Seven Wardens Omnibus

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Seven Wardens Omnibus Page 29

by Skye MacKinnon

  "Men?" Aunt Nessie raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you need to tell me, Macey?" There was a slight accusation in her tone, as if Macey should have spilled the beans about her love life the moment her Aunt had entered the room.

  Her cheeks heated and she wrung her hands together. She didn't really want to have this conversation. But it wasn't looking like there were many ways for her to avoid it.

  "Yes, Auntie. Men. Three to be precise. Well, four. But one of them is Amber's."

  "And the rest are yours?" Aunt Nessie asked, speaking over Amber's weak protest.

  Macey didn't understand why the beithir was still denying what was between her and the Ice Warden. Even without seeing them together, she could tell just how enamored they were with one another. Thankfully, there was nothing like constant danger to bring people together. She'd be very surprised if the two of them weren't together by the end of their mission.

  If they survived that was.

  "Yes. Unless Cat-Man is still with them. Though I doubt he'll have stayed around for months while they searched for us."

  "I'll take that as my cue to leave," Fedelm announced, before disappearing into a puff of mist. Macey shuddered. She was really beginning to hate the mists.

  "Cat-Man?" It was Amber questioning this time, though she sounded at least intrigued rather than like she was looking down on anyone.

  "A cat-sìth who was travelling with us. His sister died saving Izban."

  "What?" the beithir demanded, her green eyes almost glowing in the dim light. "Izban nearly died?" Amber's tail swished back and forth violently.

  Macey wanted to remind her to calm down, and that if she wasn't careful, her tail would break something. But the last thing she wanted was for the beithir to shift completely and end up destroying the whole pub.

  "You have three men?" Luch asked, drawing the attention of the other three women.

  She was leaning back over a chair, an amused smile on her face.

  "Yes," Macey answered simply.

  "Sounds fun," Luch responded. "But Amber, your man isn't dead. He was just in danger. And I should point out, we're all currently in danger anyway. It's not like you didn't nearly die a couple of times yourself."

  Amber deflated, the mouse's words sinking in and making sense to her.

  "I suppose." She pouted, clearly not happy.

  "Izban was fine when I saw him, which was after the cu-sìth died," Macey said, hoping it offered some comfort to the other woman.

  "That was months ago though."

  "I know." Macey sighed. "I'm worried about them too."

  "Nothing bad can have happened to them, right?" She sounded on the edge of tears. Not that Macey could blame her given the earlier sobs.

  "I don't know," she admitted honestly. Maybe that wasn't the best choice this time, but she couldn't bring herself to lie.

  “Sweetheart, why are hanging out with three men?” Aunt Nessie picked up the earlier thread of conversation again, making Macey increasingly uncomfortable. Her aunt using modern language like ‘hanging out’ was never a good sign.

  “Have you ever heard of the prophecy of the Wardens?” she asked tentatively and her aunt nodded.

  “Of course, hasn’t everybody?”

  “So, you know how there are seven Wardens who have to save the world… well, it turns out that I’m one of them. Amber is another.”

  Nessie looked at her in excitement.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I have the marks to prove it.”

  "How many do you have, Macey?" Aunt Nessie asked, breaking through the emotion.

  "Four. Earth, Fire, Wind and Lightning," she replied instantly, listing them in her head. She still found it odd she didn't have her own mark but figured that might just come last.

  "And you definitely still have them all?"

  Macey looked at Amber, who'd checked out her back earlier to describe what the new one looked like.

  "Yes, they're all there," she replied in Macey's stead.

  "And you've never had the other three?"

  Macey shook her head.

  "Then I think it's safe to say the four people whose marks you bear are safe. I do believe they'd fade if the person died."

  Panic began to fill Macey at the thought. She hated the idea of any of them in danger and knowing that their marks would fade too was almost too much.

  "But that means they're okay?" she asked hastily.

  "I believe so. Though I can't speak for Ice or Air. I'm assuming you're Water?" Aunt Nessie leaned back, lost in thought.

  "The guys seemed to think so, yes."

  "Have you considered that you might not be?" Aunt Nessie asked, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

  "Well, what else would I be?" Macey asked slowly. "I know for sure that Izban is ice, and I very much doubt I'm Air."

  "Amber, dear," Nessie suddenly turned to the beithir. "Do you have any marks?"

  The young woman shook her head. "No, but then, Izban and I haven't... we only just met."

  "Wait, how did Macey get your mark then? Are you into women?" Nessie's eyes widened.

  Macey snorted. "I didn't sleep with Amber. She tried to kill me."

  Nessie seemed confused. "Why would she do that?"

  "Long story. The same person who was holding me prisoner forced her to attack me. It wasn't her fault, really."

  "But it gave you a mark?" Nessie asked, still frowning.

  "Yes, it did. Amber says it's the same size as that of my men... I mean the other Wardens. It's as if there's no difference between her bond to me and theirs."

  "Except that I don't want to jump you," Amber laughed. Suddenly, Macey regretted telling her about what she and the guys had been up to. It was a bit embarrassing now, come to think of it.

  "No, I'm glad you don't. Three people are definitely enough for me."

  Aunt Nessie tsked. "I don't know how you do it, girl. Your uncle was unbearable most of the time, and imagining three of him... no thanks."

  Macey had never met her uncle, he had died before she was even born. A fishing accident involving a sharp hook and an ignorant human.

  Nessie had been on her own for a long time, and secretly, Macey was sure that she enjoyed it. She could hang out with the local fishermen all day, have some fun with tourists and spend her money on whatever she wanted. Not that she hadn't done that when her husband was still alive, but at least now, there was nobody to explain herself to when she bought yet another Nessie plush animal. Her whole house was full of them; she loved the irony of Nessie buying tacky Nessies.

  "Anyway, why would you doubt that I'm Water?"

  "Repeat the prophecy for me, dearie," Nessie asked and Macey did as she asked. She knew it by heart by now, anyway.

  “Fire and Wind,

  brothers in arms,

  lost in the mist.

  Earth will join,

  Always hungry,

  Only sated by meeting the fourth.

  Water will run, circling Fire,

  then Wind and Earth.

  Lightning is trapped,

  Ice will break the chains.

  Finally, Air is waiting,

  only to appear

  when the end is near.”

  Nessie ran a hand through her white hair. "I assume Fire and Wind are two of your men?"

  Macey nodded. "Yes, and Earth. That's Jared. And I'm sure about all of their elements. Amber is Lightning, again, no doubt about that, and Izban is Ice. Leaves Water and Air. And it says Air won't appear until the end, but I've been here all along. No, I'm sure I'm Water, everything else doesn't make any sense."

  "Water will run, circling Fire, then Wind and Earth," Nessie repeated. "Have you circled them?"

  Macey blushed. In a way, she guessed she had. She'd claimed them as hers; they were her three men.

  "I suppose so."

  "Then you must be Water," Aunt Nessie said emphatically.

  Luch chuckled. "Didn't she say that from the beginning? Why all the doubtin

  Nessie shot an angry look at the mouse. "I had a thought, a theory, but it seems I was mistaken. But I'm sure my niece is grateful to have talked through it all."

  Macey hastened to nod in agreement. It was always good to be on her aunt's side. And as she still didn't know who or what Luch was, it was doubly good.

  Then she remembered that there was a second prophecy that Amber didn't know about yet.

  "When the cu-sìth died, she said something that sounded like yet another prophecy."

  Nessie took a large sip from the ale the bartender had brought her a while ago. "Go on."

  Macey tried remembering. She wasn't as sure about the exact wording as she had been about the other one.

  “For my last act upon this earth,

  Before I head to my rebirth,

  I bequeath upon to thee,

  A name which comes in three.

  Macey must be the first,

  Reveal the second and be cursed,

  The third you shall obtain,

  When Seven Wardens shall reign.”

  She shrugged. "Any idea what that could mean?"

  Nessie whispered the words again, and Amber looked like she was repeating them in her head. Luch was the only one who seemed bored. She was staring at the pint of ale longingly, but Macey wasn't about to give beer to a mouse.

  "That's all very mysterious," the beithir finally said. "Should we even be talking about that one? We don't want to accidentally reveal the second name and be cursed. Whatever that means."

  "Why did you come to me?" Nessie suddenly asked.

  Macey shrugged, giving her aunt a smile. "You always know an answer to everything. You're old, you've seen a lot."

  Nessie's hair took on a green glow. "Did you just call me old?!" she thundered, but there was a twinkle in her eyes.

  "You are old," Luch confirmed. When Nessie looked at the mouse, the twinkle disappeared.

  "And you're even older, so be quiet."

  Amber cleared her throat uncomfortably. "How do you two know each other?"

  "We've crossed paths once or twice before," Luch said with a grimace that spoke of her distaste for the kelpie. When she stayed quiet and all Nessie did was glare at her, it was clear neither of the two was going to expand on that. Macey made a mental note to ask one of them in private at some point in the future. Or preferably both; it sounded like a tale best heard from both perspectives.

  "I'm flattered that you think I know everything, dearie, but I'm afraid this time, I'm not quite sure what to tell you," Nessie finally said, ignoring the previous exchange with Luch. "I don't know what's wrong with the world or why we currently need Wardens to fix it. I believe the last time the Wardens appeared, there was a clear reason. This time, it's not as simple."

  "So far, all we've found out is that the Staran is ill," Macey explained. "Malan said nobody is attacking it and that it isn't hurting itself, so there must be another reason for it. But so far, we've not really found an answer. Unless my men discovered something while I was held prisoner."

  Suddenly, a strange feeling came over her. A longing, a tugging. Something deep inside of her. Then, voices appeared in the quiet pub, very familiar voices. She jumped up and ran towards the bar, where her three guys were standing.

  Finally, she had them back. She was never going to let them go again.

  Chapter 6

  She collapsed into Flint's arms, feeling both Jared and Cam reaching out to touch her. The warmth was welcome. As was the press of their firm bodies against hers.

  Another sob escaped her. But this time, she didn't hold back, and the tears began to flow. While it hadn't felt like a couple of months during her time with the Voice, it sure felt like that now.

  "Hey, no crying, we're here." Flint smoothed her hair back as he whispered the words to her. But it didn't help.

  "Let's get her back in here," Cam said, and she imagined him gesturing back towards the hall she'd just left. That was probably a good idea. Then again, her waiting for them to get in there also would have been. But going on another moment without them just wasn't an option.

  "Here, let me." Jared scooped her up in his arms, pulling her away from Flint. She let him do it, despite not liking that she was only touching one of them. She just hoped the other two would make contact again once they were back inside the room and comfortable again.

  Macey snuggled into Jared's chest, the smooth and easy rhythm of his heart soothing her in a way she hadn't expected.

  "It's good to have you back in my arms, little kelpie. I've been feeling your absence."

  Her eyes shot open, and she sniffed loudly. "You've been suffering? I'm sorry." She lifted a hand and pressed it against his cheek.

  Jared smiled down at her while he walked. "A little, but not as much as before I met you. The others suffered too."

  "I know. But you..."

  "Macey, it's okay. We managed, and we found you. Or you found us..."

  "Or Fedelm found all of us?" she suggested with a weak smile.

  "Yes, thank goodness for interfering ghosts." Jared's smile widened, and she felt him relax. "You look thin."

  "I've been a captive for two months, what do you expect?" she answered instantly, almost demanding he set her down so she could prove just how fine she was. But she refrained. Realistically, she didn't want to leave his arms, or his touch. She'd missed them all far too much for that.

  "I'm sorry."

  "For what?" She cocked her head to the side, but even this close together, he managed to avoid her gaze. "You're not to blame for me being caught. No more than Izban's to blame for Amber's capture," she told him, thinking back to the beithir's story. From what she'd said, there was almost no way Amber could have avoided being caught, so she assumed the same was true for her.

  "We should have been more careful though. If we'd taught you to strengthen your mental walls more, then maybe none of this would have happened..."

  "And maybe it would have just happened a different way," she replied softly. "Whatever the cause, the outcome is the same. But we're here, we're safe now, and we're now only one Warden short. I'd say that’s pretty good going really. Despite it all, we're further forward than we were." As she spoke, the words embedded themselves in her mind too. It was true. Despite it all, they'd come out of it with more allies, and more Wardens. Everything was further forward than it had been.

  "I suppose, but we lost two months with you." Jared's voice cracked, and she began to understand the true problem. It wasn't that their mission had been side tracked. It was that they'd missed her.

  "What's two months when we have forever." She turned his face towards her so he had to look her in the eyes.

  "I hate to break it to you, but we're long lived, not immortal."

  She laughed, the tears finally clearing. But it was a relief, especially with amusement in Jared's eyes. He was relaxing already. Being back with them was a relief.

  "An incubus, Macey? I'm impressed." Aunt Nessie's laugh boomed through the room, gaining everyone's attention.

  Macey wiggled slightly, and Jared listened, setting her down on the floor so she could stand on her own two feet.

  "Auntie, this is Jared, Flint and Cam." She gestured to each of them as she introduced them. "This is my Aunt Nessie," she added, perhaps needlessly. None of her men had confused expressions on their faces.

  "Meaning you must be Izban," Nessie addressed the blue-haired mage, who was hanging about and trying not to look at Amber.

  Macey rolled her eyes. Were the two of them seriously going to ignore whatever it was between them and just dance around one another?

  "Hi," Amber squeaked, stroking her tail in a move that reminded Macey of when she wrung her own hands. It was nervousness all over.

  "Hello," Izban replied.

  "I'm sorry," they both blurted at the same time, before going back to their shy nervousness.

  "Should I mention the sexual tension I can feel emanating from them?" Jared whispered in Macey's ear,
causing her to giggle.


  "With you around? Never."

  She smiled wider than she had in days, glad to be back in their comforting presence.

  "There's a quiet room just off to the left," Fedelm piped up. "If you want to use it," she added hastily, probably sensing the tension in the air.

  "Thanks," Amber said. "Izban, do you want to talk?" She didn't look like the same confident woman Macey had come to know already. She hoped she didn't come across quite the same when she was around her men. The last thing she wanted was to come across as useless when she was with her partners.

  "Sure." He seemed just as nervous as she was, for which Macey was glad. Even if it did put his personality completely at odds with everything she'd come to know about him already. Gone was his snark and sarcasm. Even his eyes had softened. Amber was definitely his soft spot then.

  She supposed she was Flint, Cam and Jared's soft spot too, so she couldn't blame the Ice Warden.

  Amber and Izban disappeared into the other room, and Macey hoped they'd talk about their feelings for each other. Even she could feel the sexual tension between them, and she wasn't an incubus like Jared.

  "If I was polite, I'd leave too, but I'm not," Aunt Nessie cackled. "Sit down, boys, and let me find out if you're good enough for my favourite niece."

  Macey cringed. This was going to be terrible. Nessie was not known for someone who minced her words. And even though she was not the monster everyone thought her to be, she could have a nasty verbal bite.

  Luch was rubbing her tiny hands in anticipation of the coming interrogation. That's what it was going to be, Macey was sure of it. Her aunt was going to make sure they were worthy of her niece.

  They all sat down around the table and Nessie waved to the bartender to get them some drinks. Five glasses of ale arrived a moment later; it was as if the landlord had already prepared them in advance.


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