Noble Revelations (Noble Series Book 3)

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Noble Revelations (Noble Series Book 3) Page 26

by Adeleke Kayode

  A King and His Crown

  In a flash of green light the four of us tumbled forward into the mud and rain. I wasn’t quite sure where we were at first until I thought about it. It was still raining so were still on the island. I looked around and I could see trees in the distance, there was also a large ledge not too far away. I stood up when I was able to and walked to it, the others followed after me a moment later. From where I was standing I could see a large stone ring in the distance. I assumed that was the base. Alastor stuck his hand out near me, he was holding onto something which he handed to me, it was a trigger. Suddenly a question formed in my head.

  “Those orbs have detonators?”

  “No, but the other explosives I planted do. Once you press the trigger the charges will set off the orbs and boom goes Prometheus HQ.”

  “Works for me. Hey Carter.”

  Carter stepped closer and then we counted down.




  Carter and I pressed the triggered at the same time, KABOOOM, Rrrrshhhhhh….BOOOM. Prometheus HQ exploded into a column of fire and smoke. The force of the explosion uprooted some nearby trees and even managed to send a powerful shockwave in our direction. All in all it was definitely a sight to behold.

  “It’s finally over.”

  ‘Yeah, I can’t believe it.”

  “Good. Now this dumb alliance is over.”

  Shield, Carter and I looked at Alastor who shrugged while smirking. “Don’t worry I’m in no mood to get into it right now. Today is the day we destroyed Prometheus we should celebrate.”

  I smiled and nodded. The four of us watched the base burn until we had enough then started heading out. I can’t believe it was over, my journey was finally completed. Prometheus was gone who knows what Calvin was planning but we stopped him so it didn’t matter. It seemed so unbelievable though, maybe it would sink in, in a day or two.

  “What should we do now that Prometheus is gone?” I asked.

  “Anything, everything but first we need to find a place to live.”

  All of us laughed happily….


  The four of us paused and turned around slowly. There on the ledge stood a man with long black hair, he wore only an oversized lab coat which had some bloodstains on it. The man looked sort of pale like he hadn’t been out in the sun ever and was also very thin. Once the man saw that he had our attention he smiled that’s when I noticed his sclera were black and he had bluish silver eyes.

  “Who are you?” Shield asked.

  “You just met me. Sorry about that act I had hoped you would leave me in peace.”

  “What are you talking about? Wait you’re the person from the tube you were listening to us.”

  The man narrowed his eyes. “Let me clarify things for you. It’s nice to finally meet you in my own body. It’s a much better trade up than the last two.”

  I narrowed my eyes on the man. “Calvin?”

  “Wrong!” He snapped. “I was never Calvin that bodies’ name was Calvin. The one you saw in the room, the frail pathetic being. That was me his son. Warren. Miller.”

  The smile on Warren’s face grew as his eyes darted around sizing each of us up. “You know it’s good to hear my name again. It’s good to have a body I could only use my father’s for hours at a time. You see I’m not like you. A prime. I barely had powers but the power I did have allowed me to occupy my father’s body and only my father’s body. And now I can live in this, my new body that I created thanks to you Alexander…well thanks to your blood and your brother’s blood and the blood of countless others you should be proud you helped give birth to something far great than yourselves.”

  This entire time everything that had happen was because Warren was creating a body for himself. Everyone included me pointed our guns at Warren he simply looked at us sort of like an alien like he had never seen people before. Then he lifted his right hand and pointed it at us. An incredibly eerie grin went across his face just as a white dome consumed him, the dome expanded rapidly approaching the four of us in a manner of seconds. The dome seem to tear up the ground like an explosion. I only managed to look at the others and see the same startled expression on their faces before the dome reached us, then all I could see was white…




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