Aerogens, 93, 141
Aerogens, Other Compounds, 141
Aerogens, Xenon Compounds, 141
Alkalide Ions, 44
Alkali Metals, 93, 131
Alkali Metals, Ionic Radii, 132
Alkali Metals, Sodium, 131
Alkaline Earth Metals, 93, 132
Alkaline Earth Metals, Dolomite, 133
Alkaline Earth Metals, Strontium and Barium, 133
Amphigens, see Pnictogens, 94
Appellations, d-Block Metals, 95
Appellations, Main Group, 93
Appellations, Other, 97
Auride Ion, 45
Bond Triangle, van Arkel-Ketelaar, 30
Chalcogens, 94, 138
Chalcogens, Selenium and Tellurium, 139
Chalcogens, Sulfur, 138
Chemical element, 26
Chemical Element, dual identity, 60
Electron Affinity, 40
Electron Affinity, Group Trends, 43
Electron Affinity, Multiple, 44
Electron Affinity, Period Patterns, 41
Electron Affinity, Platinum and Gold, 47
Electron Affinity, Sign Convention, 41
Electronegativity, 27
Electronegativity, Allred-Rochow Scale, 28
Electronegativity, Fundamental Property, 27
Electronegativity, Pauling Scale, 28
Electronegativity, Sanderson Scale, 29
Electronegativity, Scales, 28
Elements, Ephemeral, 99
Elements, Superheavy, 98
Group 1 and Group 11 Relationship, 188
Group 1, see Alkali Metals, 93
Group 2 and Group 12 Relationship, 189
Group 2, see Alkaline Earth Metals, 93
Group 3, 2008 & 2009 debate, 74
Group 3 and Group 13 Relationship, 178
Group 3, aspects of debate, 78
Group 3, history of debate, 72
Group 3, IUPAC debate, 76
Group 3, physical properties as criteria, 78
Group 4 and Group 14 Relationship, 181
Group 5 and Group 15 Relationship, 182
Group 6 and Group 16 Relationship, 185
Group 7 and Group 17 Relationship, 186
Group 8 and Group 18 Relationship, 187
Group 13, see Triels, 94
Group 14, see Tetrels, 94
Group 16, see Chalcogens, 94
Group 17, see Halogens, 93
Group 17, see Pnictogens, 94
Group 18, see Aerogens, 93
Group(n+5) and Group(n+10) Relationship, 190, 196
Group(n) and Group(n+10), 174
Group(n) and Group(n+10), Definition of Relationship, 177
Group(n) and Group(n+10), Eight-Column Table, 174
Group(n) and Group(n+10), first long-form periodic Table, 175
Group(n) and Group(n+10), Rediscovery of A and B links, 176
Halogens, 93, 139
Halogens, Fluorine-Fluorine Bond, 139
Halogens, Interhalogen Compounds, 140
Helium, as member of Group 2, 65
Helium, as member of Group 18 (again), 66
Helium, location, 64
Hydrogen, as member of Group 1, 56
Hydrogen. as member of Group 1 and Group 14 and Group 17, 62
Hydrogen, as member of Group 1 and Group 17, 59
Hydrogen, as member of Group 13 or 14, 61
Hydrogen, as member of Group 17, 58
Hydrogen, location of, 54
Hydrogen, on its own, 63
Inert gases, see Aerogens, 93
Inert Pair Effect, 208
Inert Pair Effect, as relativistic effect, 208
Ionization Energy, 34
Ionization Energy, 3d-Series, 38
Ionization Energy, Group Trends, 39
Ionization Energy, Half-Filled Shell Myth, 36
Ionization Energy, Periodic Trends, 35
Ionization Energy, Successive, 40
Isodiagonality, see Isodiagonal Relationships, 214
Isodiagonal Relationship, Evidence-Based, 230
Isodiagonal Relationships, 214
Isodiagonal Relationships, Be-Al extension to Germanium or Titanium, 224
Isodiagonal Relationships, Be-Al extension to Niobium and Tungsten, 225
Isodiagonal Relationships, Beryllium and Aluminum, 222
Isodiagonal Relationships, Boron and Silicon, 225
Isodiagonal Relationships, Carbon and Phosphorus, 227
Isodiagonal Relationships, Explanations for, 216
Isodiagonal Relationships, History of, 214
Isodiagonal Relationships, Li-Mg extension to Scandium, 221
Isodiagonal Relationships, Lithium to Group 2 elements, 220
Isodiagonal Relationships, Lithium to Magnesium, 221
Isodiagonal Relationships, Nitrogen and Sulfur, 227
Isodiagonal Relationships, Vanadium and Molybdenum, 228
Isodiagonal Relationships, V-Mo extension to Rhenium, 229
Isodiagonal Relationship, Tellurium and Astatine, 230
Isoelectronic, 104
Isoelectronic, Five-atom arrays, 113
Isoelectronic, Historical Definitions, 105
Isoelectronicity, 104
Isoelectronic, Matrices, 112
Isoelectronic, Modern Definitions, 107
Isoelectronic, Novel series, 119
Isoelectronic, Organometallic arrays, 117
isoelectronic principle, 106
Isoelectronic, Proposed Definition, 108
Isoelectronic, Pseudoisoelectronic, 109
Isoelectronic, Sequential series, 114
Isoelectronic, Significance of Series, 110
Isoelectronic, Three-atom arrays, 112
Isoelectronic, Transition Metal array, 115
Isoelectronic, Valence-Isoelectronic, 108
Isoelectronic, Valence-isoelectronic relationships, 111
Isoelectronic, Variable Oxidation State, 116
Knight’s Move Relationship, Boundaries of, 196
Knight’s Move Relationship, Chemical relationships, 199
Knight’s Move Relationship, compound melting point similarities, 206
Knight’s Move Relationship, Copper(I)-Indium(I) similarities, 204
Knight’s Move Relationship, Double-Pairs, 202
Knight’s Move Relationship, Indium(III)-Bismuth(III) similarities, 204
Knight’s Move Relationship, inert pair effect, 207
Knight’s Move Relationship, Irrelevance of metal melting points, 203
Knight’s Move Relationship, Laing’s Legacy, 199
Knight’s Move Relationship, Links among compound melting points, 198
Knight’s Move Relationship, Links among the Elements, 198
Knight’s Move Relationship, Origin of name, 197
Knight’s Move Relationship, Oxidation Number significance, 200
Knight’s Move Relationship, Prediction of element 114
properties, 199
Knight’s Move Relationship, Reevaluation, 200
Knight’s Move Relationship, Silver(I)-Thallium(I) similarities, 200
Knight’s Move Relationship, Thallium detour, 201
Knight’s Move Relationship, Tin(IV)-Polonium(IV) similarities, 205
Knight’s Move Relationship, Zinc-Tin(II) similarities, 205
Lanthanoids, 239
Lanthanoids, 4f Elements, 238
Lanthanoids, Cerium as Member of Group 4, 246
Lanthanoids, Cerium(IV) and Zirconium(IV) and Hafnium(V) similarities, 250
Lanthanoids, Dendrogram restructuring, 248
Lanthanoids, Element Properties, 240
Lanthanoids, Europium(II) and Strontium and Calcium similarities, 250
Lanthanoids, Ion Charges, 242
Lanthanoids, Lanthanoid Contraction, 242
Lanthanoids, Other Oxidation States, 244
Lanthanoids, Post-Lanthanoid Effect, 243
Lanthanoids, Resemblance of Sca
ndium, 237
Lanthanoids, Resemblance of Yttrium, 236
Lanthanoids, Restructuring, 245
Lanthanoids, Stacked arrangement, 246
Main Group Elements, 124
Main Group Elements, 4th Period Anomaly, 129
Main Group Elements, 4th Period Anomaly Revisited, 184
Main Group Elements, d-Block Contraction, 128
Main Group Elements, group Trends, 130
Main Group Elements, Highest Oxidation-State Oxides, 143
Main Group Elements, Historical Background, 125
Main Group Elements, Organometallic Compounds, 127
Main Group Elements, Periodic Trends, 142
Main Group Elements, Uniqueness Principle, 126
Metalloids, 87
Metals, 91
Metals, Chemically Weak, 89
Metals, Noble, 96
Metals, Rare Earth, 98
Metals, Refractory, 96
Metals, Supermetals, 92
Noble gases, see Aerogens, 93
Nonmetals, 86
Oxidation Number, see Oxidation State, 31
Oxidation State, 31
Oxidation State, Abegg’s Rule, 33
Pentels, see Pnictogens, 94
Platinide Ion, 46
Pnictogens, 94, 137
Pnictogens, Arsenic, 137
Pnictogens, Tetrahedral Ions, 137
Post-Actinoids, 267
Post-Actinoids, 6d Elements, 268
Post-Actinoids, 7p Elements, 269
Post-Actinoids, Possibility of 8th Period, 269
Pseudo-Elements, 277
Pseudo-Elements, Ammonium as a Species, 279
Pseudo-Elements, Ammonium Ion as Pseudo-Alkali Metal Ion, 277
Pseudo-Elements, Boron-Nitrogen Analogs of Carbon Compounds, 284
Pseudo-Elements, Combo Elements, 283
Pseudo-Elements, Cyanide as Pseudo-Halide Ion, 281
Pseudo-Elements, Other Cations as Pseudo-Alkali Metal Ions, 279
Pseudo-Elements, Pseudo-Halogens, 280
Pseudo-Elements, Superatoms, 286
Pseudo-Elements, Synthetic Metals, 287
Pseudo-Elements, Tetracarbonylcobaltate(-I) Ion as Pseudo-Halide Ion, 282
Relativistic Effects on Atomic Properties, 46
Semimetal, see metalloid, 87
Tetrels, 94, 135
Tetrels, Graphite, 135
Tetrels, Pseudo-cubanes, 136
Transition Metal, Definition, 152
Transition Metal, Group 3 Exclusion, 152
Transition Metal, Group 12 Exclusion, 153
Transition Metals, 3d Period Patterns, 158
Transition Metals, Categorization, 158
Transition Metals, Early 4d-5d Elements, 162
Transition Metals, Group 11, 165
Transition Metals, Habashi’s Categorizations, 156
Transition Metals, Heavy, 95
Transition Metals, Honorary Transition Metals Exclusion, 153
Transition Metals, Hybrid Combination, 168
Transition Metals, Manganese, 162
Transition Metals, Other Categorizations, 157
Transition Metals, Platinum Metals, 164
Transition Metals, Previous Classifications, 154
Transition Metals, Schweitzer and Pesterfield’s Categorizations, 157
Transition Metals, Titanium, 161
Triels, 94, 134
Triels, Boron, 134
Periodic Table, The: Past, Present, And Future Page 22