Menace (Moonshine Task Force Book 5)

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Menace (Moonshine Task Force Book 5) Page 5

by Laramie Briscoe

  “Love you, Mom. Talk to you again soon.”

  And as I get off the phone, I get a text from the man who’s occupied my thoughts all afternoon.


  Since I left the high school, I’ve been an uncomfortable and moody bastard. A part of my conscience berates itself for pulling that shit with Karina in her classroom, the other half of me congratulates myself for taking what we both wanted. It’s been a long time since I did it, almost thought I’d forgotten how to assert myself, but I’m glad to know that part of me is very alive and well. My dick is still hard, but I know I’ll have a semi until I’m deep inside her again. After making two rounds of the route I’ve been assigned and an hour before I go off-shift, I park on the side of the road, setting up my radar gun. With any luck, I won’t have anyone speeding and it’ll allow me to take care of some business.

  For the first ten minutes, I catch up on paperwork, and then I can’t wait anymore. I pick up my cell phone and send Karina a message.

  M: Imagine my surprise when I walked into my son’s classroom and saw you today.

  The surprise had been immediate. Never had I imagined this hot-as-hell woman to be a teacher. We never had a teacher that looked like her when I was in school, that’s for damn sure.

  K: Surprise was mutual, big guy. When you talked about having a son, I imagined some cute little kid about six-years-old. Never in a million years did I think you were Caleb Harrison’s dad. How old are you? Did you lie on the app?

  I chuckle at her question. It’s one that’s routinely asked when I explain I’m his dad and he’s my son. Sometimes it irritates me, because I’ve answered it so often, but I find I like sharing pieces of myself with her.

  M: No, I’m 34…almost 35. Caleb was a very early in life surprise.

  K: I can’t wait to hear the story. Caleb’s a special kid, he’s been awesome to have in my class.

  While I feel a twinge of pride, I know sometimes Caleb’s a smartass and he’s probably tried her patience a time or two.

  M: No need to blow smoke, Teach. I know my son. He can be an ass, and he can have the smartest mouth on him, but he’s intelligent when he puts his mind to it.

  K: You know him well…

  M: It’s just been us for a long time we have to know each other well. When can I see you again?

  The question is impulsive, but I know if I don’t make an effort with this woman, she’ll slip between my fingers. After waiting as long as I have to get back in the game, I don’t want to let her go. Not after the time we had, not after she’s monopolized my thoughts, and definitely not after I’ve found her again.

  K: Tomorrow is Friday, are you free tomorrow night? Or do you work? I’m assuming you work some crazy shifts.

  M: Sometimes, but I work a day shift tomorrow. I’m free for the night. Caleb’s got a date and won’t be home until late.

  K: Where you taking me, big guy?

  That’s a good question, there aren’t a lot of good places in Laurel Springs, but we can’t drive to Birmingham every time we want to go out on a date.

  M: Wherever you want to go, as long as it’s in town. I have to work early on Saturday.

  K: Is the Mexican place good? I’ve never eaten there. Only The Café and the fast food places, or I cook at home.

  M: Yeah, it’s one of the better ones I’ve been to, and I’ve lived all around the country.

  K: Okay, I’ll see you there tomorrow. Will you pick me up and take me home so I can have a margarita or two?

  Immediately a smile spreads across my face. I’ve never had a woman ask that question before, and I kind of like it. She’s cute and sexy at the same time. Hopefully she wants to get a little tipsy so we can take advantage of our situation.

  M: It’ll be my pleasure. Pick you up at six?

  K: Sounds perfect! See you then, Mason.

  As I put my phone back in the cup holder, I do it with the huge smile still on my face.

  * * *

  “Dad, why didn’t you tell me you went out on a date with Ms. Holland?”

  Caleb is waiting for me when I get off-shift, sitting in the living room, watching TV in the early-evening light. I don’t know how he knows, but he’s always been good at guessing things.

  “I didn’t realize she was Ms. Holland,” I honestly tell him. “We didn’t exchange last names, didn’t tell each other what we did for a living. She knew I had a son, but she didn’t know your name and didn’t know how old you were.”

  “The chemistry was so hot between you two that most of the people in the classroom picked up on it. I think I know why you were smiling so much after your date with her. There’s a lesson here.” My son folds his arms over his chest. “Was this really the smartest thing you could have done? I mean she could have hurt you, abducted you, and left you on the side of the road.”

  He’s giving me back everything I’ve told him about going with people he doesn’t know. “It was careless of me, and irresponsible. I know, I know.” But the truth is, I’d been so excited to go out with a woman who didn’t know my life as a single dad, that I’d pushed all that away.

  “I hope you’ve learned from your mistake. I won’t say I’m angry about it, but I am disappointed in you.” He uses the same voice I use with him when he’s done something to disappoint me, and when I see the grin threatening across his face, I throw my jacket at him.

  “You little shithead.” I don’t even know what to say to him.

  “For real though, Dad, can I be real with you for a second? Dude’s want to get with Ms. Holland. Like the new science teacher, he’s been trying to hit it for at least the last few months. Coach has asked her out twice, and she’s said no both times. But you, something about you got her to go out with you.”

  “Well I don’t know what it was, I was myself when we emailed and texted.”

  “Don’t let this go to your head, but you’re kind of a cool guy when you aren’t trying so hard.”

  “Gee thanks, Caleb.”

  “It’s what I’m here for.” He turns to look at me. “And real talk, Ms. Holland had some gnarly looking hickeys on her neck after the date the two of you went on. She tried to hide it, but you could tell. All of us were trying to figure out who hit that, because Ms. Holland is hot as hell. She doesn’t know it, which makes her even hotter.”

  Now I’ve heard enough. “Look, if I’m going to date her, and I really would like to, I can’t have you checking her out if I bring her around here.”

  “Dad.” He rolls his eyes. “I check out lots of women, I’m a teenage guy. But I would never disrespect you, and if she’s someone you want to spend time with, I want you to do it. You’ve lived your life for me, for a lot of years. I want you to live it for yourself now, make yourself happy.”

  “You know what? I’m going to. Wherever this goes with her, even if it doesn’t end up lasting, I’m going to experience it.”

  Mind made up, I realize I’m ready for it. Completely ready to try my hand at an adult relationship, and no matter how it ends up, I’ll be thankful for the experience. Because Karina Holland has fuckin’ turned my life upside down, sideways, and destroyed my careful existence.



  “Shit!” I hiss between clenched teeth as I put my finger a little too close to my curling wand, slightly burning the tip as I artfully arrange the last strand of hair I’ve curled around my face. Totally what I get for not using the glove provided, but I have more control with bare hands; and honestly, I like to live dangerously sometimes.

  Giving myself a once-over, I admit, I’m pretty hot. Hopefully hot enough that Mason will want to do a little fooling around before he drops me off back home. I’m black on black and dark tonight. Black booties encase my feet, up to black ripped jeans, and a band t-shirt that’s a little looser than I like it to be. Reaching behind me, I put a knot in the extra material, and when I do, it exposes a small swath of skin between the band of my jeans and the top of the cotton. Closing my
eyes, I imagine Mason running those rough hands of his over the smooth skin. Insanity that I’ve been with this man once, been on one date with him, and he can have me this excited to see him.

  The alarm on my phone goes off, telling me I have five minutes before he’s supposed to arrive. Giving myself another glance, I take a little bit of concealer and dab at the edges of my eyes where I got the shadow a bit too dark. My look for tonight is dark with a plum matte lip color and plum shadow, but I’m not striving for the beaten look. Just the mysterious, sexy chick look. Grabbing my leather jacket, I put it over my shoulders, make sure I have my purse, and then take a deep breath. We’ve been out once, this is no different.

  Except it is.

  Before our date in Birmingham, I didn’t know how he tasted, didn’t know how the weight of his body felt on top of me, didn’t realize how soft and hard lips could be at the same time. Didn’t realize how a man could turn me inside out with a touch. That night in Birmingham opened my eyes to everything I’ve been missing, and I never want to miss it again. As I’m going through and shutting off lights, I hear someone pull into my driveway and see the shadows cast by a vehicle idling, before I hear footsteps on my front porch. Bonus points for him; he didn’t honk and expect me to come meet him. The knock is strong and secure, resonating loudly through my living room. Definitely the knock of a cop. I laugh at the reference in my head.

  Opening the door, I purse my lips at the man in front of me. Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever been with a guy as hot as Mason Harrison.

  “You look…” he trails off as his eyes rake over my body.

  On impulse I do a little turn for him. Maybe wanting to show off what I have, maybe wanting him to see what’s totally his if he wants to take it.

  “There are no words,” he finishes. “At least not in my vocabulary.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  My eyes rake over him, the same way he did to me. Jeans that aren’t too tight, but aren’t too loose fit over long legs. A black t-shirt shows off his trim waist, a black and gray flannel sits over it, opened with the sleeves rolled up exposing strong forearms with a tattoo I didn’t notice before. Just like everything else about him, it’s hot.

  “Nice.” I run my hand over the ink. “Wouldn’t have taken you for a guy with a tattoo. We didn’t even get that shirt off of you last time, so I have no idea what’s underneath.”

  His eyes flare dark with the passion I glimpsed during our night together and during our time in my classroom. It can quickly become an obsession of mine, seeing that look in his eyes. The blatant want on his face. To have it all directed at me? It’s the stuff dreams are made of.

  “I’d like to give you that opportunity as soon as possible.” His voice is dark as he steps back, allowing me to turn and shut my door.

  “We’ll see.” I flash him a grin and a look over my shoulder as I check the lock.

  His brown eyes are on my porch lights. “What’s wrong with that one?” he points to the one that’s been out since I moved into the place.

  “Don’t know, I can’t reach it. I keep telling the landlord, but he has yet to fix it for me.” I shrug. “I’m pretty sure the bulb’s just blown. I’m too short to reach it though, and I’m afraid I’ll kill myself if I try to get a ladder. I hope this one doesn’t go too.”

  “I’ll take care of it for you in the next few days.” He nods toward it. “It’s not a good idea for a woman living by herself to have lights out like that. It goes against everything I’ve learned as a law enforcement officer.”

  Putting my hands on his chest, I lean up, giving him a chaste kiss. “I’m from Philly.” My voice is soft. “I know how to take care of myself.”

  “I’ve been to war, and there are things that still give me pause. Safety of someone I’m interested in is one of those things. Just let me do it for you.” He lets his hand slide along my back to cup the curve of my ass.

  There’s something arousing about a man who wants to take care of you, because he likes doing it, and truth be told I’ll gladly let him. “If you insist.”

  “I do.” He drops a kiss on my lips and then taps my ass before turning me to his Jeep. “Let’s go, I’m starving.”

  Walking together, he escorts me to the passenger side of the Jeep, opening the door, and easily helps me into the seat. When he shuts the door, I breathe a calming sigh. There is something inherently sexy about this man, something that tells me I’m way in over my head if he ever decides to completely turn on the charm for me.

  The drive to El Chico isn’t long, but we keep up a steady stream of conversation as we go.

  “How do you like being a member of the Moonshine Task Force? I didn’t know you were a member. I know Leigh and Violet, but it never came up.”

  “Really?” He comes to a stop at the end of my street and motions for the person who stopped even with us to go. I try not to be mesmerized by the way his forearm flexes as he grips the steering wheel.

  “Yeah, I tutored Leigh in a class she was having trouble with, and I teach night classes two nights a week. That’s how I met Violet,” I explain as we drive cautiously within the speed limit toward the restaurant. “Had I known they know you, I would have told them your name. Then I wouldn’t have made an idiot of myself thinking you had a young child.”

  He chuckles. “I’m not real close with Ace, but if I had to say I have a best friend, it’s Havoc.”

  “Leigh’s husband, right?” I don’t know their call signs off the top of my head.

  “Right, they just had a baby, so I haven’t seen him outside of work in a few weeks. It’s actually why I decided to try the dating app.”

  Now we’re getting somewhere. “This I’d love to hear. Why a man like you didn’t have a line of women at your door.”

  Mason is quiet for a moment, and I think maybe I’ve overstepped when he shrugs and scratches the stubbly beard on his jaw. “I tried dating a few times when Caleb was younger, after I got back from my tour and honorably discharged. I really tried.” He leans forward, checking both ways before he turns the truck to the right, taking us into the downtown area of Laurel Springs. “But so many women wanted to be Caleb’s mom, they wanted to tell him what to do and pretend like they’d be around forever. After what happened with his mom, I couldn’t just keep inviting women into his life. Half of them never lasted after a handful of dates, if they even made it that far, and it just felt unfair.”

  “Unfair to be living your life?”

  “No, unfair to bring these women into Caleb’s life when I knew it wouldn’t last. Eventually, I gave up trying to date and settled for a few women who knew the score.”

  “Booty calls?” I supply, not sure I want to know the answer. I don’t want to be categorized that way.

  “We fulfilled needs that each other had.” He’s careful with his words. “Sometimes you just need a warm body beside you at night. Somedays you need someone to work off frustration with, and sometimes you just need that sexual release. If I hadn’t had these things in my life, I would have gone crazy, because of all the stress I was under.” He’s talking, and I don’t want to stop him. Even though this is our second official date, somehow I feel as if we’ve known each other our whole lives.

  “Is that what I am?” I question quietly. “Someone who should know the score?”

  Mason reaches over, entwining our fingers together, holding our palms in his lap as he continues to drive the streets of downtown. “No, you’re different. You’re the one I’m going to allow myself to truly be with. All those other women? They had no room in their lives for Caleb, because they didn’t know him, they didn’t want to get to know him. Even though he’s an adult now, he needs a feminine presence in his life, and the two of you know one another. For the first time in years I feel like I can try to be a normal guy, take a girl out for a date, have her spend the night, and not worry about her hating me when I explain why we can’t be together. Now, I can try to have a relationship.” He pulls up to a
stop at El Chico. “That is, if you want to try and have one with me.”

  I’ve listened to everything he’s said, and I’ve let it all sink in. If I decide to be with Mason, Caleb comes with him.

  “You’re a package deal?” In my line of work, I see a lot of parents who don’t love their children or their role as a parent half as much as Mason seems to. If he isn’t the man I think he is, then I don’t want to put myself in a relationship with him. Mason, though, I’m learning never disappoints.

  “I am.” He grips the steering wheel. “There’s no one in this world I’m prouder of than my son, and there’s no one who means more to me than him. If you’re going to take me on, he comes with me, no matter where he is in life. He’s leaving in the summer, so I plan on spending time with him, and if you come into our lives, you’ll need to spend time with him, too. It’s just how it’s going to have to be.”

  It’s a lot to digest, but I know the way I feel in the depths of my stomach, I know this flutter isn’t something that comes along every day, and I also know how much I already care for Caleb. He’s one of my favorite students, and I’ve enjoyed watching him mature during the school year. Getting out of the Jeep, I walk around, opening Mason’s door and stepping on the running board. The shock is written plain as day across his face, when I lean in. “I’m in, fully and completely, with you. It might be stupid, considering we just met. It might be the biggest mistake of my life, it might blow up in our faces, but Mason, I want the experience.”

  Reaching up under my hair, he cups my neck, pulling me to kiss his lips. “I want the experience too, more than I’ve ever wanted it before.”



  Walking behind Karina has quickly become my favorite pastime. The way her jeans hug her ass should be fucking illegal in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.


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