Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves)

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Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves) Page 14

by Lauren Dane

  He walked into their bathroom and turned on the water to let it run and get it warm. His back was turned but he felt when she walked into the room. Not just with his more sensitive hearing and sense of smell, but deep inside.

  Turning, he caught her eye and their wolves caught scent of each other.

  Her eyes widened as her breathing quickened. “What is that?” Her hand gripped the bathroom counter.

  “Our wolves. They scented each other.” He moved to her and pulled her shirt off, tossing it in the hamper, and then shoved her panties down. One of her hands rested on his shoulder as she stepped out of them, kicking them aside.

  He groaned and her hand tightened. “Lex,” she said in a purr.

  “No. Don’t tempt me, Nina. You need a shower and then you need to get back in bed. You were so hurt…” His voice broke and he turned quickly, opening the shower enclosure and she sashayed in.

  The warm water sluicing down her body felt really good and she sighed at the pleasure.


  “Shut up about that. It’s my job to be desirable. But you can tell me why I don’t seem to have any actual symptoms from my fight with Carter except for some muscle soreness and fatigue.”

  He chuckled. “The change did it. We heal very quickly. You were out for two days and while you were unconscious your wolf healed your body.”

  “You should come in here. I’m having a hard time reaching my back. Plus, I can’t really hear you.”

  Lex rolled his eyes but that didn’t stop him from stripping off his clothes in record time and getting into the enclosure with her.

  “Here.” She handed him the soap and a washcloth and turned around.

  He cleaned her back and tried not to think about how alluring she looked there, wet and glistening. Her scent rose on the steamy air and tempted his senses.

  “So, you were saying that my wolf healed me? And okay, so you have to explain this a bit. I have a wolf? I mean, am I not a werewolf? It’s separate? And Gabriel was in the hospital for four days after he was bitten, he barely made it.”

  “It’s difficult to explain but yes, you have a wolf. When you’re in human form it sort of curls up inside of you. It’s metaphysical stuff, I can’t do it justice. But it’s a part of you.”

  She turned and tipped her head back, rinsing her hair. Her back arched and brought her into contact with his body and his body tightened.

  “And uh,” he cleared his throat, “Rey wasn’t as strong as you are. I’m sorry, I realize that sounds cold, but it’s the truth and the reason why your body dealt with the conversion so quickly and healed so fast.”

  She reached back and squeezed the water from her hair as she moved aside. “You want in here? I’ll scrub your back since you were so helpful.” She quirked up a saucy smile and he laughed.

  “I’m good. I showered before I came to bed.” He stepped out and handed her a towel.

  “Oh my! It’s warm. Did you just get it from the dryer or something?” She wrapped her hair and he gently patted her back and legs dry.

  “The towel bars are heated, like the floors.” He was on his knees as he finished drying her legs. He looked up her body and caught her staring, lips parted, breath quickened.

  “Uh, wow. Nice. The architect must be a smart guy who likes comfort.” An eyebrow went up.

  “Well, he had no idea he’d have a beautiful mate to keep warm, but he’s glad he thought of it.”

  “Okay, let’s stop talking in the third person now. Instead, I propose that you fuck me.” She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her body.


  “Oh what now?”

  “You’re still healing. We should wait.” Unable to help himself, he leaned in and inhaled, the rich scent of her body.

  “Gah! You with the talking. Shut up and fuck me already! Your little mister certainly wants to.”

  He stood and pushed her back into the bedroom with his body. “My what?” His voice was incredulous.

  “Thingy. Wee-wee. Johnson. Hoo-hoo. You know,” she indicated his cock, “that.”

  Barely holding back a laugh, he bent, grabbing and picking her up. He placed her on the bed gently. “How old are you, Nina?” He scrambled up after her, leaning over her body but keeping his weight on his elbows instead of on her.

  “I’m thirty and yes, it’s weird for me to actually say cock. I can say it in my head, but it’s weird to say it out loud.”

  “What did you call it before?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He actually growled and she arched a brow.

  “With the others. I have a hard time understanding a man who would be fine with you referring to his cock as his little mister.”

  She burst out laughing. “Oh Scooby, is this about my saying ‘little’ before the mister part?”

  “Partially. And did you just refer to me as a cartoon dog?” He wandered off as he realized what she’d said and then remembered she had dodged him. Clever wolf, his mate. “Answer my question.”

  She blushed fiercely. “I…you know there haven’t been many men before you. I didn’t call it anything, I don’t think. And it’s not little. You know that.”

  He kissed her quick and hard. “Big huh?” He smirked. “Oh. Good. I look forward to you saying it to me. A lot.”

  “Well are you gonna do anything with it or talk us both to sleep?”

  “Well first, let’s get your pussy ready for me.” He slid down her body, parting her thighs as he went.

  “Yes, okay,” she replied faintly. “You know the wolves are all about the oral sex, it’s a bonus in favor of the whole conversion thing. I don’t think it comes standard with other types of convers…omigod!” She gasped as the tip of his tongue slid against her.

  Slow, long licks of his tongue drew her toward orgasm. The sinuous slide of the flat of his tongue was heaven. He lapped with more pressure as he drew up and over her clit, pressing against it, pressing it against her body. The sensation made her breathless and tingly and altogether wonderful.

  The emotional nature of their conversation, and really of the last weeks, rushed through her. She could feel the intensity of his feelings for her, could feel how much he loved and desired her.

  When he slid one finger and then two deep into her pussy and stroked over her sweet spot in time with suckling her clit, her back arched and she couldn’t help the long moan of his name that escaped her lips as orgasm slammed into her body.

  His mouth on her brought gentle love but the climax was spectacular in force. It was vivid and spine bending and it seemed to echo through her body for long minutes until she finally collapsed, muscles utterly relaxed.

  Dimly, she heard his superior male chuckle as he settled in next to her and put his face in her neck to breathe her in.

  “That was pretty spectacular, studly,” she managed to gasp out.

  She didn’t need to open her eyes to know he was wearing that smug smile of his and she allowed it because he deserved it.

  “If they ever have an Olympic sport in oral sex, you would totally win the gold.”

  “Why thank you. But I think my professional days are over and I’m retired now. There’s only one subject that interests me and I plan to perfect my technique between her thighs.”

  She snickered. “Well, yeah. Jeez. No one meant that you’d go off and ply your trade on other chicks. Not and remain living.”

  He stroked his fingertips over her stomach and she cracked an eye open and turned her head to look at him.

  “I hope you’re not thinking I’m doing the work and being on top. I was just nearly killed and all.”

  “Nina, beautiful, let’s just rest. Go to sleep.”

  She rolled over onto her side to face him and frowned. “Don’t you want me?”

  “Oh god, yes! Of course I do. All day long. Every moment of the day. But you’re recovering from traumatic injuries, I can’t! It would be taking advantage.”

a blinked at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? Look, Dr. Phil, shut up already and fuck me. I’m not saying I’m up to sixteen pages of the Kama Sutra or anything, but I can most assuredly handle a nice bit of slap and tickle.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re my mate. It’s my job to protect you.”

  With a sigh she reached down and grabbed his cock. It was so hard that she felt it throb in her hand. The head glistened with pre-cum. She slid her thumb up and over, through that silky slickness and brought it to her lips. He groaned.

  “If you don’t fuck me, I’ll go insane. That’s how you can take care of me, Scooby. Come on, give me some of that magic semen of yours,” she teased.

  He rolled his hips, thrusting himself into her hand. “Come on. I promise that I’ll nap afterward. You know you want to. If you don’t, I’ll tell all the other wolves you don’t satisfy my naughty, dirty, filthy, unspeakable urges.”

  “God, you’re one of a kind. You know that?” Lex laughed as he extricated himself from her hand and gently pushed her back onto the bed.

  “Well, of course,” she replied, breathless with anticipation.

  He didn’t disappoint as he lined himself true and nudged himself into her pussy. Both of them closed eyes for a moment as he made an inexorable push into her body with his own.

  Beads of sweat lined his forehead and his spine as the molten, wet silk of her pussy parted for him. She hugged him, welcomed him. When he hilted it felt like home. Had anything ever felt this way? Good and right—the way you feel when you come back from a long vacation?

  He kept most of his weight off her body, taking it on his arms. She rolled her hips up to meet his thrusts and she opened more fully when she wrapped her legs about his waist. She used her calves to pull him deeper and hold him there.

  “You feel so good, Lex. Nothing has ever felt this good.” She whispered the words as she stared deep into his eyes.

  He felt the catch of her emotions and heard it in her voice. He knew then that she’d never laid herself bare emotionally like that to anyone before. That humbled him, made him realize just how special she was, crunchy exterior and all.

  “That’s because it is good, beautiful. You and me? We’re it.”

  “Sweet talker,” she said, ending on a gasp as he held her hips so that he could change his angle, stroking the fat head of his cock over that bundle of nerves deep inside her.

  “Yeah, I still got it.”

  “Okay, Lassie, less talking, more fucking.”

  “God, you’re a test on a man,” he sighed and she laughed. He realized that he’d heard her snicker and giggle and even chuckle but never a full out laugh. Not like this one, full of joy and free of hesitance and pain.

  “I love you, studly,” she said in a rush and her eyes widened in shock.

  “Hey, I love you too. Don’t be afraid to love me, Nina. I hope I never make you regret it.” He looked into her face and then blushed. “Oh, well, except for the whole last month or so.” He kissed her. Her lips were gentle and full beneath his. He sipped at her.

  “Touch yourself, Nina. Make yourself come around me. I don’t want to put any of my weight on you to move my hand. And I like to watch you do it.”

  He leaned down and ran the edge of his teeth over one of her nipples, delighting in the way she mewled and arched into his mouth. Watching her hand slide over her mound, fingers questing toward her clit, he flicked his tongue over her nipples, one and then the other, over and over.

  The moment her fingers touched herself she tightened around his cock. He could feel the flesh of her pussy slide around as she moved her fingers over herself. Her breath quickened and caught as she pushed herself toward orgasm with him right behind her.

  He loved the way she felt beneath him, around him. Loved the subtle scent of her body that rose from her heated skin. Loved the way her hair felt against his skin, the silk of her inner thighs. Loved the sounds she made as she neared climax. Hell, he even loved her twisted sense of humor.

  As the first tremors of her orgasm rippled through her cunt, he began to thrust deeper. Fighting the urge to plunge deeply into her, he settled for slow, deep digs into her and when it broke over her the spasms and slickness of her climax yanked him in with her and he thought his insides would shoot out the head of his cock, he came so hard.

  Panting, he moved to the side so he wouldn’t collapse on her and hurt her. Heart thundering in his chest, he pulled her to him, kissed the top of her head and murmured that he loved her.

  Chapter Seven

  As dawn broke, Nina’s internal alarm clock woke her for the first time since she’d moved into werewolf mansion. She got out of bed and jumped into the shower quietly. She had to get back to work. She’d managed to get out of Lex that they’d at least called the shop and arranged for her manager to take over while she was gone, but enough was enough. It had been a week and that was too damned long.

  She did enjoy the fact that the master closet was off the bathroom and got dressed, dabbed on a bit of makeup and twisted her hair up. She decided to forego the glasses and the prim clothes. They’d burned anyway. What was the point now that she not only had a man but a big bad werewolf who carried a .357 Magnum?

  She left Lex sleeping and headed down and thankfully smelled coffee and saw Dave and Megan there in the kitchen, reading the paper.

  The truth was, she understood better than Lex thought she would. She understood the importance of sticking to rules to be safe. Understood the cost of taking care of a larger goal—sometimes at the expense of the weakest person.

  At the same time, she wasn’t sure how she felt about the rest of the wolves who stood there and watched while she was nearly killed. Her logical mind understood it—certainly understood the compulsion of Pack now that it coursed through her veins. It was like an odd sort of hive-mind, or was that Pack-mind? connection. Still, the feelings of betrayal were still there like a bitter taste on her tongue and weighed heavy on her heart.

  But she lived there and now she was one of them in more than just marriage. And she couldn’t avoid them all forever.

  Sighing, she walked into the kitchen and headed for the cabinet to grab a mug.

  Dave jumped up and opened the door, pulling a cup out and handing it to her. “Here, let me help you with that.”

  Nina took it from him. “Thanks.” She turned and got milk from the fridge and made her cup of coffee.

  She popped a bagel in the toaster, rustled through the refrigerator and pulled out a tomato and some cheese and set to slicing them.

  “Nina, I’m sorry. I know you probably can’t understand why no one helped you and I…I’m so terribly sorry,” Megan said softly.

  Nina turned and looked into her sister-in-law’s eyes and she felt the pain there. Felt the conflict between her loyalty to the Pack, to her Alpha and to doing the right thing and protecting Nina.

  But as Nina stood there, remembering that night she had a flash of something. The guards all carried weapons, yes. But they also carried them strapped in thigh holsters, at the small of their backs or underarm holsters. Nina looked down and saw that Megan’s gun was not on her thigh.

  “Megan, where do you carry?”

  Her sister-in-law moved her jacket back and showed Nina the underarm rig. “Here. Sometimes on the thigh but not most of the time.”

  “Not most of the time.” Nina said this quietly and Megan made a barely perceptible nod. Nina closed her eyes for a moment. Certainly not that night at the Pack house. Nina remembered Megan adjusting herself as they got out of the cars before they’d walked into the house.

  Megan had handed her that gun. Had used that moment of confusion when Nina had been thrown into her to get that gun into her hand.

  Nina reached up and touched Megan’s face gently. “Thank you.” Understanding passed between them.

  “I wish you’d gotten my gun. I was carrying silver ammo and you would have killed that bastard, Carter.” Dave’s voice was vehement.

  Nina turned to
Dave with a shrug. Dave looked miserable, guilty and red-faced.

  “I’m sorry, too. I’m glad you shot his ass. I hope it hurt like a motherfucker to get those slugs out of him. I hope Doc Molinari dug in extra hard to get them all. Can you forgive us all?”

  “I’m working on it. It’ll be a while before I’ll be ready to deal with the Pack as a whole again.”

  Her bagel popped up and she turned, piled it with tomato slices and cheese and took it to the table.

  “You’re going to need some more protein to go with it,” Cade said as he came into the room and went to the fridge. He pulled out some roast beef, put it on the table in front of her and went to get himself some coffee.

  Suddenly Megan and Dave found that they had things to do in the other room as Cade sat at the table across from Nina.

  She said nothing as she put meat on the bagel but she could feel his anguish. And his irritation and confusion at wanting her approval and forgiveness. She softened a bit, but not much. She’d wager that he’d never actually had to work for anyone’s approval before as he’d been groomed to be Alpha from the womb and all.

  “So. Am I still Mr. Warden?” Cade asked, watching her as she sipped her coffee.

  “I don’t know. Are you?”

  “What kind of woman answer is that?”

  “What kind of stupid-assed question is that?”

  “Did you just call me stupid?”

  “No, I called your question stupid. But upon reflection, I should have included you, too. But, as you’re the supreme poobah, you can be the most stupid.”

  “Look, I don’t apologize for doing what was necessary to keep Pack order.”

  “How furry of you to say so.” She got up and went back to the fridge. Annoyed, she pulled out eggs and milk, placing them on the counter.

  Nina could feel Cade glaring at her back as she pulled out a bowl and a whisk and set about making scrambled eggs. She took her time just to fuck with him.


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