"They won't fire you, man. You did the best you could with what you were given," Chris murmurs, slapping my back.
"We'll see."
"If anything, it's their fucking fault for pulling Savannah's tail without talking to you first. They should have known better than to pull that shit. They could have gotten her killed."
"I know." I clench my hands into fists as familiar anger sparks inside. Thanks to their screw up, I was dealing with Toby McKee who'd snuck onto the Talbot property, allowing Paulson to grab Savannah right out from under us. The bastard had her for two hours before we even realized he hadn't taken her home like he was supposed to do. The entire thing was a clusterfuck from start to finish, but if I lose my job, it won't be over what happened with Savannah.
It'll be over everything that happened before: Matthew Talbot's murder, the attacks on the convoys in Africa, and the fact that Paulson was right under my nose the entire time and I didn't have a clue. Matthew Talbot ensured that when he failed to inform us that Paulson was his illegitimate son, borne of an affair before he went off to college in England.
Chris pushes open the door leading to the balcony of the Rotunda, our family coming into view. I take a deep breath and plaster a smile across my face, refusing to dwell on the past now. This is Chris's day. And there isn't a reporter in sight to ruin it, thank God.
My gaze sweeps across the group waiting for us. Demetri stands off to the side with his parents and Alicia, who's talking a million miles a minute. My dad has his arm around my mom, their heads bent close together as they whisper back and forth. My eyes move immediately to Savannah, my heart rolling in my chest when my gaze falls on her.
She stands at the top of the stairs leading down into the Rotunda, watching my family with a contented smile on her face. Her hair is pulled up into a complicated bun with loose strands framing her face. Her pale pink dress—a simple, elegant sheath with a sheer piece over it—ends at mid-thigh. Her cheeks are flushed and her beautiful eyes wide as she nibbles on her bottom lip.
She's absolutely breathtaking.
I start toward her, unable to take my eyes off of her.
Her smile spreads, lighting her up from the inside out when she notices me coming toward her. My stomach clenches, twisting at the soft look in her eyes, like she can't quite believe I'm really hers. I'll never understand how she could ever think she's less than I am. She's more… so much more.
"Hi, handsome," she says in that quiet way of hers when I stop in front of her.
I wrap an arm around her waist and reel her in until she's pressed against my chest. I sigh, content, when my arms are firmly around her, her heart beating against my chest.
"I missed you," I murmur.
"I missed you, too."
Those four little words make my heart race. My lips find hers, pressing urgently, demanding she let me in. She does, a sigh whispering from her lips as she melts against me, her arms around my neck as she kisses me deeply. I pull her closer, everything but her dissolving the minute she opens that sweet mouth for me. Within a matter of seconds, I'm hard and aching, desperate to slide her dress up her thighs and press myself inside of her. It's always like this with her… intense and consuming and perfect.
How'd I get so lucky?
"It's my wedding day, fuckers," Chris booms, his voice echoing around the Rotunda. "Save that shit for your own day!"
Our sister starts giggling.
"Christopher Allen Corbit, language!" my mom scolds.
Demetri's father laughs loudly until his wife slaps him on the shoulder and shushes him.
"Jesus, he's worse than a child," I grunt and pull back reluctantly, burying my face in Savannah's hair. Her body vibrates with silent laughter against mine, pulling out my own chuckle. I hold her for a moment, just reveling in the feel of her in my arms, before I turn us to face my family.
"You two are so cute," Alicia sighs, her dark eyes wide. She has one arm looped through Chris's and one through Demetri's. They tower over her, causing her to look closer to twelve than eighteen, which is just fine with me. I am not looking forward to the day my sister becomes an adult. She's going to give the world hell. I'm not sure I'll survive it.
"Did everything go okay, dear?" my mom asks, lifting up on her toes to kiss me on the cheek. She laughs and reaches up to dab away the lipstick mark she left behind before shooting Savannah a smile and patting her on the back as if to comfort her.
"Went fine," I say, reaching out to clasp my father's hand and then to hug Demetri's mother, Portia, before shaking her husband's hand. "Evans will take good care of her while she gets T.I. under control again."
"I'm sure he will," my father says. "Still, I imagine she hated to lose you."
I shrug by way of response when Savannah pulls away to look up at me, worry flitting through her expression before she schools it again. As much as the entire situation bothers her, I know leaving Lexi to fend for herself doesn't set well with her either. Despite the tension between them, Lexi is like a sister to her. The last thing my girl wants is for her to be hurt.
"All right, let's get this show on the road!" Chris says, hurrying us along.
We all laugh at his eagerness and follow him down the stairs into the Rotunda.
Savannah's quiet, obviously worried.
"She'll be fine, beautiful girl," I murmur to her as we descend, reaching out to stroke her cheek. "Evans will make sure of it."
"I hope so," she says.
The Justice of the Peace waits for us at the bottom of the stairs, a polite smile on his face. He's pushing seventy and looks severe in his wire-rimmed glasses, but he seems genuinely happy for Chris and Demetri as he lines us up, Savannah and I beside my brother and Demetri to act as their witnesses, with the rest of our family and Demetri's grouped in front of us.
"You ready to be stuck with me forever, babe?" Demetri asks Chris.
"Hell yes," Chris responds, a big, dopey grin on his face. "More than ready."
My father reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tissue, handing it over to my mom with a flourish. She accepts it with a sniffle and dabs at her eyes. Portia does the same with her own tissue from Marcus.
Alicia rolls her eyes, grinning.
Savannah stands quietly at my side as the Justice of the Peace begins his spiel, her little body snuggled against me and her hand wrapped in mine. She casts furtive glances up at me every few seconds while Chris and Demetri speak their vows, that same sweet smile on her face.
"Two months, baby," I lean down to murmur in her ear. She sighs, her body trembling when I press my lips against her temple before straightening again.
"By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your-"
Chris doesn't wait for the J.P. to finish before he whoops loudly and crushes Demetri to him. Demetri chuckles, his lips against Chris's, as they kiss passionately.
I can't help the grin on my face as we all clap and cheer. Chris went through hell hiding who he was through college. I'm damn proud of my brother for being unashamed now, and I'm beyond grateful to Demetri for pulling him out of the darkness.
My mom and Portia cry openly as they watch Chris and Demetri devouring each other like no one else exists. Even Alicia has tears in her eyes as she claps and whistles playfully. I glance down at Savannah to see her eyes locked on mine, so much emotion in her gaze, it takes my breath away.
"Christ, I love you," I whisper, reaching out to run my fingertips across her cheek.
She smiles at me, leaning into my touch.
Two months, I remind myself. Two months until she's mine.
It can't get here fast enough.
"I'm married, bitches," Chris yells from the driver's seat of his Jeep as he and Demetri roll out of the parking lot twenty minutes later. "See you at the reception tomorrow!"
Savannah giggles and blows him and Demetri a kiss. I just laugh and shake my head. He's been in top form today, happier than I've seen him in months.
My parents and Alicia stop a few feet ahead of us and turn to wait. Demetri's parents are on the far side of the parking lot, his father in a rush to get back to the office.
"You're next," Alicia says, leaning up to kiss me on the cheek when Mom pulls Savannah into a hug.
"I know," I say, squeezing her tight. "Do me a favor?"
She nods.
"Get mom to back off about a big wedding," I murmur, keeping an eye on Savannah as she and my parents chat back and forth. "She's stressing Savannah out, pestering her about things. I don't like it."
"She's just excited," my sister says, exactly like Savannah did. "She doesn't want either of you to regret how you get married. She adores Savannah and just wants her to be happy."
"I know." My entire family has welcomed my girl with open arms, and I'm grateful as hell for that—truly, I am. But Savannah has enough on her plate already. "I don't want her overwhelmed right now."
Alicia gives me a sympathetic smile. "How's she doing?"
"She's… better." A hell of a lot better than she was a few months ago, but every once in a while, I catch her staring off into space with a sad frown on her face. It kills me that I can't take away everything Toby McKee and Stewart Paulson did to her. I can't carry the burden for her or erase it. All I can do is help her move on and leave it in the past. She's trying, but she sometimes struggles more than she's willing to admit, especially since the media appeared in droves.
That kills me, too. I just want them to back the hell off and leave us in peace instead of constantly dredging up memories that already haunt Savannah. Thank God they've been more interested in me, Lexi, and what happened with T.I. than in my relationship with Savannah, though she hasn't escaped unscathed. Once they found out about our engagement, they questioned if she came between me and Lexi. We cleared that shit up real quick. They leave her alone for the most part now, having realized that she isn't going to tell them a damn thing about Paulson or about our relationship.
"She's been through a lot." Alicia glances over her shoulder at Savannah, who's watching my dad with rapt attention as he tells her something, using his hands for emphasis. "I don't think I'd have made it this far if it were me, but she has."
"Yeah, she has."
"I'm really proud of you, Jared. You've always been a good guy, but with her, you're pretty awesome. She deserves someone great like you."
"I…." I clear my throat, taken off guard by how grown up my little sister suddenly sounds. "Thank you."
"I'm still the favorite," she says, grinning at me.
I chuckle, flicking her on the nose. "You wish, kiddo."
Alicia smacks me and laughs.
We stroll the few feet to my parents and Savannah. I step up behind my girl, wrapping my arms around her. She glances back at me and smiles before melting against me.
"You ready to go, beautiful girl?" I lean down to ask, my mouth at her ear.
She shivers in my arms and nods.
"Are the girls coming to the reception?" my mom asks.
"Yes," Savannah answers. "They would have come today, but with the guest limit and everything going on… well, Lexi didn't want Chris and Demetri's big day ruined by news crews."
"It'll die down soon," my father promises her.
Sadness flits through her expression before she blinks it away and smiles. "I hope so."
We exchange goodbyes with my family, and then they stroll away, leaving me and Savannah alone for the first time all day. I waste no time taking advantage of that fact, and turn her in my arms until she's facing me, her head tilted back.
"Beautiful," I murmur, leaning down to capture her lips with mine.
She digs her hands into the lapels of my suit jacket, holding herself to me as her mouth opens beneath mine. I slip my tongue in, playing with hers. She always tastes like mint, and smells like vanilla and sex. It's a combination I can't get enough of.
My hands roam across her body, pulling another shiver from her. My cock responds to the feel of her pressed against me, straining against the fabric of my pants. Every part of me wants to strip her bare and follow the path of my hands with my lips and tongue.
"Let's go home," I whisper against her skin.
She moans and then pulls away. "I can't. I have class and therapy."
Shit. I'd forgotten all about her class and her appointment with the psychologist she's been seeing for the last seven months.
"Any chance I can convince you to ditch?" I ask, already knowing she'll tell me no. No matter what else is going on, she drags herself to class dutifully, refusing to miss a single one. She's smart as hell, already making a name for herself in the literary community. I admire her dedication, though the reason for her almost obsessive need to succeed pisses me off to no end. Fucking Toby McKee.
Most days, I regret letting the bastard live. Today is definitely one of those days. Exiling him to Italy on pain of prison if he returned to the United States wasn't nearly punishment enough for what he put Savannah through.
"Jared," she says, biting her lip and looking torn, "you know I can't."
"I know, beautiful girl." And I wouldn't dream of making her feel like she has to choose between me and school, even if I do need her naked in our bed immediately. I lean down and kiss her again before pulling away reluctantly. "Come on. Let's get you to class. I'll get you naked later."
The little frown on her face dissolves as soon as the words leave my lips, happiness washing through her expression. She brushes her lips against my cheek in silent thanks before dropping down to her heels and lacing her hand through mind.
I pull her into my side and we make our way to her Charger, a smile dancing on Savannah's lips. And that smile? Knowing I put it there?
I love that.
Chapter Three
"How did it go with Evans?"
I’m standing at the stove in mine and Savannah's apartment, my phone clutched between my shoulder and my ear, watching the vegetables sizzling in the skillet on the stove-top. Savannah will be home any minute, and I can’t wait to feed her, and then get her naked. We haven't had nearly enough time alone lately. I miss holding her, making love to her, just being with her.
"You could have warned me that he’s an ass," Lexi snaps, her voice full of ire. "I may kill him before this is all over."
I chuckle and lower the heat on the veggies.
"I’m serious, Jared! I’m not sure he’s right for this job," she sighs, sending static crackling down the line. "He’s too much like a bodyguard."
"He is a bodyguard," I remind her, grabbing an oven mitt to pull the chicken out of the broiler when the timer beeps. "He’s there to make sure you stay safe until all of this blows over."
"He could be a little less obvious about it," she grumbles. "The Board is going to have a fit if he follows me around wearing Kevlar every damn day. I don't need him alienating the few people left in my corner."
"You're right, you don't," I concede, quickly turning off the burner before plating the chicken and veggies to carry to the table. "But Evans is the best at what he does, and I can guarantee you that he will do everything in his power to ensure you come out of this in one piece, with the loyalty of your people."
Lexi snorts as if she doesn't believe me.
"He's been in town all of six hours, Lex. Give him a chance."
The front door opens as she thinks over what I've said, and then the security alarm sounds.
"Jared?" Savannah calls out, silencing the alarm.
"In the kitchen," I yell to her, placing our plates on the table.
"Savannah's home?" Lexi asks.
Thank Christ. She's only been on campus for three hours, but I missed her like crazy. I hate being away from her, and it's not just because the media is still sniffing around either. It's the way I feel when she's not close to me, like I can't relax. I'm not sure I will ever forget the agony I felt when Paulson took her from me. I never want to experience it again.
r /> "I'll let you go then. See you both at the reception tomorrow." Lexi hangs up in a hurry, pulling a sigh from my lips. The distance between Lexi and Savannah is killing my girl.
"Hey," Savannah says, walking into the kitchen with her English Lit textbook in hand and a smile on her face. It falls when she sees the phone in my hand. "Lexi?" she guesses, setting the book aside and walking straight into my outstretched arms.
"Yeah." I cuddle her close, pressing my lips to my forehead.
She sighs quietly.
I don't say anything further for a long moment, just reveling in the warmth of her body tucked against mine. I'm so glad I'm done at T.I. and will have more time with her. The last couple of months have been pure hell. "She and Evans are already butting heads."
"They'll work it out."
"Do you think she'll ever get over this, Jared?" Savannah pulls back to ask me, tears swimming in her big brown eyes. "I thought after the hospital, we'd put all of this behind us, but she barely speaks to me anymore. I don't know what to do."
"Sweet girl," I sigh, pulling her back into my arms. My heart hurts at the guilty, regretful look on her face. "This isn't on you. Lexi is…." I pause, trying to figure out how to put into words what Lexi told me today. "She loves you, and she treated you badly when you needed her. Now the press has descended en masse and you're being forced to relive it all over again. She feels bad."
"It isn't her fault though," Savannah mumbles into my chest. "None of it is."
"I know, but she feels bad anyway." I'm not sure what else to say. I hate that Lexi's avoiding Savannah, but I get where she's coming from. Savannah needed both of us, and we weren't there for her. She could have died as a result. Even without the press constantly throwing that fact in our faces, neither of us is likely to forget it any time soon.
All Cried Out (All Falls Down Book 2) Page 3