Inevitable (Key West #2)

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Inevitable (Key West #2) Page 14

by C. A. Harms

  “Seriously?” Jett asked, and I grinned as I watched Harper take her place next to Callie. She winked at me and then turned her attention toward the back of the church.

  “You know how it is, Jett. When you’ve got something great…” I let my words fade away. I knew he understood.

  Avery walked down the aisle with her eyes averted toward the floor. She was avoiding eye contact with Kade, and I know I wasn’t the only one wondering what the hell that was about.

  When the music changed and Quinn stepped through the doorway, everything shifted. Quinn held her father’s arm as they walked toward the altar at the front of the church. A large picture of her mother had been placed near us, and her eyes continued to shift toward the photo.

  Jett’s nostrils flared and his breathing became heavier as Quinn reached him. Her eyes were full of tears, and you could tell he too was fighting off the emotional impact of the absence of Quinn’s mom, Abby.

  “I love you, baby,” Jett whispered, and because I was so close, I got to witness their exchange. “You look beautiful.”

  “You look handsome,” she replied, and he winked.

  “So you ready to be my wife?” he asked.

  “I think I need to give her away first, son.” Beau, Quinn’s father, chuckled as Quinn and Jett stared at one another.



  There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. The exchange between Jett and Quinn pulled at everyone.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” the preacher asked.

  “I do, but in turn I don’t lose her. I only gain a son…” Beau’s eyes were red, and his throat bobbed as he swallowed. He looked directly at Quinn. “I just got you, so I won’t give you away. But I will agree that Jett is the man I trust to love you.” He leaned forward and kissed Quinn on the cheek. “Your mother is here with us, and she’s smiling, baby girl.”

  He then turned to Jett and shook his hand. “Spend every day making my girl smile and laugh.” Jett nodded, because from the looks of it, he too was on the verge of tears. It was such a heartbreaking yet beautiful moment.

  I thought Jett was gonna make it out without shedding a tear, but I was wrong. The moment they said “I do” and Quinn looked up at him, he lost it.

  “We’re married,” she whispered. “Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  “Never, baby,” he replied before kissing her softly, and the dam broke.

  Seeing my brother share such an amazing love with the woman who was now his wife was inspiring. I wanted what they had.

  Easton looked at me over Jett’s shoulder, and the sight of him made my knees weak. My heart swelled when he mouthed the words I love you.


  “Things seem like they’re going pretty good between you and Easton,” Alexis said as she sat next to me. I smiled over at my sister as she held baby Colton in her lap. He was the spitting image of his daddy, and she had a future heartbreaker on her hands for sure.

  “They are,” I assured her. “He asked me to move in with him.”

  Her smile widened and she looked up toward the dance floor. Colt held Maddison in his arms as he swayed from side to side, looking adoringly at his little girl.

  “Harper,” Alex said, just above a whisper. “We’ve both had some shitty luck when it comes to guys. We’ve both had good and bad. Easton seems like one of the good guys, and you deserve that. I can see the way you look at each other. And anyone who has witnessed his reaction to you today knows that he has it bad. Don’t hold back.”

  “He is one of the good ones,” I assured her as I found him at the opposite side of the room. He was talking to my father and my uncle. He looked so damn sexy standing there in his tux.

  “I want you to be happy, Harp. I want you to have what I have, what Jett has. The next wedding I attend, I want it to be you in that white dress.”

  I turned to Alexis and saw her watching me with such intensity. “Thanks, and I’ll see what I can do.” I bumped her shoulder with mine. “But you know I won’t be wearing white, not with that man. I think I’ll go for cream.”

  She shook her head before kissing my cheek and walking onto the dance floor to meet her husband and daughter.

  The idea of me having a family like hers one day made the strong urge to be in Easton’s arms even stronger.


  “Have I told you how unbelievably sexy you look in this dress?” Easton asked as he nibbled on my ear.

  He held me close and ground his pelvis against me. The music playing through the speakers was setting the mood.

  “Yes,” I whispered. “But I don’t mind you repeating it.”

  “What would be even sexier is me taking it off.” When he licked the side of my neck, I may have moaned a little longer than I intended.

  “Now that sounds sexy,” I replied.

  “Honestly, man, my parents may be gone, but I’m still here.” Jett broke the trance I was in, and I looked back over my shoulder.

  “Well, dude, if my kissing her neck is bothering you, then you may want to turn around,” Easton said as he gripped my ass and pulled me closer. “Because I am about to do all kinds of dirty things to her, and you getting all big brother on me sure as hell isn’t going to stop me.”

  Quinn and I both laughed as Jett just shook his head. He then slowly guided Quinn away, giving me and my man a little more privacy.

  “Now where was I?” Easton said just before grinding himself against me once more. “That feels just about right.”

  “When do you plan on taking me home and having your way with me?” I asked.

  “Home?” He pulled back enough to look down at me. “Are you saying yes to my question? You gonna move in with me?”

  “I knew I was going to when you asked me yesterday. I just wanted to torture you a bit.” I laughed when he rolled his eyes at me. It was definitely a reaction that was so unlike him.

  “Let’s go home,” he said as he took my hand and pulled me toward the exit. “The next step is setting a date,” he said over his shoulder as we walked outside.

  “A date?” What the hell was that?

  “Yep.” He smirked. “Because, Harper Jameson, you are gonna marry me.”

  The cocky arrogance in his voice would normally irritate me, but not tonight. Tonight it just brought on a sense of excitement, because marrying Easton was definitely something I could see happening in my future.

  The End

  *Sneak Peek*

  Irrevocable: Kade’s Story

  I felt sick to my stomach. It hit me the moment I reached the altar as I turned to face the crowd. Anger immediately engulfed me, and it was next to impossible to contain. I stared at him as my nostrils flared and my heart raced.

  Robert Archer hadn’t been drinking that night. He was a law-abiding citizen who had fallen asleep at the wheel after working a double shift, but Jenna was killed on impact. If it wasn’t for him, and me, the woman I had thought I’d marry one day would still be alive today.

  I wasn’t the only person that blamed myself; Jenna’s parents blamed me too.

  Jude tapped my arm, and I looked over at him, my chest still heaving with anger.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  “No.” It was all I offered him before turning back to face the man that killed Jenna.

  I spent the entire ceremony glaring at him as he fidgeted in his seat, trying my best to remember that it was Jett and Quinn’s day. The moment the ceremony ended, he hurried out of the chapel, and I stalked out after him. Outside I cornered him at the side of the building. “Why are you here?” I shouted.

  “I was invited,” he stated nervously. His response only made me angrier. He got to live his life. He got to wake up every fucking day and smile, laugh, and feel the sun on his face. But Jenna paid the price for a few extra bucks in his pocket.

  I took a step closer until my chest was only inches from his. He stood at my height and he wasn’t a small man, yet he appeared weak and defeated.
r />   “Dad?” I heard from behind me, and my once racing heart hit the fucking ground at my feet. “Is everything okay?”

  I took a step back and turned to face Avery. She looked up at me with a confused expression on her face.

  “This is your dad?” I asked, hoping I had misunderstood her.

  “My stepdad, but yes,” she clarified.

  I hung my head and took in a deep breath. No wonder I hadn’t made the connection. Avery still had her biological father’s last name, but the man that took Jenna from me was the man she now called Dad.


  My husband and children, the three that make life more amazing every day. I love you with all my heart and thank you for making it possible for me to accomplish my goals.

  Mrs. Maria Trojanowski, what would I do without you? You give me a push when I need it most. If I hit a dull point, I know that in some way you will get me moving again. You are one of the good ones and I am so thankful that we became friends. Thank you for being there when I need you.

  Thank you to Lydia from HEA Book Tours PR & More. I don’t think I tell you enough just how AMAZING you are. Once again lady love, you are adored. You are my Go to girl for Tours and promo. You are so trustworthy and fun. I place my books in your hands and I don’t think twice about it. You always hold up your end of the deal and shoot well above the expected. I love what you do. You two ROCK MY WORLD!

  Ena and Amanda from Enticing Journey Book Promotions, thank you both for all your hard work and for helping me spread the word about my upcoming releases. I am so glad I stumbled upon your Services.

  All my fans and followers…Thank you all for your dedication and kind words. You all make me want to lock myself up in a room and pump out another book just for you.

  About the Author

  C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn’t always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

  She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband of 14 years and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.







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