
Home > Fantasy > Ascension > Page 19
Ascension Page 19

by Natasha Brown

  “Are you okay, Ana?” Lifen’s voice reached her from what seemed like a distant place, but when she lifted her head, she saw that her mentor was standing beside her. The trace of worry was written on her face.

  Ana exhaled a shaky breath. “Yes, I’m fine now.”

  She didn’t want to admit that each time she began to overload with energy it hurt more and more, that each successive time it burned hotter. She didn’t want to distress anyone. After all, there wasn’t anything they could do for her but worry and she didn’t want them suffering with her.

  None of it mattered. The only thing she wanted now was to marry Chance. When she met her end, she would be satisfied knowing they would be joined forever in spirit.

  “I’m ready,” she said, forcing a grin.

  The two women exchanged a glance, then led her from the room. Lifen stayed by her side when Gabby ran off to see if everything was ready for them. The house was empty, except for Batukhan who was dressed in a button-up shirt and waiting by the front door. He walked over to her. “Star maiden—your beauty shines bright tonight. Do you mind if Lifen and I represent your family? May we present you to your groom?”

  “I would be honored,” Ana responded.

  Batukhan stood to her left and Lifen to her right as they walked out to the front entry. Ana stepped out of her slippers, eager to feel the cool ice against her flesh.

  Gabby came running down the walkway and called down, “It’s time. We’re ready.”

  She ran back the way she came and disappeared at the top of the stairs, presumably to join the guys.

  Ana really wasn’t sure what to expect, especially since there had only been one week to plan everything. Gabby certainly wasn’t the type to pin up a couple streamers and call it done.

  They walked up the pathway in silence. The sun was sinking in the west, which cast a warm glow over the mountains. Other than a few cloud streaks, the sky was clear and the air still. Gentle chirping from snow buntings in nearby trees played nature’s own “Wedding March.”

  Batukhan led Ana across the driveway. When they reached the large outbuilding, a series of white lights glowed on the snow, creating a starlit path. At the end of the building, pale cloth stretched between the lights, leading up to the center of a clearing. Torches encircled the area with flowers secured to their metal bases. Gabby, Derek and Jordan stood to the side of the clearing. And beside Mac, stood her sun and moon, Chance.

  Every time she looked at him, she found him handsome, but tonight something was different. It could have been his hazel eyes, his familiar spicy scent, or the way his black hair brushed away from his face. Maybe it was the way he looked at her, although he always stared at her with devotion. Tonight he seemed dumbstruck. A trace of emotion pulled at his cheek and jaw. His fists relaxed as she drew near and then her hand was in his. That was it. She didn’t want to leave his side and wasn’t sure if she could even if she tried.

  Mac began speaking, but she couldn’t discern anything he was saying. His voice faded away with the birdsong and the only thing she could hear was Chance beside her. The rasp and catch of his breath held her attention and made her heart skip a beat. His eyes locked on to hers and it was only the two of them standing among the snow-covered pines of the pristine mountainside.

  The moment was being etched into her memory, every detail of it. Subtle fragrances, like smoke from Lifen’s fireplace, damp earth and the smell of soap on Chance’s skin, would forever be connected to that second. She swallowed hard while she felt herself get momentarily lost in thought.

  Mac’s voice grew louder and his words became clear in her ears. “I have lived so many hundreds of years. I must have seen every emotion capable of the human psyche, but out of all of them, I believe love is the only one that can fulfill a soul for an eternity—although I’m not there yet.” He paused a moment and a mischievous expression crept onto his face. Mac continued, “Love is also the only emotion that can make you feel so many others, like passion or fear. Once you have found an everlasting love, you don’t want to lose it, you want to protect it. And as tumultuous as the experience can be, love makes it all worthwhile. Both of you are taking the journey we are required to make along the path of life, yet you represent the strength and joy that is earned through sharing it with the one you love. I cannot tell you how to pledge yourselves to each other, or how to honor each other’s spirit—only you can. Only you know. Ana, if you’re ready, you may begin.”

  Before she knew it, Mac stopped talking and was looking at her with an amused expression. Her mind went blank. She’d written her vows and now, it had vanished from her memory. Panic began to set in as she felt many sets of eyes on her. Ana looked up and caught Chance’s gaze.

  The things she wanted to say to him crystalized in her mind. Staring at him and only him, she said, “I found purpose and hope when I met you and you made my heart whole. You were interested in me—who I really am—and that gave me the confidence to have pride in myself in the face of my mortality. I’m happy knowing you’re my best friend and that you will always be here for me. You are my North Star, my constant. Your love is a gift that I treasure and I will appreciate you every day, offer you support when you need it and challenge you when you’re being stubborn. I thank you for your devotion and only hope I can give to you what you have given me.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief when she finished. For having forgotten everything she was going to say, she’d said what was in her heart. Mac handed her Chance’s ring and she fumbled with slipping it onto his finger. When it settled safely in its place, she glanced up. Ana was surprised to see the clear trace of emotion in his eyes. It caught her up short. The strongest person she knew was also secretly the most passionate. All she wanted was to be with him forever. She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed the silver band. With his other hand, he caressed her cheek.

  “Ah, there’s nothing quite like young love,” Mac said, beaming. “Chance, would you like to share your feelings for Ana?”

  For a moment, she wasn’t sure if he would share her performance anxiety, but he stood tall and took both of her hands in his before he began. Steady like the mountains they stood upon, his hazel eyes pierced through her and so did his words. “My heart led me to you. When I told myself I couldn’t be bothered with girls, my heart didn’t listen. I just couldn’t ignore you. I may be an impatient person, but I’d wait a lifetime if it meant I could be with you. Even though everything has always been so complicated, the one constant for me has always been you. I’d do anything to be by your side forever and to keep you happy. I’ll never stop fighting for you, ever. I love you.”

  Ana tried to hold back the tears that threatened to come out. The familiar look of desperation she’d seen in his eyes before broke her heart. She leaned forward and touched her forehead to his. It was her instinct to send healing energy to him, but she stopped herself. He’d sense it and wouldn’t thank her for it.

  Mac gave Chance her ring. He reached for her hand and without hesitation, slipped it on. Without waiting for permission, he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

  Ana’s heart sang with happiness. She tried to freeze the moment in her thoughts, to hold it for posterity. For nearly the entire time she’d known him, it felt like they were moving together on their own individual journeys, or maybe a shared journey of discovering themselves and finding their place in the world. Standing out beneath the heavens sharing their feelings for each other at this point of their odyssey, Ana was fulfilled.

  “I don’t think they needed me at all.” Mac laughed. “On this magical night, the two of you come together, united in partnership. The joining of your energies is a gift to the universe.”

  Ana gave Mac a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  Mac turned to the others, who Ana noticed again since arriving. Lifen leaned into Batukhan and they both stared at Chance and Ana with softened expressions. Gabby clapped and cheered with the boys, who began to throw rice in
the air.

  Ana shrugged off the tiny grenades. Chance held his arms around her, protectively. He couldn’t seem to hold back a laugh when he said, “Hey! Not cool—who decided on throwing dinner at us?”

  “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when people get married?” Jordan asked, appearing slightly confused.

  Derek boomed, “It’s old school for the old married man! And I ain’t stopping till you carry your woman over the threshold.”

  Chance hooked his arm around Ana’s waist and began moving down the aisle. Ana giggled all the way past the animal sanctuary across the driveway. White pellets of rice followed them, just as Derek had promised.

  Before she knew what happened, Chance grabbed her up in his arms and hurried down the zigzagging walkway, slipping a few times. Ana covered her eyes, afraid to watch. She heard his feet thunder onto the porch and his heavy breathing. Then he stopped. She peeked out from between her fingers only to find Chance staring at her.

  “Are you ready, Mrs. Morgan?”

  Her lips parted to place a gentle kiss on his awaiting mouth. “Yes,” she whispered back.

  Chance leaned down to open the door. It swung open and they stepped inside. As soon as they were in, a spattering of what sounded like hail rained down on the wood deck behind them.

  Lifen’s voice called out, “Derek, if you get rice in my house you’ll be on cleaning duty for a week!”

  When everyone was inside, Chance and Ana were led into the dining room where a buffet of food was laid out on the table. Beautiful flower arrangements of blue orchids and white roses rose above the food along the center. The delicate smell of the roses mixed with the various foods.

  “Wow!” Ana said. “Jordan, I can’t believe you did all of this. You remind me of my sister.” She gave him a sideways hug. He frowned and she added, “I mean, she likes to cook too.”

  “It’s nothing—you deserve a perfect day,” he answered with an embarrassed grin.

  They ate and ate and the only reason everybody stopped was to leave room for dessert. Chance remained close to her all night, slipping kisses onto her neck or ear. When it came to feeding her cake, he only smeared a bit on her cheek, but then licked it off. She couldn’t help but do the same to him.

  While she was busy getting a fresh slice, she noticed Jordan bring his laptop up to Chance, who stopped what he was doing to stare open-mouthed at the screen.

  “That’s it—you found it.”

  Chapter 20

  Chance stared at the pictures on Jordan’s laptop. His heartbeat picked up as he recalled the imagery that had flashed through his head earlier that day. The large bridge of stone and the colorful sandstone valleys forged by water and erosion were almost as breathtaking as they were in person.

  “Where is it?” he asked Jordan.

  “Not too far. Utah—Lake Powell.”

  Chance looked up when he realized the room had quieted down. Ana was now by his side and examining the screen with a confused expression. She directed her question to both of them, “What is this?”

  Jordan’s eyes widened and he was struck dumb. Chance didn’t know how to start. Only a few hours ago he’d promised to protect her and do everything he could to keep her safe and he wasn’t about to let her down. He didn’t want to waste any time if it meant saving her life, not one second. But he looked into her green eyes and struggled to tell her that, because the pull to stay with her was just as strong.

  He was relieved when Mac moved forward and said, “It appears Chance has found the location of the mysterious talisman he saw in Daemon’s memories.”

  Ana answered, “But I don’t understand. I thought he saw it in Daemon’s memory from a different time in history. From the memories I saw, it definitely wasn’t Utah.”

  Mac, Jordan and Batukhan turned their attention to Chance, who realized they weren’t going to help him out of answering the question. He sighed, handed the computer back to Jordan and took her hands in his.

  “I had Mac guide me through another memory earlier today. I saw Daemon’s treasure stash and the gold box was there—the necklace too. I don’t know quite how long ago the memory happened, but it’s worth a shot.” Chance swallowed and pushed on to say the hardest part, “Jordan’s found the location. As much as I want to stay with you, I have to go. I’m the only one who knows where it is, or hopefully is. I can’t just stay here and wait for . . . I have to go.”

  Ana blinked and continued to stare at him. “I know there’s nothing I could do to stop you if that’s what you’ve decided. But what about your own safety? What if Ryan’s there—we know he talked about going to get it. You always move with guns blazing without any thought to yourself.”

  “It’s not in my best interest to get killed down there without being able to deliver you the necklace,” Chance said. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

  Mac took a large bite of cake, chewed it and held his fork in the air as he swallowed. “Should be fine—Batukhan and I will be going with him. It is true that there could be traps or worse, Ryan could be there. Have to say, I kind of hope he is.”

  The rest of the room erupted in talking. Ana gave Mac an exasperated expression just as Lifen turned to Batukhan with her eyebrow lifted.

  Derek threw his arms in the air. “What’s up, man? Why didn’t you tell me what was happening today? You aren’t even taking me along?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t want Gabby finding out—” Chance answered and Gabriella shook her finger at him. He continued, “Do you know how much I hate leaving Ana’s side again? I wouldn’t leave her with just anyone. I trust you. Will you keep her safe for me while I’m gone? All of you?”

  Chance moved his gaze to Lifen, Jordan and Gabby, directing the question to each of them.

  “Of course,” Lifen said, bowing her head. “I will continue to look after Ana’s well-being and I believe Derek and Jordan can help me keep a lookout. Batukhan’s been training them to sense nearby energy. He was just telling me how well they’re doing.”

  Gabby elbowed Derek in the ribs and he leaned forward to clap hands with Chance. “Of course, man. I’ll do whatever it takes. It won’t be the same without you around though.”

  “However I can be of use,” Jordan responded.

  “Thanks everyone,” Chance said. He pulled Ana into an embrace, locking his arms around her waist. He couldn’t bring himself to smile, it would have been fake and he didn’t want to be disingenuous. Emotions churned below the surface and he didn’t know how to process them all. There were so many variables, he couldn’t think about the likelihood of them finding the cave, the mysterious pendant, or the possibility that the talisman could actually hold the answer to save Ana. All that mattered was that he had a job to do. There was a possibility and that was better than nothing.

  Jordan had set his laptop on the table and was typing away. After a few minutes, he announced, “If you get moving there’s a flight that leaves Calgary for Flagstaff that you might be able to catch.”

  Chance leaned against their rental car while he waited for Batukhan to get back. He’d gone to find out about getting a power boat from the marina and Mac was off buying some food and water for their trip. Chance still didn’t know why they weren’t just flying off in bird form, but the others had assured him that it would save time and energy if they traveled by water.

  Even though it was still winter, it was a sunny day around fifty degrees. Chance drummed his fingers against the exterior of the car and was relieved to see Mac walking toward him with his arms full of white shopping bags and a two-and-a-half-gallon jug of water. Chance couldn’t help but snort when he noticed the captain’s hat and sunglasses with their tags dangling in Mac’s face.

  “I have always wanted to be a sea captain,” Mac said proudly when he got close enough to the car. He set his booty on the hood of the car, pulled out a beef stick and offered it to Chance. “Want one?”

  “Naw, I’m good. What’s taking Batukhan so long? I want to get going. This isn�
��t just a sightseeing vacation.”

  Mac tore a big bite off his beef stick and chewed it. “There’s no road nearby the Rainbow Bridge, the stone arch you saw in your vision. I do not think you understand how big this lake and river system is. If it takes more than a day to find, we need to have gear with us. It will take a lot of energy searching. Plus, it’s pretty cool driving a boat, don’t you think?”

  Chance nodded, too tired to argue with Mac.

  Minutes later, Batukhan walked up the road, holding out a set of silver keys. Chance grabbed the shopping bags off the rental car and said, “We’re burning daylight.”

  Mac laughed. “That’s a funny expression. Illogical, but funny.”

  When Batukhan reached them, he announced, “I rented a speed boat. Told the man we were after some Colorado pikeminnows and that we might be out a day or a week.”

  The amusement slid off Mac’s face and he said very seriously, “Aren’t those extinct?”

  “Or endangered,” Batukhan responded. “Man isn’t good at appreciating life from afar. They have to catch it and hang it on their walls.”

  Chance surprised himself by joining in on the conversation. “My grandfather always said that people are often unable to see beyond their own selfish needs to respect the Earth, but that it was the responsibility of those who knew better to do better.”

  “Your grandfather sounds like a wise man I would have liked,” Mac said.

  Adjusting the bags in his hands, Chance looked up at the midday sun. “He was the best.”

  Batukhan put him out of his misery and clapped him on the shoulder. “I think it’s time to find this hidden cave.”

  “You’d better call shotgun,” Mac announced as he snatched the boat keys from Batukhan’s fingers, “because I’m driving.”


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