “all the big”: Robert Strand letter, Sept. 21, 1944.

  “very, very sore…pulling for…it is no”: Robert Strand letter, Sept. 25, 1944.

  “waterborne”: Spence deck log, Sept. 14, 1944.

  “in love…lots of”: Mahood-Cochrane

  “backing into…standing down”: Spence deck log, Sept. 30, 1944.

  “everyone was”: Wohlleb interview.

  “such a romantic”: Mahood-Cochran interview.

  “secured from drill”: Spence deck log, Nov. 3, 1944.

  “over a sand…Condition of Readiness”: Spence deck log, Nov. 5, 1944. 103–

  “high degree…no longer…impressed upon…to reacquaint…of great…thumb rules…no conception…bad luck…only if we”: Calhoun, Typhoon, pp. 16–18.

  “At the present”: Knight, Modern Seamanship, p. 686.

  “Cyclonic Storms…Fixing the…Handling the…thumb rules”: Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, pp. 272, 288, 290.

  “dangerous semicircle…navigable semicircle”: Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, p. 290.

  “seas within”: Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, p. 283. 105–

  “pitch-black…All of a…full reverse…the whole…looked at…what the hell…huge shadow…almost hit…got to thinking…nice, regular…just didn’t…first mistake…tough bastard…gotten us…never did”: Wohlleb interview.

  Chapter Nine

  “gasket blew”: Monaghan deck log, Sept. 27, 1944.

  “something was…more sluggish…lurched…snap back…a long time…radical turns…imprudent…serious stability…beyond the…stability might…basically stable…in light…feasible…went about”: Calhoun, Typhoon, pp. 5–7.

  “very aware…matter of constant”: Calhoun, Typhoon, p. 133.

  “mustered the…absentees”: Monaghan deck log, Oct. 1, 1944.

  “had been substantially”: ibid., p. 7.

  “theoretical computations”: ibid., p. 200.

  “idea seemed preposterous”: “Typhoon!” Reader’s Digest, Jan. 1959.

  “The Navy will”: Guio letter, Sept. 10, 1944.

  “I didn’t get”: Guio letter, Oct. 27, 1944.

  “miracle…no…go…never caught…over $200”: Candelaria interview.

  “Commander Consolvo…No change”: Report of Fitness, Charles Willard Consolvo, Aug. 8, 1944. 112–

  “a very good…high morale…plenty of…aware of…the very…lay a ship…visibility dropped…almost upon…breathed a…How does…Second link…No, sit…going out…make history…We’re going”: Kenneth Drummond interview.

  “private in the”: Consolvo Jr. interview.

  “took care…kept the…made a lot…strange looks”: Drummond interview.

  “changing his…I don’t go…Douhan didn’t…no profanity”: Douhan interview.


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