
Home > Fantasy > Ascension > Page 11
Ascension Page 11

by Natasha Brown

  “Do I have to?” Chance teased and shut the window.

  Her eyebrows lifted and she said in a whisper, “I can just fly back home, Mr. Morgan.”

  “Fine, fine.”

  Chance went to his dresser, pulled out a pair of lounge pants and a T-shirt and handed them to her.

  “Be back in a flash,” she said and disappeared under the covers again.

  When she reemerged, she had on his clothes. He thought she never looked more radiant. Before she could move, he jumped under the sheets and pulled her close. He nuzzled his face against her chest. Her strong heartbeat filtered into his ear, a beautiful song that took his breath away.

  Her fingers coiled through his hair and he closed his eyes. That empty feeling he’d been experiencing had vanished. Only to be replaced with something so filling he thought his cells might expand and burst from his body.

  When he reopened his eyes, he could have sworn she was glowing. Her emerald eyes radiated with color and her skin shone like moonlight. She touched his cheek.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” he responded in an undertone. “I just can’t wait to give you your present.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need anything.”

  Chance propped up on his elbow and said, “Yes, you do.”

  Before she could answer, he slid open his side table drawer, palmed the black box and tucked it into the pocket of his lounge pants. When he faced her again, her brow was wrinkled into a frown and she had a quizzical expression on her face. He uncovered himself and slid off the bed. Chance reached for her hands and pulled her into a sitting position.

  Kneeling before her, his mind raced for the right words and they began to tumble from his lips without effort. “I didn’t do it right before, but—the moment I saw you across the quad at school I knew. My heart told me I’d found my soul mate. I never thought I’d get married, it wasn’t something I ever thought about. You took me by surprise.” He paused to look into her eyes and saw they were watering with emotion. “I would give my life for yours over and over again just to know those green eyes were touching sunlight and giving the world one of its most amazing gifts. I know it’s tradition to walk down the aisle and say vows before a priest, but in my heart I know we’re already married. I gave myself to you that day on the mountain when I brought you back to life. I want to live out our dreams together. So, there’s nothing more that I’d like to see than you wearing my grandmother’s ring on your finger.”

  Chance pulled out the box and flipped it open so Ana could see inside. A tear fell from her cheek, landing on the ring. He pulled it from its resting place and fumbled while slipping it onto her finger. A perfect fit.

  “It’s beautiful,” Ana whispered. “I love you so much. I feel the same way about you—I’d do anything for you.”

  Her soft fingers touched his face, sending a jolt of electricity into him. She pulled him toward her and he let himself be guided. Their lips met in a loving kiss. Ana’s hair fell around them like a curtain while his hands slipped under her shirt and pressed against the skin of her back. Blood pounded through his veins and he held his breath, not wanting this moment to end like he knew it would.

  They pulled away to rest their foreheads together. Their hot breath mingled until they needed fresh air. Chance got up and sat beside her on the bed.

  “I wish it could be like this forever,” she said and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “I know,” he said. “I think there’ll always be something that keeps us from perfection.”

  “As long as I have you by my side, then I don’t care.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed.

  Chapter 11

  Ana stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she’d put on makeup for a change. She wore a cream sweater with black leggings and a pair of black flats. The twinkle lights that lined the ceiling of her room cast a soft glow. Trees cast dark shadows outside her window. Holiday music drifted up from downstairs.

  Everything will be okay, she said to herself. We’re getting married if Mom likes it or not.

  Chance’s family, Melissa’s boyfriend, Michael, Aunt Tera and Uncle Jace were coming over for Christmas dinner. Ana’s stomach was tied up in knots just thinking about sharing her news. Things went better over the last few days when Chance visited. Melissa was treating him like she used to, like a part of the family. Ana pulled her ring out of the dresser and put it on her finger. She’d made an effort to hide it from view until tonight.

  Ana took one last deep breath and left her room. She hurried downstairs to help her sister and mother in the kitchen. The turkey’s delicious aroma filled the house. When Eva saw her, she thrust a bowl into Ana’s arms and said, “The salad needs to be made.”

  She gave her little sister a sideways hug. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry, D—Aunt Tera is bringing the other sides and Aiyana’s got dessert. It’ll be perfect.”

  Eva rolled her eyes. “Of course it’ll be perfect. I have it all planned out.”

  “I never doubted you, you just looked a little stressed,” Ana answered.

  Before her sister could respond, Ana poured her a cup of egg nog and pointed her toward the living room to join their mother on the couch. It only took her ten minutes to rinse the lettuce, chop some veggies and finish the salad. At that point, headlights shone through the windows.

  “Michael’s here,” Melissa said in a singsong voice.

  A minute later, she let him in and gave him a hug. Ana watched from the kitchen doorway and couldn’t help but smile. She never thought she’d see her mom with someone besides her dad. You never think of your parents as people with their own, independent lives. If anyone deserved a little happiness, it was her mom.

  “Hey Eva! Hello, Ana.” Michael gave their mom a kiss on the cheek and pulled off his knit hat. He leaned down to pet Daisy, who was jumping around at his feet.

  “Hi, Michael,” Eva said from the couch.

  Within ten minutes, everyone else arrived at the house and Daisy was beside herself with excitement. Chance held Ana’s hand and kissed her ring. Ana nuzzled her face into his neck and observed their parents talking beside the fireplace. The small house barely contained them all. Voices and laughter filled the space. It truly felt like home.

  After everyone ate, Chance gave her a look and she knew it was time. They’d be leaving to go back to Lifen’s soon. She needed to break the news to her mother. Melissa sat on the couch beside Michael with her third or fourth glass of wine, something Ana hoped would cushion the blow.

  Ana turned to Chance. “Maybe doing it in front of everyone isn’t such a good idea.”

  He kissed her cheek and said, “I’ve got this. Let me do this the way it should be done.”

  She watched Chance go into the living room, lean down and say something to Melissa. He helped her mom up and they walked past Ana as they went into the kitchen. They stood near the backdoor, away from anyone else and had a conversation in undertones. Anxious and unable to look away, Ana tried not to stare, but couldn’t help herself.

  Her mother was facing away from her so she couldn’t see her expressions. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to even if she could. What if she was frowning or crinkling up her forehead in that disapproving way? Ana took a deep breath and let it seep out slowly.

  After about ten minutes, Chance left her mom’s side and walked over to Ana. He kissed her cheek and said, “Your mom wants to talk to you.”

  “But, what did you say to her?”

  “Don’t worry about it, just go.” He winked at her and went into the living room. Daisy rushed up to meet him, her tongue showering him with wet kisses.

  Ana approached her mom, whose back was to her. She took Chance’s place at the back door to face her. When she looked into her face, an unreadable array of emotion met her gaze. She could, at least, recognize the dam before the swell. Melissa’s eyes were misted over and that didn’t happen without tears following.

  “Chance just asked my permission to marry you,” Melissa said in an obvious daze.

  Ana asked, “And what did you say?”

  Her mother ignored the question. “He said that he knew how precious you are to me and how hard it must have been raising you, having to face your mortality, that when we nearly lost you, he saw a world without you in it and didn’t like it. He said that you mean everything to him and that he would do anything for you. He wants to be by your side as long as he’s alive.” Melissa looked her in the eyes and said matter-of-factly, “He’s quite the romantic.”

  Ana tilted her head to see into the other room and found him giving Daisy belly rubs. She answered, “Yeah, he is. He’s done more for me than you could ever know. I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for him. And I love him.”

  “He said the same thing about you.” Her mother reached for her hand. Finding the ring on Ana’s finger, Melissa’s brow wrinkled. “Love can change into something else. It can turn into resentment and anger.”

  After taking a deep breath, Ana said, “Maybe. But do you really want me living my life that way? Avoiding the good things because something bad could happen? I’ll get hurt—I have. I can’t know what will happen with Chance and myself, but what I do know is that we love each other. We love each other beyond proof.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to let you go, baby.” A tear dropped from the corner of her mother’s eye and Ana knew more would follow.

  “I’ve already left though. But I’ll always be your baby and you’ll always be here for me. You don’t need to worry about me anymore, Mom. I can look after myself now.”

  Melissa laughed and said, “The day I stop worrying about you I’ll be dead. If you ever become a mother you’ll know.” She wiped more tears from her eyes. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  “No, Mom. I’m not pregnant.”

  Had the worst passed? Had they skipped the drama and guilt trips and moved on to acceptance? Ana held her mother’s hands in hers and Melissa gave her a squeeze.

  “Love you,” Ana said.

  In response, her mother gave her a hug and muttered through her tears, “And I love you.”

  They pulled away so that Melissa could wipe her eyes and fix her makeup, which was a messy smear.

  Ana asked again, “So, what did you tell Chance?”

  Melissa crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “I told him that if he ever hurts you, an angry mama bear will have nothing on me. He found that very funny, but I don’t think he took me seriously.” Her mother reached out to touch Ana’s cheek and with tenderness, she continued, “I also told him that I can see your love for each other and that I hope it only grows and deepens.”

  A squeal of delight came from the living room. Then Eva’s voice rose above the holiday music, “Mom! Aunt Tera gave me tickets to the taping of my favorite cooking show! Can I take school off in January to go with her to Seattle?”

  Melissa grinned and called back, “It’s already arranged!”

  Ana’s heart swelled with happiness as she thought about her future with Chance. Grateful for her mom’s support, this was turning into her favorite holiday to date. She was surrounded by the people she loved and in that moment, nothing was wrong.

  She hoped it would last.

  Chapter 12

  “That wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be,” Ana said from the passenger seat.

  The snowy white landscape moved past her window while they drove on the slick highway. Flakes swirled in the air and she imagined herself in a snow globe that had been turned upside down and placed on a shelf.

  Chance gripped the steering wheel with his right hand and rested his left arm on the side of the door. His black hair fell into his hazel eyes. He nodded and said, “Yeah, it went better than I was expecting. It was easier being around Mom than I thought and your mom only threatened to maim me once.”

  Ana snickered. She spun her ring around her finger as she gazed at it. “Yeah, so all and all, not bad after all.”

  “You said you called Lifen this morning to let her know we’re on our way? She wasn’t too pissed we’re coming back later than we said we would? That woman’s got an iron glare and I don’t want to be on the receiving end of it.”

  It was an amusing thought that Chance, a strong, courageous and reckless guy, would be afraid of Lifen. Although, in all honesty, Ana knew exactly what he was talking about. She was highly respected and her power was something to behold, but there was no doubt she could hold a grudge that could last a lifetime.

  “She didn’t seem too annoyed. I heard Derek in the background threatening if we didn’t get back for tonight’s New Year’s celebration we’d be sorry.”

  Chance grinned wickedly while he stared out the windshield. “If he wants to bring it, he’ll be the one that’s sorry.”

  The Kootenay Highway curved through the mountains and the scenery began to look familiar. “Hey, slow down a bit. I think the turn off is coming up,” Ana announced, at the edge of her seat.

  It took them fifteen minutes to drive up the long, snow-covered driveway. Chance punched in the access code at the security gate and they rolled down the slope to the garage doors. He turned off the engine and it puttered into silence.

  Ana yawned so her ears would pop. They both let themselves outside and stretched. It had been a long drive that had begun before daylight. The sun had come out from the expanse of clouds and illuminated the flurry of white flakes that spun around them.

  Chance reached for Ana’s hand while they walked down the steps and zigzag pathway to the house. They stopped at the front door, which had a red piece of paper cut into an intricate design. Chance asked, “Should we knock or just go in?”

  “Let’s go in.”

  She opened the solid wooden door and they stepped onto the grass mats. The house was quiet. “Hello?” she called out.

  The sound of the meditation room’s rice paper doors sliding open traveled down the hallway. Voices followed and a moment later, Lifen, Batukhan, Derek, Jordan and Gabriella emerged.

  “Happy New Year!” Chance and Ana chorused together and the others chimed back, welcoming them home.

  Derek clapped Chance on the shoulder. “Man, I didn’t know if you were coming back!”

  Chance laughed. “You wish. I can’t let you think you can beat me in a race. I just gave you time to recover from last time.”

  “I hope your travels were safe and your visit, pleasant,” Lifen said over the boys’ joking.

  Chance quieted, shook Lifen’s hand and thanked her. Ana did the same and then they greeted Batukhan.

  Chance frowned. “Where’s Mac?”

  His disappointment was obvious. Ana actually felt his mood turn and his inner light dim. His shoulders slumped as he looked from Lifen to Batukhan for an answer.

  Batukhan waved. “Oh, he’s checked in a few times over the last two weeks you’ve been gone. I think he feels more at home outside and alone than in a house filled with people. I imagine he’ll be back soon.”

  Chance nodded and remained silent. Ana looped her arm through his while pushing healing energy into him. It’ll be okay, she thought, he’ll be back.

  He dropped his head toward hers. His forehead wrinkled in confusion while he searched her eyes for something. For what, she didn’t know.

  Jordan broke the silence. “Are you guys ready for a party?”

  They stared at him. His presence had almost been forgotten. His brown eyes were bright, transforming his normally serious face.

  Chance chortled. “Yeah. What do you have up your sleeve?”

  Jordan could barely hold still. “You’ll see. It’s going to be awesome!”

  Derek, Gabriella, Chance and Ana shared a look and burst into laughter. Ana hugged Jordan and said, “I like you out of your shell. I can’t wait to see what you think is so exciting.”

  Lifen spoke up, “We were just meditating before the festivities, but I suppose it’s time to get back to work
. We have a feast planned for tonight and even though it isn’t the Chinese New Year, I plan on celebrating like it is. Please excuse me.”

  Jordan and Lifen walked down the hall to the kitchen. Batukhan said over his shoulder as he followed them, “I will go help, but you should bring your things in and get yourselves ready for some fun.”

  Gabriella, who’d been relatively quiet until now, stepped forward and grabbed Ana’s hand. Unabashed and with spirit, her face lit up. “Ooh. Where did the ring come from? It is pretty.”

  “It’s my Christmas present,” Ana said. “It’s Chance’s grandmother’s wedding ring. I guess it’s official now. Our families know and everything.”

  Gabriella’s brown eyes stared out at her from under her long, black lashes. “You are lucky to have each other.”

  “He’s definitely the lucky one,” Derek said. “Ana’s a saint to deal with his big head.”

  Gabriella’s eyes flashed and she elbowed him in the ribs. Derek curled over while she sneered and pointed her finger at him. “Oh, you should speak. You need a stick to help prop up your head, it is so full of thoughts of yourself.”

  Derek groaned. “Sorry, sorry.”

  When he righted himself, he stood close beside Gabriella and gave her the unmistakable look of adoration. Ana bit her lip to suppress a laugh and glanced at Chance, who appeared to notice the same romantic tension between the two of them.

  “I think it’s time to get our things inside,” Ana said.

  Before she could go to the door, the guys beat her to it and ordered her to stay put. She certainly didn’t mind carrying her own things, but she could tell they wanted to talk in privacy, so she turned to Gabriella, deciding to make the best of the peacefulness.

  Gabriella must have thought the same thing, because she looped her arm through Ana’s and guided her to one of the living room couches.

  “That Derek needs some proper training, but I think I am the one for the job. He respects women and that is number one for me.”

  Ana raised her eyebrow. “Oh?”


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